Chapter 5: Battle Trials

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The next day was just like the previous one, but they had one special period on this day.
It was the time for the last period of the day
Hero Studies.
Kazuma was just wondering about who the teacher for that subject will be, since he realised last day that Present Mic was a teacher in the UA for English subject. His thoughts were interrupted by a well-known voice which made the students all look at the door.
"I AM..."
The class was filled with joy and surprise when they saw the country's No.1 Pro Hero All Might in front of their eyes. Added to that, he was the teacher for Hero Studies.
All Might tells the students that they will do combat training today and announced that the students will wear their hero costumes for the first time. This made the class burst with excitement.
"I wonder what the combat training will be like" Kazuma was wondering when he was filled with joy from head to toe when he saw that his hero costume was completely based on his design that he provided to the hero costume designers.
It was a simple design, yet elegant.
It had a high-neck full sleeve white shirt, which Kazuma rolled the sleeves of, a pair of black gloves, a black pant, with a utility belt of first aid items and basic medicinal drugs, which was empty at the moment. Above that, he wore a black coat, which went all the way to his knees and had belts to hold it in place. He finally wore his black boots to finish the look, he turned around and started walking when he stopped in his tracks and turned around to pick up something.

A while later, Kazuma came out of the dressing area to reveal that he had put the grey cloak his mother had gifted to him, and if you ask him, it looked great with the costume.

A while later, Kazuma came out of the dressing area to reveal that he had put the grey cloak his mother had gifted to him, and if you ask him, it looked great with the costume

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(Kind of like this, but with white hair and the eye patch)

Kazuma came to the entrance of the Ground B, the one where their entrance practical were held. He looked around to find Bakugo, Kaminari, Uraraka, Iida, who had an uncanny similarly to the costume of the Pro Hero: Ingenium.
"Woah-ho-ho, look at you!!!!" Hagakure exclaimed as she was taken back by Kazuma's hero costume.
'Thank God I'm wearing the eye patch' Kazuma thought as he saw Hagakure's costume which had nothing but a pair of gloves and boots.
Hagakure's words caught the attention of many of her classmates as they swarmed around Kazuma, giving their opinions on his costume.

"That is indeed a really cool costume bro"
"You're gonna steal SOOO MANY girls with that look"
"Your costume looks manly as hell"
"Indeed you look Mag-Ni-Fique mon amie"
"The colour black really suits you kero."
"The cloak gives just adds a new amazing feel to it"

