Episode 6: Molly's way or the highway

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Our episode opens up with Molly working at the youth center serving people drinks, all the while poor Jamie is stuck wearing the dumb mascot suit asking Molly why they agreed to do this saying that it's super hot in here all the while Fat Jack and Skinny Mack both laugh at Jamie's Mister Smoothie costume. Molly tells Jamie that this is for a good cause, saying that she accepted Ernie's job offer to help raise money to help rebuild the school, saying that she's trying to help the community in other ways besides being a power ranger and fighting monsters all day. Jamie sighs only for Ernie Junior to give Jamie the stern look telling him no slacking off on the job and get back to work. we then cut to the Sky ship flying over Angel Grove with Orion telling the others that Molly and Jamie have been gone for a while, Polly exclaiming "gone for a while! gone for a while! sqwak!" while Lance explains to Orion that the two of them have been taking odd jobs all around Angel Grove to help raise enough money for the fundraiser to help Angel Grove High, so that hopefully things can go back to normal once the invasion is over. Austin then exclaims "As her boyfriend, I fully support her decision. she is such an amazing woman" with Brenda teasing Austin telling him "you're just saying that because you're trying to get in her..." only for Alpha to cut them off saying "ai-yi-yi! they're back!" as the two enter the bridge of the sky ship, Molly explaining that Ernie decided to lay her and Jamie off their shifts for the rest of the day meaning they got some free time to do go help the resistance. the five teens then head down to the high school to see the human resistance still hard at work rebuilding it, Mr. Fowler telling the five teens that he has made a startling discovery, showing them to a mysterious gold tree growing in the schoolyard. it's pretty small now, but once it grows big it'll probably be enough gold to cover the cost of rebuilding of Angel Grove high, along with the whole city. Molly promises Mr. Fowler that she'll keep an eye on it to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands while Fat Jack and Skinny Mack both watch from the bushes, the two of them saying "that tree's gonna make us rich!" after that, we cut to the Armada flagship where we see Prince Vekar saying "A gold tree you say?" Cyberon says "yes boss, as you surmise from its name it bears gold instead of fruit. Insidia is intrigued, saying that with that tree she can use it to build any kind of weapon she can dream of, saying "my love, will you please get me that tree? then maybe we can finally get married" Vekar then says "very well Insidia. Cyberon, get me this gold tree as a present for my fiance!" Cyberon bows to the prince, saying "yes boss, the preparations are already underway" followed by our monster introducing himself, saying that his name is Cognito, a monster capable of making himself invisible to the untrained eye meaning that he can sneak off with that golden tree without anyone knowing. we then cut to Molly in the schoolyard contacting Orion with her legendary morpher telling him about the strange golden tree she found, and Orion says it's unbelievable saying golden trees like that used to grow on his home planet of Andrasia, but they were all destroyed when the Armada stripmined the planet for its natural resources, Orion saying that he helped them do it since he grew up as a slave being forced to work in the mines by the Armada. we then cut to Fat Jack and Skinny Mack sneaking around with shovels and a flowerpot only for Molly to turn around asking just what the heck they're doing. the two hide their equipment assuring her that it's nothing, however Molly raises an eyebrow and says "you two were planning on stealing that tree weren't you?" the two get on their knees and confess to their get-rich-quick scheme and beg for forgiveness only for their shovel and flowerpot to be swiped by an invisible force which digs the tree out and puts it in the pot before escaping, Fat Jack exclaiming "hey stop! that's our gold!" Skinny mack saying "Yeah that's our gold!" followed by the two chasing after the invisible monster. the five teens regroup with Molly informing the others that an invisible monster escaped after the gold tree, not only that but Fat Jack and Skinny Mack are after it too thinking they can use it to make themselves rich. the others offer their help, however Molly says that she told Mr. Fowler that the tree's HER responsibility and that it's her way or the highway before morphing and running off. we then cut to Fat Jack and Skinny Mack setting up a trap for the invisible monster who trips on it causing a bucket of paint to fall on Cognito blowing his cover while Skinny Mack leaps onto the monster's back and tries to grab the tree while Fat Jack gives his pal the thumbs up only for him to get tossed off. however the yellow legend force ranger swoops in and kicks Cognito causing him to turn visible and drop the potted golden tree only for her to catch it. Molly then hands the two the potted tree telling them to promise her to put it back where they found it followed by the two nodding escaping with the golden tree. Molly then morphs into Jungle Fury yellow shouting "jungle beast, spirit unleashed!" to do a one-on-one original footage fighting the monster hand-to-hand scratching his face before she then switches to Operation Overdrive yellow exclaiming "overdrive, accelerate!" attacking Cognito with her drive claws smacking him all the way into the air. meanwhile Fat