Episode 13: Silver lining, part 2

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Guest ranger of this episode: Eric Myers (Quantum Ranger, even tho this isn't a tribute episode it felt like a good idea to bring him back so that he can pass the torch to Orion as the new owner of the Q-rex mark 2)

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Guest ranger of this episode: Eric Myers (Quantum Ranger, even tho this isn't a tribute episode it felt like a good idea to bring him back so that he can pass the torch to Orion as the new owner of the Q-rex mark 2)

Our episode opens up with a recap of the previous episode before the main story begins with a shot of the sky ship flying over Angel Grove. on the bridge Orion looks at his Silver morpher with Jamie asking "so wait, you're telling us that you DIED and came back as a power ranger?" Orion tells them that there's more to that, and we get a flashback scene narrated by Orion where it is revealed that the meteor that struck Orion wasn't a meteor at all, but an alien pod sent to Earth from Eltar. after getting hit Orion wakes up in a white void where he met the spirit of Zador who bestowed Orion with the silver ranger morpher and key, the five teens have a hard time believing his story however the spirit of Zador appears before the rangers where Zador reveals that he knew of Orion's frustration with being unable to fight on the front lines with the power rangers along with the legend force team being in trouble so as a reward for Orion's heroic moment of self-sacrifice turning himself over to Vrak in the episode "Vrak is back" Zador gave Orion the powers of the silver ranger to help the main five rangers in their time of need and returned him to the world of the living, Lance thanking Zador for helping Orion saying that it saved all their butts. Alpha runs up to hug Orion, the little robot happy to have him back while Polly sits on his shoulder saying "sqwak, good to have you back! good to have you back! sqwak!" Zador's spirit tells the rangers that since Orion as a ranger now he expects them to fight alongside him as their sixth team member before disappearing. we then get a transmission from Colonel Evan Taylor on the sky ship's computer informing the rangers that the resistance has recently gotten help from the Silver guardians and we see none other than Eric Myers appear by the Colonel's side saying that he's glad to be helping with the rebellion effort, saying that there's a secret project he's been working on to help the power rangers. Orion says "welcome aboard, Eric" which catches Colonel Evan Taylor off-guard seeing Orion alive, asking how that's even possible. Orion tells Colonel Evan Taylor that it's a long story before we cut to the Armada flagship where Destro asks Insidia how her fiance is doing, and Insidia says that he passed out over the Silver ranger foiling his whole "turning the monster into a suicide bomber" plan which he assumed was foolproof. Destro tells her no matter, as it would be easier to operate without Prince Vekar's constant whining anyway. We then cut to Orion and the rangers (plus Alpha and Polly) arriving at Resistance HQ where they meet up with Eric Myers who shakes hands with the legend force team, saying how much of an honor it is to finally meet Earth's current team of Power Rangers. Orion butts in to tell Eric that he's the sixth ranger of this team, explaining that he just got his powers. Eric shows the rangers a hologram image of what he and Time Force were working on: the Q-rex mark 2, the latest asset to help the rangers take down the Armada. Jamie gets excited, saying "you're giving us THE time force Q-rex? sweet!" while Orion thanks Eric for his contribution. Eric looks at Orion and tells him "with all due respect Starskipper, but your ranger team has gotten cocky as of late, yourself included. which is why all six of you need to prove yourself to me that you are worthy of piloting the Q-rex mark 2" while both Alpha and Polly look at Orion, Alpha saying "oh no". we then cut to the Armada flagship where we are introduced to the Armada's new monster: General Osogain, whom Destro orders to go to Earth and destroy the silver ranger. Osogain obliges, saying that he's been meaning to settle the score with the Andrasian alluding to him having a history with Orion. we then cut to Lance, Austin, Jamie, Molly, Brenda, and Orion in silver guardians uniforms with highlights matching their ranger colors being driven by the silver guardians out to a construction site where Eric goes full drill instructor and tells them "In order for you to become worthy of the Q-rex, you must put in the extra hard work and training. the resistance is depending on you six to be the ones to defeat the Armada and take back the Earth, you can't afford to be a bunch of hot-headed kids anymore. now prove to me you are up to the test, by completing that obstacle course" pointing to a makeshift obstacle course the Silver Guardians set up made from construction equipment they found in the area such as dump truck tires, traffic cones, etc. followed by Eric telling the six to hand over their morphers and ranger keys, saying that he'll hold onto them until they finish their training. we then get an SPD SWAT-style training montage of the rangers struggling to make their way through the pitfalls of the obstacle course only for the silver guardians to make things even more difficult by Eric summoning a platoon of reprogrammed X-borgs to attack our heroes backing the six up against each other, Eric delivering a speech to the legend force team from atop a hill telling them "you do not wait for your enemy to come to