Episode 25: The rise of Gigatron, part 1

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Our episode opens up with a recap of "Tritor's last stand" before we pick back up with the rangers celebrating their recent victory over General Tritor by throwing a party at the command center, Austin and Jamie dancing to the loud music together along with Robo Knight wearing a party hat while Alpha hands out snacks to the rangers while Molly and Brenda share a toast to their victory, followed by Molly asking Brenda what's gotten into Lance, asking why he isn't celebrating like the others with Brenda telling her that he's been staring at that wall for the whole party. Lance is busy staring at the wall of ranger keys, having visions of the legend war again. Brenda interrupts Lance's daydream asking him if he's been having those legend war dreams again, and Lance tells her "even hough they're dreams it felt like I was actually there, watching the battle. call it superstition if you like, but I think these dreams are a warning of a much bigger threat that's coming". Austin, Jamie, and Molly overhear this and turn their heads towards lance staring at him awkwardly, Alpha saying "oh my". after that, we cut to a mysterious underwater base where we see Cera in her new cyborg body lying on the table waking up to look at herself, asking what's going on. we then see the same white robot from the previous episode entering the room saying he's glad she's finally awake. Cera asks him who he is, and the white robot introduces himself as Gigatron, explaining that he saved her from the wreckage of General Tritor's ship and rebuilt her in a new robotic body. Cera asks him why he bothered, and Gigatron explains that it's because he knows of her special connection to prince Vrak, pointing her to the screen in the room showing an image of Vrak sleeping inside a tube full of blue liquid with his body hooked up to several machines, saying that it will take time for him to recover. Cera is shocked to learn that this robot knows of Vrak's royal blood, and Gigatron explains to her that he's met her before, and we get a flashback scene of Gigatron leading the armada's invasion of Cera's home planet, where he saw Vrak saving her life from those X-borgs. Gigatron explains to Cera that he brought her back because he saw her technological expertise as a valuable asset to the Armada's conquest for Earth, offering her to join his side in exchange for letting her see her beloved Vrak again. After that, we cut to the rangers returning to their normal school lives now that the main threat has been destroyed: Austin at soccer practice, Jamie joining Fat Jack and Skinny Mack's power rangers fan club with the three watching a video compilation of the rangers's past victories in the computer lab, Molly at cheer practice, and Brenda practicing her music in the schoolyard. however not so much for Lance who is exploring the new power rangers museum searching for answers, looking at a glass case displaying five past ranger weapons: crystal saber from wild force, jungle chucks from jungle fury, drive defender from operation overdrive, magi staff from mystic force, and spiral sword from samurai (my version) causing him to have more legend war flashbacks. Alpha then walks up to Lance and tells him to come to the command center, as after hearing his outburst Zador wants to look through his memories hoping that it'll help him find answers to these "dreams" of his. we then cut to Alpha and Lance teleporting to the command center where Lance lays on the examination table for Alpha to attach these wires connected to the viewing screen to his head. Lance closes his eyes with both Zador and Alpha watching Lance's legend war dreams on the viewing screen in amazement. Zador asks Lance how long he's been having these dreams, and Lance tells the big floating head that he's been having these since a mysterious red ranger saved him from a burning building. Alpha then presses buttons on the viewing screen to search through Lance's memories where they see the mysterious red ranger saving little Lance however before they can get a good look at this mystery ranger the viewing screen suddenly shorts out, Alpha saying "sorry Lance" with Lance saying it's alright. after that, we cut back to the underwater base where we see cyborg Cera testing the abilities of a new robot she built for Gigatron: Zircuit, whom manages to blow her leg off which impresses Gigatron followed by Gigatron boasting that his monsters are much more dangerous and more powerful than Tritor's, Cera saying that she now realizes she was a fool to waste her talents serving under that idiotic general pressing a button on her tablet that re-attaches her robotic leg to her body and gets back up. Gigatron tells Cera that their new alliance will give this planet's protectors second thoughts on letting their guard down after easily defeating the last guy, and now it's time to give them a sneak preview of what is to come. after that, we cut to Lance returning to school with Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda happy to see him again. Skinny Mack whispers into Fat Jack's ear saying how it's always suspicious how those five always keep sneaking off, asking "you don't think they're..." with Fat Jack saying "don't be ridiculous, there's no way those geeks could be rangers". Mr. Fowler tells Lance "you're late" and Lance apologizes to his teacher explaining that he had a couple things to take care of. Jamie leans over to whisper into Lance's ear what was really going on, and Lance tells him that he'll explain after class. after that, we cut to the rangers after school at Ernie's talking over smoothies about how Lance had Zador and Alpha read his memories to see where his legend war dreams are coming from. the other four are intrigued, Jamie asking what they found. Lance tells him that the machine broke before they could get any results, much to Jamie's disappointment. Brenda comforts Lance, telling him that they'll find the answers someday. Zador calls the five rangers on their mega morphers, informing them that a monster has been spotted in the docks. Austin comments saying "that's Impossible, we smoked General tritor AND all his goons, who's left?" followed by Molly telling him "we need to get to the bottom of this" followed by the five teleporting to the command center where Alpha tells them to look at the viewing screen. the five then look at the screen to see footage of Zircuit rampaging through the docks, Jamie saying "looks more robotic than the monsters we're used to fighting" followed by Lance telling the rangers that regardless of what it is they need to stop