Episode 3: Mystic courage

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Guest ranger of this episode: Charles "Chip" Thorn (Yellow mystic force ranger)

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Guest ranger of this episode: Charles "Chip" Thorn (Yellow mystic force ranger)

Our episode opens up with the five teens helping rebuild the Angel Grove power rangers museum after it got wrecked during the Armada invasion, the museum's curator lady telling the rangers that they're lucky none of the ranger artifacts were damaged. as the five unload the artifacts from the boxes, Austin picks up one relic that caught his eye: the Mystic Force magi staff, Jamie geeking out saying "oh my gosh is that a magi staff from the power rangers mystic force!" followed by Austin making goofy poses with the weapon Jamie saying "be careful that's not a toy!" only for Austin to accidentally shoot a bolt of lightning at the wall causing the other members of the human resistance who are helping rebuild the place to duck and cover, Austin looking at the hole he just blasted in the wall exclaiming "ooh... sorry" before putting the Magi staff back in its display case with the other past ranger weapons, Molly telling Austin to watch his aim. Lance then shakes hands with the curator and tells her that they've done the best they can do to help, but now they must go as there are other cities still under Armada occupation that need their help before the five teleport to the sky ship, Alpha 8 and Orion happy to see the legend force team again with Polly sitting on Orion's shoulder exclaiming "hello rangers, sqwak!" Lance then asks "where to next, captain?" and Orion Starskipper points to the map on the computer monitor and tells the five that the next city they need to free from Armada control is a town called Briarwood, Alpha 8 exclaiming "ai-yi-yi, Briarwood? I've heard rumors of magical creatures that live in a mystic forest just outside that city!". we then cut to the Armada flagship where we see Destro relaying the the message he received at the end of last episode to the prince, telling him "the rangers called, they say that Earth is fighting back" showing Vekar the video message on the computer console causing him to throw a hissy fit, saying "those power rangers are ruining everything I've worked so hard to achieve!" Cyberon reports to Prince Vekar saying that the rangers are heading for another one of their occupied cities, that being the city of Briarwood presumably to free it. Vekar then exclaims "tell me some good news you useless bucket of bolts!" Insidia then tells her love that once the rangers get there they'll have to face against Salaman, the lava monster that successfully led Briarwood's occupation. the bratty prince Vekar then tells Insidia "then tell this Salaman guy to hunt down those power brats! I WANT THEM ELIMINATED!" comically bonking an X-borg on the head. we then cut to the sky ship arriving over Briarwood where we see the five hop out of the ship, the five coming across the Rock porium which is left in shambles by the invasion, Brenda picking up one of the CDs saying "oh cool, I love this band. wonder if we can buy one as a souvenir" only for Molly to say that the place looks pretty abandoned as the five look outside the window to see Armada ship flying over the town while the monster Salaman leads the ground troops while people run and scream in fear of Salaman and his soldiers as civilians are being rounded up to be put in the Armada's slave camps, the empathetic Brenda saying "how awful, this is just like back home". the team then run outside to confront the monster, Salaman asking the five just who they think they are with Lance saying "we're the rebellion who are gonna take back the earth" and we get an unmorphed fight of the five teens kicking X-borg butt only for Salaman to plant his tentacles into the ground causing lava to come out of the cracks knocking the five teens over. however they are saved by a mysterious figure in a black cloak bearing the mystic force emblem on it pulling out a magic wand that shoots lightning from it forcing Salaman to retreat. the hooded figure tells the five teens to come with him and they escape into the forest. Jamie thanks the hooded man for helping save their skins before asking who he is, and the mystery man pulls down his hood and introduces himself as Charles "Chip" Thorn. Jamie starts geeking out saying "no way, you're the yellow mystic force ranger!" Chip corrects Jamie by telling him "was the yellow mystic ranger. after I lost my ranger powers my magic has been depleting, and the magical creature have all retreated back into the forest when the Armada attacked" as he looks at his magic want with the yellow mystic force emblem at the end. Chip asks the five what brings them here to Briarwood, and Lance explains that the five of them are here to help liberate his hometown from the Armada. Chip then tells the five "easier said than done. the Armada's taken over nearly every major city on Earth, us veteran rangers have been trying to put a resistance together but without our powers there's only so much we can do". Molly then asks "but how can you still do your magic without your ranger powers?" and Chip responds with "because I still believe in magic. anyone can do magic as long as you believe in it" as we cut to a flashback montage of the mystic force rangers from the first episode "broken spell" showing how their belief in magic made them power rangers. Jamie objects, saying "sorry but I'm a firm believer in science, not magic" with Austin saying "You really gonna say that in front of the wizard who saved us bro? come on" only for a platoon of X-borgs to come storming through the forest forcing our heroes to split up with Austin, Molly, and Brenda go one way while