Episode 16: Moltor's Revenge

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Guest ranger of this episode: Mack Hartford (red Overdrive ranger)

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Guest ranger of this episode: Mack Hartford (red Overdrive ranger)

Our episode opens up with the rangers at school, Austin saying "y'know, our little off-world adventure was fun and all, but after a while I started to miss Earth" Brenda saying "my father was probably worried sick about me" while Molly puts her arm around Brenda and tells her "I think all our families were" while Jamie says "not to mention all the school we missed. my grades have been slipping during that time between helping out the resistance fight the Armada's invasion force as rangers and our recent space adventure" before we see Mr. Fowler enters the classroom to tell the good news that they'll be going on a class field trip to the Angel Grove power rangers museum, Fat Jack and Skinny Mack both getting excited upon hearing this. We then cut to the Armada flagship where we see Cyberon report to Prince Vekar informing him that they have pinpointed an artifact located on Earth that might be of the Armada's interest: the Heart of Hades. Vekar is intrigued, begging for Cyberon to tell him more. Destro says that he heard of the heart of Hades, according to legend it was an ancient relic of the gods that had the power to reanimate the dead, saying that he thought it was a myth. Vekar theorizes that if they use it properly, then they could use it to revive all their fallen troops as many times as they want and nothing would stop them from conquering Earth. We then cut to Mr. Fowler's class touring the Power Rangers museum where the museum curator explains that these ranger-related artifacts were donated to the museum by famed archaeologist and adventurer Andrew Hartford, CEO of Hartford industries. Fat Jack whispers into Jamie's ear asking "wasn't he the mentor of the Overdrive rangers?" Jamie saying "I think so". Skinny Mack then says "I heard on a ranger conspiracy website that he built himself a robot son, but was never confirmed. some day he covered it up because he was afraid his technology would end up falling into the wrong hands or something" Jamie rolls his eyes, saying "that's dumb. I mean an android version of Pinocchio? give me a break. don't believe everything you hear on the internet" the museum curator shows the class to a glass containing the museum's newest addition to its artifact collection: the Heart of Hades, discovered on a father-son expedition to the fallen ruins of the Roman empire by Andrew Hartford and his son, Mack Hartford. And right on cue none other than Mack Hartford himself shows up and says "excuse me miss I'll take it from here" and Mack starts lecturing the class about the legend of the Heart of Hades, telling them the story of how this artifact was believed by ancient civilizations to be able to reanimate the dead, as long ago an ancient king tried to use it to raise an army of the undead from the graves which led to the heart being locked away inside a temple so that no one would ever use it for sinister purposes again. The class gasp in horror, however Mack assures them that it's just a story. However a platoon of X-borgs arrive on the scene crashing through the room Mack telling everyone to get out of here as he tries to escort Mr. Fowler and his students to safety. Mack then sees the X-borgs steal the Heart of Hades, Mack exclaiming "NO!" while the main five legend force rangers engage in an unmorphed fight with the X-borgs only for them to escape with the Heart. Orion contacts the team on their Morphers, telling them to come to the sky ship immediately with the five sneaking off to teleport. The five then arrive at the sky ship Alpha and Polly both happy to see them again while Orion asks the five what the Armada stole from the museum. Austin says it was something called "the heart of Hades" which deeply troubles Orion, saying that he heard stories about the heart but he had no idea the stories were real. Molly then asks "what exactly would the Armada want with some dusty old relic?" only for the six to hear a familiar voice say "what else would an evil galaxy-conquering empire want with a mystical artifact that can reanimate the dead? to raise their fallen armies of course" and in steps none other than Mack who tells the six that he's here to help them recover that artifact. Orion asks the five who's this guy, Alpha saying "with all due respect Orion, I have no idea" Mack looks at Alpha and says "hey, you're a robot! you know I used to be a robot too" much to the confusion of Jamie and Alpha with Alpha cocking her head asking "are we related?" Mack shakes hands with Orion, introducing himself as Mack Hartford, red ranger from Operation Overdrive. Mack tells the legend force team that he's faced many different baddies during his time as a ranger including Moltor, Flurrious, Kamdor, and the Fearcats a who's-who of the universe's meanest. but they were all the same, maniacs who wanted to use the power of ancient relics to rule the world. Orion pulls up the map on the sky ship's computer monitor, Orion saying that there's been Armada activity in the city of San Angeles, Mack's