Episode 15: Go Galactic

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Guest rangers of this episode: Leo and Mike Corbett (red galaxy ranger and magna defender, respectively)

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Guest rangers of this episode: Leo and Mike Corbett (red galaxy ranger and magna defender, respectively)

Our episode opens up with a recap of the previous episode "the power of six" before we open up the episode proper with a shot of the Sky ship drifting through space. we then see Lance talking to his father on the bridge of the ship telling him "me and my team got a distress call from Mirinoi, so me and the rest of the team will be gone for a while. I trust you and your men with the resistance will protect Earth while we're off-planet, love you dad" before ending transmission. meanwhile Orion is sitting while pondering what they saw last episode, Jamie asking Orion what seems to be troubling him. Orion explains that he recognized the black knight who attacked Commander Stanton in the transmission footage as the Magna Defender, saying that he heard the legend of the Magna Defender as the story had been spread throughout the cosmos, the tale of a vengeful warrior who fought against the forces of Scorpius for the death of his son, before his powers were passed onto a human from Earth. it doesn't make sense why the Magna Defender would attack an innocent, saying that they need to get to the bottom of this. Lance agrees, telling Orion that this requires investigation. we then see the Sky ship arrive at Mirinoi, Alpha 8 exclaiming "ai-yi-yi! we've arrived at Mirinoi!" Polly exclaiming "we're here! we're here! sqwak!" as the flying red pirate ship enters the planet's atmosphere landing in the forest outside Terra Venture with the six Legend force rangers plus Alpha and Polly exiting the ship to explore the forests of Mirinoi, Alpha looking at a holographic map of the planet she projects saying that they're not too far from the colony while Polly sitting on Orion's shoulder cocks her head. Jamie also looks at the map saying that if they go north they'll reach Terra Venture in no time. they then arrive at the outskirts of the colony where they see smoke in the distance, Brenda saying "oh no, I hope we're not too late" however the rangers are suddenly knocked back by an explosion while Alpha and Polly hide behind a nearby tree. we then hear a familiar laugh followed by none other than Vrak making his entrance, the rangers shocked to see him on Mirinoi. Vrak tells the rangers that he didn't expect to see them here either, but since they're here he'll take the time to have some fun with them pulling out three extra hero keys: Wolf warrior, White mystic ranger, and SPD shadow ranger that he then animates into ranger clones ordering them to attack, Orion telling the five to hold 'em off while he takes Alpha and Polly to Terra Venture. the five then morph to fight the extra ranger clones (cue Gokaiger episode 20 fight) Lance having an original footage swordfight with Vrak while Austin fights Shadow ranger, Jamie fights Wolf warrior, and the girls fight White mystic ranger, the clones knock the three into a nearby river while Vrak teleports away and escapes much to the frustration of Lance who rushes to the river to help his friends out of the water the four leaning onto each other for support, until they come across a familiar figure who tells the five "you guys look like you could need some help" which is none other than Leo Corbett, the red Lost Galaxy ranger causing Jamie to geek out saying "no way that's Leo the red Lost Galaxy ranger!" Molly asks him "you know us?" Leo says "yes, I remember fighting alongside you five in the legend war. you're the current power rangers of Earth are you not?" Lance says "yeah we are, . we then cut to Orion and Alpha arriving at Terra Venture the three walking through the streets before stopping in front of the smoke-covered capital building where they find an injured Commander Mike Corbett and carry him out of the building, Mike looking up at Orion saying "thank goodness, you and your rangers got my message" Mike leans on Alpha while Orion asks Mike what happened, and Mike explains to Orion that the colony was attacked by someone who looked like the Magna Defender, which caught him by surprise since he held the powers of the Magna Defender until he lost them during the legend war. Orion clenches his fist, saying "so it was an impostor then, but who could have done it?" Mike says "I don't know, but what I do know is that things haven't been the same since the Armada attacked Mirinoi, which was around the time I was first promoted to commander of the GSA. the Mirinoian natives including Maya have been in hiding from the Armada's forces, but luckily the dome protecting our colony has kept us safe from the Emperor's onslaught of ships and footsoldiers for the most part" Orion then tells Mike "my ranger team had a run-in with Vrak, the Emperor's youngest son in the forests of Mirinoi. I hope they're alright" Mike then tells Orion "they'll be okay, my brother Leo's been out there leading a group of rebels to defend the Mirinoian village from the Armada. if they're with him they're in good hands" while Alpha 8 and Polly look at each other with concern. we then cut to Leo taking the main five Legend Force rangers through the forests of Mirinoi where they come across a bunch of stakes with severed X-borg heads on them before they come to the village where they are greeted by people in high-tech tactical gear with a crossed-out Armada logo on their shoulders, Leo explaining to the five that the indigenous people of this planet were living in constant terror from the galactic Armada, forcing him and