Chapter 13: The Past Catches Up...

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"Wh-What are y-y-you d-doing here?"
"It's been quite a long while huh? Kazuma-kun?"
"You actually got accepted in the UA? I guess even the mightiest can fall to such low, huh?
So, how much did you bribe them?"
"I think I just asked you something, didn't I? 'Honeypie'?"
"Well it seems like you've forgotten what happens when you don't answer me. No worries, I'll just remind you then."
Miyuki licked his upper lip as Kageyama's gym vest started to get small red patches everywhere, it was Kageyama's blood. Cuts had started appearing on the 15 year old's chest and stomach.
"No whimpers? No "Stop it"s? Nothing? Hmmm? It seems you really have gotten tougher, Kazuma."
"You know why I always stuck to your torso? Because if I had cut you with my air needles in your arms, that would show me out to be the bad guy now, won't it?
But I'm not the bad guy, I'm a good guy, a good guy who gives the bad guy what he deserves."
"Hmmm? Well look at that, little Kageyama still wears his eye patch. Tell me buddy, you think you can be a hero, right? Then why do you still wear that eye patch? Since you're on mute right now, I'll tell you why. It's because deep inside you, somewhere, a part of you knows who, no, what you really are, and it knows that if the secret is revealed, if the eye patch is removed, then everyone will stay away from you, you'll be expelled from the UA, everyone will abandon you, I don't even know how your mother manages with seeing your face every goddamn day. Once your truth is shown, you'll be declared a villain because THAT'S WHAT YOU FUCKIN ARE. A VILLAIN, YOU HEAR ME? YOU'RE A VILLAIN."
Miyuki was about a foot away from the trembling Kageyama.
"Oh, atleast you're still moving, I thought you had gone into paralysis or something. Well let's catch up a litt... what's this?"
A picture in Kazuma's hand caught Miyuki's eyes. He snatched it from Kageyama's hand and stared at it for a while before laughing at the picture.
But Kageyama, on a serious note, think about it, your secret will reveal itself sooner or later. Do you think that these friends of yours will stay by your side? Think about it Kageyama."
"I... I..."
"You don't need to say anything buddy, I know you know that they'll leave you."
Miyuki brought the picture near Kageyama's face as he tore it to four pieces and blew it in his face.
"Excuse me, but this is class 1A's waiting room where only the members of UA and class 1A's students."
Izuku said with a firm tone in his voice. He had heard someone say something in the waiting room. He got closer and heard "They'll leave you." And was now standing in front of the door, looking straight at the gingerhead.
"Oh, sorry sorry, I didn't know it was a restricted area, my bad, I was just meeting up with an old... friend... of mine, isn't that right? Kazuma-kun?"
Kazuma nodded as he looked down, somehow holding his tears in.
"I'll be watching up close, Ka-zu-ma-kun."
"Kazuma-san, are you okay? You look hurt, come on, I'll take you to Recovery Girl."
Izuku tried to grab his friend's arm, but was shook away.
"I'm okay, I'll just visit Recovery Girl myself."
No, you're not.
Izuku looked at the lifeless face of his friend as he walked past him, wounded all over the body.
Kazuma walked towards Recovery Girl's office, but met Hagakure on the way.
"Kazuma-kun, I didn't get a chance to say this before but congra... Wha-What happened to you?"
Toru looked at her friend whose shirt was almost fully red from the cuts.
Kazuma walked by her without saying a word.
This feeling... It seems so familiar to the one after USJ, but yet so more... dry and pale.
Hagakure looked at Kazuma who just kept walking straight till he turned left at a point.
*Knock knock*
Recovery Girl was treating a boy who got injured during the cavalry battle and was sleeping.
"Come in, and keep it quite since students are trying to sl-WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU?"
Kazuma looked at the old lady.
"I fell. There was a banana."
This made the old lady stare at the boy, the boy who was always cheery and happy, but was now not much more than a mere set of bones and muscles, and was clearly lying.
"A banana, huh? Well, sit down here, and I'll get to it."
The boy left without thanking her. The whole time he was staring into the distance.
Once he was gone, the lady made her way to the phone.
"Shouta-kun, Toshinori-kun, this is Chiyo Shuzenji. I ORDER YOU BOTH to come to my office at THIS VERY INSTANT."
"Sorry for the delay, my partner at commentry, Eraserhead had to leave due to an urgent matter. But with that said, let's get the first match of round 2 started."

"Izuku Midoriya vs Kageyama Kazuma"

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