Episode 17: When you wish upon a star

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Our episode opens up with Lance returning to his apartment which is currently in shambles after the invasion where he helps his mom fix up the place, Lance asking where Allen is. she then tells him that Allen went to go play with other kids his age, which has her worried sick since it's dangerous for children to be left unattended in the middle of an invasion. we then cut to Allen wearing his new red legend force ranger costume riding on his bicycle where he meets up with the other kids at some nearby train tracks who are also wearing ranger costumes carrying cardboard swords and blasters, Allen telling the other kids that he's ready to play power rangers only to see that one of the kids is already dressed like the red ranger, Allen asking "what gives?" one of the kids tells Allen that he was supposed to be the monster, Allen saying "but I don't wanna be the monster I wanna be the red ranger just like my big brother!" only for poor Allen to be shoved by the kid in the red ranger costume who says "you're too much of a sissy to be the red ranger" however a meteor-like object flies in and crashes nearby, the kids all getting on their bikes to investigate where they come across a monster named Cometor along with a platoon of X-borgs pulling a black crystal from the alien pod, Cometor contacting Vrak over the communicator thanking him for sending him the moonstone, saying that with it he'll summon a meteor to crash into Angel Grove while Vrak orders him to take it to the NASADA observatory to activate the beacon. the kids hiding behind a train car overhearing the conversation, only for Austin and Orion to arrive on the scene telling the kids to get out of here the two morphing to fight off the X-borg (cue Gokaiger episode 22 fight) the two morphing into MMPR green and Dino thunder blue fighting the monster together with the dragon dagger and tricera shield knocking him on his rear causing him to drop the moonstone. the two revert back into legend force while Cometor retreats, saying "we'll finish this later, rangers!" the two de-morph before Allen runs up to the two saying that he overheard what the monster is planning and tells them to take him to Lance so that he can warn his big brother. we then cut to Lance's apartment where we see Orion and Austin enter the building along with Allen who reunites with his big bro, Lance's mom saying that she had no Idea they were having guests over. Allen informs Lance that there's a monster who plans on summoning a meteorite to Earth and they got to stop him, saying that he heard the monster was heading for NASADA observatory. Austin calls Alpha on his legendary morpher and informs her of the situation telling her to get a hold of Jamie and the girls for him. we then cut to Jamie, Molly, and Brenda hanging out at the arcade at Ernie's until they all get a call from Alpha 8 on their legendary morphers Alpha informing them that she heard there was a monster at the NASADA observatory, the three nodding before teleporting to the space center to sneak around where they see Cometor meet up with Vrak at the space center, Cometor telling Vrak that he got the stone. Vrak chuckles as a computer console rises out of the ground, Vrak placing the moonstone into the computer console causing the nearby satellite dish to rotate facing the sky shooting a signal into the air before we cut to the Armada flagship where Vekar asks what's going on, and Destro informs Vekar that there's a comet on a collision course with Earth thanks to an artificial radio interference from Earth altering its trajectory. Vekar then says there's only one thing he knows of that can do that, and has a flashback to when he and Vrak were kids where we see Emperor Malus (who's still cloaked in shadow) giving young Vrak the moonstone saying that this rock came from a world the Armada conquered, saying that the stone according to legend has some mystical properties while young Vekar watches with jealousy over their father giving his little brother a gift and not him before we cut back to present day where we see Vekar appear on the console's computer screen Vekar demanding Vrak to know what is the meaning of this is, Vekar saying "Father specifically told me that Earth was for me to conquer, not you!" however Vrak retaliates by saying "and look at yourself, constantly letting yourself be bested by those foolish power rangers" while the two brothers are busy arguing Molly tells the others "come on guys, we gotta find a way to stop that sattelite" and the three teens continue to sneak around until they are caught red-handed by X-borgs. Vrak ends his transmission with Vekar ordering the X-borgs to chase those rangers. we then see Lance, Austin, Orion, and Allen arrive at the space center to shoot down the X-borgs saving their teammates. the six then confront Vrak and Cometor to reunite with their teammates, Lance saying "I should have known you were behind this, Vrak" while Allen points to Cometor informing the rangers that's the monster he saw earlier. Vrak laughs, telling the rangers they are too late as the meteor is