hometown. This makes Mack concerned, asking Orion to take our heroes there now saying that he has an Idea of who the Armada plans on resurrecting and it's not a good one. our heroes then arrive at the Hartford mansion where our heroes are greeted at the door by Spencer who says "master Mack, you didn't tell me we would be having guests" Mack tells Spencer that these are Earth's current team of Power Rangers and that they're trying to get back an artifact that the Armada stole. Spencer understands the urgency of the situation and lets them in. Mack sits everyone down while Spencer offers the six Legend force rangers snacks and beverages, Mack explaining that just outside the city limits of San Angeles is a dormant volcano that was once the lair of Moltor, one of the many villains that his ranger team faced, Mack showing the six the holographic image of Moltor saying "he was one ugly dude". Orion understands the urgency of the situation, saying "we can't afford to let the Armada resurrect Moltor, we have to go and stop then" Lance butts heads with Orion telling him "Hey pal, I'm the red ranger. you may have been the one who mentored us after we lost Zador and gave us our pirate powers, but I'm still this team's leader not you" while Brenda tries to break the two up saying that we're on the same team here. Spencer asks Mack what they're arguing about. Mack tells his butler that he thinks this team may seem to be having "internal conflicts" Mack tells the Legend force team that they should go now and the six hop aboard the sky ship before it takes off. we then see the sky ship fly over the mountains just outside San Angeles where our heroes teleport down with Mack leading the way, Mack telling the Legend force team that they couldn't have gotten that far. the five trek through the mountains with Mack saying that what remains of Moltor's volcano lair is just up ahead while Lance says "then I say we charge in, take back the Heart of Hades, and destroy it" however Orion butts in telling Lance that his decision is rather rash, however Lance retaliates by telling Orion that he's been a ranger longer than he has which is why he's more qualified for the leader position and that his fancy silver suit doesn't change a thing. however the two bickering is interrupted by Insidia who shows up with a platoon of X-borgs and bruisers saying "looking for this, rangers?" as she holds up the heart of Hades. Mack tells her "give that back, we won't let you resurrect Moltor!" Insidia tells the rangers that they're too late and hands the heart to an X-borg telling him to take it into the volcano. Orion tells Lance, Molly, and Mack to go after the heart while he, Austin, Jamie, and Brenda hold off the Armada footsoldiers, Lance saying "hey, I'm the leader remember I don't take orders from you!" however Mack puts his hand on Lance's shoulder and says they should probably do what he says and Lance begrudgingly agrees and the three storm through the cave entrance that leads to the volcano while Orion, Austin, Jamie, and Brenda morph to fight off the footsoldiers (cue Gokaiger episode 21 fight) Insidia telling the rangers that they're a nuisance. Orion then says "alright guys, let's go ninja!" morphing into the green samurai ranger from Ninja storm shouting "Samurai storm, ranger form!" while the other three morph into the Alien rangers shouting "power of water, power of light!" the four fighting off the footsoldiers before we cut to Mack, Lance, and Molly trekking through the volcano while Lance mumbles to himself saying "I can't believe that guy, just because he's a ranger now he thinks he can steal my leadership position from me!" while Molly tells Lance to just give it a rest already. Mack puts his hand on Lance's shoulder and gives him advice, telling Lance "A good leader must also be a good follower. Orion probably wasn't trying to take the leader position away from you, he was probably just trying to help contribute to your team. you gotta treat your teammates as equals rather than subordinates, because that's the mark of a true leader". Lance is moved by Mack's speech, however the ground starts cracking from below the three forcing them to make a run for it, Lance and Molly morphing to grab onto Mack and leap to the other side not trying to touch the lava. however they are too late as they see the X-borgs have arrived at Moltor's tomb before they did, Lance and Molly shooting down the footsoldiers leaving only one left who places the Heart of Hades into Moltor's chest reanimating him, Mack shouting "NO!" as Moltor awakens, the undead villain exclaiming "who DARES to disturb me from my sleep?" destroying the X-borgs with a swing of his two swords looking at the red and yellow Legend force rangers shouting "power rangers! what are you doing here!" Mack then says "we gotta go" before Moltor gets angry causing Lava to shoot out from the pools below forcing Lance and Molly to throw grappling hooks into the air that latch onto the top of the volcano allowing the three to climb to their escape. we then cut to the other rangers who finish off the remaining bruisers forcing Insidia to engage the rangers herself only for the revived Moltor to show up and slash at the rangers knocking them back into civilian form. Insidia