Episode 17: Mother's day

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Our episode opens up on general Tritor's ship where general Tritor punishes Vrak electrocuting him with force lightning as punishment for indirectly granting the rangers a new weapon for their arsenal, all the while Lurker and Sasquatcho cover their eyes too scared to watch. Cera then intervenes, begging for her boss to spare Vrak's life. Tritor then stops, followed by Tritor ordering a pair of Caprisects to get him out of his sights. Vrak then slashes at the two Caprisects with his claws destroying them, however more Caprisects show up and subdue Vrak taking him out of the throneroom Lurker and Sasquatcho shouting "MASTER!" all the while Cera sheds a tear for her love. Vrak is then thrown in the dungeon, followed by Cera entering the room asking the alien prince who's sitting in his cell sulking if he still remembers the day they met. Vrak then tells her that he remembers it like it was yesterday before we cut to a flashback where we learn that Cera came from a planet that was conquered by the armada, leading to her people being slaughtered by the armada's forces led by prince Vrak. during Vrak's mission on the planet he comes across a young woman who turns out to be Cera hiding from the alien prince frightened by him. Vrak then extends his hand to her, telling her that he's not going to hurt her saying that he's nothing like his brother or father. it is then the two fell in love with each other, and the rest is history. we then cut back to present day where Vrak asks Cera why general Tritor didn't just kick him out of the ship like he did to Predatox, and Cera tells Vrak that general Tritor still needs him for his zombats and caprisect soldiers. Cera then promises Vrak that one day she will find a way to free him before we cut to Angel Grove high where we see each of the students making cards for their moms on mother's day. Lance, Austin, Jamie, Brenda, and even Fat Jack and Skinny Mack made their own cards and showed them to each other, but not Molly. Brenda tells the others that she hates seeing Molly so down in the dumps like this, followed by Austin telling her that he feels the same way, saying that her cool confident personality is the what made him crush on her in the first place. Lance then tells the others that they should do something about it, followed by Austin volunteering to go talk to her. Austin then pulls up a seat and sits next to Molly, asking what's going on with her. Molly then tells Austin that it's her mother, saying that her parents are going through a divorce and she's worried that she may never see her again, looking at an old childhood photo of her with her mother when she was little. Austin then tells Molly that family can be tough, saying that he grew up with 15 brothers and sisters and he was always seen as the runt of the litter. Molly thanks Austin, telling him that it's good to know that she has someone who can relate to her. general Tritor watches Molly's conversation with Austin from the screen in his throneroom aboard the ship, Tritor saying that the yellow ranger is worried about mom and daddy splitting up, so they should exploit her emotionally vulnerable state while they still can, Lurker and Sasquatcho applauding telling him that's a very good idea. Cera enters the throneroom, telling general Tritor that she has the perfect monster for the job. she then presents him with the monster Leafisect, demonstrating her shapeshifting abilities by transforming into Molly's mother. after that, we cut to Molly walking home from school with Austin being stuck carrying her bags, Austin telling Molly that she should look on the bright side, at least she'll still have her father. Molly then tells her that it's not the same, saying that she wants her whole family to be together. Austin then tells Molly that she'll still have him, Lance, Jamie, Brenda, Zador, Alpha, and Robo Knight saying that the power rangers are kinda like a family. Molly then tells Austin that it's not that simple, saying that once her parents's divorce has gone through she'll be moving to stone canyon to live with her dad. Molly's mom then drives up in a black SUV up to the two, Molly's mom telling her daughter to come with her to Angel Grove park, saying that they need to talk. Austin then gets a call from Zador saying that Tritor's goons are attacking the city. Austin tells Molly to go with her mom and work out whatever issues the two of them have, saying that he and the other rangers will deal with the threat at hand. Austin, Lance, Jamie, and Brenda all morph and teleport onto the scene to confront Lurker (cue Goseiger episode 25 first fight). the four rangers are all easily bested by Lurker forcing them to activate their golden armor to even the playing field, Robo Knight also joining the fight for backup, the six blasting Lurker into pieces with a combined guardian strike attack. however the chunks left behind reform followed by Cera arriving on the scene to ask the rangers where the yellow one is. Lance points his sword at Cera, telling her that it's none of her business. Cera then reveals to them that it is, revealing that she sent a monster to earth to impersonate her mother and that the two are too late to stop her plan followed by the two teleporting away. the rangers de-morph and Austin then contacts Zador and Alpha to inform the two of the situation, Zador telling Austin that he's got to warn Molly. Austin however says he's got to warn her parents first before it's too late. after that, we cut to Molly sitting in Angel Grove park having a conversation with her mom, her mother telling her that she won't let her father take her precious baby girl away. Molly turns her head, asking her what she's talking about. Molly's mom then tells her daughter that she will be in HER custody after the divorce and not her father's, that way the two can stay in Angel Grove and not move to stone canyon, so that she won't say goodbye to her friends. Molly hugs her mom, telling her thank you. meanwhile Austin teleports to Molly's house and finds her parents, Austin introducing himself to them saying that their daughter is in danger and that in order to save her, the two of them need to cancel the divorce and put their differences aside for her sake. the two look at each other before we cut back to Molly and her fake mom in the park. the fake mom then grabs Molly's mega morpher out of her pocket and asks what this is, telling her not to lie to her own mother. Austin along with Molly's parents arrive on the scene with Austin warning Molly that the woman she's with is not her mother. Molly then looks back and forth to see two of her mother at once and asks what's going on. Robo Knight then arrives on the scene and activates a power card that summons a lightning storm to electrocute Molly's fake mom causing her to revert back to her true form: Leafisect. Molly then hugs her parents, her father telling her that this family won't split up anytime soon. Austin then smiles as the other rangers arrive on the scene, admiring this heartfelt family reunion. Molly then tells the other four to get her parents to safety and for Robo Knight to back her up. Molly then morphs to take on the monster one-on-one with Robo Knight assisting her (cue Goseiger episode 25 second fight). meanwhile the rangers get Molly's parents into the back of Molly's mom's SUV Austin telling the couple that their daughter will be fine just go. once they drive away, the other four rangers morph to side with Molly followed by the five activating their guardian armor and do a roll call along with Robo Knight. the six then gang up on the monster and defeat it with a combined guardian strike attack. we then cut to Tritor's ship where general Tritor bangs on the bars of Vrak's cell in the dungeon telling him to send in the zombats. Vrak reluctantly says "as you wish, general" before snapping his fingers summoning the zombats to make the monster grow followed by the rangers forming the knight guardian megazord (cue Goseiger episode 25 megazord fight). Leafistect then shapeshifts into the datazord to throw the rangers off easily besting the knight guardian megazord. however Jamie comes up with a plan and uses a power card that turns her into a caprisect followed by the knight guardian megazord destroying the monster once and for all. after that, we cut to Molly returning home to be re-united with her parents, Molly turning her head to Austin thanking him for convincing her parents to cancel the divorce before kissing him on the cheek causing him to blush. our episode ends with Austin telling Molly that he got her and her whole family coupons for froyos at Ernie's.

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