you. you come to it!" Orion then says "come on rangers, we can get through this as long as we have faith in each other" the six fighting the X-borgs hand-to-hand dispatching them one-by-one while Eric smiles, telling the six that his training paid off as the six of them have more faith in each other than ever before, which is what they're gonna need if they're gonna defeat the armada. however Osogain teleports onto the scene, Molly asking Eric if THAT thing is part of the training course, Osogain calling out to Orion saying "I've finally found you, Andrasian! we meet again!" causing Orion to have PTSD flashbacks to the Armada's invasion of Andrasia, of which was led by General Osogain. Lance asks "you know this guy, Orion?" Orion then says "that's General Osogain, he led the invasion of Andrasia" followed by the Silver Guardians opening fire on Osogain who isn't phased by their blasts and proceeds to mop the floor knocking out several Silver Guardians including Eric who is injured by the monster. Orion whips out his harpoon and has an unmorphed one-on-one fight with Osogain saying "I won't let you harm this planet like you did mine. our fight ends here!" Osogain saying "for once we agree Andrasian, but you won't be the victor here!" breaking Orion's harpoon in half knocking him on his rear prompting the five teens to arrive on the scene helping Orion back onto his feet. Eric then tosses the six their morphers back followed by the six morphing into the Legend Force red, blue, green, yellow, pink, and now silver rangers Eric telling the six to go and put their training to good use while Osogain summons the X-borgs and Bruisers (cue Gokaiger episode 18 fight). Orion helps each of the individual rangers dispatch the footsoldiers while they each thank him for his help, Osogain shouting "It ends here Andrasian!" Orion then tells his fellow rangers "alright guys, let's finish this guy!" the main five whipping out their Samurai ranger keys, shouting "Samurai code, ranger mode!" as they morph into the samurai rangers with Orion morphing into the Zeo gold ranger, Orion exclaiming "oh come on! wrong gold ranger!" reverting back into Legend force silver. Lance then hands Orion the gold samurai key, Orion saying "alright let's try this again. Samurai code, power of gold!" morphing into the Gold samurai ranger. the main five attack Osogain shouting "spiral sword, elemental slash!" while Orion shouts "Barracuda blade, barracuda bite!" the five congratulating Orion on his first legendary ranger morph. Lance then says "alright guys, in honor of Orion we should do an all-silver morph!" the five shouting "legendary ranger mode, forever silver!" the five morphing into all silver rangers: Lance morphing into Mercury ranger, Austin morphing into Titanium ranger, Jamie morphing into Lunar wolf ranger, Molly morphing into Space silver, and Brenda morphing into RPM silver. Orion then shouts "now we're talking. come on rangers, it's time for a silver lining!" the six charging at Osogain and fighting him from all sides (this sequence would have to be done in original footage to replace Robo Knight with Titanium ranger) Osogain getting knocked on his rear, shouting "you'll pay for that you dirty Andrasian pirate!" Brenda tells Orion "alright Orion, now's your chance to avenge your people" Orion then fights General Osogain one-on-one with his legendary trident before finishing Osogain off with his legendary trident blaster mode final strike all the while the silver guardians help Eric back on his feet with Eric watching the six rangers have a group-hug smiling at their bond. meanwhile Insidia says "it's not over yet, rangers" firing the Sattelasers to make General Osogain grow giant along with a platoon of giant bruisers. meanwhile Eric hands the Quantum ranger key to Orion, telling him "here, you've proven yourself worthy of being the new owner of the Q-rex mark 2. it belongs to you now". Orion salutes Eric and then says "thank you Eric sir, it's an honor" before placing the Quantum ranger key into his silver morpher summoning the Q-rex mark 2 in drill mode from the future followed by Orion hopping in the cockpit to pilot the zord (cue Gokaiger episode 18 zord fight) taking out several giant bruisers with the zord's drill and cannons. Orion then whips out his MMPR green ranger key plugging it into the zord console transforming the Q-rex mark 2 into dino mode attacking bruisers with its drill tail and fire breath, Jamie geeking out saying "dinosaurs are so cool!" General Osogain orders the remaining bruisers to keep attacking the Q-rex. Orion then plugs in the Dino thunder white ranger key transforming the Q-rex mark 2 into its Megazord mode, Molly exclaiming "go Orion!" the Q-rex megazord destroying the last 2 bruisers Orion activating the Q-rex megazord's trident mode to deflect General Osogain's attack before shouting "for Andrasia!" and destroying General Osogain once and for all with the Q-rex Megazord's finishing move the triple-drill strike, Orion exclaiming "my people have been avenged, another victory for the resistance!" we then cut back to Resistance HQ where the rangers thank Eric and the silver guardians for their contribution, the six saluting Eric while Eric salutes back as a sign of respect. Eric says that he and the silver guardians are needed back at Silver hills which has still yet to be freed from Armada occupation, but if they need their help they'll answer the call. Colonel Evan Taylor shakes hands with Eric Myers, wishing him good luck before the Silver guardians leave the resistance on good terms ending our episode on a good note.

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