sees Moltor step in and sees he has the Heart of Hades embedded in his chest exclaiming "unbelievable, it worked!" Moltor thanks the green-skinned alien woman for going to great lengths to resurrect him, saying that soon he will have his revenge on the power rangers who defeated him all those years ago. Orion asks "who is this guy? he sure doesn't look like one of the Armada's goons" and Jamie exclaims "That's Moltor! he was a villain that the Overdrive rangers defeated back in 2007!" Insidia then says "he's too powerful to be controlled, guess I'll have to retreat for now" before teleporting away. Moltor then raises his sword ready to finish off the four rangers only for Mack, Lance, and Molly arrive on the scene the red and yellow rangers shooting the sword out of Moltor's hand with Mack saying "It ends here Moltor, and this time for good!" Moltor then has flashbacks to his final fight with Mack at the end of Operation Overdrive, Moltor saying "yes, I remember now. you were the red ranger!" Mack then puts his hand on Lance's shoulder saying "was the red ranger, until this guy". Lance offers his hand to Orion and helps him back up, Orion saying "thanks, leader. I don't know where we would be without you" Lance saying "you're welcome, mentor. it's thanks to you that I'm still able to lead this team" showing that the two rangers have reconciled which relieves the rest of the team, Lance saying that it's thanks to Mack that he now realizes what it truly means to be a good leader and the six then do their roll call (cue Gokaiger episode 21 second fight) the six fight off Moltor only for Orion to get knocked on his rear, Orion saying "you five take it from here!" Lance saying "got it Orion!" and the five hit Moltor with a final strike that Moltor blocks with his sword and deflects back at the rangers. Mack tells the rangers not to give up, however Moltor says "with the Heart of Hades now a part of me I am immortal, invincible, unstoppable!" the six then get back up with Lance saying "alright rangers, let's honor Mack by kicking into Overdrive!" the six whipping out their Operation Overdrive keys to morph into the Overdrive rangers, shouting "Overdrive accelerate!" Moltor is shocked, exclaiming "Overdrive rangers?" with Lance saying "well, the pirated version" while Mack smiles. Austin, Brenda, and Orion attack Moltor with their drive vortex, drive geyser, and drive detector while Jamie and Molly attack with the drive slammer and drive claws. Moltor knocks away their attacks only for Lance to rush in and aim for the heart with the drive lance, Moltor grabbing the end of the weapon and taunting the red ranger saying that he won't be easily defeated again. however Lance grabs onto Moltor's arm with the drive lance before telling the others "now!" and the other rangers fire a blast from the drill blaster in mixer mode that freezes Moltor's legs in cement. Lance grabs the heart of hades and rips it out of Moltor's chest, saying "sorry pal but this thing belongs to the museum!" before tossing it to Mack who thanks the rangers for their help. the six then revert back into their legend force mode only for Moltor to get back up, Moltor saying "It isn't over yet, rangers!" Mack tells them that his body still has the effects of the Heart within him, prompting Orion to activate his gold mode to finish off Moltor only for him to grow giant. Mack tells the Legend force team that now would be a good time to summon their zords prompting Orion to summon the Q-rex zord in dino mode while the main five summon the Legendary megazord in its SPD formation (cue Gokaiger episode 21 megazord fight) the two megazords try to fight off the super-sized Moltor however they are still no match for him, the Legendary megazord switching to using the mystic dragon to attack Moltor but that still doesn't leave a dent in him. Jamie asks fearless leader Lance what they're going to do, and Lance whips out the Overdrive keys, saying that he thinks that learning leadership skills from Mack has unlocked the Overdrive rangers's greater power. they then plug the Overdrive keys into the Megazord console causing the Legendary Megazord to summon the spirit of the Drivemax Megazord to attack Moltor before disappearing, the Drivemax Megazord's saber floating into the Legendary Megazord's hand who uses it to destroy Moltor once and for all. we then cut to the Hartford Mansion where Mack and Spencer both say goodbye to the Legend Force team, Alpha holding the Heart of hades in a glass case with Lance assuring Mack that his ranger team will return it to the museum safe and sound while Mack shakes hands with Lance telling him to take care followed by Lance and Orion fist-bumping showing their newfound respect for one another while Polly shouts "time to go, time to go, sqwak!" before our heroes board the Sky ship and head back for Angel Grove ending our episode on a good note.

And yes, an instrumental rock cover of the Overdrive theme will play during the tribute morph and fight (even though it's my least favorite PR theme outside of the Neo-saban era and their constant rehash of "go go power rangers", if Robo Knight taught us anything it's that rap music and PR don't mix very well)

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