Chapter 59: A Not So Gentle Battle

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Just like that, the month was gone and it was the day of the school festival. We see the students of 1A currently practicing one final time, as Kazuma sees Izuku going out.

Kazuma: Oi! Where are you off to?

Izuku: Kageyama? Oh, the rope’s frayed, so I’m just going to buy a new one.

Kazuma: Well, why not ask Yaomomo to make you one?

Izuku: I don’t want to make it seem like we’re using her quirk as a handy tool, you know?

Kazuma: Hmm… Well, you got two things to worry about, so I suggest that I should go, and besides, I kinda wanna get out too, as you might’ve noticed, being in the band team kinda makes me nervous. I guess going out would help me clear my mind as well.

Izuku: Are you sure..? I don’t want you to get caught up in my work-

Kazuma: Hey, just let me get out dammit.

Izuku: O-Okay…

Kazuma takes the required money as he starts walking towards the shop.


Unfortunately for our protagonist, things didn’t turn out his way, as he was unable to find what he was looking for. After rummaging through a couple of shops, he finally finds it, but noticed that he was running late and starts running as fast as he could towards he UA campus as he suddenly bumps into a man.

Kazuma: Oh, sorry-

He sees that the man was wearing a long coat, sunglasses and a mask.

???: Please be careful, you were going to ruin the taste of Golden Tips Imperial.

Kazuma: Golden Tips Imperial..? Oh, that’s the tea Yaomomo gave us that day. *looking at the house the man came out of* Hmm… looks like a tea-shop or something opened there, huh? I might check it out later.

???: *curious* You wouldn’t have said that if you didn’t know what Gold Tips Imperial was… Are you… someone who understands? It’s so wonderful to be knowing about such things at such a young age.

Kazuma: Oh, no. I don’t really know much about such things-

Kazuma turns around to face the man, and just then, he notices something,a short girl with red hair and also wearing sunglasses and mask.

Upon seeing Kazuma’s face, the man also seems to remember something.

Kazuma: That hair… Wait a second..!

???: This kid… he’s from the other day!

Kazuma:  Tall guy… Short girl with red hair..! This guy..!

???: This boy…

Kazuma/???: Is that villain!/ Is a hero!

The man quickly starts walking away.

???: Till next time then…

Kazuma instantly grabs the man’s wrist.

Kazuma: You’re not going anywhere, Gentle Criminal! La Brava!

Gentle: *whisper* La Brava… start filming…

Kazuma remembers how everyone was working so hard for everything, how Toru was getting pumped up about her dance, how Eri was eager to see the festival. He then recalls what Midnight had told him.

Midnight: And if the alarm sounds, even if it’s a false one, we have to dismiss the festival and evacuate, or else we’re not allowed to have it.

What It Means To Be A Hero. (MHA x OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now