Jack and Skinny Mack return to the school where they are caught red-handed by a furious Mr. Fowler who gives them the eyebrow, the two exclaiming "wait, this isn't what it looks like! we were just returning it to its original place! the yellow ranger told us!" Fowler then says "uh-huh... that's it, you two are getting detention for a week after this school is rebuilt" as he swipes the potted golden tree from their hands. Lance calls Orion and Alpha on his legendary morpher and says that Molly managed to convince Fat Jack and Skinny Mack to return the golden tree, but no word from her or the monster" Orion tells Lance that they need to go look for her, however Molly suddenly teleports onto the bridge of the sky ship much to the surprise of Alpha 8 who exclaims "Ai-yi-yi! you had us worried for a second!" Molly then contacts Lance over her Legendary Morpher that she had the monster taken care of, he's long gone by now. Austin then exclaims "That's my girl!" only for X-borgs to show up and attack the four teens. we then get a brief unmorphed fight before we cut to Mr. Fowler's office where we see him dozing off after putting the golden tree on his desk for safe keeping. however it is suddenly stolen by the invisible Cognito who sneaks off with it, Mr. Fowler rushing into the still-being-rebuilt hallway telling Fat Jack and Skinny Mack that this isn't funny the two saying "I swear it wasn't us!" only for the three to see the invisible monster sneaking off with the golden tree, Mr. Fowler telling Fat Jack and Skinny Mack "then what are you waiting for? stop it!" the two leaping onto Cognito causing him to turn visible and drop the potted gold tree shattering the pot, Cognito exclaiming "you'll pay for that!" before escaping outside to use his cannon arm to fire a blast of energy at the still-in-shambles Angel Grove high school setting it ON FIRE. Molly sees this from the computer monitor with Orion telling her to go help her teammates followed by her teleporting onto the scene to rejoin her friends. Brenda puts her hand on Molly's shoulder, telling her to go rescue the people inside while they deal with the monster followed by the four morphing to do battle with Cognito (cue Gokaiger episode 6 fight) Austin then reminds the monster that the golden tree he was after is still in the burning building, causing Cognito to panic and run into the school before we cut to Molly coming across Fat Jack, Skinny Mack, and Mister Fowler telling them that they need to get out of here. Fowler then asks "what about the golden tree?" Molly tells the three that their lives are more important than some stupid gold tree followed by Molly morphing into legend force yellow in front of Fat Jack, Skinny Mack, and Mr. Fowler the teacher shocked exclaiming "one of my students is a power ranger?" Fat Jack and Skinny Mack telling Mr. Fowler "all five of them are". Molly then morphs into Lightspeed Rescue yellow exclaiming "lightspeed rescue!" before putting out the fire with her thermal blaster. we then cut to the other four fighting Cognito and the X-borgs before Brenda suggests the four of them go Dino Thunder to finish him off. they agree and we get an original footage scene of the four morphing into Dino Thunder, shouting "Dino thunder, power up!" Lance morphing into Dino Thunder red, Austin morphing into Dino Thunder blue, Jamie morphing into Dino Thunder black, and finally Brenda morphing into Dino Thunder yellow in honor of her friend. the four then fight off the monster and the grunts before we cut to Molly leaping out of the burning school carrying Fat Jack, Skinny Mack, and Mr. Fowler where Molly asks the three if they're safe. Mr. Fowler assures her that all three of them are safe, but not the golden tree as they watch the school burn down. Molly assures them it's alright, as all that matters to her is the three of them are safe. and once this is all over, she'll work extra harder to earn all the money they need to rebuild the school. Molly then morphs into Turbo yellow shouting "Shift into turbo!" before super-speeding off to join her teammates crashing through the monster apologizing to her team for being late, saying "leave this guy to me" before the five revert back to their Legend force modes. Molly then leaps into the air followed by Austin shouting "Molly, catch!" and tosses her one of his legendary sabers allowing her to dual-wield both swords attacking Cognito with her saber whips before handing Austin back his saber telling him thank you before the five finish off the monster with a final strike. meanwhile Prince Vekar is like "my present for Insidia! no!!!" Insidia however assures her fiance that they will have their revenge activating the sattelasers to make Cognito grow Orion prompting the rangers to summon the zords (cue Gokaiger episode 6 megazord fight) the Legendary megazord engaging the monster in a one-on-one fight however Cognito proves to be a slippery one constantly dodging their attacks before the megazord manages to land a hit. the rangers then summon the Delta runner to form the Legendary SPD megazord to destroy Cognito once and for all. After that, we cut to Molly who has returned to working her butt off serving drinks at Ernie's only for Ernie Junior to hand her a paycheck, Molly telling Ernie "thank you!" as she hugs him before returning to the Sky ship to tell the rangers that she just got herself a paycheck saying that she finally earned enough money to help rebuild the school followed by Austin saying "that's my girl" and kissing her on the cheek ending our episode on a happy note.

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