Episode 21: Fall of Vrak

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Our episode opens up with the scene from last episode with Vrak and Cera on the rooftop being confronted by General Tritor accompanied by Lurker and Sasquatcho with General Tritor telling the two that he's ready to talk. Vrak looks at Lurker and Sasquatcho and calls the two Eltarian mutants out for being traitors, however Lurker tells Vrak that they've decided to join the winning team followed by the two mutants laughing at Vrak and Cera, followed by General Tritor asking where the Aurora Box is. Vrak then hands the Aurora Box to General Tritor and offers to work with him once again and use great power that lies within the Aurora Box to defeat the Power Rangers once and for all... together. Tritor takes the box and shakes hands with the alien prince, telling him "good to have you back, Vrak" followed by all the villains beaming back up into Tritor's ship. as Tritor sits back in his throne while Vrak, Cera, Lurker, and Sasquatcho kneel before their leader Cera looks at Vrak in confusion, asking him if they're seriously gonna surrender to General Tritor and go back to being his cronies again. Vrak whispers into Cera's ear "for now, but once he lets his guard down we'll seal him inside the Aurora box". Sasquatcho whispers in General Tritor's ear asking if it's a good idea to trust Vrak and Cera, however Tritor tells Sasquatcho that he's counting on them to backstab him again followed by General Tritor telling Vrak and Cera that he's sending them to Earth to capture the Power Rangers inside the Aurora Box, saying that with Earth's defenders gone this planet will soon fall by their hands. after that, we cut to downtown Angel Grove where we see Fat Jack and Skinny Mack enjoying burgers on a bench only for them to get jumped by a bunch of Caprisects causing them to drop their food and run away scared along with several other people getting attacked by Caprisects all over the city as Cera walks through the streets of Angel Grove laughing evilly as she demands to Caprisets to wreak as much havoc as they can to draw out the Power Rangers. we then cut to the five rangers hanging out at Ernie's only for them to look out the window seeing several innocent civilians being attacked forcing them to storm out of the building, Ernie Jr. sitting wondering where all those kids disappear to. the five then show up to confront Cera who tells them "ah the five multi-colored nuisances we were looking for. your fates are sealed!" only for Lance to tell her we'll se about that followed by the five rangers morphing. Cera then orders the Caprisects to attack followed by the five rangers using their power cards to summon their weapons to fight off the footsoldiers while trying to protect as many civilians as they can (including Fat Jack and Skinny Mack). Cera smiles as she watches the rangers desperately try to fight off the endless waves of footsoldiers, followed by Vrak stepping in to thank Cera for keeping the rangers busy and now it's his turn before stepping in to confront the rangers (cue Goseiger episode 29 fight). Vrak tells the five that they finally meet again and that this time they won't be so lucky before absolutely mopping the floor with the five rangers, howver Robo Knight arrives on the scene to save the rangers from Vrak. the five then activate their guardian armor, however Vrak reveals to the rangers that they've walked right into his trap and sucks their guardian armor into the Aurora box followed by Vrak knocking the five rangers back into their civilian forms. Robo Knight then fights Vrak one-on-one followed by Cera standing in-between Vrak and Robo Knight before pressing a button on her tablet that teleports both her and Vrak away, followed by Robo Knight helping the rangers back up on their feet and telling them that he came as soon as he could and that they need to get back to the command center immediately. we then cut to Vrak and Cera both returning to the ship where Tritor tells the two that he's surprised to see them back so soon, asking if he succeeded in capturing the rangers in the aurora box. Vrak hands the box to Tritor and tells him not yet, but he did manage to capture their guardian armor meaning they have now been severely weakened and ripe for the picking. Tritor looks at the aurora box before giving it to Lurker telling him to use the power Vrak managed to capture against the rangers followed by Lurker absorbing the box into his gooey gelatinous body and accompany Vrak to Earth to take down the rangers. Sasquatcho asks General Tritor "but what about me?" and Tritor tells him to stay on the ship and keep an eye on Cera to make sure she doesn't attempt a mutiny or something making Sasquatcho jealous of his partner as he watches Vrak and Lurker exit the throne room. Cera smirks and tries to manipulate Sasquatcho telling him that General Tritor clearly favors Lurker over him, however Sasquatcho denies it telling her that she's lying and no way is that true. Cera then asks Sasquatcho "If that's the case, then why else would the general send the sewer blob to Earth with Vrak while leaving you behind on the ship to babysit me?" this makes Sasquatcho angry as he comes to the conclusion that what