Episode 35: Endgame, part 3

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Our episode opens up with a recap of the events of Endgame parts 1 and 2 before we jump into part 3 which begins with the rangers (and Robo Knight) returning to the command center where they are greeted by Alpha who tells the rangers that they've got some bad news. Zador tells the rangers to look at the viewing screen, and the five turn their heads to see footage of the Armada fleet heading towards Earth, Zador telling the five that an invasion like nothing the Earth has ever seen is slowly approaching Earth, Jamie sarcastically saying "unless you count the invasion of 1998 that the space rangers prevented" the other four staring at Jamie awkwardly who exclaims "what? fat Jack, skinny Mack and I are in a power rangers fanclub together, this is pretty much common knowledge" with Austin sarcasticlly saying "you know what, your nerd facts might actually be useful in this situation" with Lance saying "Agreed". Alpha then informs Zador that they got a distress call from a distant planet, and Zador tells Alpha to patch it through. we then see the none other than the Phantom ranger appear on the viewing screen, making Jamie geek out saying "oh my gosh it's the phantom ranger, he helped the turbo and space rangers and still nobody knows who this guy is!" Zador tells the rangers that he was also an old friend of his mentor Zordon and Zador asks the phantom ranger what the emergency appears to be. the phantom ranger then takes his helmet off revealing it to be none other than Billy Cranston of Mighty Morphin' power rangers fame, much to the shock of Jamie who exclaims "Billy of the mighty morphin' power rangers? you're the phantom ranger?" Billy tells the megaforce team "It's so good to finally meet you five. stories of earth's current defenders defeating the likes of General Tritor and Gigatron have spread throughout the galaxy. I am so proud of you all for carrying the power rangers legacy. things are more dire than you can imagine out here. the Armada has conquered and enslaved several free worlds. Aquitar, KO-35, Mirinoi, Xybria, Sirius, Mercuria and more have fallen under Armada occupation and Earth is next. you've got to stop them! followed by Billy putting the phantom ranger helmet back on as he is suddenly attacked by X-borgs ending the transmission. the five megaforce rangers ask Zador what they're going to do, Lance pointing out how there's a huge invasion coming and Vrak is still at large. Zador tells the five that no matter how much the odds are stacked against them, the five of them must face these great challenges the same way they always have: by working together. Robo Knight then tells the five that with his energy now fully restored, the power rangers are back to being at full strength as he puts his arm around Alpha 8. after that, we cut back to the underwater base where we see Vrak watching footage of the Armada fleet slowly approaching earth while behind him a couple Caprisects carry the cocoon into the room. Vrak then places his hand on the cocoon, saying "Thank you Tritor, for leaving this behind after your untimely demise at the hands of the rangers. and thank you Zador for building this very valuable piece of Eltarian tech that'll give me all the power in the universe. now no one, not five, six, or even a hundred power rangers will be able to stop me. Vrak then steps inside the cocoon while the Caprisects watch with curiosity before he steps out of the cocoon showing off his new, more powerful form ridding himself of his cybernetic enhancements. Vrak is glad to finally be back to being flesh and blood again, and tests out his newfound power by destroying the remaining caprisects with his sword. we then cut back to the comamnd center where the rangers are informed by Alpha that Vrak has been detected in the nearby quarry, and Zador tells the rangers to be careful, as he can sense that Vrak has been enhanced by the power of the cocoon. as it turns out it may have not been destroyed with Tritor's ship after all. the five then morph and hop on their megaforce cycles before arriving on the scene (along with Robo Knight) to confront Vrak in his final form who stands atop a cliff. Vrak snickers as he looks down on the rangers, exclaiming "power rangers, good to see you again! any last words before your inevitable destruction?" Austin then steps in and says "yeah, what's up with all the different forms? how about pick a look and go with it!" Vrak then says "fool, this new form was granted to me by the power of the cocoon, now