it followed by the five morphing and summoning their megaforce cycles to ride off to the docks where they confront Zircuit, the mechanical monster exclaiming "Power rangers? didn't expect to see you here!" followed by the rangers hopping off their bikes telling Zircuit that they're here to stop him (cue Goseiger episode 33 fight) Zircuit rolling up into a ball to attack the rangers from all sides and knock them out one by one, Alpha watching from the viewing screen with concern for the rangers, saying that this is an enemy that the megaforce rangers have never faced before. Zador tells Alpha "Agreed. this may be what Lance meant when he was saying that his dreams were like a are a warning of a much bigger threat that's coming". Alpha 8 then exclaims "ai-yi-yi, what are we gonna do?" with Zador telling Alpha that now's probably the perfect time to call Robo Knight for help. we then cut back to the rangers getting absolutely pummeled by Zircuit who can predict their every move just by analyzing them until Alpha 8 arrives on the scene to tell the rangers not to give up as help is on the way followed by Robo Knight arriving on the scene to point his lion laser at the evil machine, asking Alpha just what the heck this robot is as he's seen nothing like it. Alpha tells him that's exactly what she and Zador are trying to figure out. Robo Knight is petrified in fear, sensing that he's standing in the presence of a thinking machine on the same level as himself. Zador then blasts Robo Knight knocking the poor robot into some nearby debris that also knocks over Alpha 8 much to the shock of the rangers who all shout "ALPHA! ROBO KNIGHT!" however before the rangers can rush to the aid of both their robot friends Zircuit ties them up in chains and flings them away with red lightning. we then cut to Alpha waking up amongst the pile of debris only for the female robot to find herself separated from her lower half saying "oh no" as she realizes that the crash ripped her in half. Alpha turns her head to see Robo Knight also trapped under the pile of debris and begs her robotic lover to wake up. Robo Knight then emerges from the debris unscathed and picks up the bisected Alpha robot, telling her that he'll get her back to the command center to get fixed up followed by the Automaton walking out of the abandoned warehouse carrying both of her halves under his arms before he gets a call on his robo morpher from Lance asking Robo Knight if Alpha's okay followed by Zircuit putting his gatling gun arm up to the red ranger's head telling him that soon the power rangers and their friends will be destroyed on behalf of his master Lance asking who his master is before Zircuit tosses the chained-up red ranger into a pile of crates. Austin and Molly then summon their snake axe and tiger claw to break themselves free of their chains and attack Zircuit who blocks their attacks with his shield followed by the black and yellow rangers falling back to free blue and pink. Lance then gets a call on his mega morpher from Alpha who is in the process of repairing herself at the command center telling him that she's fine she's just been cut in half but she'll be alright thanks to Robo Knight. the chained Lance then gets the motivation to get up and flying kick Zircuit followed by Austin freeing him with his snake axe. the five then summon their guardian swords to activate their guardian armor to easily overpower Zircuit who then gets mad and throws his shield like a boomerang at the red ranger who easily blocks it with his guardian sword followed by the five combining their powers to finish off Zircuit with a guardian strike attack. once Zircuit is destroyed, the five de-morph and lay on the ground exhausted followed by them hearing a robotic-sounding evil laugh coming from nearby and none other than Gigatron and cyborg Cera arrive on the scene to introduce themselves to the rangers, Cera saying "remember me, power brats?" Austin looks at her in confusion, asking "Is that Cera? she's looking more robotic than I remember" followed by Molly asking "how did you survive? we saw you go down in flames with our own eyes!" Cera then tells the rangers "my new master is an expert in cybernetic reconstruction. meet Gigatron, herald of the galactic Armada" with the five rangers in shock of the mention of the Armada, remembering Zador mentioning them all the way back in episode one. Gigatron tells the rangers "That's right rangers, I was sent to Earth by the prince to conquer your world after General Tritor failed to do so" with Austin trash-talking saying "you mean there are more creeps like you out there?" Gigatron chuckling and telling Austin "you have no idea what's on the way" followed by Cera summoning the zombolts (of which she explains are an upgraded version of the zombats) to make Zircuit grow giant. the five rangers then insta-morph followed by Jamie contacting Alpha requesting her to downmorph the command ship. Alpha then tells Jamie help is on the way followed by the command center launching itself out of the beach and flying towards the rangers's location. the five then board the command ship and transform it into the ultimate command megazord to do battle with the giant-sized Zircuit (cue Goseiger episode 33 megazord fight). the two are evenly matched with Zircuit tying the ultimate command megazord up in chains only for the ultimate command megazord to open up its chest and fire a barrage of chest missiles at Zircuit freeing itself followed by the ultimate command megazord finish Zircuit off with an ultimate strike attack while Gigatron and Cera watch, Cera telling Gigatron that they will get the rangers next time with the data she collected from the megazord fight. Gigatron tells her "little do the rangers know that their attempts to protect the earth will be in vain, for soon all of humanity will bow to the armada!" followed by the two teleporting away. after that, we cut to the rangers returning to the command center where they see Alpha still repairing her damaged self the five rushing up to hug their robot friend happy to see that she's okay. Alpha tells the rangers that they should thank Robo Knight, he was the one that pulled her out from the rubble after all. Robo Knight then tells the rangers that with Gigatron an agent of the Armada now on earth, they must work extra hard to protect the planet. Zador agrees, telling the rangers that with a new threat on the horizon they must take the extra measures to even the playing field. now is the time to begin work on the battlizer project ending our episode with a tease of a new toy to sell next episode!

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