Episode 9: Electric avenue

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Our episode opens up with Molly at home getting herself ready for school before her mom tells her to hurry up telling her that she's gonna be late. after that, we cut to Jamie in the command center tinkering with the oh-so-arcade-machine-like viewing screen (hint hint), Alpha asking Jamie what he's doing. Jamie then explains to her that he's trying to put some good use to this old hunk of junk, handing Alpha some blueprints on his laptop for his latest project: the datazord, telling the clueless robot that he played hookie just so he could have the time to work on this little science project. Jamie then tells Alpha to hand him a wrench, followed by Alpha (of course) handing him a wrench. we then cut to Molly at cheer practice where she meets the newest member of the Angel Grove high cheerleading squad, Michelle. Michelle then shakes Molly's hand telling her that she's a big fan. the other girls don't like Michelle, telling her that she'll never make the team and calling her nicknames like "Michelle the smell" all the while Molly comes to her defense and tells them to give her a chance. Molly then tries to teach Michelle some of her moves only for her to slip up making the other girls laugh, followed by Molly helping her up and telling her not to listen to them and that with a little practice she'll get better, all the while Austin admires her from the bleachers telling Lance and Brenda that she's so confident which is one of the reasons why he likes her before Brenda interjects saying that she feels so sorry for that new girl and that she's happy that her best friend can help her out. Lance then asks the two where Jamie is, followed by Austin telling Lance that he has no idea where ol' nerd boy is followed by Brenda telling the two that Mr. Fowler told her that he called in sick today. after that, we cut to general Tritor's ship where we see general Tritor sitting on his throne observing the yellow ranger from the viewing screen telling her that once he takes over earth he'll turn that smile into a frown. Cera then enters the throneroom and presents to him a monster that'll electrify the people of earth: electrode, all the while Vrak silently watches from the other side of the room. electrode then demonstrates his electric powers by sending an electrical shock into the ceiling of the throneroom that causes a brief blackout in the ship. once the lights turn back on, general Tritor applauds before ordering Cera to send the monster to earth immediately all the while Vrak monologues to himself saying that Tritor won't be applauding for long. we then cut back to Molly sitting in the schoolyard where she is approached by Michelle who thanks her for standing up for her and trying to teach her some of her moves, even if she can be a bit clumsy. Molly then tells her not to mention it assuring Michelle that with a little practice she'll be able to keep up with the other girls in no time. however this sweet moment is then interrupted by Zador and Alpha contacting her to inform her that a monster is attacking downtown Angel Grove. we then cut to electrode wreaking havoc in downtown Angel Grove, absorbing all the electricity in Angel Grove causing a city-wide blackout, including the juice bar where Ernie jr. asks who turned the lights out and at the school where Mr. Fowler assures his students not to panic assuring them that it's just a power outage while Fat Jack and Skinny Mack accidentally bump into each other not being able to see in the dark. electrode then releases the electricity he absorbed in an electric attack that destroys a nearby car, only for Lance, Austin, Molly, and Brenda to arrive on the scene on their megaforce cycles telling the monster to stop right there. Jamie then arrives on the scene on his megaforce cycle and apologizes to the team for being late, Austin asking Jamie where he's been all this time. Jamie then tells Austin that he's been pretending to be sick so he could work on a little pet project, followed by Lance telling Jamie that he can explain later before the five rangers confront the monster followed by electrode summoning the Caprisects (cue Goseiger episode 11 first fight). once the rangers destroy all the Caprisects, electrode then electrocutes the rangers with an electric attack. however before he can charge up for another electric attack, Lance tells the rangers to aim for his chest and they blast him with their headder blasters. general Tritor is furious that the rangers managed to defeat his monster, however Cera assures him that he's not done yet pressing a button on her tablet summoning a thundercloud that shows up in the sky and rejuvinates the monster healing him from his injuries with its lightning, much to the rangers's shock (no pun intended), asking how that's possible. we then see general Tritor arrive on the scene with Cera and Vrak by his side, much to the rangers's shock. Tritor then slowly claps his hands, telling the five rangers that his old friend Zador taught them well, but not enough. Lance then tells Tritor that Zador is a kind and wise mentor and father figure to us all, telling Tritor that he's just a monster before summoning his dragon sword and charging at him head on. Tritor then blocks the blade of Lance's sword with his axe telling him that he's wrong, recognizing him as the one who singlehandedly bested Predatox before saying that Zador was a fool for believing he could save their home planet of Eltar from being subjugated by the armada and he's a fool for thinking he could save this one too before electrocuting Lance with his force lightning knocking him back. the other four rangers then open fire on Tritor with their headder blasters, only for him to deflect their blasts with his bare hands back at them knocking them down. the five rangers then get back up on their feet only for electrode to stand in the rangers's way to protect Tritor. Tritor then supercharges electrode with his force lightning followed by electrode electrocuting the rangers with a supercharged electric attack that knocks them out cold and causes them to de-morph. Tritor, Cera, and Vrak then laugh at the rangers's defeat before teleporting back to the ship while electrode escapes by turning into electricity and travelling through a power line leaving the rangers lying on the ground badly injured. Alpha watches the entire fight from the viewing screen, shocked