Chip, Lance, and Jamie go the other way. we then cut to Austin, Molly, and Brenda being chased all the way to the beach by the X-borgs prompting the three to morph into Legend force blue, yellow, and pink to fight them off. the three then whip out black ranger keys to morph into three past black rangers: Austin into Dino thunder black, Molly into the Black alien ranger, and Brenda into RPM black (cue Gokaiger episode 3 fight) with Austin exclaiming "aw yeah it's good to be back in black!" as the three dispatch the X-borgs one-by-one before we cut to Chip, Lance, and Jamie being chased through the forest by X-borgs prompting the two to morph to protect Chip who looks at their suits and says "pirates? really?" with Jamie explaining to Chip that they got their new powers from a friendly space pirate named Orion Starskipper as the two rangers fight off the X-borgs in an original footage fight while Chip fights off the X-borgs telling the two that if they are to make it out of here alive they must believe in magic. Jamie gets on his knees and says "I can't!" as he and Lance are both blasted back into civilian form forcing the three to retreat before we cut back to Austin, Molly, and Brenda being confronted by Salaman who mops the floor with the three forcing them to switch things up doing an all-white ranger morph: Austin morphing into the Jungle fury rhino ranger, Molly morphing into the Wild force white ranger, and Brenda morphing into the white alien ranger to fight off Salaman in a (mostly) original footage fight only for the monster to escape by burrowing underground, Molly saying "dang it, we almost got him!". we then cut to Lance, Jamie, and Chip running from the X-borgs only for them to find themselves at a dead-end as they stand at the edge of a cliffside Jamie asking what they're gonna do. Chip then says that they're gonna have to jump across to the other side of the gorge. Jamie looks down and says "are you crazy? there's no possible way we can survive a jump that far!" Chip then uses his magic to leap super-far and land on the other side without breaking a sweat, saying "as long as you believe in magic anything's possible". Lance closes his eyes and exclaims "I believe in magic!" before leaping all the way to the other side. Jamie looks down at the cliff before turning his head to the X-borgs fast approaching. Chip gives Jamie some encouraging words saying "Come on Jamie, you can do it! your team believes in you! I believe in you!" Jamie then looks down before turning his head before seeing the approaching X-borgs behind them and closes his eyes saying "I believe in magic I believe in magic I BELIEVE IN MAGIC!" as he takes a leap of faith jumping the gorge only for him to open his eyes and see that he made it, Chip putting his hand on Jamie's shoulder telling him how proud he is before telling the two to go re-join their team. Chip turns his head and fires a bolt of lightning from his wand at the cliffside causing a landslide that makes the X-borgs fall off the edge. the two rangers then do an insta-morph as they run through the forest before arriving at the beach to re-join their teammates only for Salaman to erupt out of the ground to confront the rangers with the Legend force team doing their roll call (cue Gokaiger episode 3 second fight) the rangers fighting off Salaman and the bruisers only for Salaman to plug his tentacle in the ground causing a volcanic eruption the explosion from the ground knocking the rangers out cold. Chip then arrives at the cliff and tells the five "come on rangers! you can beat this guy as long as you believe in magic!" prompting the five rangers to whip out the Mystic force keys, Jamie saying "this one's for you, Chip" as the five do a team legendary morph into Mystic force, the five exclaiming "Magical source, Mystic Force!" before fighting Salaman with the magical powers of the Mystic force rangers before reverting back to Legend force to finish the monster off with a final strike. however it's not over yet as Insidia uses the sattelasers to make Salaman and the bruisers grow followed by the rangers summoning the sky ship and the legend fleet zords to form thee Legendary megazord (cue Gokaiger episode 3 megazord fight) the rangers then notice that their mystic force keys are glowing, a giant magic circle appearing around the megazord for a brief second. Molly asks what was that, and Jamie thinks that this must be their reward for learning what it truly means to believe in magic from Chip. the five then plug their keys into the megazord console summoning a new zord: the Mystic dragon zord, which combines with the Legendary megazord to form the Legendary mystic force megazord. the megazord takes to the skies taking out the bruisers one by one before landing with the Mystic dragon zord finishing off Salaman once and for all before recombining with the legendary megazord. after that, we cut to Chip thanking the Legend force rangers for all their help, saying that thanks to them Briarwood is now free from the Armada's control. the rangers say their goodbyes before teleporting back onto the sky ship with Alpha and Orion congratulating the rangers on their most recent victory. Jamie tells the two that they couldn't have done it without Chip's help. Chip watches as the skyship leaves Briarwood, wishing the rangers good luck on the fight that's ahead of them. Chip is then joined by Phineas holding the severed head of an X-borg, Phineas asking "so who were guys in the giant flying pirate ship?" Chip then looks at Phineas and tells him "friends. they were friends" ending our episode on a good note.

Also during the Mystic force tribute morph and fight I would have a instrumental rock version of the season's theme song playing in the background:

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