Chapter 82: All Hope is Lost... or is it?

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A/N: Gore Warning.

Kazuma jumps to his left as an air canon barely misses him, but a rivet goes through his right bicep and the boy applies pressure on his new wound and once again merges into a shadow and pops up behind another rock and goes to try and hit TomurAFO, but the latter grabs his arm and throws him in the air fluently.

Kazuma quickly sends tendrils which latch onto TomurAFO and lands a dropkick on the villain. Smashing his skull into the ground. Kazuma once again shifts into Erebus and sends tendrils at AfO, hoping to do the same to the older villain, but the man grabs the tendrils and yanks Kazuma towards him.

Kazuma quickly gets rid of the tendrils, but the momentum pulls him towards the man as he clotheslines the white haired boy into the ground. AfO then picks him up by his hair and lifts him above the ground. Kazuma’s Erebus fades away, as we see his face. His skull was busted, blood had flown down his head and had now stuck to his skin, giving it a red hue and a long, nasty cut went across the side of the boy's face as AfO punches him in the guts and Kazuma goes flying into debris. AfO unclenches his hand as white hair strands flow out of his hand.

Kazuma quickly tries to get up, but his hands give way as he falls on the ground. He merges into the shadow and pops behind AfO, again trying to hit the man, but the villain hits Kazuma with an air canon at nearly point blank range, and Kazuma is once again, blown away.

AfO: Just give up already. You’re a disgrace. You haven’t even made me-

He was cut off by Kazuma kicking him in the face, this time, actually making him stumble a bit, followed by a punch to the side of his face, a high knee to his chin and a boot to his face.

Kazuma: Shadow Gauntlet: Catastrophic Destruction!

He hits AfO with his ultimate move, as the villain is finally brought down to one knee. Kazuma wastes no time as he goes to kick the villain once again, but is instead thrown again by TomurAFO.

AfO runs a finger through the side of his face and looks at the blood stain on his finger.

AfO: All that for a drop of blood…

He gets up and the wound closes itself.

TomurAFO: You’re an ignorant child, who knows nothing more than anger and insolence. You clearly can’t see that you are outnumbered and outmatched.

Kazuma gets up on his knees, his face bloodied, as he tightens his bracer straps and stands up.

Kazuma: *panting* I  can do this all day.

AfO: Why bother doing this for even a second? We made you an offer back at Kamino Ward. We offered you to join us, and you refused. Now look where it has got you. Hanging onto the last strands of life inside you. Desperately trying to rekindle your strength. But you know…

He slowly starts walking towards Kazuma. A hand extended to the boy.

AfO: The offer still stands. Join us, and this will all be over. By now, I'm sure that you have realized how treacherous and messed up this society, this world, HUMANS are. You're a smart young man, I believe you know which side is going to be victorious at the end of this… war.

He was now standing right in front of Kazuma.

AfO: Join us. I can heal you. Those injuries will only get you so far. Today, one way or another, Kageyama Kazuma will die. If you join us. Kageyama will die, but YOU will live. You’ll be given a new identity, a new life, A NEW QUIRK. You can get whatever you wish for. I understand you are in love with that invisible girl? Join us, and she will be yours to no extent. You can use her. You can do whatever you want with her to satisfy your desires. She'll be nothing more than a mere sex doll for you. If you want anyone else, just say it. You can have a collection of women and you will live your life in joy. Whatever you wish for, it will be yours once we are on the top. Join us.

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