Episode 1: Mega mission

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Our episode opens up with a dream sequence of the upcoming legendary war, only for it to turn out to be only be a dream sequence by our main character: Lance Taylor, who fell asleep in the back of the car. as it turns out, Lance and his mother and little brother Allen are moving to Angel Grove (the father is busy with his job as a military officer overseas and almost never gets to see his family which is the source of Lance's daddy issues). the three then arrive at their new apartment and Lance helps his mom move boxes while telling her about the crazy dream he had followed by Ms. Taylor reminding her son that tomorrow will be his first day at his new school, right before we cut to an alien spaceship approaching earth. we then see General Tritor sitting on his throne watching the view of the earth before his secretary Cera informs him that this planet is the correct one. Tritor is pleased to hear this, as he's been itching to pay a visit to his old friend Zador. we then see Tritor's muscle, Predatox, step in to tell his boss that he can't wait to cause some carnage on this new planet, only for Tritor's second-in-command Vrak to show up and tells Predatox that a bug-brain like him doesn't understand the fact that they don't have time to cause mindless destruction for the fun of it as they're here on a mission to conquer earth before the armada arrives. general Tritor then tells Vrak to tell his brother to call off the armada, as he wants Earth to be his for the taking. after that, we cut to the next day where we see Lance's mom drop him off at school telling him that first days in a new town aren't always easy but they have to make the best of it and she kisses her son telling him to make some new friends for her before leaving. we then cut to Mr. Fowler lecturing his class which is where we meet our four other future rangers: Brenda, the valley girl/musician, Jamie, the school's resident too-smart-for-his-own-good computer nerd, Austin, the meat-headed jock/womanizer, and Molly, tomboyish cheerleader whom Austin is infatuated with. we are also introduced to Fat Jack and Skinny Mack, two bullies/pranksters whom Mr. Fowler has no patience with. Lance then enters the classroom followed by Mr. Fowler introducing his class to their new student, of which Fat Jack and Skinny Mack scoff at. after that, we cut to the command center where Alpha wakes up from slumber and turns on the viewing screen (of which resembles an arcade machine) only to notice Tritor's ship approaching Earth. she then panics and wakes up Zador, alerting him that general Tritor has arrived on earth. Zador tells Alpha not to panic, saying that the time has come for him to follow in the legendary Zordon's footsteps by recruiting a team of teenagers with attitude. we then cut back to the school where we see our future heroes doing their own things in the schoolyard: Austin is at soccer practice, Molly is at cheer practice, Jamie is studying on his laptop, and Brenda is practicing on her guitar. we then cut to Fat Jack and Skinny Mack bullying a kid into handing over his lunch money until Lance shows up and tells the two to leave him alone, only for the two to turn their attention to Lance and mock them for trying to be a hero only for Lance to warn the two that he's a blackbelt in karate before beating the snot out of the two bullies forcing them to run off like cowards, of which Brenda happens to witness and starts to admire Lance's bravery and heroism, right before we cut to general Tritor and his cronies arriving on earth followed by Tritor summoning his footsoldiers: the Caprisects, of which start terrorizing downtown Angel Grove. Predatox and a platoon Caprisects then make their way to Angel Grove high school and start terrorizing students in the schoolyard followed by personnel evacuating students, however Lance, Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda are forcibly backed up against each other (with Austin hitting on Molly much to her disgust), surrounded by the Caprisects while Jamie is in awe of the fact that they are in the presence of actual alien lifeforms, however Lance suspects that they don't come in peace. Predatox tells Lance that he is correct, sharpening his bladed arms before rearing his blades at Lance who roundhouse kicks him and tells the other four to follow him. they then question why they should listen to the new kid however Lance reminds them that it's either that or be dead meat. the four then begrudgingly agree and they run from the Caprisects only to hide in the school hallway and slam the door on Predatox. we then cut to Alpha activating the teleporter which transports the five teens to the command center. the five then question where they are with Austin sarcastically asking if this day could get any weirder, only for Jamie to bump into Alpha 8 and is fascinated by the sight of a sentient robot and asks her if she's powered by perpetual motion engines. Alpha is flattered by his question only for Zador to introduce himself to the rangers, telling them that his late mentor Zordon placed him on this planet to be its Guardian from any invading forces. he then tells the five to look at the viewing screen and the five notice footage of general Tritor and his goons attacking downtown Angel Grove. Zador explains to the five that the villain they see before him is general Tritor, saying that back on their home planet of Eltar they were once good friends until Tritor turned heel and allied himself with the galactic armada which laid waste to his home planet of Eltar. Molly then asks why he can't just fight this guy himself, and Zador