Our episode opens up with a "previously on power rangers" segment recapping the events of the Megaforce finale "Endgame" parts 1-3 before we cut to black with the text "one year later". after that, we see a news report on TV showing footage of the invasion the news reporter saying "In the past year the invasion has claimed several major cities including Stone Canyon, Mariner Bay, Reefside, Silver Hills, Ocean Bluff, and our own hometown of Angel Grove. panic is in the streets as people live in fear of our new alien overlords who now rule over the planet with an iron fist, hiding in underground bunkers while those on the surface have been forced into slavery by the Armada where they pray that our multi-colored saviors would one day return to free us from subjugation. this begs the question: where ARE the power rangers?" we then cut to the Armada flagship where we finally see Prince Vekar in all his glory standing on the bridge of the flagship looking down on the earth, exclaiming "just look at this backwater planet my underling, our invasion forces have laid waste to all their cities, the primitive earthlings have been enslaved as cheap labor, and best of all the power rangers are nowhere to be found, I say our occupation of Earth was a success". Cyberon, the prince's cybernetic bodyguard, bows and says "yes boss, I concur that the invasion went rather smoothly" only for Vekar to say "no one asked for your opinion you dumb robot". Insidia, the prince's fiance, places her hand on Vekar's chest and tells him "this calls for a celebration, my love. let's get married" Vekar pats her on the shoulder telling her "thanks but that can wait, we have so much more work to do" before sitting on his throne, exclaiming "thanks to my brilliance, this planet has officially been conquered in the name of the galactic Armada! if only my brother could see me now!" we then cut back to Earth where we see the streets of Angel Grove lying in ruin as people are being rounded up by X-borgs to be put into slave camps while we see a group of kids hiding under debris in fear from the X-borgs and bruisers patrolling the streets, Allen Taylor being one of those kids who tells them not to lose hope, saying that he knows the power rangers will save them. another kid reminds Allen that the rangers haven't been seen in over a year, telling Allen to just accept the fact that they're gone. however Allen says he refuses to give up hope. we then see an armored military vehicle arrive on the scene where we see a bunch of soldiers wearing masks and riot gear shoot down the X-borgs on the command of Colonel Evan Taylor who orders his men to load the children into the back of the truck so that they can get them to safety, Allen happy to see his dad again. once Allen and his friends are loaded up into the back of the truck they arrive at a bunch of refugee tents where refugees from the attacks have been camping out hiding from the Armada's forces where we see the kids have been re-united with their families who are happy to see that they're okay. the soldiers then all take their masks off revealing one of them to be Lance who hugs his little brother happy to be re-united with him, Allen saying "Big bro! I thought I lost you!" with Lance saying "I thought I lost you too, good to have you back baby brother" all the while Alpha-8 is in the refugee tent with them entertaining the children in a moment of levity during these dark times. Lance then contacts his teammates on a wrist communicator, asking them to come in. we then cut to the still power-less Austin, Molly, Jamie, and Brenda raiding an abandoned warehouse for supplies loading them into the back of a truck with help from some other members of the human resistance, Austin telling the others that this should be enough food and clothes to last the next few days. however they are suddenly attacked by X-borgs and we get an unmorphed fight scene showing Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda can still kick but even after they've lost their powers before hopping in the truck where they are driven out of there. we then cut back to the Armada flagship where Destro, the prince's personal muscle, enters the room to say "my prince, the humans are attempting a resistance against our rule" Prince Vekar then says "then what are you waiting for? you're the strongest warrior in the universe, squash the resistance now!" with Cyberon asking "and what of your brother, my prince? he is still missing in action" only for Vekar to say "forget about my brother, I am the emperor's firstborn don't you forget that! we must focus on reminding the earthlings why they are beneath us" before we cut to the supply truck returning to the refugee tents harboring the civilians where members of the human resistance unload the crates of supplies from the bed while Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda give Lance a bear hug the five finally re-united at last, with Austin looking at Lance's soldier getup saying "you're in the army now dude? no way!" with Lance taking his gear off saying that he's been trying to save lives in spite of no longer being a ranger. we then see kids in one of the refugee tents munching on the recently-acquired food rations only for Fat Jack and Skinny Mack to start hogging it all, Fat Jack saying "sorry kid you snooze you lose" with Allen telling the two that it'd be best for them to share during the apocalypse. Mr. Fowler is also in the