Episode 11: Predatox's last stand

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Our episode opens up where the last one left off, with Vrak and Cera finding Predatox living in the desert cave as an exiled warrior (and missing his chest armor, which compliments his status as an exiled warrior). Predatox tells Vrak to buzz off, saying that he's already been humiliated enough after being defeated by a puny human, kicked out of general Tritor's army as punishment for that defeat, AND being stuck in exile on this miserable mudball, he doesn't need him to make things worse before going back into his cave lair. Cera then suggests to Vrak that maybe they should leave, telling him that Predatox clearly isn't the type to listen. Vrak assures Cera that he'll come around, all he needs is a little persuasion. Vrak then tells Predatox that he can help him obtain something he desires: retribution, if he is willing to listen to him. Predatox then turns around and re-emerges from his cave lair, telling Vrak that he's listening loud and clear. after that, we cut to Lance walking home from school until he notices a familiar silhouette from the corner of his eye walking through the forest, however Lance brushes it off as just him seeing things before going on his merry way all the while Predatox watches him from behind the tree, sharpening his bladed arms with anticipation. Fat Jack and Skinny Mack then come across Predatox while trekking through the forest, causing them to freak and try to escape only for Predatox to stop them in their tracks and beat them to a pulp knocking them out unconscious. after that, we cut to Brenda practicing on her guitar in the park only for her song to be interrupted by Predatox who challenges the pink ranger to a fight. Brenda then puts her instrument down and morphs to have a one-on-one original footage fight with Predatox only for him to beat her with an uppercut from his bladed arms that causes her to de-morph. Predatox then grabs the unconscious Brenda telling her that she's coming with him before walking off with her. we then cut to Molly walking home from cheer practice with poor Austin stuck carrying her bags. the two however are interrupted by Zador and Alpha contacting the two on their morphers, informing them that Brenda has been captured and is being held captive in the abandoned warehouse district. the two then ask "by who?" only for their communication to be mysteriously cut off. the two then teleport to the abandoned warehouse to find Brenda tied up in chains, asking her who did this. she then tells the two that it's Predatox, much to their shock. Predatox then arrives on the scene, telling the two that once he's done with them they'll end up like her. the two then morph and fight Predatox (cue black and yellow vs dereputa fight from Goseiger episode 16), only for Predatox to give the two rangers a brutal beating, finishing the two off with a meteor strike causing them to de-morph followed by Vrak and Cera arriving on the scene to wrap Austin and Molly in chains, the two congratulating Predatox on a job well done telling him that they got three rangers down, two to go. Zador then contacts Austin and Jamie, telling the two to teleport to the command center now. Jamie then asks Zador what the big emergency is, and Zador informs them that Brenda, Austin, and Molly have mysteriously gone missing saying that he hasn't been able to contact them, like someone has found a way to block their communications. Jamie then ponders about who could have done this, followed by Alpha telling the two to look at the viewing screen. the two then see Brenda, Austin, Molly, Fat Jack, and Skinny Mack in chains and tied to wooden poles in the ground. Predatox's face then pops up on screen, challenging Lance to a fight telling him that if he ever wants to see his friends again he's gonna have to meet him at the nearby quarry. Lance then tries to rush out of the command center, however he is stopped by Jamie who tells Lance not to go as this could be a trap. Lance then tells Jamie that if he doesn't go he'll risk losing their friends. Jamie understands Lance's point and tells him that he'll go with him. we then cut to Fat Jack and Skinny Mack waking up to find themselves tied up asking what's going on. Molly then rolls her eyes, asking what THEY are doing here, followed by the two telling her the story of how they heard that there were sightings of aliens in Angel Grove so they were walking through the woods looking for proof that aliens exist so that they can get famous until they came across this giant praying mantis-looking alien that attacked them and then they blacked out and ended up here. Austin then turns his head to Molly telling her "look on the bright side, at least we're together" which makes Molly even more uncomfortable all the while Predatox comments how humans are so annoying. Brenda then tells the others to look followed by Lance and Jamie arriving on the scene, telling the others that they're here to rescue them. Fat Jack and Skinny Mack are relieved, excited to be saved, followed by Austin, Molly, and Brenda telling the two to kick Predatox's butt. Predatox then tells them all to silence before confronting Austin and Jamie, followed by Predatox telling Jamie that he could care less about him and that it's Lance that he wants, Predatox explaining to Lance that he captured his friends as part of a plan to lure him here so he can defeat him as retribution for his defeat in episode 7 that led to him getting exiled from general Tritor's army, so he can prove to his master that he's still worthy of serving him, all the while general Tritor watches their confrontation from his throneroom aboard the ship. Lance and Jamie then both morph while the others watch, followed by Fat Jack and Skinny Mack exclaiming "wait.... THEY'RE power rangers!?" much to the concern of the other three, since they aren't supposed to reveal their secret identities and all and they just broke that rule (cue Goseiger episode 16 second fight). Predatox then mops the floor with the two rangers, followed by Lance and Jamie summoning their weapons to gain the upper hand. Predatox then locks his arm blades with Lance's dragon sword, telling the red ranger that he's gonna enjoy ripping him to shreds, followed by Lance telling him that he's not the one that's gonna get ripped to shreds, the two clashing their blades until Predatox kicks Lance knocking him down, followed by Predatox telling Lance that Tritor's gonna be so proud of him once he slays the almighty red ranger. Lance then tries to reason with Predatox, telling him that Tritor doesn't care about him or anyone and that he's a monster who only cares about himself. Predatox tells Lance that he's gonna pay for disrespecting his master like that and tries to hit him with a meteor blast, only for Jamie to block Predatox's attack with a power card