Episode 24: Legend of the Ancient Rangers

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Our episode opens up with a recap of the episodes "Theft of the Zeo Crystal" and "Shell Shocked" before we begin the story proper with the captive Cyberon being brought back to Insidia's lab aboard the Armada flagship where he is shackled to a machine similar to the one we saw in the flashback scene in "Samurai surprise" Cyberon telling Insidia that the rangers will find a way to free him from his Armada programming, and Insidia says "I don't think so" and flips the switch wiping Cyberon's memories a second time reverting him back to being a mindless drone once again. we then cut to Prince Vekar eating his dinner with Destro where Vekar demands to know where Cyberon went, Destro tells his prince that Insidia is busy fixing his programming after he briefly went rogue. Vekar gets impatient saying "well she'd better hurry up, I don't feel safe without my faithful robotic bodyguard by my side. what if one of the rebels tried to assassinate me and he wasn't there to protect me?" Destro tells Vekar to calm down and eat his dinner only for a monster to enter the room and suck all the food off the table and into his mouth much to the frustration of Vekar, the monster introducing himself as Gobbler. Destro tells Vekar that Gobbler's endless appetite could be used to the Armada's advantage, if he eats all the earth's food supply the humans will starve to death and will have to surrender to the Armada in exchange for rations. Vekar then exclaims "that's brilliant! why didn't I think of that?" we then cut back to the Sky ship where Jamie and Alpha are busy trying to decipher the Armada files on project retrofit from the thumb drive on the ship's computer, however they are out of luck as the files are encrypted. Orion then enters the room Brenda telling Orion she's happy to see his arm has healed, Polly landing on his shoulder while exclaiming "good to have you back buddy, sqwak!" Lance clasping hands with Orion saying that he agrees with the bird. Orion puts his arms around both Jamie and Alpha saying that their science project can wait and that they should celebrate his recovery with a delicious meal, and we then cut to the six Legend force rangers shopping at Angel Grove Supermarket, poor Alpha 8 being stuck carrying all their groceries. once they check out Orion recognizes the middle-aged worker bagging all their groceries as someone familiar but he can't put his finger on it. however the monster Gobbler shows up at the supermarket and starts sucking up all the food in the supermarket into his gullet kirby-style including the ranger's groceries, Orion shouting "you'll pay for that!" as he, Jamie, and Molly morph to chase Gobbler out of the store and into the streets of Angel Grove (cue Gokaiger episode 33 fight) Lance, Austin, and Brenda arriving on the scene to help their teammates Orion suggesting the six of them they should morph into Wild force the six exclaiming "Wild access!" the main five attacking with their claws while Orion attacks with his lunar cue. the monster then vomits out all the food he swallowed as projectiles at the rangers including Orion's morpher all the while the store clerk from earlier watches the fight go down. the monster then sucks all the food back into his mouth along with Orion's silver morpher, Orion exclaiming "MY MORPHER!" only for the store clerk from Earlier to stand in-between the rangers and the monster to fight him off Orion recognizing the old man's fighting style as that of the Ancient rangers of Andrasia forcing the monster to retreat, the old man telling the fleeing Gobbler "and don't forget to tell the Armada to stay out out of my neighborhood!". the main five de-morph and thank the man for his help, Austin asking how the heck he learned to fight like that while Orion exclaims "no way, you're Dairen, the red ancient ranger!" the grumpy Dairen then says "was. and my earth name's David, employee of Angel Grove Supermarket. now get out of my sights" before leaving Alpha saying "ai-yi-yi" while Molly puts her hands on her hips and says "um, RUDE!" Lance asks him "you know that guy, Orion?" Orion tells him "that was Dairen, he was the leader of my planet's team of rangers" Jamie asking "you mean that store clerk was one of the ancient rangers? I thought you told us they were all dead" Orion saying "I thought so too" before we cut to the sky ship where we see Jamie and Alpha continuing their attempts to hack into the encrypted project retrofit files only for nothing to work, Jamie slamming his fist into the computer console saying "why won't it work?" Brenda enters the room and asks Jamie and Alpha if they saw Orion, saying