Episode 13: Robo knight, part 2

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Our episode opens up with a "previously on..." segment recapping the events of the previous episode before we cut to the rangers arriving at the command center demanding Zador to tell them who exactly this "Robo Knight" is, asking how a robot was able to use technology nearly identical to theirs as well as having his own zord, along with bearing their ranger insignia. Zador then tells the rangers that the reason why is because he created Robo Knight. the rangers are all shocked to hear this, Jamie however is not surprised as it explains their similar tech and weaponry, in fact he's intrigued by the fact that Eltarians like Zador are able to create a robot with such a complex AI system like Robo Knight, saying that his AI seems more advanced than Alpha's. Brenda then asks Zador if he created Robo Knight, why did he act so antagonistic towards them and show resentment towards his own creator followed by Molly asking why he never told them about him. Austin tells Zador he's with the girls on this one, saying that he's keeping some big secrets from them. Zador then assures the rangers that all their questions will be answered if they just listen, all the while Lance is just standing in the corner brooding while having more legend war visions wondering what Robo Knight was doing in them. Zador then explains to the rangers Robo Knight's backstory, cutting to a flashback to when Zador was a young scientist on Eltar where we see Zador in his lab constructing Robo Knight with Alpha's help, Zador explaining that he created Robo Knight to be the prototype for a series of robotic police officers that would potentially act as a more efficient way of protecting the peace on Eltar. we then see Robo Knight wake up, asking Zador questions about who he is and what is his function. Zador explains that he is Robo Knight and introduces himself as Zador, his creator along with his lab assistant Alpha 8 before welcoming him to the world. after that, we cut to a montage of Zador teaching Robo Knight how to use the various weapons and gizmos programmed into him, followed by Robo Knight looking outside the window of the lab, followed by Zador asking Robo Knight what he's doing. Robo Knight then tells Zador that he wants to know more about the outside world, telling him that it looks so beautiful out there. Zador is concerned about this, telling Robo Knight that there must be a glitch in his programming as he didn't program these thoughts into his head, offering to open Robo Knight's head to fix him, followed by Robo Knight telling Zador that he doesn't want to be fixed before walking outside. Zador then explains that Robo Knight's AI started to advance beyond his programming, developing something he never intended for him to have: a personality, becoming more and more curious about the universe and his place in it, much like that of a young child. Zador then reports his discovery to the Eltarian ministry of science, who then berate Zador for building such an advanced automaton telling him that a machine capable of free will is too dangerous to exist, as it could potentially spell doom for all of civilization if it were to fall into armada hands. Zador then realizes his mistake and returns to his lab to break the bad news to Robo Knight, telling him that he's too dangerous to be left to roam free and that he's going to have to shut him down. Robo Knight retaliates, feeling betrayed by the very person he saw as a father telling him that he doesn't want to be shut down. Zador tells Robo Knight that he's sorry but this is for his own good followed by Zador shutting him down. the rangers feel sorry for Robo Knight after hearing his story, Zador telling the rangers that he shut him down and sent him to earth in order to keep him safely out of armada hands, however Robo Knight still doesn't see it that way and wants nothing to do with him. Zador then tells the rangers that it is their mission to find him and win him over with kindness, followed by the five rangers teleporting out of the command center. Alpha then turns her head to Zador, asking him why he didn't tell the rangers about her side of the story. Zador then tells Alpha that this is already too much for the rangers to take in, telling her that they don't need any more on their mind. we then cut to Robo Knight arriving at a factory with the intent of destroying it, only for Lance to show up and stop him. Robo Knight lays the smackdown on Lance and the other rangers then come to his aid, followed by Brenda asking Robo Knight what he thinks he is doing. Robo Knight then tells the rangers to not interfere with his mission, explaining that this factory produces toxic chemicals that makes mutants like Lurker and Sasquatcho stronger and that it must be destroyed in order to put a stop to them, followed by Robo Knight pointing his lion laser at the rangers telling them to stay out of his way. the other rangers try to reason with Robo Knight, telling him that there are innocent people working in this factory and that they can't let him destroy it. Robo Knight tells the rangers that sacrifices must be made in order to prevent general Tritor's forces from taking over their planet, as the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. after that, we cut to general Tritor's ship where we see the the mutants telling Vrak that since he's their new boss they should make him into on of them. Vrak then asks Lurker and Sasquatcho what they're talking about, followed by the mutants telling them that if they make him into a mutant he'll be strong enough to take on the rangers and their new metallic ally. Vrak understands, and the three hold hands and perform a ritual that causes some of their mutagen to transfer into Vrak causing him to mutate into a new, more powerful form, all the while Cera watches. Vrak is impressed with his new mutant body, saying that he can feel the mutagen's power surging through him. Cera then places her hand on Vrak's chest, telling her