Episode 9: Samurai surprise

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Guest ranger of this episode: Kenji Shiba (red samurai ranger from my version of PR samurai)

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Guest ranger of this episode: Kenji Shiba (red samurai ranger from my version of PR samurai)

Our episode opens up with a Megazord fight in Angel Grove where we see the human resistance cheer on the Legendary Megazord as it slices its faces off against a pair of giant bruisers, the megazord blasting the enlarged footsoldiers with its chest cannon before switching to using the Delta runner forming the Legendary SPD Megazord to open fire on the bruisers before switching to using the Mystic dragon forming the Legendary Mystic force Megazord to finish off the bruisers once and for all. the five rangers then de-morph as they meet up with the human resistance, Colonel Evan Taylor congratulating his son and the rest of his team on another victory for humanity, saying that the Armada should think twice about attacking their city from now on. Austin makes the snarky comment "those were some tough hombres tho, guess the Armada's bot factory must be working overtime" before we cut to the Armada flagship where we see Prince Vekar throwing another hissy fit yelling at his subordinates for the rangers repeated victory over their forces , Cyberon saying as they've lost SO MUCH occupied territory on earth thanks to their interference sparking rebellion among the earthlings while Insidia mentions how their ranks have been depleting thanks to the rangers, every one of their monsters destroyed. Destro tries to calm the prince down, telling him that as the Emperor's firstborn and heir to the throne he should keep his composure. Vekar is even more frustrated, asking "what would my brother do in this situation? oh I know probably plot against me" only for a mysterious ship to suddenly dock into the Armada flagship, Vekar asking what's going on only for a new monster to slash his way through X-borgs before dueling one-on-one with Cyberon, Vekar asking "and who sent you?" Destro saying "my prince, that's Matacore, one of your father's imperial guards" Vekar exclaiming "what?" Matacore bows before the prince, telling him "my prince, your father the emperor sent me here because he told me of the rebellion that's been fighting back against our subjugation of Earth, along with the sudden disappearance of your younger brother Vrak. his royal majesty was hoping that I could help you take down the rangers once and for all" Vekar saying "If you were in my father's elite forces, then you have to be good. come my forces, we march down to Earth to squash the rebellion once and for all!" Destro tells him "my prince, going to the planet yourself would be too risky. you could get yourself hurt! or worse..." Vekar says "nonsense, I will have Cyberon to protect me. he's the perfect fighting machine after all" Cyberon saying "yes, boss" after that, we cut to the rangers saying goodbye to the human resistance, saying that they're off to the next city that needs to be freed from the Armada while Fat Jack, Skinny Mack, and Colonel Evan Taylor salute the rangers. Orion tells the five that they need to get going, the rangers each giving their families a goodbye hug before boarding the sky ship and taking off. Austin looks at Alpha, asking if she's found any sign of Robo Knight. Alpha tells Austin "negative" in a sad tone of voice. Lance asks Orion where to next, and he says that their next stop is Angel Grove's rival city of Stone Canyon, which is under heavy Armada occupation with Jamie saying "that's where the samurai rangers lived, maybe they can help us fight back against the Armada" Molly saying "they'll probably only be able to put up a small resistance since they don't have their ranger powers anymore" Brenda says "still, we might need to ask them for help". Orion asks "Samurai... aren't those what you Earthlings call the dudes in the sandals with the fancy swords?" as he types into the ship's computer, Polly saying "sqwak! samurai! samurai! sqwak!" only for an image of the Samurai and Ninja storm logos to pop up on the computer monitor. Alpha 8 looks at the image on the screen saying "ai-yi-yi! rangers, come check this out!" Jamie then reads on the computer monitor saying "It says here that long ago in feudal japan, the Shiba and Watanabe families were once allies during the fateful war against the Akuma clan, however after their forces banished the Akuma to the netherworld, the two clans broke apart with the Watanabe clan founding the wind ninja academy while the Shiba clan founded their own school teaching the art of samurai combat" Austin twirling two legendary sabers saying "good, I've been dying for some swordplay lessons to catch up to the boy in red over here" pointing on of the blades to Lance who grabs the blade out of Austin's hand. the sky ship arrives at Stone Canyon, Orion telling the rangers that Armada activity has been detected downtown our heroes teleporting to Stone canyon down below to see the city completely in ruins, Armada ships hovering over the city