a group of Terra Venture colonists to form a rebel group to defend those who can't defend themselves, even if he no longer has his ranger powers. and so far they've been able to push back the Armada's forces, until the prince arrived, Austin correcting Leo saying "one of two princes. Vekar is the incompetent spoiled brat while Vrak is the one you need to watch out for" Lance admires Leo's leadership skills, saying that the people of Earth have been putting together something similar thanks to the efforts to his dad who's a colonel in the US army. the Mirinoians are hesitant to trust the five strangers, but Leo assures them that they're friends followed by Maya emerging from one of the huts to have a happy reunion with Leo. we then cut to Orion and Mike walking through the wilderness of Mirinoi following a trail of footprints with Alpha 8 and Polly following behind, Orion telling Mike that they couldn't have gone far while Alpha scans the area with her scanners for signs of life only for her to exclaim that she picked up a life signal only for none other than Vrak to show up and confront Orion and Mike, Vrak saying "we meet again, Andrasian. I still haven't forgot how you and your rangers managed to slip from my grasp. but no matter, I'll just end you right here and now" pulling out the magna defender key which Orion and Mike both recognize, Mike asking Vrak where he got that. Vrak chuckles, saying "let's just say I bought it along with the other extra ranger keys on the planet Onyx for a considerable sum" before animating the Magna Defender key into a ranger clone which surprises Mike who says "Impossible..." while Orion calls out Vrak exclaiming "so it was YOU who was behind the attempt on Commander Mike Corbett's life! I should have known!" Vrak then chuckles, saying "guilty as charged. I thought since my loathsome brother was too busy leading the invasion of Earth I thought maybe I should lead the invasion of another world for a change. get them!" the Magna Defender clone pulling out its sword as it marches towards Orion and Mike, Orion telling Polly to go find the other rangers, Polly exclaiming "aye-aye, captain! sqwak!" before flying off in search for the Legend force team while a terrified Alpha 8 cowers behind a rock exclaiming "ai-yi-yi, I hope she finds the other rangers soon!" while Orion and Mike both engage in an unmorphed fight with the Magna Defender clone. we then cut to the Mirinoian villaige where Leo asks "is that a robot parrot?" while Polly falls into Maya's arms, Maya looking at Polly admiring how cute she is. Lance asks Polly what she's doing here and says "sqwak! Orion's in trouble! Orion's in trouble! sqwak!" the five rangers then nod and we cut back to Orion and Mike both easily getting pummeled by the Magna Defender clone while Vrak just watches and laughs evilly only for Lance to leap onto the scene to morph in mid-air landing in front of Orion and Mike, Orion happy to see Lance again while the other four reunite with Alpha who are happy to see their robot friend alive in one piece. the Magna defender clone then transforms its sword into blaster mode and we get a brief one-on-one fight between Legend force red and the Magna defender clone only for Lance to get knocked back into Civilian form by a sudden attack by the clones of Wolf warrior, White mystic ranger, and SPD shadow ranger who stand by the Magna defender clone, Vrak saying "any last words, ranger?" Lance lying on the ground injured then says "yeah, four against one just isn't a fair fight" prompting Orion, Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda to leap onto the scene to protect their leader. the six then morph and do their roll call (cue Gokaiger episode 20 second fight) Lance fights Shadow ranger, Austin and Molly fight White mystic ranger, Jamie and Brenda fight Wolf warrior, and Orion fights Magna Defender, Orion exclaiming "The powers of the Magna Defender are a force for good, it wasn't meant to be used by the forces of evil!" while Leo and his band of Mirinoi rebels arrive on the scene to reunite with Mike, the Corbett brothers happy to see each other again followed by Leo telling the legend force rangers to go get 'em. Molly suggests that they should honor Leo by using the powers of the Lost Galaxy rangers, and the five then morph into Lost Galaxy exclaiming "Go Galactic!" the five charging at the extra hero clones and fighting them off with their quasar sabers while Orion goes Gold mode to defeat the Magna Defender clone reverting it back into a ranger key which is picked up by Mike who thanks Orion for helping reclaim the powers of the Magna Defender. meanwhile the main five rangers revert back into Legend force to finish off the other three extra hero clones with a final strike reverting them back into being ranger keys of which are pulled back into the hands of Vrak who says "sorry rangers but I think I'll keep these" before teleporting away. after that, we cut to the rangers saying their goodbyes to Leo and Mike, Leo thanking the rangers for all they've done helping free Mirinoi while the Mirinoi rebels salute the Legend force team. Mike tells Orion that there's something he wanted him to have and gives the Magna Defender key to Orion assuring the Andrasian pirate that he'll be okay since he knows the powers of the Magna Defender will be in good hands. the Sky ship then takes off while Maya swings in on a vine and puts her arms around Leo and Mike as the three exchange glances while watching the ship leave Mirinoi's atmosphere ending our episode on a good note.

Of course during the tribute morph and fight I would totally use an instrumental rock cover of the Lost Galaxy theme:

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