she's saying might be true. after that, we cut to the rangers returning to the command center where Alpha is shocked to see the five of them so battered and bruised, asking them what happened. Robo Knight tells Alpha that Vrak attacked them, if he hadn't intervened they probably wouldn't be here right now. Molly tells Zador that their guardian armor got sucked into the aurora box, and Zador tells the five rangers that this is bad, as without their guardian armor Vrak will be nearly impossible to defeat. Austin then slams his fist into the wall, telling Zador that there's got to be a way for them to defeat Vrak without the guardian armor, followed by Lance calming down Austin by telling him "and we will, if we still believe in ourselves and keep fighting the good fight, it's what the red ranger who saved me would have done. guardian armor or not, we're still power rangers" Austin sighs, telling Lance "I hate it when you're right" which makes Brenda chuckle. Zador tells the five rangers "you five were lucky to have not been sealed inside the Aurora box themselves, which is what Vrak was probably planning on doing. you must stop him once and for all rangers, even without the guardian armor I still believe in you all" lifting the spirits of all five of them, Lance telling his teammates not to give up, because Zador believes in them. the five then do a fist-bump together, followed by Alpha informing the rangers that Vrak and Lurker have been spotted in the nearby quarry. the five then morph and summon their megaforce cycles to ride out of the command center as Alpha and Robo Knight watch, followed by Zador telling Robo Knight to go and protect the five teens, keep them safe from the Aurora Box. we then cut to Vrak and Lurker arriving at the nearby quarry to spot the five rangers on their megaforce cycles riding their megaforce cycles towards them, Vrak saying "good, the rangers are right where we want them" followed by the five rangers firing the headders from their megaforce cycles knocking the two off their feet followed by the five hopping off their bikes as the two get back on their feet, Vrak telling the rangers that "you've underestimated our power!" with Robo Knight arriving on the scene to warn the rangers to be careful as Lurker has the power of the Aurora Box, he can sense it. the five rangers then summon their weapons and charge at the two villains (cue Goseiger episode 29 second fight) with Red, Blue, and Pink taking on Vrak while Black, Yellow, and Robo Knight take on Lurker. the combined attacks of Red, Blue, and Pink's headder blasters knock Vrak into a nearby cliff followed by the six regrouping to take on Lurker who fires a barrage of energy pellets from his mouth at the rangers. the six charge at Lurker while Cera teleports on the scene to inform Vrak that she came here with backup only for Sasquatcho to arrive on the scene and knock the pink ranger over with his club. Lurker asks Sasquatcho what's gotten into him, and Sasquatcho tells Lurker that their friendship is over and that he'll prove himself worthy of being General Tritor's favorite before demanding Lurker to hand over the Aurora box Sasquatcho knocks all the other rangers out of the way before fighting Lurker one-on-one, Jamie asking just what the heck is going on, followed by Austin saying it doesn't matter followed by the rangers charging at the two bickering mutants while Cera and Vrak watch, Cera telling Vrak that she goaded Sasquatcho into turning on Lurker, Vrak complimenting Cera for her brilliant plan saying that soon they'll destroy each other and he'll take back the Aurora box. meanwhile the two mutants fight the rangers while also fighting each other at the same time. the six rangers are easily overpowered by Lurker and Sasquatcho, followed by the five combining their weapons to form the Megaforce blaster blasting the Aurora box out of Lurker. Sasquatcho rushes to get his hands on it, however both the rangers and Lurker fight Sasquatcho over it. however Lurker catches it and tosses it to Vrak, followed by Cera telling Vrak out loud that now's the time to use it to seal up the power rangers, and then General Tritor. however Lurker and Sasquatcho hear her and turn to Cera and Vrak, Lurker asking what she just said. Vrak then chuckles and confesses to the two mutants that both he and Cera had planned to backstab General Tritor from the beginning by sealing him inside the Aurora box, but before that he plans to suck the two of them inside as punishment for betraying him, along with the rangers. Vrak then activates the Aurora box pulling in the rangers and the mutants while Cera ducks for cover behind a nearby rock to avoid getting pulled in herself, Vrak exclaiming "I's endured enough humiliation from both my brother, AND general tritor! but soon I Vrak will be the royal house of Malus's one true heir!" lance says "betraying your own comrades, that's low even for you!" as the rangers and the mutants are being pulled towards the Aurora box as its pull gets stronger. Cera starts getting pulled towards it, Cera telling Vrak to stop as the Aurora box is getting out of control. Vrak then tells her "nonsense, I'm enjoying this!" however none other than General Tritor arrives on the scene to destroy the