that summons a water shield. the blast then causes the two rangers to fall off the cliff all the while Brenda, Austin, and Molly shout "NOOOOOOO!!!!!" while Fat Jack and Skinny Mack are shaking too scared to say anything. Lance and Jamie then both summon their megaforce cycles to break their fall, landing on their motorbikes followed by the two driving towards the cliff and firing their headders at the cliff causing a landslide that sends Predatox falling to the ground. Predatox then gets back up, telling the two that they've greatly underestimated him, using an energy slash attack to knock the rangers off their bikes and causing them to de-morph. Predatox then taunts the two downed rangers, telling them that defeating them was a piece of cake and that he can't wait to return to general Tritor and tell him that he defeated the power rangers only for Lance to get back up and morph, summoning his dragon sword before charging at Predatox and fighting him one-on-one all the while Jamie watches in awe of Lance's stubbornness. Brenda then cheers Lance on, telling him that he can beat him. the others join in, cheering on Lance. Tritor also watches the fight from his throneroom on the ship, saying that Predatox is more of a desperate fool than he thought. the fight continues with Lance and Predatox are both evenly matched, Predatox taunting Lance by telling him that he managed to beat all of his fellow rangers without breaking a sweat and that defeating him will be child's play. while Lance and Predatox are too busy fighting each other, Jamie sneaks around and frees the other rangers from their bondage by blasting the chains with his headder blaster. the others thank Jamie for being free, however Fat Jack and Skinny Mack are still chained up and demand to be set free, followed by Jamie blasting their chains too setting the two bullies free and causing the two to comically fall flat on their faces. we then cut back to Lance's fight with Predatox, where Lance deflects Predatox's meteor blasts with his dragon sword before whipping out his headder blaster to blast Predatox and tries to fight him with both sword and blaster in hand. Predatox then grabs Lance by the leg and tosses him over his shoulder, followed by hitting the downed red ranger with a meteor blast causing Lance to de-morph. Predatox then taunts Lance even more, telling him "I thought the almighty leader of the power rangers would put up more of a fight, but i guess I'm sadly mistaken. no matter, I'm still going to take pleasure in putting you out of your misery", followed by Predatox raising one bladed arm in the air ready to strike, however Lance grabs his dragon sword and blocks Predatox's blade and tells him "not today" before morphing and slashing Predatox across the chest with his dragon sword injuring him. the two then have a little Mexican standoff, all the while the other rangers watch and continue to cheer on Lance all the while Fat Jack and Skinny Mack decide to join in and cheer Lance on as well. Lance and Predatox then both charge at each other before jumping in the air and slashing each other with their blades. the two then land on opposite sides of the quarry. Predatox then falls to his knees, telling Lance "you win this round, red ranger" before exploding. Lance is relieved to finally be rid of Predatox once and for all, followed by the other four rangers arriving on the scene to congratulate him on his victory, only for Vrak and Cera to show up with Vrak clapping his hands, telling the rangers congratulations for defeating Predatox, telling them that Predatox was a mere pawn and that he was the one behind this entire scheme this whole time. the other four rangers then morph followed by all five pointing their headder blasters at Vrak and Cera, all the while Fat Jack and Skinny Mack watch this all unfold from atop the cliffside, Skinny Mack watching with his binoculars. Fat Jack asks what he sees, followed by Skinny Mack telling him that he spots the creepy lady that impersonated principal mason (a callback to the previous episode), but he doesn't recognize the other one. Vrak then spots the two watching him from the cliffside and fires blue lightning out of his spear causing the two to panic and run away. Vrak then tells the rangers that he has one last surprise left for them snapping his fingers summoning the zombats to make Predatox grow giant. Vrak and Cera then teleport away followed the rangers summoning their zords along with Molly contacting Alpha and telling her to summon the datazord for backup. the rangers then form the guardian megazord while Alpha whips out the remote and activates the viewing screen's transformation into the datazord (cue Goseiger episode 12 megazord fight). Predatox then manages to mop the floor with both the guardian megazord and the datazord, followed by Predatox hitting the two now-downed megazords with a galactic meteor blast attack. Jamie then contacts Alpha, telling her to downmorph every zord they got. Alpha then tells Jamie that she's on it pressing a button on the remote followed by Lance whipping out a new power card which summons the sea, land, and sky brothers zords all at the same time. Predatox then asks what's going on followed by the guardian megazord, datazord, sea brothers, land brothers, and sky brothers zords all combining to form the guardian ultrazord to destroy Predatox once and for all. after that, we cut to the rangers celebrating Lance's victory by having drinks at Ernie's, however their little celebration is cut short when Fat Jack and Skinny Mack barge in and start videotaping the rangers, demanding the five to tell them their secret on camera. Lance then asks what they're talking about, followed by the two telling them that they KNOW they're the power rangers. the five are then petrified in fear, remembering that the two of them know. Jamie then tells the others not to worry pulling out his morpher to activate a memory wipe card causing the two to forget everything that happened in this episode, followed by the two asking them why they're here. after that, we cut to general, Tritor's ship where we see Vrak and Cera entering the throneroom where they see general Tritor watching footage of Predatox's defeat at the hands of the guardian ultrazord, Tritor asking the two if they had any hand in helping Predatox in his little revenge scheme against the rangers that resulted in his defeat followed by the two kneeling before him, Vrak confessing that it was all his doing. Tritor then tells the two that Predatox was an incompetent bufoon who's unhealthy obsession with the red ranger led to his demise, telling the two to let this be a lesson to those who serve him to not step out of line, or pay the consequences. our episode then ends with a shot of the aurora box in the middle of the forest setting up the next arc.

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