heading towards Earth as they speak. Lance tells Allen to get somewhere safe and Allen runs off. Vrak tells Cometor to deal with the rest before teleporting away and the six morph to fight the monster (cue Gokaiger episode 22 second fight) Cometor fires a blast that knocks the rangers on their rears while Allen heads for the computer console containing the moonstone, saying that this is his hero moment. Allen then rushes towards the computer console and reaches for the moonstone only for Cometor to grab Allen by the arm, Cometor telling Allen "not so fast, kid" Lance then shoots the monster's hand making Cometor let go of his little brother. Lance then tells Allen to get out of there and Allen runs off with the moonstone. the six then decide to go Mighty Morphin' with Orion going white ranger the six shouting "It's morphin' time! tigerzord! mastodon! pterodactyl! triceratops! sabertooth tiger! tyrannosaurus!" the main five shooting at Cometor with their blade blasters while Orion leaps in and slashes at the monster with Saba. the six then morph into Zeo to destroy the monster once and for all with a never-before-seen finishing move before reverting back into Legend force and Allen reunites with the rangers exclaiming "that was wicked you guys!" while Vrak watches from the computer monitor in his underwater base, Vrak contacting his brother Vekar to inform him that a human child stole the moonstone and the rangers beat his monster. Vekar laughs and rubs it in his brother's face, exclaiming "who's the idiot brother now, Vrak? guess If you want something done you should do it yourself" Vekar firing the sattelasers from the Armada flagship to make Cometor grow, Insidia exclaiming "hey, that's my job!" the giant Cometor is about to step on Allen only for the Legendary Megazord to leap in and deliver a flying kick to the monster, Lance exclaiming "stay away from my little brother!" Lance then tells Allen to go remove the moonstone from the computer console, as it's the only way to stop the signal. Allen understands and watches on while the other kids from earlier arrive on the scene to see the ranger summon the red lion wild zord and the Q-rex mark 2, the kids exclaiming "woah, so cool!" while Allen tells them "you know what's even cooler? my big brother's their leader, the red ranger" before he runs up to the computer console and tries to pull the moonstone out of the computer console but to no avail only for the other kids to pitch in and they all grab onto the moonstone to pull it out together and it works disabling the satellite, Allen high-fiving the other kids saying "see that guys? we did it by working together as a team just like the power rangers!" while the Legendary samurai megazord and Q-rex megazord mark 2 fight together against Cometor, the Legendary Megazord finishing Cometor off with a fire smasher attack. Orion then says "It's over Cometor! you've lost!" however Cometor tells the rangers that they may have disabled the satellite the signal has already been sent meaning that Vrak's plan has been set into motion and Angel Grove will be reduced to a giant crater before exploding. the two megazords then look up with the rangers noticing that the meteor is already on the verge of entering Earth's atmosphere, Jamie saying that they've got to do something while Austin says "oh crud we're too late!" Lance says that they're just gonna have to destroy it the Legendary megazord firing at the meteor with its chest cannon which doesn't work. Molly exclaiming "it didn't work!" while Brenda asks what they're going to do. Orion then comes up with an idea and tells the other rangers to throw him at the meteor, saying that he can destroy it with the Q-rex megazord's drill arm. Molly then asks "ranger fastball special... will that work?" while Austin says "maybe not, but we have to try!" the Legendary megazord then throws the Q-rex megazord into space Orion activating the foot thrusters propelling the Q-rex megazord toward the incoming meteorite before activating its drill arm drilling right through the asteroid destroying it once and for all. after that, we cut to Allen (now wearing the moonstone as a necklace) meeting back up with the other kids at the park, the kid who was the red ranger before now dressed up as the monster telling Allen that he should get to be the red ranger this time, making Allen smile and the kids start playing power rangers together while the six rangers plus Alpha 8 watch while having a picnic, Austin elbowing Lance saying that his little brother would make a great ranger somedday while Alpha saying "aw, they're so cute at that age" while Polly sits on Orion's shoulder saying "kids will be kids, sqwak!" Orion saying "agreed, I kinda envy them for having the chance to have a happy childhood while I never got that chance" only for Lance to get up and give his little brother a noogie, Lance telling Allen that he was very brave out there and he's proud of his little brother for what he did while Lance's mom shows up and tells Allen that it's time to go home Allen waving his new friends goodbye ending our episode on a good note.

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