refugee tent happy to see that Lance, Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda are all alive and well, telling his students how proud he is to see them being proactive helping out the community during the alien invasion. Lance then says "that's what heroes do, teach. once this is all over, we can finally go back to our normal lives and you can go back to being the best high school science teacher ever" which makes Mr. Fowler smile as Jamie and Ernie junior both help pass food and clothing around to everybody in the bunker. we then hear a massive shake coming from the ceiling, Colonel Evan Taylor taking a peek outside seeing more Armada ships coming and deploying more footsoldiers onto the city below the colonel saying "we've been found, we got to move!" as X-borgs and Bruisers tear apart the tents forcing everyone to evacuate into the streets and head towards the transport vehicles with Headridge, the monster of this episode, leading the armies of X-borgs and bruisers that march towards the resistance blocking the path of the fleeing soldiers and civilians, Headridge pointing his blaster at our heroes exclaiming "resistance is futile, humans! surrender yourselves to the Armada of perish!" with Lance saying "If you think we're gonna surrender you've got another thing coming" only for Headridge to order the X-borgs to fire as they blow up the escape vehicles forcing them all to scatter and hide behind ruined buildings for their own safety. Lance, Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda escape through an alleyway and head for the beach while trying to avoid being detected by the ships that hover above the city monitoring everything before we cut to deep space where we see a bright red pirate ship flying over the moon (AKA the zord scene from Gokaiger episode 1) where we see the ship's captain at the wheel: a young man with long, messy blond hair and a long gray jacket with a white undershirt plus a black bandanna on his head along with a robot parrot sitting on his shoulder completing the space pirate look. the robot parrot named Polly exclaims "sqwak! enemy ships approaching! enemy ships approaching! sqwak!" with the space pirate exclaiming "good, let the armada feel the wrath of the dreaded Andrasian pirate Orion Starskipper! fire cannons, port and starboard!" the ship firing blasts from its cannons that destroy several Armada ships before cutting it in half with the ship's bladed bow. the bruiser commanding the fleet shouts "curse you Orion starskipper! keep firing on that ship!" the Armada ships continue firing at the ship only for it to transform into the legendary megazord to slice its way through Armada ships. Orion Starskipper then steers the wheel exclaiming "now, onward to Earth!" as the legendary megazord reverts back into its sky ship form and descends down to Earth's atmosphere. we then cut to the five teens arriving at the beach where the command center once stood, the five sitting around the ruins having a collective moment of silence with Lance saying "I can't believe that it's been a year since we lost Zador, he was wise, fatherly, caring, and without him we wouldn't have become power rangers". Brenda comforts Lance, telling him "It's okay, at least we still have each other" while Austin and Molly hold hands with Austin kissing Molly on the forehead. we then see the flying red pirate ship from earlier crash into the ocean much to the surprise of the five teens who decide to go and check it out. we then see Orion Starskipper fall over from the crash knocking him out with Polly rushing to his aid the robot parrot saying "wake up! wake up! sqwak!" only for the five teens to climb into the crashed ship to investigate, Austin asking how and why a big red pirate ship came falling out of the sky with Jamie saying "guess pirates are in this year" the five then enter the bridge where they find the unconscious Orion with his robot parrot, Austin asking "is that a robot parrot? weird" Brenda telling the others that they've got to help him her and Molly helping Orion back on his feet, the alien space pirate regaining consciousness to ask the five teens "are you this planet's protectors?" Lance tells Orion "we were, but then had to sacrifice our ranger powers to stop the Armada's first wave leaving us unable to stop the second wave. now Earth has fallen to the Armada". Orion then says "Ah the Armada, my oldest enemies. they were the ones who destroyed my home planet of Andrasia, I came here after getting Zador's message to all the power rangers in the universe" with Molly exclaiming "you knew Zador?" Orion then asks "can you take me to him?" the five teens then bow their heads, with Lance saying "I'm afraid you're too late, Zador is gone. he's not coming back". Orion then walks toward a treasure chest sitting on a pedestal in the bridge, saying "I see, it seems the task of liberating this planet from the galactic Armada has fallen to you" Austin then asks "Excuse me, but how are we supposed to do that without our powers?" Orion then picks up the treasure chest and opens it, saying "with these" revealing the ranger keys inside. Jamie then says "Incredible! those are the little figurines that lined the walls of our command center, how did you get your hands on them?" Orion then says "these keys are physical manifestations of the ranger powers of the universal morphing grid. during the invasion Zador teleported them out of your command