Episode 33: Endgame, part 1

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Our episode opens up with a recap of the episodes "Neutros the friendly robot" and "To the future and back" before we begin our 3-part finale in the underwater base with Gigatron lecturing to Cera and Vrak that he just got a call from the prince saying that the invasion will be here shortly, thus they need to make preparations by weakening this planet's defenses by executing an all-out attack that the power rangers can't hope to stop, the three turning to the screen to see footage of the armada ships heading towards earth. Vrak then leaves the room, Gigatron asking "my prince, where are you going?" followed by Vrak telling Gigatron "I will be leading the invasion of Earth, I'd rather not have my imbecile of a brother take all the credit when the Armada brings this planet to its knees" Cera places her hand on Vrak's chest telling him to be careful out there saying that she can't afford to lose him again and Vrak kisses his cyborg lover's hand before walking off. we cut to Gigatron delivering a broadcast message to all of planet Earth telling everyone that in just a few short days this planet will be conquered in the name of the galactic armada. everyone watches including Mr. Fowler, Fat Jack and Skinny Mack at the school, Ernie jr. at the youth center, and we even cut to Lance's apartment where we see Lance's parents and little brother Allen watch in horror as they see Gigatron's speech on live TV. Alpha 8 and Robo Knight also watch the broadcast from the viewing screen, Alpha exclaiming "ai-yi-yi, Zador! the invasion has begun!" Robo Knight turns to Zador and asks him "father, have you warned the rangers yet?" Zador telling Robo Knight that they are teleporting to the command center as we speak. the five teens then teleport onto the scene with Lance telling Zador that they all saw the broadcast and came as soon as they could. Zador informs the rangers that their final battle against Gigatron's forces is upon them and that it is up to them to stop it. the five nod before we cut to an army of Caprisects and Zircuit mark 3s rising out of the water and onto the beach where the command center is located. Alpha sees this on the viewing screen and tells the rangers that enemies are approaching the command center, Zador prompting the five rangers to morph and defend the base. after the five morph they hop on their megaforce cycles and speed onto the beach firing their zord headders from their bikes destroying several footsoldiers and Zircuit units while doing cool Disney era-esuque bike stunts. however the waves don't stop coming and the rangers hop off their bikes to fight Gigatron's forces on foot with Robo Knight arriving on the scene to join the fight (cue Goseiger episode 43 fight) once all the caprisects and Zircuit mark 3s have been destroyed, Vrak then arrives on the scene to tell the rangers that they are powerless to stop what's coming before the five summon their guardian armor to challenge Vrak who mops the floor with the rangers before fighting Robo Knight one-on-one. Vrak then hits our six heroes with his boomerangs before blasting them with a barrage of missiles. Robo Knight then tells the rangers that now is their chance to destroy Vrak once and for all with the six using the combined powers of their power cards to weaken him before the six combine their powers for a guardian strike only for Vrak to deflect the attack back on the rangers causing them to lose their guardian armor and rusting their mega morphers. Robo Knight's morpher is rusted as well, Alpha saying "this can't be good" as she watches this all unfold from the viewing screen. Zador tells Alpha "Indeed, Vrak's attack has damaged their morphers meaning they can't use their power cards anymore" all the while Vrak is also severely weakened by the blast. however Gigatron arrives on the scene to part the seas, Gigatron standing in front of Vrak saying "don't worry your highness, for I have arrived to help you defeat your enemies" the other rangers stand in confusion, exclaiming "your highness?" Gigatron then tells the ranger "Vrak is the prince's brother and second-born son to the Emperor of the galactic Armada, who will be arriving at their puny planet to wipe it off the face of the galaxy. too bad you six won't live to see it" before engaging the rangers himself who are easily overpowered by Gigatron's sheer might forcing Robo Knight to step in and fight Gigatron one-on-one, Gigatron also mopping the floor with Robo Knight. the rangers rush in to protect Robo Knight only for them to get knocked back into civilian form by a barrage of missiles from Gigatron who gloats to the injured teens about how soon this planet will be conquered in the name of the armada and fires a laser from his chest at the rangers, only for Robo Knight to step in and hold out his ruster morpher to absorb the energy from Gigatron's chest laser to restore his morpher back to being good as new during their epic beam struggle, Alpha cheering on Robo Knight from the command center. Robo Knight overpowers Gigatron only for him to collapse from becoming overwhelmed by such sheer power before being caught by the rangers, Jamie telling Robo Knight to hang in there until he and Alpha can fix him up. Robo Knight tells the rangers that he doesn't have the strength to keep on fighting and tells the five to hold out their morphers, Robo Knight using the last bit of energy he absorbed from the blast to restore their mega morphers to being good as new. Robo Knight then collapses onto the ground, handing his lion laser to Lance telling them to go and stop the invasion while he recuperates before being teleported back to the command center, Alpha carrying her lover over her shoulder. Robo Knight asks Zador permission to recharge, saying that he needs to conserve energy for the final battle ahead. Zador understands and tells Robo Knight that he has plenty of time while he and Alpha share one final electric "kiss" before transforming back into lion headder mode to attach himself to the wall and recharge. Robo Knight and Vrak turn their heads to the teens, Gigatron telling the five that without Robo Knight to protect them they'll be hopeless to stop the invasion, followed by Lance saying that they haven't lost hope yet and the five morphing and donning their guardian armor to do a roll call pose, Gigatron shocked to see that their powers have been restored followed by the five charging at Gigatron with Alpha 8 cheering the rangers on from the command center before we cut to outer space where we see the Armada flagship where on the bridge the prince (who is only shown from behind and concealed in shadows) is watching footage of the power rangers confrontation with Gigatron from a computer console, we then get a close-up of the prince's eye as he says "Interesting" ending our episode on a cliffhanger.

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