that she's worried about him as he seemed really upset about losing his morpher. Alpha tells her that she heard he went to go look for that Dairen guy from the store Polly exclaiming "ancient ranger! hero of Andrasia! sqwak!" before we cut to Orion walking through the streets of Angel Grove where he sees Dairen taking out the trash before going back into his apartment. Orion knocks on Dairen's door only for Dairen to tell him "go away!" Orion then kicks down the door, Dairen surprised to see Orion in his house. Orion looks at the cracked red Dairanger helmet displayed on his shelf next to a framed group photo of the helmetless ancient ranger team, saying "I was right, you really are the red ancient ranger!" Dairen then says "I said I WAS the red ancient ranger. those days are now but a memory, just like the rest of Andrasia. what is it you want from me kid?" Orion tells him "I was the silver legend force ranger, until one of the armada's monsters ate my morpher. I need you to help me get it back" Dairen then sits on the couch and tells Orion "you should be thankful that monster ate your morpher" Orion is taken aback by this, asking Dairen "how could you say that? growing up on Andrasia I looked up to you, I was a child when the planet fell, I saw your team save people and fight valiantly against the armada's forces with my own eyes, your sacrifices inspired me to start a rebellion against the armada and you're telling me to just give up? I thought I was the last of my kind until I met you, and now I realize you were right: the ancient rangers really are just a memory" before walking out of Dairen's apartment. Dairen looks at the old photo of his team and says "Orion wait" before we cut to Gobbler arriving at Ernie's sucking up all the food being served to the youth center patrons, including Fat Jack and Skinny Mack who are disappointed after having their burgers sucked out of their hands and into Gobbler's gut. meanwhile on the sky ship Alpha and Polly watch footage of Gobbler attacking the youth center Alpha 8 informing the rangers that Gobbler is attacking the Angel Grove youth center prompting the five to morph and teleport to Ernie's where we get an original footage fight scene inside the youth center while Fat Jack and Skinny Mack cower under a table while Ernie cheers the rangers on before Gobbler retreats followed by the five de-morphing Lance contacting Alpha informing her that the monster got away. after that we cut to Orion looking down at the lake over a balcony where he approached by Dairen, Orion asking Dairen what he wants. Dairen tells Orion "I never the full story of me and my team. hopefully once you hear it it'll make you see me in a new light" Orion then says "and further ruin my fond childhood memories of our planet's fallen protectors? no thanks" Dairen sighs before telling Orion the story where we get a flashback scene narrated by Dairen himself: "Long ago, back when Andrasia was peaceful and just, the late Zordon visited our home planet and warned the Andrasians of the coming invasion of the emperor's forces. when the Armada came he recruited five young warriors to be the planet's chosen champions, those champions were me and my teammates who became the ancient rangers of Andrasia. we had no idea what was in for us, how could we? we were just kids, child soldiers drafted into a war we didn't ask to get involved in, a war that left our planet in ruins and me as the sole survivor" Orion is moved by Dairen's story, saying that he had no idea. Dairen then tells him "after Andrasia fell Zordon archived our powers in the morphing grid which he later used to create the white ranger for the mighty morphin' team on Earth" Orion looks at the white ranger key and goes "no way! so that's why they look so much alike" the two are then see people being attacked by a platoon of X-borgs Orion Starskipper charging in to fight off the robotic footsoldiers unmorphed, Dairen asking Orion what he thinks he's doing, Orion saying "doing what your team did all those years ago: laying down my life for the greater good" this inspires Old Dairen who sees a bit of himself in Orion to fight the X-borgs alongside his fellow Andrasian, Orion complimenting Dairen's mad skills Dairen saying "oh yeah, I still got it. even if I don't have my powers anymore" fighting the X-borgs as we cut back and forth to the flashbacks to the Ancient rangers final battle during the fall of Andrasia only for Gobbler and the bruisers to arrive on the scene, Gobbler saying "well well well if it isn't the Andrasian and David the grocery store clerk!" Dairen and Orion both getting into a fighting stance with Dairen saying "actually it's Dairen, red ancient ranger!" as