center returning the powers to their original owners. but when the past rangers sacrificed their powers to destroy the first wave of Armada ships, the keys were scattered across the cosmos. I have spent the past year traversing the galaxy collecting as many ranger keys as I could, which I used to make these" followed by Polly flying around the ranger's heads dropping new morphers and keys into their hands, Orion saying "these are Legendary Morphers, plug the ranger keys into them to activate your new ranger powers. in addition to that, you can use them to call on the powers of the ranger teams that preceded you". Austin and Jamie both look at their keys and ask Orion why theirs are the wrong color wondering if he made some kind of mistake, and Orion explains saying "there is no mistake. with your new powers come new colors, powers that reflect your new mission: no longer are you Earth's defenders, now you are the rebellion destined to free the Earth from the Armada's grip as the Power Rangers Legend Force. now go, your planet needs you" as he presses a button on the ship's computer console teleporting the five teens back to Downtown Angel Grove where we see Colonel Evan Taylor, Ernie junior, Fat Jack, Skinny Mack, Mr. Fowler, Allen Taylor, Alpha 8, and the rest of the human resistance being bound and gagged by X-borgs who present the captive humans to Headridge who chuckles as he whips out his blaster saying that this is their punishment for attempting to rebel against Earth's new rulers before asking which one of them should be executed first only for Lance to roundhouse kick Headridge in the back before the five teens free the hostages with Lance telling his father and his men to get the civilians to safety, saying that he can take care of himself. Alpha is happy to see them again, saying "ai-yi-yi! where have you kids been?" with Lance saying that it's a long story before telling the others to follow his lead and the five whip out their morphers and ranger keys, morphing into the Power Rangers Legend Force, Alpha exclaiming "the power rangers are back!" the five then check themselves out, Austin looking at himself before looking at Jamie saying "woah, I'm blue! and you're green!" with Jamie saying "sweet, I like it!" Headridge then exclaims "I don't care what color you are! you five are going down! attack!" the legend force rangers then whip out their legendary blasters and legendary sabers and charge at the X-borgs (cue Gokaiger episode 1 fight). after taking out several X-borge the five regroup with Orion contacting the five over the ship's intercom telling the five to use the ranger keys followed by the mighty morphin' keys teleporting out of the treasure chest causing Polly say "they're doing it! they're doing it! sqwak!" in excitement as she sits on Orion's shoulder. the five then do their first legendary ranger morph into Mighty Morphin' exclaiming "It's morphin' time!" where we get an original footage scene of the five combining their power weapons to form the power blaster taking out several X-borgs. the five are then attacked by more X-borgs and bruisers prompting the five to switch over to Samurai shouting "Samurai code, ranger mode!" slashing their way through X-borgs with their spiral swords before switching to Mystic force shouting "Magical source, Mystic force!" before summoning a multicolored tornado to blow the footsoldiers all away. Headridge taunts the rangers saying "I'm sick of your little identity crisis, goodbye rangers!" firing a barrage of missiles reverting the five back into Legend force mode with Orion contacting the five again saying "rangers, plug the keys into your saber locks to unleash a final strike! that'll finish him off for good!" Lance says "got it, Orion!" the five then plug their ranger keys into their legendary sabers to finish Headridge off with a final strike destroying him for good. after the monster is destroyed, we see several people come out of hiding with Fat Jack and Skinny Mack high-fiving exclaiming that the rangers have returned while crowds of people starts cheering happy to have them back. Colonel Evan Taylor shakes hands with the red ranger, saying "thank you five for returning when we needed you the most, whoever you are under those helmets. the power rangers are forever in our gratitude, with your help we may be able to finally take back the planet from these invaders". Lance then says "you're welcome da-I mean... sir" before saluting while the other four turn their heads to look at him awkwardly. after that, we cut to the five rangers returning to the downed sky ship to take off their helmets, Alpha walking into the ship's bridge where the five introduce her to their new mentor: Orion Starskipper, captain of the sky ship and the one who gave them their new powers. Alpha 8 then looks at Orion and starts speaking in the native Andrasian language much to the confusion of the five teens, Austin asking "you speak Andrasian?" with Alpha saying that she was programmed by Zador to understand all alien languages in the known universe. our episode then ends with the five helmetless rangers coming up onto the deck of the ship with Alpha, Orion, and Polly and our episode ends with the our heroes all watching the sunset over the ocean together.
Power Rangers Reimagined: Neo-saban era
FanficA collection of rewrites I made in attempt to fix all the season from what many fans considered to be the dark age of Power Rangers.