Episode 16: Welcome to the family

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Our episode opens up with sensei giving Spike a tour of their dojo, explaining that he'll be staying here as long as he is a samurai power ranger. luckily they have a spare room for him to stay and tells him to make himself comfy. Oscar then notices Spike's morpher and notices that it's different from theirs. sensei Nobu then explains to Oscar that he built Spike's morpher out of what he could salvage from Spike's crushed cell phone and that due to Spike's lack of kanji experience it utilizes digital symbol power which is just like texting, in other words it's basically samurai training wheels. sensei then tosses Spike his training uniform which matches the ones the main five wear and tells him that if he's gonna live the samurai life might as well wear the trappings of one and that he's made him a samurai cycle for him to ride with the other rangers. after that, we cut to Akuma palace where we see Octomancer summon the monster Slicer, whom of which was close friends with Vulpes and begs lord Ashura to let him go after the rangers so that he can avenge his fallen friend. lord Ashura gives him permission to go to the surface world before we cut to the dojo where we see sensei overseeing a sparring match between Kenji and Spike, with Spike managing to hold his own against Kenji who tells Spike that he's getting better. sensei then hears a knock on the door which turns out to be Bulk who asks Nobu if Spike's here. Spike then asks uncle Bulk what brings him here, and Bulk tells Spike that he misses him and wants him to come back to the sushi restaurant, followed by Spike trying to reason with Bulk by telling him that he doesn't want to go back to serving sushi as he's finally found a new purpose in life and that he's not a little kid anymore and that he has no reason to coddle him only for Spike's morpher to slip out of his pocket. Bulk then picks it up and looks at it and then puts two and two together: Spike is the gold ranger. Bulk being the over-protective uncle that he is tells Spike that he'll hold onto this for now on before sensei tries to reason with Bulk saying that he's a samurai ranger now and has a right to be part of this team, however Bulk doesn't listen saying that he would rather not have his precious Spike be subjected to his Japanese period fantasy indoctrination. Spike tries to reason with Bulk by saying that sensei's cool and that this is where he belongs, a place where he can be himself: a HERO. Bulk then tells Spike that being a hero is dangerous and that he could get hurt out there or worse and that he wants him to come back to the nice sushi restaurant where it's safe. Bulk then drags Spike by the hand and drags him away with him. sensei then hears the gap sensor go off and tells the rangers to go after the monster while he goes to get Spike back. we then cut to Bulk dragging Spike down the street, only for Slicer to use his blade to comically slice Bulk's pants into pieces causing him to accidentally let go of Spike's hand. sensei then comes to their rescue and uses symbol power to write the kanji for "transport" to transport the three of them to Bulk's sushi spot. we then cut back to the rangers who arrive on the scene on their samurai cycles to confront the monster. Slicer then tells the rangers that they will pay for destroying Vulpes and attacks the rangers with his many blades before retreating back to the netherworld. we then cut back to Bulk's sushi spot where Bulk and Spike argue over whether Spike should be a ranger or not, all the while sensei watches them argue and is reminded of how his out of the box way of thinking was frowned upon by grandpa Mako. he then pokes both of them in their pressure points to get them to stop and tells Bulk that Spike is old enough to make decisions for himself which is why he should let him forge his own path in life, sensei telling Bulk that he was once in Spike's shoes during his youth which is why he sees a little bit of himself in Spike. he then lets them both go and Bulk is touched by sensei's words and hands Spike his morpher back, telling him that he's sorry for sheltering him so much and the two hug before sensei informs Spike that the other rangers need him. we then cut to Slicer and an army of marauders attacking a construction site until the five rangers show up on their samurai cycles to confront him. Spike then rides in on is own samurai cycle wearing his fake gold ranger costume to join his fellow rangers and the six rangers morph together for the first time (cue shinkenger episode 18 fight). the rangers then welcome Spike to the team before Nocturna shows up to play her shamisen to make the monster grow. Spike then summons the octo zord which combines with the samurai megazord to form the samurai octo megazord which finishes off the monster with an octo spear attack. after that, we cut back to the dojo where the Spike prepares some sushi recipes that his uncle Bulk taught him and serves them to sensei and the rangers and our episode ends with them giving Spike the thumbs up only to boost his self-confidence.

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