the transparent image of the red Dairanger suit briefly appears over Dairen's body. Dairen holds off the bruisers dodging their blasts while holding them off, Dairen telling Orion to aim for the monster's stomach. Orion is then blasted by lightning from the monster knocking him back while Dairen is beaten to a pulp by the X-borgs only for Lance, Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda to arrive on the scene shooting Gobbler with their legendary blasters. Orion saying "guys! I knew you'd come" followed by Dairen formally introducing himself to the main five legend force rangers. Orion tells the team to aim for the stomach and the five then morph before switching into Jungle Fury exclaiming "Jungle beast, spirit unleashed!" knocking down the bruisers before punching Gobbler in the stomach making him vomit out everything he ate including Orion's silver morpher which Orion catches. Dairen then tells Orion "now go, help your teammates avenge our people, as a power ranger" Orion nods and morphs into the silver ranger to fight Gobbler one-on-one before rejoining his teammates to do their roll call. Lance then tells his teammates "come on team, as a tribute to Dairen let's use our legendary ancient ranger modes!" while Orion says "and I'll go mighty morphin'!" the six exclaiming "It's morphin' time!" as the main five morph into the Ancient rangers of Andrasia while Orion morphs into the MMPR white ranger. the six then fight off the X-borgs and bruisers before the core five summon their Ancient power staffs to slash at Gobller and the bruisers while Orion attacks with Saba. the six revert back to their legend force forms while Orion dons his gold mode armor to finish off the bruisers while the main five summon the Legendary cannon to finish of Gobbler. meanwhile Insidia and the newly memory-wiped Cyberon enter the bridge to inform Prince Vekar that Cyberon's programming has been successfully reset only to see Prince Vekar throwing a hissy fit the prince demanding Insidia to fire the sattelasers. Insidia then sighs before firing the sattelasers to make Gobbler and the Bruisers grow giant prompting the six Legend force rangers to summon their zords forming the Legendary and Q-rex megazords (cue Gokaiger episode 33 megazord fight) the giant bruisers open fire on the two megazords before holding them down allowing Gobbler to attack both the Legendary and Q-rex megazords while Dairen watches, the spirits of his fallen teammates appearing behind him telling Dairen that the stakes look dire for Earth's power rangers and that they could use their help. Dairen calls out to the Legend force team telling them to use the powers of the ancient rangers to defeat the monster once and for all. the spirits of the dead ancient rangers turn into ranger-colored balls of light that go into the Legendary Megazord causing the ancient ranger keys to glow. Lance then says "you got it, Dairen!" and the five plug their ancient ranger keys into the megazord console causing the Legendary Megazord to charge up a spirit energy energy ball with its hands before firing it at the Q-rex Megazord charging it up with the spirits of the ancient rangers the two megazords destroying the bruisers with an ancient energy strike. the main five then summon the Legendary minizord to form the Legendary Ninja Storm Megazord to destroy Gobbler once and for all. after that we cut to the six Legend force rangers saying their goodbyes to Dairen thanking him for his help, Dairen thanking them back for lifting his spirits saying that he's no longer in a dark place thanks to Orion's encouragement. Alpha contacts the six on their morphers telling them that it's time to go saying that there's something she needs to show them prompting our heroes to board the sky ship and fly off into the sunset. after our heroes board the sky ship, Polly exclaims "come quick, come quick! sqwak!" and the six Legend Force rangers gather around the computer monitor Orion asking Alpha what the big news is. Alpha informs our heroes that she discovered a distress call from another dimension, Molly asking "another dimmension? you lost me" Jamie exclaims "the multiverse! of course. I heard theories about it, but I had no idea it was real" Austin then tells Jamie "maybe they have advanced technology over there that can decipher the project retrofit files on that thumb drive of yours" Orion tells Alpha to open the transmission, and we see none other than Doctor K from Power Rangers RPM who warns our heroes that Venjix has found a way to tear open a portal through time and space and is sending his forces to their world as we speak ending our episode on a cliffhanger.

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