Episode 28: Legend of the Bullzord, part 2

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Our episode picks up where the last one left off, with Deker confronting his father while holding Serrator in a headlock. however before Ashura can answer Nocturna slashes Deker in the back freeing Serrator from his grip. Deker then gets back up on his feet followed by lord Ashura admitting the truth: that Deker was deceived this whole time and Serrator was right all along. after that, Serrator orders Nocturna to dispose of Deker snapping his fingers causing the two former lovers to have a brief fight before Deker escapes into the human world. after that, we cut to Deker arriving on the beach in his human form only to find the other end of his blade. Serrator  then arrives on the scene and congratulates Deker on a job well done for finding the missing half of the blade, asking for him to hand it over so that he can fix his sword. Deker then hands the piece back to Serrator whom of which compliments Deker for unleashing his true Akuma power back there, saying that with his guidance that power will only grow stronger. after that, we cut to sensei inside the bullzord trying to contact his students but to no avail, followed by sensei having flashbacks to his youth being berated by Ushi for not folding his origami in the proper way and for not getting his power symbol brush strokes right. sensei then begins to feel sorry about not understanding Ushi's warnings at the time and that now he understands what it means to be a true sensei, apologizing to his students for not teaching or disciplining them properly. we then cut to Serrator  and Nocturna overseeing Deker's training in the middle of the forest, with Deker tapping into his dark power managing to cut down an entire section of the forest with ease followed by the two applauding. Serrator  then tells Deker that his next test is to destroy the samurai rangers who get in the way of his plans. and right on cue, we cut to grandmaster Ushi's house where the others watch Kenji as he's been meditating for a whole hour just to try to reach sensei. grandmaster Ushi rolls his eyes at this, saying that they shouldn't bother with trying to contact their incompetent screw-up of a teacher. Sadie then notices a photo on the wall and asks who the young man in this picture is. Ushi then explains that the young man in the picture is his son who was killed in an avalanche caused by the rampaging bullzord, Ushi blaming his former pupil for his son's death saying that was the biggest screw-up their beloved sensei has ever had only for Ava to get mad at the old hermit and demand him to show sensei Nobu some respect, followed by Kenji finally reaching sensei Nobu telling him not to worry as they're coming for his rescue. sensei Nobu hears Kenji's voice inside his head and is glad to hear that his nephew is coming to his rescue giving him the motivation to get up on his feet and try to tame the bullzord with symbol power, but to no effect. Kenji tells the others that he managed to pinpoint the bullzord's location with his meditation followed by the six morphing and hopping on their samurai cycles to race towards the bullzord only to be confronted by Barnaclon and a platoon of marauders telling the six that he won't let them pass. the six then hop off their cycles and fight off the marauders followed by Nocturna and Deker arriving on the scene telling Barnaclon that they were sent here by admiral Serrator to aid him, followed by Kenji taunting Deker by asking him if he still wants to kill him so that his father can make him a real boy, followed by Deker telling Kenji that those days of chasing false dreams are over and that he has a new purpose in life: serve his new master Serrator as a dark samurai warrior before transforming into his monster form. Nocturna then confronts Sadie, telling her that she and her teammates shall be destroyed in the name of Serrator, which confuses Sadie as she thought Nocturna hated her father before trying to reason with her, however Nocturna no longer remembers her as those memories were destroyed along with her human half before going toe-to-toe with her. the other rangers try to keep Nocturna and Deker busy while Kenji chases after Barnaclon who has gone after the bullzord. after that, we cut to sensei Nobu still trying to tame the bullzord, however it still has no effect before sensei collapses realizing his body has become too weak for his symbol magic to have any effect, followed by Barnaclon entering the room and grabs sensei Nobu by the shirt, telling the "old man" to get out as he's taking over this zord, only for Kenji to arrive and fight off Barnaclon while sensei Nobu tries his best to tame the zord with his symbol power, however when it all seems hopeless the ghost of grandpa Mako shows up much to the surprise of both Kenji and sensei Nobu, followed by grandpa Mako's ghost greeting his little brother and grandson before sensei Nobu tells his big brother's ghost that the bullzord is driving off a cliff, followed by grandpa Mako's ghost telling his baby brother not to give up before disappearing, giving sensei Nobu the motivation to pull a piece of sushi out of his pocket to rejuvenate himself and use his symbol power one more time and it works, turning the experimental disc into the bull disc taming the bullzord while Kenji destroys the monster with a super fire slash. Serrator then arrives on the scene and orders Nocturna to play her shamisen which makes the monster grow, followed by sensei passing the bull disc to his nephew telling him that he earned it and that grandpa Mako would be proud. Kenji then activates the bullzord's battle mode (cue shinkenger episode 33 megazord fight). after Barnaclon is destroyed, Deker and Nocturna are called on by Serrator to retreat back to the netherworld. after that, sensei and the rangers return to Ushi's house only for grandmaster Ushi to tell the seven to scram as they've caused enough trouble for one day, however the ghost of grandpa Mako materializes and tells grandmaster Ushi that his younger brother and his students just saved stone canyon and that he should be grateful, followed by grandmaster Ushi bowing down and apologizing to our heroes for being so rude, the seven then accept his apology before leaving followed by Ushi waving goodbye our episode ending with them all leaving on good terms.

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