Chapter 62: The Surprise Internship...?

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A/N: Trigger Warning

Kazuma was in his class, playing with a Rubik’s cube, when suddenly, the intercoms go off.

Intercom: Kageyama Kazuma from Class 1-A, head to the principal’s office immediately.

Toru: *sigh* What did you do now?

Kazuma: *scared* Did they find out already?! It hasn’t even been the lunch break yet!

Toru: Find out… what?

Kazuma: I… Well, I might have kinda swiped the sugar near the coffee machine in the teacher’s lounge with salt…

Toru: … Are you kidding me?

Kazuma: *anime tears* Well, it was nice knowing you guys. Goodbye…

Kazuma gets up from his seat, and heads to the office.


Kazuma was walking in the hallways, while sweating profusely.

Kazuma: Okay, play it cool! That’s it… HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO PLAY IT “COOL” EXACTLY?!

He reaches the office, as he knocks on the door.

Nezu: Come in.

Kazuma: *opening the door* Sir, before anything, it was Present Mic’s ide- What are you doing here, Edgeshot?

Edgeshot: Hey kid, been a while, huh?

Nezu: Edgeshot is here for you, Mr. Kazuma, but before we proceed, please have a seat.

Kazuma pulls a chair, as he sits down.

Nezu: Now… Edgeshot has proposed an offer that I let you go to his agency to help in an ongoing mission.

Kazuma: Oh, for the upcoming internships, right?

Edgeshot: I’m afraid that’s not exactly what I mean, kid.

Kazuma: Well, what DO you mean then?

Nezu: To put it simply, Edgeshot wants you to help him in his mission before the internships start, starting tomorrow to be precise, all the way to the end of the internships for other students. Think of it as an “external internship” if you desire.

Kazuma: An external internship..?

Nezu: Of course, since you’ll be interning, your payment will also be taken into account.

Kazuma: I see…

Nezu: But for the internship to happen, you’re going to have to stay at the agency for the time being.

Kazuma: So, I won’t be returning to the dorms like I did in Nighteye’s internships?

Nezu: Yes, you’re precisely right.

Kazuma: This means that I’ll miss out on a whole week of school, but this will provide an opportunity to get more field experience than the others. This will also give me an upper hand against those two.

Edgeshot: Those two?

Nezu: Allow me. Mr. Kazuma has developed a rather huge rivalry with two of his classmates, Mr. Midoriya and Mr. Bakugo.

Edgeshot: I see. But still… what’s your decision, kid?

Kazuma looks down as he starts to think of the pros and cons of accepting.

 Edgeshot: Well, kid?

Kazuma finally looks up.

Kazuma: I’m looking forward to working with you!

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