to see the rangers being so gravely injured by general Tritor. Zador tells Alpha that this is even more serious than he thought and tells Alpha to teleport the rangers to the command center immediately. once the rangers are teleported to the command center, they thank Zador for saving their skin back there. Zador then tells the rangers that he's glad that they are safe and that general Tritor is someone you do NOT want to pick a fight with, Austin saying "tell me about it", remembering their encounter with the dude back in "mega mission". Lance then tells Zador that general Tritor said that he was a fool for thinking he could save their home planet of Eltar, asking him what he meant. Zador then confesses to the rangers that he never told them the full story of his and Tritor's past. we then cut to a flashback on Eltar several years ago where we see Zador in humanoid form along with Tritor back when the two were still friends. the two walk the peaceful streets of Eltar, the two being close friends in spite of them having very different roles in Eltarian society, Tritor being a general in the Eltarian military and Zador being a scientist studying the secrets of the morphing grid under the guidance of the great Eltarian sage zordon. Tritor ridicules Zador for being such a total bookworm, telling him that there's nothing productive about burying your face in some old books when he can be fighting for their people on the front lines like him. Zador apologizes to Tritor, telling him that he's a pascifist not a fighter. Tritor then rolls his eyes, telling his friend that he's gone soft asking him what would he do if Eltar were to be under attack before leaving. Zador then returns to his study, entering the room containing Zordon's tube where we get the return of David fielding as Zordon who warns his apprentice that he predicts a looming darkness over Eltar, informing him that the royal house of malus has declared war on Eltar and that there's not much time left for their people. Zador then leaves the room, followed by his Alpha unit Alpha 8 asking her master what's wrong. Zador then tells Alpha that the armada is going to invade Eltar and that he needs to warn the high council. we then cut to Zador arriving at the high council building attempting to warn the high council about the coming invasion, however they don't believe him telling him that there has been peace between Eltar and the royal house of malus for thousands of years, saying that if they were to break their peace treaty they would be foolish. Zador then protests, telling them that his mentor zordon foresaw the invasion which makes the high council change their minds and listen. Zador then tells the council that he has an idea for how to save their people: evacuate their people on an experimental ship he designed, showing a hologram to them of the ship that resembles the megaforce command center. general Tritor then enters the building, now wearing his new evil outfit and with Vrak and Predatox by his side pushing Zador out of the way and telling the high council that Eltar is an old world nearing its end and that the only hope for their people's salvation is by submitting to the armada. the head councilman refuses, telling Tritor that he's gone mad labeling him a traitor to his own people only for Tritor to shoot force lightning from his fingertips vaporizing the high councilman followed by Vrak and Predatox beating the other councilmen into submission. Zador then gets up and notices out the window of the building fleets of armada ships firing at the cities of Eltar below, horrified by such a sight. Zador protests against Tritor, asking his former friend what has gotten into him Zador telling Tritor that this isn't salvation, it's subjugation. Tritor then tells Zador that the armada showed him the key to achieving peace in the universe, peace through control and that he can learn too if he joins him. Zador refuses, forcing Tritor to do something he didn't want to do: trap Zador in a time warp. we then cut back to present day where Zador finishes his story to the rangers telling them that Tritor was a madman with delusions of grandure, one who truly believed he was doing the right thing. Lance then tells Zador that he feels sorry for him, saying that he can't imagine being betrayed by a close friend like that. Zador then tells Lance not to feel sorry for him, assuring them that Tritor is too far gone and that he has them now. the command center then suddenly loses power and all the lights go out, causing Alpha to panic asking what's going on, Jamie noticing that Zador's tube has been deactivated before realizing that this must be that electricity monster's doing. Molly then tells the other rangers that she has something to take cart of and teleports out of the command center. after that, we cut to electrode arriving at Angel Grove by travelling through the electrical current, which freaks out both Fat Jack and Skinny Mack whom both hide in their lockers afraid of the monster, all the while Michelle overhears this conversation from inside one of the classrooms which she chose as her hiding spot to hide from the monster. Molly then teleports into the school hallway, sneaking past the monster before blasting the door open with her headder blaster. she then enters the classroom only to find Michelle hiding under the desk. Molly then assures Michelle to not worry as she has a plan to get them to safety. Molly then punches a window open and tells Michelle to crawl out, however the two girls are stopped in their tracks by electrode who asks the two where they're going. Molly then tells michelle to go while she holds him off, Michelle crawling out the window while Molly has an unmorphed fight with electrode one-on-one until he retreats by escaping through the electrical current again teleporting himself outside. Molly then confronts the monster by herself, telling him that he'll pay for trying to hurt Michelle. the other four rangers then arrive on the scene on their megaforce cycles to confront the monster, Molly telling the four that she's glad to see them before pulling out her morpher and morphing into the yellow ranger to join her teammates (cue Goseiger episode 11 second fight). the five rangers then fight the Caprisects followed by Michelle arriving on the scene to witness the fight, hiding behind a tree for safety. Molly then grabs Austin's headder blaster from his holster telling him she's gonna need