Being surrounded by people was new to Kazuma, so he started stuttering as he thanked his classmates when his focus went to a certain boy with a bird head.
He started walking towards him, when a dark purple creature which seemed to come out of the boy stood between Kazuma and the boy Tokoyami.
Dark Shadow and Kazuma exchanged serious looks with each other as the students looked at the scene in amusement.
"I think they're talking since Kazuma's quirk is related to shadows."
The two kept staring each other when suddenly, their expression changed from a serious one to a look that was trying it's best to hold its laughter.
A second later, the two burst out laughing.
"TOLD YOU IT WOULD BE A GOOD ONE" Kazuma said as he wiped his tear from his right eye, somehow controlling his laughter.
"Yeah, I was definitely NOT expecting that turn" Dark Shadow replied as it somehow managed to stop laughing.
The interaction between the two left Tokoyami  confused. "How did you just talk to him telepathically? Only I can do that."
"Oh, it's because of my quirk."
"I was right. Haha. Go ME!!!"
The two boys exchanged names and shook each other's hands.
They were interrupted by Iida asking All Might about whether they'll be fighting robots once again, to which All Might disagreed, saying that they were taking it the next level.
And then he started explaining the rules, which in general were: the students will be divided in teams of 2 by using ballot method, then, two teams will go up against each other with one of them being the heroes and the other bring villains. The objective for the heroes was to retrieve the bomb, or capture the villains with a capture tape. And that of the villains was to prevent the bomb from being retrieved, or capture the heroes . Since the bomb will be inside a building, the fight would be indoors, thus making minimum property damage a priority for the heroes.
Kazuma was paired up with Hagakure as heroes to go up against the half ice covered boy Shoto Todoroki and the multiple arms guy, Shoji.
"Kazuma-kun, do you have a plan?"
Kazuma was trying his best to form a plan.
"No, but if we need to win we need to somehow immobilise both Todoroki and Shoji, since they both will be a huge nuisance for us.
But the question is... how?"
His thoughts were interrupted by All Might announcing that the battle will now commence.
With the idea of thinking of a plan along the way. The two heroes made their way through the ground floor and finally made it to the floor containing the bomb. They entered the level, when Kazuma quickly turned around to jump.
But she was not agile enough and got caught in the ice that was covering the whole building floor, walls and the ceiling.
"I-I-I'm c-c-coooooooold." Hagakure shivered since she had taken off her gloves and boots in order to go completely invisible, thus making direct contact with the ice. Kazuma took off his cloak and wrapped it around her.
"Oh, you survived. Your instincts are pretty good." Kazuma turned around to see Shoto standing behind him at a distance, Kazuma then checked Hagakure's feet that were in ice.
Hagakure-san's situation doesn't look good. If she stays in the ice for too long, she might get a fever, a large one at that. So I have to take Shoto down now, but the ice covering the whole building is reflecting the sunlight in all directions, this making no room for any shadows, also, Shoji is nowhere to be seen, did he hide somewhere for a surprise attack? Damn it, what do I do?
Still not sure of what to do, Kazuma managed to get in a fighting stance. This made Shoto scoff as he started running towards Kazuma.
He's fast
What Kazuma didn't realise was that Shoto was now aiming for the immobilised Hagakure, Kazuma took notice of this quickly as he turned to protect his teammate.
"No you don't"
Kazuma charged at Shoto, but the bi-colored boy was able to grab Kazuma's hand and use his momentum against him, throwing Kazuma towards the wall, making him hit the wall back first.
Kazuma tried catching his breath but couldn't as he has to dodge an ice shard coming straight at him.
I can't even get a break to catch my breath, if this continues, we're going to lose, think, think, thi...
Kazuma's thoughts were interrupted by a huge blow to his ribs by Shoto.
"Give up, you can't use your quirk here, I made special notice of you and your quirk. You need shadows to use it, the ice here is reflecting light from all the directions, thus, making no room for shadows.
You can't defeat me."
Kazuma looked at Shoto's eyes, which seemed to pierce through Kazuma's body and stare dead at his soul.
Damn it, I can't help but agree, what do I do? Think you idiot, think.
I can't defeat him in hand to hand combat, he has the upper hand there, what can I do? What can I...
Once again, Kazuma was hit by Shoto, but not hist one single punch, a barrage of punches to his chest and face.
"I said... GIVE... UP"
Think, I can't find any shadow to use.
Kazuma looked at his arms, no, he started at them.
It's a long shot, but I have to try. I have to...
And once again, Shoto had landed a punch straight to the face of his classmate.
Come on... focus... FOCUS....
The class, along with All Might was watching the fight. The students were requesting him to stop the match, but All Might couldn't do that.
But suddenly, they all were shocked as shadows started emerging from the clothes of Kazuma, making a single gauntlet and a boot.
Uraraka scratched her hand.
"Um, sir? We just heard Todoroki-san say that Kazuma-san couldn't use his quirk, then how did he just form that gauntlet and boot?"
The class was unable to answer, until Tokoyami started giggling at the sight. This made the class confused.
"You guys must have studied that no matter how thin an object is, it will create a shadow, even if it's a faint one, when a light is passed through it. Since the light is being reflected from all the directions, there is a certain amount of shadow that his clothes are able to create on his skin. And he's just using that to his advantage.
Smartly played indeed."
The class looked in awe as they realised what Tokoyami had just said.
-Back at the battle field-
Shoto looked at Kazuma in disbelief as how did he form those shadows.
A second later, realisation hit him hard, but not harder than the kick to his abdomen by Kazuma.
Shoto was able to reduce the damage, but just a little, he made his way back to his feet, as an uppercut by Kazuma hit his chin, knocking the bi-colored boy out.
Kazuma took the opportunity to wrap the capture tape around Shoto's wrist as went to the Styrofoam bomb and picked it up on his shoulders.
Shoji was still waiting outside the building since Shoto had asked him to.
Wait what?
A few seconds later, Shoto regained his consciousness as he saw a hand in front of his face, the hand belonged to Kazuma.
"Hell of a fight, your instincts, power, speed, all were fantastic."
Kazuma was smiling at Shoto.
He slapped Kazuma's hand away, made his way back to his feet, and started walking.
"You'll be the one getting knocked out next time, so better watch out."

Kazuma stood there, as the ice started melting.
He made his way to his teammate, placed his hand on her head.
"She's cold. It's most probably a fever, and a bad one. I have to inform All Might about this. I have to infor..."
Before Kazuma could go to inform the teacher, the boy collapsed on the ground.

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