I am the one with all the universe at my fingertips, and unlike that moron General Tritor, I know how to use it!" before firing a blast of black lightining from his fingertips causing a massive explosion that the six rangers manage to dodge in time. the five then whip out the weapons with Lance telling his team that now's the time to get serious followed by the five combining their weapons to form the Megaforce blaster (cue Goseiger episode 46 fight) Vrak telling the rangers to hit him with their best shot while Robo Knight watches. the rangers fire their megaforce blaster at Vrak who counters by shooting blue lightning out of his sword leading to an epic beam struggle Vrak boasting to the rangers that he's just stalling time until the invasion before overpowering the rangers knocking them back severely before we cut to Alpha watching the fight from the viewing screen of the command center, saying "ai-yi-yi! this is bad Zador, really bad!" Zador telling Alpha that things have just gone from bad to worse as the viewing screen switches to footage of the Armada fleet entering Earth's atmosphere, Alpha exclaiming "no! not the invasion! it's finally here!" before we cut to the fleet Armada ships flying above downtown Angel Grove, several crowds of people gathering around the town square to look at the invasion, including Fat Jack and Skinny Mack, Mr. Fowler, Ernie jr., Molly's parents, Brenda's dad, Lance's parents, and even Allen with Mr. Fowler asking "where are the power rangers?" before hordes of X-borgs and bruisers are dropped from the ships who start chasing around and attacking civilians Fat Jack and Skinny Mack looking at each other and screaming before running for their lives. meanwhile Vrak looks at the downed rangers and tells "even though I am ashamed that my brother will be the one leading this planet's invasion, I will at least get satisfaction from finally putting you rainbow-colored punks out of your misery!" Robo Knight walks in and tells Vrak "leave them alone, it's me you want" Vrak saying "Ah Robo Knight, if only you knew how badly I want you" Robo Knight then shoots at Vrak who deflects the blast back at him knocking Robo Knight down for the count, Lance screaming "Robo Knight!" as Vrak grabs onto Robo Knight and spreads his wings lifting the robotic warrior into the air before electrocuting him followed by dropping him onto the ground. the rangers try to rush to Robo Knight's aid only for them to be stopped in their tracks when the spot a fleet of Armada ships show up and fly over the quarry, Lance saying "oh no" realizing that the day he dreamed about is finally coming to pass. Vrak then activates one of his power orbs causing Robo Knight to revert into his headder form and fly into Vrak's hand, Vrak saying "I think I'll keep this one" with the rangers shooting from their headder blasters at Vrak who deflects the blast back at the rangers followed by Vrak teleporting away with the captured Robo Knight. the ships then start blasting at the rangers who run and duck for cover before we cut to a bunch of Armada ships flying over the beach where the command center is, the ships firing a barrage of blasts at the command center causing Alpha to get shaked around and fall over, Alpha saying "oh no, they've found us!" Zador then teleports the ranger keys out of the command center and sends a distress call calling all rangers of the past to come help defend Earth from the biggest invasion our planet has ever faced right before a massive hole is blasted in the command center as hordes of X-borgs and bruisers come barging in and start trashing the place, wrecking everything in sight including shattering Zador's tube killing him with Alpha 8 exclaiming "NO!" before the command center collapses reduced to a pile of rubble. we then cut to the ranger keys landing into the hands of several past ranger cameos including Kenji Shiba, Oscar Hernandez, Ava Stewart, Chip Thorn, Bridge Carson, a grown-up Justin Stewart, TJ Johnson, Cassie Chan, Leo, Damon, Karone, Wes Collins, Carter Grayson, Dana and Ryan Mitchell, Merrick Baliton, Trent Fernandez, Kira Ford, Gem, Gemma, Jason Lee Scott, and Tommy Oliver. we then cut to the five now helmet-less Megaforce rangers hiding in a cave from the invaders trying to contact Zador, only for them to get nothing but static. Brenda gets on her knees and starts crying, saying "first Robo Knight, and now we lost Zador" while Lance comforts her, saying "don't worry, Zador has to be alive. maybe he has a backup plan to help us get out of this situation" while Jamie, Austin, and