Episode 7: Gone fishing

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Our episode opens up with Nigel tidying up his room to make everything nice and neat, only for Oscar to walk in and totally mess everything up telling Nigel that he's too clean and that you need to make things messy in order to make things extra comfy. Nigel then slaps Oscar and scolds him for turning his perfectly-neat personal quarters into a pigsty. Oscar rolls his eyes and criticizes Nigel for being a total perfectionist wanting everything to be just right from the way his food is prepared to the strokes of his power symbols to the way he trains always trying to be so precise with how he wields his stupid sword. Oscar then accuses Nigel of overcompensating which causes him to have flashbacks to his old life in England which angers him and slaps him a second time only for sensei to walk into Nigel's room and tells them to stop fighting. after that, we cut to sensei explaining to the rangers that during meditation he has sensed the swordfish origami zord's presence near the coast of stone canyon beach. sensei then selects Nigel to be the one who has to fish for it, much to his dismay. he then explains to Nigel that he's the only one that can tame the zord due to him possessing the water element before handing him a fishing pole with a disc on it, saying that this will be a great opportunity to teach his arrogant self some humility. after Nigel hops in sensei's car to be dropped off at the beach, we cut to a monster named Halitox wreaking havoc on stone canyon by poisoning people with his bad breath only for the four rangers to morph and fight him off. after that, we cut to Nigel arriving at the beach fishing pole in hand only to run into Bulk and Spike who recognize him as one of Nobu's students before Bulk asks what he's doing here. Nigel explains to them that sensei sent him here on a fishing trip believing it would teach him inner peace or some rubbish. Bulk tells him what a coincidence as he came here to teach young Spike here how to catch his first fish, as the two of them plan to catch a whole school of tasty morsels to be used in Bulk's specialty sushi rolls. Nigel then tells the two that he has no idea how to fish and Bulk offers to teach him, which excites Spike as the two get to be fishing buddies much to Nigel's annoyance. we then see Bulk teach Nigel to cast, followed by Nigel casting the rod into the ocean. Nigel then spins the disc on his rod which activates the "capture" power symbol causing the swordfish zord to leap out of the water to the amazement of Bulk and Spike followed by Spike saying "that's one big fish" while Bulk starts fantasizing about how many hungry customers a fish that big can feed. Bulk then tells Nigel to reel it in before we cut back to the fight between the rangers and Halitox who manages to poison the rangers with his bad breath. after that, Halitox retreats to Akuma palace where he reports to lord Ashura that he has successfully poisoned the rangers. Ashura congratulates on a job well done as well as Octomancer for summoning such a vile monster. Nocturna however can't stand the smell of his breath and tells him to get out of the palace NOW. after that, we cut to Nigel who is frustrated by the fact that he has caught nothing but junk before turning his head to see that Spike's huge pile of fish that he caught only for Bulk and Spike to high-five at their successful catch-of-the day. Nigel starts to feel envy for the two's strong family bond and throws down his fishing rod saying he gives up and that he's a failure. Spike then notices Nigel looks depressed and asks his fishing buddy what's wrong. Nigel then explains to Spike that he's brought shame to the Matthews family and is worried what his parents are going to say when they've found out that he's not the perfect son they expected him to be. we then cut to a flashback where it is revealed that he was born into a wealthy family with parents who expected too much for their son, which is why Nigel tried to overcompensate by practicing things in his spare time such as archery, fencing, horseback riding, etc. in order to satisfy his parent's ridiculously high expectations. Spike is touched by this and tells Nigel that he's been in the same situation with his uncle Bulk and that all he needs to do is to not be limited by the expectations of others and to take control of his own destiny, right before sensei calls Nigel and informs him that the rangers have been poisoned. Nigel is worried by this, however Kenji gets back on his feet and swipes the phone away from his uncle and tells Nigel to focus on the swordfish and to not worry about him before telling Nigel that he believes in him followed by hanging up and the four poisoned rangers go after the monster in spite of sensei's warnings not to. we then cut back to Nigel on the beach who is motivated by Spike's advice and lets go of all his worries and closes his eyes finally finding inner peace before casting out his lure only to get a bite much to the surprise of both Bulk and Spike alike who are admired by his newfound humility. Nigel is struggling to hold onto his lure only for Spike to run up and grab onto the lure followed by Bulk grabbing on as well. with their combined strength the three manage to reel in the swordfishzord which Nigel captures in the disc creating the swordfish disc. Bulk is in disbelief of what just happened and Nigel realizes that the swordfishzord chose him because it recognized him as worthy. we then cut back to the other rangers who are still suffering from Halitox's poisoning but before the monster can finish them off Nigel comes to their rescue with the swordfish disc in hand before attaching it to the hydro-bow before firing an arrow into the air which sends down healing rain curing the rangers of Halitox's poisoning. the five rangers then morph to fight Halitox (cue shinkenger episode 7 fight). after the rangers use the fire smasher cannon mode powered by the swordfish disc to destroy Halitox, Nocturna shows up to play her shamisen to make the monster grow. the five rangers then summon their zords to fight the monster (cue shinkenger episode 7 megazord fight), all the while being watched by a mysterious Akuma. nigel then summons the swordfish zord to combine with their megazord to form the samurai swordfish megazord. after finishing off the monster with a swordfish slash, sensei and the rangers have a victory meal at Bulk's sushi spot while being served sushi made from all the fish Spike caught. after that, we cut back to Akuma palace where lord Ashura tells Octomancer and Nocturna that he's felt a presence that he hasn't felt in 300 years: his son Deker has returned. our episode ends with Deker (who turns out to be that mysterious Akuma from before) walking into the woods while giving the ominous warning that his father had better watch out because tomorrow will be his homecoming.

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