and people being attacked by X-borgs. things go from bad to worse when Prince Vekar along with Matacore and Cyberon teleport onto the scene, Vekar announcing his arrival to the people of Stone Canyon, Vekar shouting "people of Earth, I am prince Vekar firstborn son of Emperor Malus and one true ruler of the known universe, your planet is mine and there is nothing you can do to stop me. cease all resistance and bow before the might of the galactic armada or face the consequences" Cyberon and Matacore both beating people into submission while Colonel Evan Taylor and his soldiers watch this unfold from the TV screen in the resistance encampment while in Stone Canyon we see a familiar-looking Japanese teen wearing a kimono bearing the Shiba family crest watches from behind. the Legend force team then whip out their legendary blasters to open fire on the prince forcing Cyberon and Matacore to protect him, Lance trash-talking the prince saying "so you're the prince that keeps giving us trouble? I was expecting someone more impressive with the way Gigatron kept talking about you" Vekar clenches his fist, saying "I assume you five must be Earth's current power rangers?" Molly then says "we've gone up against much tougher villains than some spoiled child" with Austin saying "Including your brother Vrak" Vekar gets even more angry, shouting "how DARE you insult the royal heir of the galactic Armada! I shall have all of you executed for this!" Jamie saying "you don't scare us" with Brenda saying "we won't surrender to the likes of a tyrant like you, or your royal family" Prince Vekar then says "X-borgs, I don't like what they're saying. destroy them!" the five teens then engage in an unmorphed fight with the X-borgs before morphing while fighting (cue Gokaiger episode 11 fight) Prince Vekar looks at the bruisers and tells them "what are you simpletons standing around for? attack!" the legend force rangers fight their way through hordes of X-borgs and bruisers before confronting the prince, Lance exclaiming "you're next, prince Vekar!" Matacore then tells Vekar "my liege, let me handle this" prompting the five legend force rangers to whip out their ranger keys to go Mighty Morphin, the five shouting "It's morphin time!" before attacking Matacore with their power weapons only for them to get knocked around like ragdolls. the prince orders Matacore to finish those power brats off forcing the five to switch to Lost Galaxy the five shouting "Go galactic!" Lance, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda keeping Matacore busy while Austin being his normal cocky self decides to go for the prince himself only for him to be stopped in his tracks by Cyberon who says "halt, blue ranger! If you wanna get to the prince you'll have to go through me first! for I am Cyberon, his royal bodyguard" Austin then smugly says "more like his royal robo-nanny, I'll just have to take you both on" the two then fight one-on-one Cyberon's superior swordplay skills knocking him back into Legend force mode while Matacore swats the other four rangers away like they're nothing knocking them back into their default ranger forms as well, Alpha watching from the computer screen saying "ai-yi-yi! the rangers are in deep trouble!" Orion tells Austin over Intercom to disengage and help his teammates, however Austin says "no way, this might be the only chance we get to taking out the prince once and for all" as he locks swords with Cyberon who says "you are a skilled warrior blue ranger, but not enough to beat me" Austin asking "have we met before?" Cyberon then gets into a sword stance that Austin recognizes, having flashbacks to the episode "Robo Knight, part 1" Austin exclaiming "That stance, it can't be... Robo Knight, is that you?" which the other four rangers hear much to their surprise, Lance saying "what?" only for Cyberon to perform an energy slash attack that knocks Austin back into civilian form. Prince Vekar then pats Cyberon on the shoulder saying "yes captain obvious, when my brother Vrak managed to capture your little robo-friend one year ago he sold him to the armada where my beloved Insidia made some modifications, she completely wiped all his memory of ever being friends with any power rangers. now to him you are the enemy, and to us a valuable asset. Cyberon, destroy the blue ranger!" Austin sheds a tear, begging for Robo Knight to remember who he is, however Cyberon asks "who's Robo Knight?" and raises his sword ready to strike Austin down only for Lance to push him out of the way, resulting in Lance getting slashed in the back by Cyberon, the injured Lance shooting at Prince Vekar causing him to bleed blue blood profusely while also knocking Cyberon's sword out of his hand, Vekar shouting "who knew pain could be so painful! not even my own brother who always hated me would do something like this!" Cyberon tells Matacore that the prince has been injured and they need to retreat, prompting the Armada's generals along with the prince to beam themselves back up onto the flagship. Austin cradles the injured Lance while the other three rush to his aid, Brenda telling Austin that