Episode 8: There go the brides

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Our episode opens up with Kenji training while Sadie watches and admires how dreamy he is. Ava then rolls her eyes at her crush on him telling telling her to give up as he obviously has no interest in her at all. she then tells her to just watch and learn and walks up to Kenji and starts flirting with him, only for Kenji to completely ignore her affection and walk away. the five rangers are called in by sensei who presents them with a new invention: the samurai cycles, of which run on their symbol power. the rangers are impressed by their new bikes, only for the gap sensor to go off again sensei telling them that the Akuma activity is coming from a nearby church. we then cut to the rangers arriving at the church only to see a bride being abducted by marauders. the rangers then fire blasts from their cycles and try to get the bride to safety only to be confronted by Nocturna in her human form which Ava recognizes as that girl who always shows up to make the monster grow. Nocturna then laughs evilly before transforming into her monster form while Kenji is in disbelief of how she can assume a human form as no ordinary Akuma can do it. she then mops the floor with the rangers causing them to de-morph before grabbing the bride and retreating through a crevice. after that, the rangers return to base still in disbelief of how a human can transform into an Akuma. sensei then tells them that Nocturna is no ordinary Akuma as she is half-human, a child of a human and an Akuma. Sadie then wonders what she would want with brides, and sensei tells her that he doesn't know but it can't be good. we then cut to Nocturna's hideout in an old abandoned church where she is holding several kidnapped brides captive and explains her plan to siphon their beauty in order to rid herself of her accursed Akuma half and become fully human. Octomancer and Ashura watch this from within Octomancer's staff which worries Ashura as her talks about wanting to be human are starting to sound a lot like his son Deker. right on cue, we cut to Deker looking at his sword and promises his dead mother that he will seek retribution for her death at the hands of his father. after that, we cut back to the dojo where sensei hands the rangers a list of weddings that were cancelled due to the kidnapping of brides, meaning that this was no isolated incident and that Nocturna must be up to something. an idea then pops into Sadie's head and asks Kenji if he wants to get married, with Kenji being in disbelief of what he just said. sensei then tells Sadie her idea is brilliant, a fake wedding to draw out Nocturna. after that, we cut to the rangers riding their samurai cycles to the nearby church and de-morph to set up the fake wedding, with Kenji and Sadie posing as our fake bride and groom. the plan works as Nocturna takes the bait hook, line, and sinker and kidnaps Sadie and takes her back to her hideout where she is keeping all the kidnapped brides. one of them tells Sadie that Nocturna plans to steal all of their natural beauty. upon hearing this, Sadie calls the other rangers on her samurai morpher and warns them of Nocturna's plan only to be caught red-handed by Nocturna who takes her morpher from her and lies by telling the rangers if they ever want to see their precious pink ranger again they'll have to meet her at the abandoned warehouse in stone canyon's eastern district. the rangers get her message and hop on the samurai cycles and arrive at the abandoned warehouse only to see a bunch of explosives and the warehouse blows up presumably taking the rangers with it. Nocturna then laughs at how the rangers fell for her trap only for the lion origami zord to show up and swipe Sadie's samurai morpher from her hand and gives it back to her. Kenji, Nigel, Oscar, and Ava then show up and Nocturna is in disbelief of how they survived. Oscar then explains that those weren't them that got blown up in the abandoned warehouse but decoys they've summoned using symbol power and that they knew she was lying as they traced Sadie's morpher signal which led them here. Sadie re-joins the team and the five free the brides before morphing to confront Nocturna who turns back into monster form to fight the rangers (cue shinkenger episode 8 fight). before the rangers can finish off Nocturna with the fire smasher cannon, Deker shows up and deflects the ranger's attacks back on them. Oscar then asks Kenji who the heck this guy is, and Deker introduces himself as the son of lord Ashura and prince of the Akuma clan. Deker and Nocturna both retreat after summoning a platoon of giant marauders forcing the rangers to summon the megazord (cue shinkenger episode 8 megazord fight). after that, we cut to Kenji in the dojo meditating over the revelation of lord Ashura having a son until Sadie interrupts him and asks Kenji if he would give her a ride on his samurai cycle. Kenji then says sure and our episode ends with Sadie riding with Kenji on his samurai cycle into the sunset.

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