Molly watch. Austin then holds Molly's hand, telling her "If this is our last stand and we don't survive this ordeal, I just wanted to take our last days on Earth say that I've always loved you, your eyes, your hair, the way you flaunt your tough girl persona with complete confidence, oh and you're a pretty awesome cheerleader". Molly then kisses Austin on the lips much to his surprise, Molly telling him "and you always make me laugh, and if we make it out alive I'll be cheering you on in the next Angel Grove high soccer match" causing Austin to blush, Jamie exclaiming "Yus! finally!" only for the cave to start to collapse forcing them to evacuate leaving themselves out in the open where they are surrounded by X-borgs and bruisers, Jamie saying "who are these guys? they sure don't look like caprisects" followed by Lance exclaiming "who cares, we gotta crush these guys if we're gonna get through them" Lance exclaiming "back to action!" as the five rangers put their helmets back on and get in battle positions and out step none other than Jason Lee Scott and Tommy Oliver, who both morph into MMPR red and Dino Thunder black who save the rangers's skin by slashing through the X-borgs, Jamie exclaiming "Woah! Jason! Tommy! what are you guys doing here!" followed by Tommy saying "we got your mentor's message, we're here to help" as we see more ships come in dropping more and more X-borgs and bruisers. Lance asks the two "You guys know Zador? what happened?" Jason then tells Lance "We don't know. all we do know is we need to get out of here!" Austin then asks "uh sorry to ask, but how how can you possible take on that many of these tin cans?" Jason says "we can't" followed by Tommy finishing Jason's sentence with "but they can". the X-borgs and bruisers are suddenly blinded by a bright flashing rainbow-colored light while we hear a bunch of morph in the background saying "It's morphin' time! shift into turbo! let's rocket! go galactic! lightspeed rescue! time for time force! wild access! ninja storm, ranger form! dino thunder, power up! SPD emergency! magical source, mystic force! overdrive, accelerate! jungle beast, spirit unleashed! RPM, get in gear! samurai code, ranger mode!" followed by an army of past rangers showing up to come to the current team's rescue, Lance exclaiming "This is just like what I saw when I went to the future, unbelievable". the army of rangers all get into positions with Jason leading the pack saying "alright power rangers, CHARGE!" followed by the army of rangers charging into battle with an epic orchestral version of "go go power rangers" playing in the background. we get all the cool fan-servicey moments in this epic battle as we see all the past rangers mow down several footsoldiers with ease, however the Armada ships suddenly rain fire down on the rangers. Jamie tells the other megaforce rangers "great, without access to our Zords we're dead meat". Tommy then tells Jamie "not exactly, there is another way. but we're all gonna have to sacrifice all of our ranger powers to do it" with Jamie saying "of course, the nuclear option! why didn't I think of that?" Tommy then gathers all of the past rangers together, Tommy exclaiming "Alright rangers, you know what to do!" followed by all the past ranger teams sacrificing their powers to create a massive energy wave in the same vain as Zordon's Z-wave that destroys all the Armada ships. however the Armada's second wave comes in and starts opening fire on the now de-powered rangers who all start running from the explosions before we cut to Alpha emerging from the rubble of the command center before flipping a switch that teleports the Megaforce ranger team to the beach. the five teens the rush towards the command center to find it in ruins, Lance getting on his knees and slamming his fist onto the ground while the team comforts him only for Alpha to show up happy to see the Megaforce team alive and well, Jamie explaining to Alpha that they lost their powers after having to sacrifice them in order to destroy the Armada's first wave. Jamie asks Alpha what happened to Zador, and Alpha says "well, he's um... gone" much to the shock of the five rangers who take this news pretty hard, the five grieving over the loss of their mentor as we pan up to see more and more Armada ships coming before we cut to a montage of Armada ships and soldiers continuing to attack major cities around the world as our season ends on a foreboding note with the tag "TO BE CONTINUED IN... POWER RANGERS: LEGEND FORCE"

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