Chapter 85: The only way...

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Bakugo and Kazuma once again charge at TomurAFO, All Mght dashes towards All for One, but a grin comes up on All for One's face, surprising All Might, as a huge pressure of wind is thrown in all diretions, and the heroes jump back.

Once the dust cleared, AfO was nowhere to be seen, All Might squinted his eyes, trying to find the man somewhere, when the hair on his body stand up, and his instincts scream at him to jump out of the way, to which the blonde complies, but AfO teleports behind All Might and hits him with what All Might recognized as the combo of quirks the villain had intended to end All Might's life with.

The hit connects as All Might is thrown into the ground and AfO wastes no time in pummeling All Might with the quirk combination in both his hands.

Kazuma/Bakugo: All Might!

For an instance, the two boys forgot about TomurAFO completely, and that was all the villain needed as he used Elasticity, making his hand tear up a bit more, and made the air elastic and practically throws the two young heroes into a building where Izuku was hiding.

All for One grabs All Might by his hand and throws him at the building as well.

Once the three had fallen to the ground, AfO sends an air canon at the building, making it fall down on the heroes.

We see that all the four were stuck under rubble and debris.

Kazuma: D-Damn it!

Bakugo: Even when I worked alongside damn Black N White!

All Might: Shit...

AfO: No matter what tricks you play, in the end, I will be victorious, you're just delaying the inevitable.

Kazuma: Move!

Bakugo: I refuse to go down like this...!

All Might: D-Damn... Shit...

Kazuma: Move...! Move...! MOVE!

Toru: Kageyama!

Kazuma gasps as he hears the voice of Toru.

Toru and Kirishima were helping a few people left under the debris.

Kirishima: BAKUGO!


Toru/Kirishima: DON'T LOSE!

Kazuma's eyes widen at these words.

Kazuma: *weakly* All Might... there's still one way... there's only one way...!

All Might: Young... Kazuma...?


Kazuma: One for All...

All might's eyes widen as he understands what the young hero was trying to say.

All Might's words from his fight against AfO echo in his mind.

All Might: A hero... has a lot to protect... *chuckle* That's why... I won't lose!

 I won't lose!

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