to borrow it for a second followed by her dual-wielding taking out Caprisects left and right while Michelle is in awe of how awesome the yellow ranger is. Molly then tosses Austin's blaster back to him before rushing towards the monster head on followed by Austin admiring her bravery and telling the others "that's my girl". Molly dodges the monster's electro-whips and delivers a swift kick to his face. however this isn't over yet, as a giant holographic transmission from Tritor appears in the sky telling the rangers that this isn't over yet saying that he won't stop until Zador's rangers and this planet fall before him, the rangers telling Tritor that Zador is noble and good and he's nothing but pure evil, Lance asking Tritor how he could betray his own people like that. Tritor then tells the rangers to silence before shooting force lightning from his fingertips supercharging the monster up with more electricity before ordering electrode to destroy the power rangers before ending the transmission. electrode then assures Tritor that he'll put the juice he gave him to good use before blasting the rangers with an electro-ball attack. Michelle watches in shock as the rangers get smacked around by the monster, followed by Michelle telling the yellow ranger not to give up telling her that her friend Molly taught her to get back up on her feet and keep on trying. Molly then gets back up, telling the other four rangers to stand back and watch as she shows this overgrown sparkplug how it's done, Angel Grove high style. Austin is confused, asking what she's talking about. Molly then performs her moves she practiced as a cheerleader to fight the monster, inspiring Michelle in the process who cheers the rangers on followed by the other rangers decide to join in the fun and assist her in battle, the movements of Molly's feet redirecting the electricity from the monster back into the school, the juice bar, and even the command center reviving Zador in the process. Zador asks Alpha what happened, all the while Alpha is stunned by what she sees on screen telling Zador that it's Molly that's doing this. Molly then summons the land brother zords to link up to the rangers headder blasters to finish off electrode. Austin then tells Molly that what she did was brilliant, followed by Michelle coming out of hiding to applaud the rangers, telling the yellow ranger that she's her hero. Molly is honored to hear this, however this happy moment is interrupted when general Tritor orders Vrak to summon the zombats. Vrak then snaps his fingers summoning the zombats to make electrode grow followed by the rangers summoning their zords to fight electrode (cue Goseiger episode 11 megazord fight). electrode then proceeds to suck the electricity out of the megazord, weakening it in the process allowing the monster to beat up the megazord while its down, Jamie jokingly telling the rangers that he regrets making these machines electric. Jamie then contacts Alpha on the viewing screen, telling her that now would be the good time to test out his little pet project. Alpha then downmorphs a new power card to Molly, telling her that it's yet another gift from Zador as a reward for her determination before pressing a button on the viewing screen. a new power card then pops out of Molly's belt buckle, Jamie telling her and the other rangers to get ready to meet the project he's been working on this whole time. Alpha then pulls out a remote and presses a button that causes the viewing screen cabinet to launch itself out of the command center and into the air, growing giant and landing in front of the megazord. Molly then asks Jamie what the heck that is, followed by Austin asking Jamie if this is his super-secret project, making the witty remark that it looks like a giant version of the old arcade machine they have in the command center. Jamie tells Austin that's because it is, he just added a few tweaks to it. Alpha then arrives on the scene remote in hand, telling Molly to use the new card to trigger the transformation. Molly then places her power card in her morpher, summoning the bullet headder which flies towards the monster knocking it down before attaching itself to the top of the viewing screen cabinet, transforming it into the datazord. the rangers are amazed, telling Jamie that he's awesome for being able to pull something like this off. Jamie then tells the other that he didn't do it alone, Alpha helped. Alpha then informs the rangers that she controls the zord remotely using the remote control she's carrying that was build by Jamie. she then tells the rangers to allow her to demonstrate what this zord can do, pressing another button on the remote that causes the datazord to punch electrode repeatedly with its boxing glove fists while the other rangers cheer on Alpha telling her to kick that monster's butt. Alpha then presses another button on the remote that activates the datazord's finisher which destroys electrode once and for all thus restoring all the power to Angel Grove. we then cut to Tritor throwing a hissy fit over the fact that Cera's plan failed, threatening to electrocute her only for Vrak to stop him in his tracks, telling him not to hurt her. Tritor then asks Vrak why he shouldn't vaporize her, followed by Vrak telling Tritor that she is still of use to them followed by Tritor sparing her life, telling Vrak that he better be right followed by Vrak and Cera exiting the throneroom. we then cut back to Angel Grove high where we see Fat Jack and Skinny Mack hop out of their lockers where they run into Lance, Austin, Jamie, and Brenda asking them if the monster's gone. they then assure the two that the monster is long gone, which gives the two a sigh relief. Mr. Fowler then enters the hallway and spots Jamie, asking him where he's been this entire time. Jamie tries to lie, saying that he's been sick this entire time. Mr. Fowler then tells Jamie that he knows he's lying and that he's in big trouble now which makes Jamie gulp. after that, we cut to Michelle arriving at cheer practice where she is yet again more scrutiny by the other girls, however Michelle proves them all wrong by showing off the new cheer moves she learned from Molly. the girls in shock apologize to Michelle for mistreating her and welcome her onto the cheer squad, and our episode ends with Molly placing her hand on Michelle's shoulder telling her "you did good, kid".

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