lover that she loves his new look followed by the two sharing a romantic moment together. Vrak then enters general Tritor's throneroom along with Cera, Lurker, and Sasquatcho to show off his new body to his boss. general Tritor is disgusted by Vrak's new form, telling the alien prince that he's been hanging around those disgusting mutants so long he's become one of them, followed by general Tritor ordering the Caprisects to get him out of his sights. Vrak then destroys all the Caprisects with one swipe of his claws demonstrating his newfound power, followed by general Tritor applauding telling Vrak that he's impressed by his new form's strength telling him that he should try testing it on the rangers. Vrak then tells general Tritor that he already has sent a monster to earth to take care of those rainbow-colored power pests. after that, we cut to Mr. Fowler's class at a school field trip to the Angel Grove museum of anthropology. the class then enter the hall of Egypt, followed by Fat Jack and Skinny Mack noticing an Egyptian sarcophagus move. the two then start to freak out, followed by the sarcophagus opening up to reveal a mummy/centipede hybrid monster named Mummipede inside, Fat Jack and Skinny Mack both panicking while exclaiming "I WANT MY MUMMY!" accidentally getting Mummipede's attention who proceeds to wrap the two in mind control bandages turning them into his mindless mummy slaves, followed by Mummipede ordering them to attack the rest of their class and Mr. Fowler, who are then also turned into mummies by Mummipede. we then cut back to the rangers fighting Robo Knight outside the factory, Robo Knight shooting down each of the rangers followed by aiming his lion laser at the factory and blowing it up. the rangers then de-morph followed by Lance punching Robo Knight in the face, followed by the other four rangers grabbing onto Lance and holding him back telling him to chill. Lance then tells Robo Knight that he's a monster telling him that innocent lives have been lost because of him. Robo Knight then tells Lance that he did what had to be done followed by berating the five, telling them that his creator Zador has gone soft on them and that the five are such pathetic excuses for rangers. Brenda tries to reason with Robo Knight, telling him that Zador loved him like a father. Robo Knight then whips out his robo blaster and points it at the five, telling them not to feed him those lies saying that if Zador truly loved him, he wouldn't have shut him down and put him in a thousand-year slumber against his will. Brenda then tells Robo Knight that Zador did it to protect him, followed by Robo Knight telling her "enough!", Lance telling Brenda to look out grabbing onto her in an attempt to protect her. however, Alpha then arrives on the scene and tells Robo Knight to stop. Robo Knight then drops his weapon, uttering the words "Alpha!?". the rangers are in shock by the revelation that the two robots know each other. Alpha then tells Robo Knight that the rangers are telling the truth, Zador really does care about him, holding her hand out to Robo Knight begging for him to come home with her. Robo Knight then holds hands with Alpha, telling her "i am sorry my love but i cannot, not after what he did to me". the two robots then rub each other's foreheads and share an electric "kiss", followed by Austin exclaiming "ew, robot love. gross" followed by Molly elbowing him while Brenda says that she thinks it's adorable. Jamie is fascinated, saying that he had no idea two machines could even be capable of love. Robo Knight then tells Alpha goodbye before transforming into his lion headder form and flying off. the rangers then ask Alpha what that was all about, followed by Alpha confessing to the rangers that when Robo Knight was first created back on Eltar and started developing a personality, he also developed romantic feelings for her. the other rangers are shocked to hear this, followed by Molly telling Alpha that Robo Knight must be a better boyfriend than Austin, followed by Austin exclaiming "hey!", insulted by her comment. the rangers are then contacted by Zador who informs the rangers that a mummy monster is attacking the Angel Grove museum of anthropology, which concerns Jamie as their class is there on a field trip. the five rangers then morph hopping on their megaforce cycles to head to the Angel Grove museum, however before they can reach the museum entrance they are blocked by a platoon of Caprisects. the rangers then hop off their bikes as a familiar voice then tells the rangers that if they wanna get to his mummy they're gonna have to go through him. the rangers then immediately recognize that voice followed by Vrak arriving on the scene, Molly pointing out that Vrak looks different. Vrak then explains to the rangers that this new form was given to him by the mutants Lurker and Sasquatcho, saying that mutagen now flows through his veins making him stronger than his old body. he then snaps his fingers and tells the Caprisects to attack (cue Goseiger episode 18 footsoldier fight). red and blue notice Mummipede standing on top the museum building and try to go after him, only for them to be stopped in their tracks by Vrak. the other rangers try fight off the Caprisects as best they can while Austin and Jamie fight Vrak who mops the floor with the two before teleporting away, only for Robo Knight to arrive on the scene and transform into the ground lion zord to steamroll the museum upon spotting Mummipede atop the building whom retreats back into the building scared, followed by the five rangers blocking his way telling him that innocent civilians are in there. Robo Knight ignores the rangers and tells them to move, telling them that he's willing to do whatever it takes to eliminate the threat and that he's not going to let any followers of Zador stand in his way. Lance then tries to reason with Robo Knight, telling him that they'll find another way before asking him "is this what Alpha would want?". those words cause Robo Knight to come to his senses, Robo Knight