they need to get him back to the sky ship only for them to be surrounded by even more X-borgs. however the X-borgs are all struck down in one fell swoop by the same Japanese teen from earlier wielding a spiral sword, telling the five that they could use a little help. Jamie recognizes the weapon and says "no way, you're Kenji Shiba the red samurai ranger! huge fan" with Kenji saying "we need to get out of here, it's too dangerous for you five with the Armada taking over the city, we need to fall back until your friend recovers". we then cut to the legend force rangers bringing the injured Lance back to the sky ship, Alpha 8 tending to his wounds asking "ai-yi-yi, what happened?" Austin broods in the corner, saying "he hurt himself trying to save me. there's something you need to know, Alpha: we found Robo Knight, but he's not himself. the Armada turned him into some kind of metal monstrosity with no memory of who he is. he attacked me which is what led to Lance leaping in last minute and taking the blow for me" Alpha 8 places her hand close to her chest saying "oh no, Robo Knight..." while the other three are busy taking this all in only for the injured Lance to slowly get back up on his feet and places his hand on Austin's shoulder telling him "the thing that attacked us is no longer Robo Knight, the Robo Knight we once knew is only a memory now" Alpha 8 saying "I hope not, maybe there's a chance to get through to him" Kenji then enters the bridge of the sky ship, Orion asking "who's the samurai guy?" Kenji shakes hands with Orion saying "Kenji Shiba, red samurai ranger. my uncle Nobu owns a karate dojo in Stone Canyon specializing in teaching the art of samurai combat, the way of bushido" Austin then butts in, telling Kenji "then take me there. I can train under you and learn the way of the samurai, so we can better defend ourselves against that Matacore guy" with Kenji agreeing to take him under his wing as his new student. we then cut to Kenji taking Austin to the Shiba samurai dojo who is now wearing a samurai training uniform as they walk by several kids practicing with their shinai (wooden practice swords) hitting wooden dummies Kenji telling the students to keep up the good work with them saying "hai sensei!" Kenji explains to Austin that the way of the samurai takes honor, discipline, and dedication. this dojo was built to pass the teachings of the Shiba family to the next generation. we then see Sensei Nobu step out to greet Kenji, asking his nephew who the new student is. Austin then introduces himself saying "Austin Rodriguez, sir. it's an honor to meet you" Kenji and his uncle bow in respect before we cut to the Armada flagship where we see the prince sitting on his throne begging for his underlings to make the bleeding stop, yelling at Matacore telling him to eliminate those power rangers. we then cut back to a sparring match between Kenji and Austin, Kenji instructing Austin to use his instincts to sense the enemy's next attack the two locking Shinai until Austin starts thinking about Robo knight again causing him to get smacked upside the head, Kenji telling Austin to not lose focus. Austin gets back up, apologizing to Kenji saying that he's got something on his mind. Kenji asks what it is, and Austin tells him that he recently found out about Robo Knight, an old friend of his ranger team, was brainwashed by the armada and turned against them. Kenji sits next to Austin, telling him "you think you got issues? my dad was a 300-year-old demon who tried to kill me" Austin looks at Kenji and says "no way dude, you gotta be pulling my leg" Kenji then has flashbacks to his fight with Lord Ashura which includes his "you will never be my father" speech, Kenji saying that it's true. Kenji tells Austin that for his whole life his dearly-departed grandpa Mako told him how he was the last surviving descendant of the Shiba family, the chosen one if you will. but all that turned out to be a lie and he discovered he was the long-lost son of the Shiba family's greatest enemy, Lord Ashura leader of the Akuma clan. Kenji trying to relate to Austin tells him that he understands what it's like being in denial after such an unsettling revelation, as he went through the same thing after learning the truth of his parentage, he even gave into his own anger and frustration which led to him nearly striking down his own brother in cold blood. this gives Austin something to think about, followed by Kenji tossing Austin back his shinai telling him back to continue practice. we then cut to the sky ship where we see Orion watching footage of Matacore leading the Armada's footsoldiers through the streets of Stone Canyon, Lance telling Orion that he's going after that guy. Orion looks at Lance telling him "not in your critical condition, look at yourself all wrapped in bandages" however Lance tells Orion that he can't just stand by and let Stone Canyon live in fear of the Armada as he puts his shirt and jacket back on, Lance telling the other three "come on guys, let's go" before the four morph and leap out of the sky ship to confront the monster (cue Gokaiger episode 12 