Aurora box with force lightning the explosion knocking over Vrak. Cera rushes to her lover's aid as General Tritor looks down at thet two saying "I knew you two were still traitors". Cera begs General Tritor for Mercy, saying that Vrak is badly hurt. Tritor says "mercy is for the weak" and starts electrocuting the both of them while the rangers lying on the ground watch in horror as Tritor tortures his own underlings while both Lurker and Sasquatcho walk over to Tritor's side. Vrak as he's being electrocuted tells Tritor that he'll pay for destroying the Aurora box, followed by Lurker pulling the REAL Aurora box out of his body and handing it to General Tritor who says "you mean THIS Aurora box?" much to the shock of both Cera and Vrak, Luker and Sasquatcho both picking up Cera and restraining her as Cera looks down at the destroyed Aurora box and exclaims that the box Tritor destroyed was a fake. Tritor says "Indeed, I had Lurker hide the real one in his rolls of slime while you weren't looking" Robo Knight then shoots the Aurora box out of Tritor's hand causing it to open and return the guardian armor to the rangers. Robo Knight then tells the rangers that they got one shot on General Tritor and now's the time to finish him off once and for all. Tritor then grabs the injured Vrak and lifts him up by the neck while Cera asks Tritor what he thinks he's doing, followed by Tritor telling Lurker and Sasquatcho "make her watch". the rangers then combine their powers for a guardian strike attack aimed at General Tritor however Tritor tosses the injured Vrak right in the direction of the beam destroying Vrak in the process while Cera burst into tears and shouts "NOOOO!!!!!" followed by the rangers looking at the crying Cera and feeling sorry for her. Austin then asks Molly "okay... is it weird that I'm starting to feel sorry for one of the bad guys now?" Molly then calls out General Tritor for his cruelty, asking "how could you be so heartless, forcing someone to watch their lover get destroyed in front of them? you're a monster!" Tritor then tells the rangers that this does not concern any of them, Cera telling Tritor for once she agrees with the rangers: he is a monster. however as the smoke clears we see a barely-alive Vrak lying on the ground motionless followed by Vrak telling Tritor "my father will have your head for this" with Cera shedding tears of joy to see that Vrak is still alive, only General Tritor to tell her "not for long" before pulling out a Zombat hive from under his jacket, Vrak shocked to see his Zombat hive, the rangers being shocked as well. Tritor then tells Vrak "with this you are completely useless to me" before sicking the zombats on Vrak making him grow giant, followed by Tritor, Lurker, and Sasquatcho teleporting away with the captive Cera in tow leaving the rangers behind to deal with the now giant-sized Vrak. the five rangers and Robo Knight then summon their zords to form the Guardian and Robo Knight megazords followed by Alpha informing the rangers that she's sending in the Datazord which combines with the ostrich zord to form the Datazord heli mode (cue Goseiger episode 29 Megazord fight). Vrak attacks the guardian megazord first only for the Robo Knight megazord to pelt the alien prince with a barrage of missiles while the Datazord heli mode hits him with a flying kick only for Vrak to grab the Datazord by the leg and toss it into the two megazords, Alpha informing the rangers that she's lost control of the Datazord it can't move anymore as its head is stuck in the ground and the still-moving propeller is kicking dust and dirt into the guardian and Robo Knight megazords. Vrak disappears into the dust cloud before using the smokescreen to attack both Megazords knocking them down for the count. Vrak tells the rangers that he will destroy them, along with general tritor. and then the planet will be his for the taking. however the rangers refuse to get up and steer the guardian megazord back on its feet to push back Vrak before combining with the Robo Knight megazord to form the knight guardian megazord to destroy Vrak once and for all. after that, we cut to the five rangers returning to the command center much to the surprise of Alpha before taking off their helmets, Brenda telling the others that she can't believe they finally destroyed Vrak. Jamie looks at her and says that they truly gave it their all before looking over his shoulder to see Austin hugging Molly. Lance tells the rangers that they could all use a vacation after that while Robo Knight tells the rangers not to let their guard down, as General Tritor and his forces are still at large. Zador tells the rangers that Robo Knight is right, as today they may have won the battle but they still have yet to win the war. we then cut back to the quarry where we see Vrak back in normal size lying on the ground helpless with a missing eye, arm, and leg and covered in blue blood unable to speak before being found by a mysterious white robot with glowing red eyes arrive on the scene to kneel before the barely-alive Vrak, saying "my prince, I have come to rescue you. do not worry, we will find a way to fix you" ending our episode on a cliffhanger.

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