transforming back into his robot form. Robo Knight tells the rangers that he'll let them have their way but only out of respect for Alpha. the five then thank Robo Knight and enter the anthropology museum only for them to be confronted by a mummified Fat Jack, Skinny Mack, and Mr. Fowler along with hundreds of mummified students. the rangers hesitate to fight them, not wanting to harm innocent civilians. Austin and Molly block the way of their mummified teacher and classmates, telling the other three that they'll hold them off while they go after that mummy. Lance, Jamie, and Brenda then enter the museum's hall of egypt, Lance telling his teammates to keep their eyes open for that mummy. Brenda is totally creeped out, telling Lance that this place feels like something out of a horror movie. Jamie tells Brenda that it's not so bad, saying that he finds the museum's collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts fascinating. Jamie then examines the ancient Egyptian sarcophagus, telling his teammates that this thing must be thousands of years old. a hand then pops out of the sarcophagus and grabs Jamie, causing him to freak out and hide behind Lance and Brenda. Mummipede then emerges from his sarcophagus, asking who dares to interrupt his beauty sleep. the rangers then confront Mummipede, telling the mummified monster that they're gonna send him back to the tomb and summon their weapons before we cut back to Robo Knight waiting outside, realizing that the rangers are taking too long. we then see Molly and Austin being chased out of the museum by their mummified classmates, closing the door on them before they can get out. the two then notice Robo Knight readying his lion laser, the two asking him what he's doing. Robo Knight then tells the two rangers that their method is taking too long and that they're leaving him no choice but to take matters into his own hands. Molly then grabs onto Robo Knight, begging for him to think about what he's saying, telling him to think about Alpha. Robo Knight then knocks Molly over, telling her that Alpha's not here. Austin tries to hit Robo Knight with a rock rush card, however Robo Knight deflects Austin's attack with a rock rush of his own followed by Molly being shocked that Robo Knight can replicate their attacks. we then cut back to Lance, Jamie, and Brenda who are having an original footage fight with Mummipede inside the museum, Jamie and Brenda firing at him with their shark bowgun and phoenix shot only for Mummipede to deflect their blasts with his staff causing an Egyptian Anubis statue to fall and almost crush them only for Lance to save them with his dragon sword slicing it in half. the two then thank Lance for the quick save before we cut back to Austin and Jamie who are busy fighting off Robo Knight, whom of which mops the floor with the two rangers before shooting at the side of the museum building where the red, blue, and pink rangers are fighting the mummy monster. Mummipede then wraps the three rangers in his constricting bandages, telling the three that he mummified their classmates and he's gonna mummify them too, saying that he'll be unstoppable with mummified power rangers by his side, only for his speech to be interrupted by the explosion caused by Robo Knight causing him to let go of the rangers setting them free, followed by Lance using a power card that summons a tornado blowing the mummy out of the hole created by the explosion and landing outside where the five rangers regroup and confront the monster. Lance then tells Robo Knight that this mummy is the monster responsible for mummifying their class, followed by Robo Knight telling the rangers understood (cue Goseiger episode 18 monster fight). Robo Knight then summons a sea shower followed by a thunderstorm using his power cards to weaken the monster, Jamie and Brenda recognizing those attacks as being similar to theirs. Lance then asks Robo Knight how he knows all their moves, followed by Robo Knight explaining to the rangers that the power card technology they use was originally developed by Zador for him, which means anything they can do he can do better. Robo Knight then slashes at Mummipede with his lion laser sword before finishing him off with a dynamic blast. with the monster destroyed, Fat Jack, Skinny Mack, Mr. Fowler, and the rest of their class are freed from their bandages and back to normal. Tritor watches footage of Mummipede's defeat at the hands of Robo Knight before ordering Vrak to make the monster grow. Vrak then snaps his fingers summoning the zombats to make mummipede grow giant, all the while Robo Knight walks away. the rangers then ask Robo Knight where he's going, followed by Robo Knight telling the rangers that he's off to visit an old friend. the rangers then summon their zords to form the guardian megazord (cue Goseiger episode 18 megazord fight), followed by Jamie summoning the sea brothers zords to form a new alternate combination to fight off Mummipede who blasts the megazord with a sandstorm, followed by Molly summoning the land brothers zords to form another alternate combination and fight off Mummipede's sandstorm. Lance then summons the datazord followed by the rangers forming the guardian ultrazord to finish off Mummipede once and for all. after that, we cut to Alpha and Robo Knight sitting on a park bench, getting a nice view of the ultrazord from the ground. Robo Knight then tells Alpha those rangers of hers might not be so bad, followed by Alpha telling Robo Knight that he could join the team if he wanted. Robo Knight refuses Alpha's offer, telling her that he still feels betrayed by what his creator Zador did to him. the five rangers then arrive on the scene, Lance telling Robo Knight that there's still one question that he hasn't answered: why does he keep appearing in his visions, followed by Robo Knight telling Lance he still doesn't know what he's talking about before getting up and walking away ending our episode on yet another cliffhanger.

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