Chapter 20: Hosu in Trouble

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Order and Edgeshot were patrolling the area when they suddenly heard a cry, a girl's cry. The two quickly made their way towards the sound as they saw a girl with her red hair going till her feet, and tied up in two ponytails.

Order walked up to the girl.

"Hey, what's the matter kid? Everything okay?"

The girl continued crying as she spoke between her sobs.

"I... I can't find him... He... He was right beside me, but then I... I got separated from him in the crowd and I can't find him anywhere."

Order kneeled down to look the girl in the eyes as he handed her a handkerchief, which she accepted as she started wiping her tears, but they continued to fall.

"Hey, don't worry, I'll help you find your friend. I think they might be at the police station nearby, looking for you. You wanna come with me to find him?"

The girl didn't say anything as she went on to wipe the ever-falling tears from her eyes.

"My name is Kageyama Kazuma, what's your name?"

The girl somehow managed to speak once again.

"La... La Brava."

"That's an amazing name, Brava-chan. Come on, I'm going to help you find your friend okay?"

Order smiled at the girl, and the girl returned it with a small smile and had stopped crying by now.


The three made their way towards the police station as they saw a tall man, well dressed, and hair styled, looking here and there with concern reflecting in his eyes.

"GENTLE" The girl cried as she let go of Order's hand and started running towards the white haired man.

"La... La Brava? La Brava, oh thank heavens you're okay." The two hugged each other, both crying a bit. The man then went on to thank the people who brought him his partner back, but scoffed as he saw that there were two heroes standing there, probably the ones who brought La Brava to the station.

"It seems like I'm supposed to thank you for helping La Brava. Well, you have my gratitude.


The man said with a smile while looking at Edgeshot, although he was smiling, it felt like he was staring daggers at the Ninja pro.

"Oh, no sir, I didn't do anything, it was all this boy right here."

Edgeshot replied as he put his hand on Order's shoulder. This made the man shift his gaze to the young boy.

"Oh, is that so? Well, thank you, Mr..."

"Oh, it's Kageyama Kazuma, but my hero name is Dark Order. It's a pleasure to be of your help."

The man smiled at the white haired boy.

"Well, thanks, Mr. Kazuma, I hope we meet each other again someday so that I can... repay you, for your kindness."

The boy quickly started insisting that there was no need to do that.

The man laughed as he turned around and disappeared in the crowd with the redhead.

-Timeskip brought to you by Edgeshot and Order eating ice cream at a shop, Edgeshot getting a brain freeze with Order giggling as he got one himself-

The two heroes then continued on their patrol as Edgeshot looked at the kid.

"Oh, right. Order, tell me why you revealed your real name to that girl? You do know that revealing his or her identity may bring problems to a hero right?"

Order looked at Edgeshot as he smiled at the Pro.

"Well, the girl already looked scared and sad about being separated, and then, if someone with the name 'Dark Order' tried to help her, it would only make things worse for the girl, so I used my real name, so that she could trust me, and I told them my hero name later, didn't I?"

The Pro closed his eyes as he brought his hand to his chin.

"I see, but still, you shouldn't go around telling people your name, it could cause you trouble, got it?"

Order nodded at his instructor.


A few days passed with Order going to patrol with either Kamui or Edgeshot, them fighting off of some theives and goons, rescuing a cat from a tree, for which, Order earned a total of 5 yen, as well as carrying heavy bags for a frail old man, he'd often talk to Toru, who was now his girlfriend, as she would tell him how her day went on and Kazuma doing the same, he'd also talk to Izuku, on text or on calls, as he learned that Izuku was trying to utilise his quirk in such a way that his body doesn't get hurt in the meantime, when Kazuma told him about his new move, Izuku went full fanboy mode as he started asking questions over questions about how it worked, if it worked in the dark as well, or what was the range of how much Kazuma could sense.

Kazuma was relaxing in his room, looking at the beautiful cherry blossoms outside, and hearing the crickets, the silence was soon cut off by Edgeshot barging in the room, dressed in his hero costume.

"Order, suit up now, we're going for Hosu city immediately. There's a huge fire, it doesn't look too good, we're gonna need as much help as we can, I've already informed Kamui and the others, now get up."


Once they reached the destination, Order was shocked beyond belief that the once beautiful city, the birthplace of the young boy, was now filled with screams and debris scattered everywhere. He saw a girl crying in the middle of the road as a piece of the wall from a building fell straight at her, Order quickly jumped and moved the girl out of harm's way, he noticed that there were a few muffled noises to be heard under the debris. Civilians.

Order placed his palm on the ground and closed his eyes.

"Shadow Swipe"

Soon he was able to sense many civilians under the debris as he started lifting the pile of huge rocks to save the people.

"Order. Rescue. I repeat, rescue. I won't allow you for combat here."

Edgeshot ordered the young hero-in-training as he stood up against a huge bird-like creature, only without the wings and an exposed brain with a green-ish skin. A nomu.

But it was different from the one at USJ, this one seemed less buff, but was super agile.

Order was looking at the scene as a boulder fell at the place he was standing, luckily, he was pulled by Kamui.

"Don't lose your focus, Order."

A while later, Order sensed that there weren't any civilians there anymore at the moment. Suddenly, he hears his phone buzz as he takes it out to see a message from Izuku with SOS highlighted.

Order opened the message to see something that confused him a little, since Izuku had sent a live location of himself, but with no message along with it.

What made it even complicated was that the location was merely blocks away from Order.

"Just what the hell is going on? Izuku, where are you?"

His questions were answered as Izuku stood between an immobilised Iida and the Hero Killer: Stain.

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