Chapter 28: Seductive, yet, Formidable

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Kazuma and Sero were walking as they were looking for their opponent for the match, after a while, they saw her standing at the exit door, with a whip in hand as she saw towards the two boys and licked her lips seductively. Kazuma formed his gauntlets and boots, as well as a mask, to avoid getting affected the pro's quirk, Somnambulist. One sniff of the pink aroma, and he could fall asleep right there. The two started running towards the pro as she started running back towards the two boys. As they were closing in on the distance, Kazuma once again remembered the basics of the plan that he discussed with Sero prior to the matchup, Kazuma would distract her, while Sero was going to wrap the pro in his tape, as Kazuma would go and handcuff the pro, if the situation called, then the two won't mind throwing some punches with the pro hero.

Alright, this should do the trick, Sero already has a mask embedded in his suit, so the only way he could breath the aroma was if...

Kazuma was cut down in his thoughts as he saw the pro kick his partner in the gut and then, making him fall back first as she stomped her feet into the boy's suit mask, breaking it at once, but obviously didn't stomp the boy's face.

"Go to sleep baby boy"

Midnight tore off a little of her costume, releasing her quirk as Sero fell straight asleep. Kazuma ran up to his teammate, only to be met with a kick to his face by the pro, sending him a few meters away from his teammate.

"That hurt, but it wasn't strong enough to break my mask, Ms. Midnight."

Midnight smirked at the boy, surprised at the fact that he took a kick from her and was still standing without any visible injury. One could safely assume that the lady was giving him very seductive looks.

The two traded a few punches, as Kazuma got a little away from her a while later, as he smiled at the Pro, getting out of his fighting stance and deactivating his quirk, which seemed to confuse everyone including the pro herself.

"People say that experience comes with old age, but it doesn't seem to be the case for you, mam, since you took no notice of the tendrils behind you."

The pro quickly turned around, a little annoyed when the boy called her old, as she saw tendrils which grabbed her arms and legs, making the pro fall on her rear on the ground. Yes the tendrils shot from the ground were weak, yes they could be broken in a few seconds by the Pro, but that small window of a few seconds was all he needed. Kazuma quickly closed his eyes and starts focusing, a few seconds later, the pro broke the tendrils.

"I was hoping for them to be a little tighter and tougher, what do you say after the class I show you how you properly tie someone's wrists and legs, big boy?"

The pro turned around, still not standing though, as she saw that the boy wasn't where he was standing, she didn't see or hear him move, then where did he go?

Her thoughts were cut off by a pair of handcuffs being locked on her right wrist as she looked at the boy emerge from her shadows and handcuff her. Thus, providing the victory to the boy, but not Sero since he was out for the count during the battle.


"ARA~" The pro exclaimed as she saw the boy fall on her lap, sleeping, since a piece of her clothing had "accidentally" been torn off, releasing her quirk, much to the dislike of a certain someone in her gym clothes.

The pro smiled at the boy as she started running her hands through his soft, smooth and silky hair. She could even go on to run her finger through the boy's chest if she wasn't interrupted by the announcement that the next match will begin in 10 minutes. She pouted at the wrong timing as she got up and walked away while holding the two sleeping boys in her arms, well, she was dragging Sero by his leg and had kept Kageyama in her arms, but doesn't matter really.

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