explains that he can't as general Tritor trapped him in a time warp. he then tells the five that they have been chosen to become the latest in the long line of earth's protectors: the Power Rangers, of which Jamie recognizes as the legendary heroes who defended Angel Grove 20 years ago, followed by Brenda asking if he's talking about those samurai guys who saved Angel Grove's rival city Stone Canyon last year. Jamie then shuts her up by telling her that those rangers are totally different from the ones he's talking about, which is of course the original Mighty Morphin' team. Lance turns his head to see the several ranger figurines that line the walls and starts having visions again, saying that they're just like in his dreams. Zador then explains that the power rangers are a legacy that has been protecting the planet earth for nearly 20 years and assigns the five their colors: Brenda will become the pink ranger with the power of the phoenix, Jamie will become the blue ranger with the power of the shark, Austin will become the black ranger with the power of the snake, Molly will become the yellow ranger with the power of the tiger, and Lance will lead the team as the red ranger with the power of the dragon (with Austin showing jealousy over the new kid being picked as team captain over him). Zador then tells them that together the five of them will become the next generation of rangers: the power rangers Megaforce. Lance then tells Zador that this must be a mistake, saying that he's no hero as he's new in town and that he's already having enough stress moving to a new city with surroundings unfamiliar to him, as well as not wanting his mother or little brother to worry about him. Lance tells Zador he's going to have to find someone else to be red ranger before walking out of the command center and onto the nearby beach before doing some more brooding about his legend war visions. we then cut back to the command center where Zador bestows the four rangers their mega morphers and power cards, explaining that they will morph them into rangers. the four then do an insta-morph before Zador and Alpha teleport the four to downtown Angel Grove, right before we cut to general Tritor, Predatox, Cera, and Vrak walking through the commotion while the Caprisects terrorize the city around them. however the chaos is interrupted when the four rangers show up and blast their way through Caprisects (cue footsoldier fight from Goseiger episode 1). after that, the four rangers confront general Tritor and his crew only for Tritor to shoot purple lightning from his fingertips knocking the rangers out cold forcing them to de-morph. however before Tritor can finish them off the four are teleported to safety, much to Tritor's disappointment promising his nemesis Zador that he may have bailed his new team of power rangers out of danger this time but next time will be different before the villains retreat and teleport back to the ship, all the while Lance watches the whole thing and starts to have second thoughts about turning down Zador's offer. we then cut back to the ship where Tritor is frustrated by the fact that Zador managed to recruit his own team of power rangers to fight his battles only for Predatox to enter the throne room and request for general Tritor to send him down to tear those multicolored heroes himself, however Vrak enters the throne room and pushes Predatox out of the way saying that won't be necessary before presenting him with a monster to fight the power rangers: Scarabic the rock beetle. Scarabic then asks general Tritor what his orders are and general Tritor orders him to wreak havoc on Angel Grove and destroy the power rangers. after that, we cut to Lance walking home until Brenda grabs his hand, telling him that she saw how brave he was back there, protecting that kid from those two bullies back there and that this team needs someone like him to be their leader. she then holds hands with Lance right before we cut to Scarabic making giant balls of debris and starts trying to roll over citizens followed Alpha noticing the monster attacking the city before Zador contacts the four rangers and alerts them to the monster attack. the four teleport onto the scene and try to evacuate the civilians followed by Lance arriving on the scene to notice his mom and little brother smack-dab in the monster's pathway. Lance then leaps in and grabs his mom and little brother Allen and gets them to safety, much to the surprise of the other four. Brenda then tells the others that she knew he would come through, followed by Lance apologizing to the others for being late right before a mega-morpher and red power card materialize in Lance's hands much to the surprise of the other four, followed by Lance telling the others to follow his lead. the five then confront the monster morphing, Lance being amazed at the fact that he's the red ranger. general Tritor watches this from the screen and is infuriated by the fact that there are FIVE power rangers now followed by Cera trying to calm him down while Vrak watches from the shadows, promising that once Tritor's out of the way there will be nothing stopping him from proving to his royal family that he's more worthy of the throne. we then cut back to the rangers fighting Scarabic (cue Goseiger episode 1 monster fight). the five rangers then combine their weapons to form the Megaforce blaster to destroy Scarabic once and for all. after that, we cut back to the command center where the rangers take off their helmets while Zador congratulates the five on their first victory, and our episode ends with the five rangers high-fiving each other.

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