Chapter 26: What goes around comes around II

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Aizawa was just done with his paperwork from the school as he checked his wrist watch while petting his cat, 8:35 pm. He got up as he grabbed his goggles to go on his night patrol when his phone started buzzing.

He picked the phone and saw a call from the Hosu City Hospital. He had given his number as an emergency, so when he read the name, he immediately answered the phone as his eyes went wide after hearing what the person on the other side had said.

He knew why did the boy was nowhere to be found, he knew where the boy had went and why he had gone there.

Eraserhead grabbed his goggles as he quickly started making his way to Hosu City.

Meanwhile, at a factory, an old, chubby man wearing a brown suit closed the door to the plant as he noticed someone was standing behind him.

He readied his quirk as his hand became a sword and quickly turned around with a flashlight in the other hand as he could feel the heavy aura present there.

"Who's there?" Mahito asked the darkness.

A figure started walking out of the darkness as Mahito dropped the flashlight and started taking steps back and falling down, but still trying to crawl away from the creature infront of him.


"Damn it kid, can't you just stay put for once?" Aizawa cursed as he jumped off of a building and landed on one a little lower than the previous one. He looked around to get just a single glimpse of white hair somewhere, but no luck. He started running once again.

"Where are you kid?"



Mahito crawled back, filled with fear as he started throwing rocks at the creature standing about 7 feet in front of him.

He was fully black, the only noticable things being his buffed up physique, the tendrils on his back and massive horns which seemed to be making an infinity symbol on his forehead. but the most terrifying of them all was his face, nothing except two white circles glowing, staring at the soul of the old man.

 but the most terrifying of them all was his face, nothing except two white circles glowing, staring at the soul of the old man

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(I know, cliché, but this was the best I could find, others were just... Not matching my requirements.

Also, if you recognise this character, can we be friends? 😀🤝🏻😀)

"Wha-What do you want from me? What did I ever do to you? Who, what the hell are you?"


The man came to the point of pissing his pants. He begged the person in front of him to let him go, saying that he'd give him whatever he wanted, fame, power, money, just name it.

Suddenly the creature grabbed the man by his leg and threw him in a wall nearby.

"Alright big guy, you wanna fight? Then we'll do just that."

Mahito made blades on each of his hand as he started running towards the black creature.

But his efforts went to waste as the blades broke as soon as they made contact with the person. They grabbed the man's arms as they looked at him with those white eyes and broke his right arm, making the man scream in pain and agony. That's when a man landed behind the thing, a man wearing yellow goggles and a black themed dress with a white scarf.


(A/N: I know it was just for a short while, but yeah...)

"Kid, I don't know what happened to you, but he doesn't deserve it. I understand he put your mom and you in hospital, but you're no one to do anything to him unless you're a police or a pro. He'll get what he deserves later, BY THE LAW."

Mahito starts laughing as he comes to realise that the beast in front of him was the kid whose house he had ordered to destroy.

But he was knocked out by a kick to the face by the Erasure Hero. Aizawa looked at the boy, who was now taller than him, staring at him, Aizawa loosened up as he activated his quirk on the boy. The shadows started to vanish as after a few seconds, a white haired boy was standing in front of Aizawa, with his head held down. Aizawa walked up to the boy and placed a hand on his shoulder, making the boy look up, revealing his polar eyes to be filled with tears as he hugged the man as hard as he could and started crying about how he was so scared at the time of the fire, before repeatedly apologising by saying I'm sorry over and over again.

Aizawa ruffled through the boy's hair as he let a smile appear on his face.

"There's no need to apologize at all, kid. What you did was reckless, but yet, understandable."

The boy just nodded at the man, keeping his head attached to the man's chest.

"Well, if you wanted to run and take revenge, you could have at least changed out of the hospital gown."

Kageyama noticed that he was still in the hospital gown as he didn't think about changing into something when he left.

A giggle came out of the boy's mouth, which seemed to have relaxed the Pro a little.

"Well, you should probably go back to the hospital to study, since your residence was destroyed, and also, because first term finals are coming up.

And also, take a bath, your smell reeks of hospital."

Kazuma nodded, as the two started making their way to the hospital, as EraserHead picks up the unconscious man to hand him over to police.


Kazuma was now once again standing in front of the door of 1A, he could hear some chatters, but not as many as he could every day.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and entered the class. Everyone got quite as soon as he entered, the silence was broken after a few moments as everyone gathered around the boy, asking him all sorts of questions. He then noticed a girl pouting at him with tears in her eyes, Kageyama smiled as he went over, wiped her tears and hugged her girlfriend tightly.

"Man, I missed Tiny Toru so much."

He saw her bury her head into his chest as she clutched his shirt with her hands, her tiny tiny hands.

"Sorry for making you worried. Can I make it up to you somehow?"

The girl looked up at him.

"A date. Today. After school."

Kageyama smiled and nodded at the still teary eyed girl.

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now