fight) before we cut to Cyberon arriving in the park to retrieve his sword only for him to be confronted by Alpha 8 who asks Cyberon if he remembers anything about his past life, however Cyberon tells her that the only thing he can remember is his loyalty to the prince and walks off, Alpha saying "oh Robo Knight, what have they done to you?" before we cut back to Austin's second sparring match with Kenji showing that Austin's getting better being able to predict Kenji's strikes allowing himself to dodge, block, and parry each one while Sensei Nobu smiles seeing how far his nephew has come now that he's gone from student to teacher. Austin then gets a call from Orion on his morpher telling Austin that the team needs him. the two bow their heads in respect Austin saying he must go now however Kenji hands Austin a gift: two power discs that once belonged to the samurai rangers: the double disc and the shogun disc. we then cut back to each of the ranger fighting off X-borgs quickly switching from one ranger mode to the next: Lance morphs into the red Ancient ranger before switching to Operation Overdive red and then to Ninja Storm red. Molly then morphs into In Space yellow before switching to Dino Thunder yellow, Jamie morphs into Zeo ranger IV green, and Brenda morphs into Time Force pink. Matacore tells the rangers to give up, saying that they are no match from a member of one of the Emperor's elite forces letting out a massive slash attack that knocks the four of them back into civilian form. however help is on the way from Austin who shows up right on time holding up the double disc, telling the team that he got a present from Kenji tossing the shogun disc to Lance telling the team to use their instincts to sense their enemy's next attack, that's how they'll win. the five then morph (cue Gokaiger episode 12 second fight) Austin asks Lance how he feels now, and Lance tells Austin that he feels like fighting the two rangers backed up against each other as they slice their way through X-borgs and bruisers, Matacore in disbelief that the two of them can still stand. the five then whip out their samurai ranger keys, Austin saying that this one's for Kenji. the five then morph into the Samurai rangers, shouting "Samurai code, ranger mode!" before charging at Matacore the five attacking with their spiral swords, Lance using the shogun disc to activate the shogun battlizer in an original-footage fight scene with Matacore while Austin uses the double disc to make two spiral swords for him to dual-wield against Matacore putting the samurai combat skills he learned from Kenji to good use before the five revert back to their original legend force modes to finish of Matacore with a final strike while Prince Vekar orders Insidia to fire the sattelasers causing Matacore to grow giant Orion contacting the rangers telling them that now would be a good time to form the legendary wild force megazord (cue Gokaiger episode 12 megazord fight) the legendary wild force megazord is easily bested by Matacore however help comes in the form of the samurai ranger keys which start glowing. the five then plug their samurai keys into the megazord console causing the legendary megazord to combine with the red lion to form the Legendary Samurai Megazord prompting Matacore to summon an army of giant bruisers, Jamie saying "hey no fair, that's cheating!" while Austin says "don't act surprised, they are the bad guys after all" followed by the Legendary Samurai Megazord slicing through all the bruisers with the swing of its sword before finishing Matacore off with a fire smasher attack. Cyberon watches the fight unnoticed saying "we'll finish our fight later, rangers" as he looks at his sword before teleporting away. we then cut to the Shiba samurai dojo where the five Legend force rangers bowing to Kenji and Sensei Nobu thanking Kenji for all they've done while Orion, Alpha, and Polly watch from behind, Kenji telling the rangers that he should be thanking them for freeing Stone Canyon from Armada occupation, as thanks to their efforts the city has been liberated. Sensei Nobu hands the five coupons for Bulk's sushi spot, telling them that it's the best sushi in Stone Canyon, Lance saying "thanks old man, maybe we'll try it sometime next time when we're in your area" before our heroes board the sky ship and leave while the Shibas watch on only for Deker to show up to the dojo, saying "hey baby brother" the two of them fist-bumping, Kenji asking "how's my niece doing?" Deker tells Kenji "I got bored so Nocturna's been watching the kid, turns out the family life is nowhere near as exciting as the samurai life. so I came back to check on how my brother's been running the dojo while I was gone" Kenji tells Deker "today I met the current power rangers and imparted some of my samurai teachings to one of their own, who in turn used the skills they learned to free Stone Canyon from the invaders" as Sensei Nobu puts his arms around both Kenji and Deker as the three look up and watch as the sky ship flies into the sunset ending our episode on a happy note.

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