Episode 16: Spectro and the guardian armor

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Our episode opens up with the rangers riding on their megaforce cycles towards the scene of a monster attack in downtown Angel Grove, where they come across a gremlin monster named Grimlin, who taunts the rangers telling them to give him all they've got. the five then fire their zord headders from their bikes knocking the monster down before hopping off to do their roll call (cue Goseiger episode 21 fight), Grimlin then gets back up followed by Brenda summoning the sky brothers zords which they combine with their headder blasters to finish off the monster pretty quickly, Austin commenting about how that was easy... too easy. the monster then suddenly grows giant, followed by the rangers summoning their zords to form the guardian megazord (cue Goseiger episode 21 megazord fight), followed by Robo Knight showing up to form the Robo Knight megazord, Robo Knight apologizing to the rangers telling them "sorry I'm late, rangers". the two megazords then team up using both of their attacks to finish off the monster once and for all. the five rangers then hop out of their megazord and take off their helmets, Lance telling the team that it's all in a day's work for the power rangers while the five high-five each other. Robo Knight then shows up telling the rangers that there's something fishy going on here as that monster didn't even bother putting up a fight. their conversation is then interrupted by Zador contacting the rangers informing them that another monster has been spotted in Angel Grove national forest. Lance then says "back to action!" and the five rangers then put their helmets back on and hop back on their megaforce cycles telling Robo Knight thanks for the help before driving off. the five rangers then arrive at the forest where they come across a kesaran pasaran monster named Pasarasite who also taunts the rangers, telling them to hit him with their best shot, followed by red summoning his dragon sword telling the monster to bring it on (cue Goseiger episode 20 fight), the monster bouncing around dodging each of their attacks before blasting them with steam, the rangers hiding behind a tree Austin commenting how fighting two monsters in one day is ridiculous. blue and black then charge at the monster, attacking it with their weapons while Pasarasite continues dodging their attacks telling them not to take it personal as he's just doing his job keeping them busy on behalf of his master Spectro. red, pink, and yellow then blast Pasarasite with their headder blasters knocking him down. we then cut to Tritor's ship where general Tritor watches the rangers's fight from the screen on his throne, Tritor laughing at the rangers before turning his throne around to face the monster Spectro, telling him that his plan is brilliant making the rangers waste their time fighting his illusion monsters. Spectro then thanks general Tritor for recognizing his genius, saying that it was all part of the plan. Lurker and Sasquatcho are also impressed, the two asking him how he does it. spectro then demonstrates, saying that he can use his illusion powers to create monsters out of thin air using his powers to summon another illusion monster this time being a skyfish monster named lightning rod while the two mutants applaud, Cera rolling her eyes at the two pea-brained mutants telling them not to be too impressed as it's just nothing but a bunch of smoke and mirrors, mere party tricks. general Tritor then asks Cera where Vrak is, Cera telling Tritor that he's after a weapon called the savage sword showing him a holographic image of the weapon on her tablet saying that it's a weapon of unimaginable power and that it could give them an edge against the power rangers which intrigues general Tritor. we then cut back to the rangers's fight with Parasarasite, the rangers being pelted by his killer cottonballs. however the rangers are saved by Robo Knight, blasting the monster with his lion laser before using a freezing power card to encase the monster in ice. the rangers then thank Robo Knight before forming the megaforce blaster while Robo Knight summons his vulcan headder, the five using their combined powers to destroy the monster once and for all. Robo Knight then turns his attention to the rangers, asking them if they find the fact that they defeated two monsters in one day this easily at least a little bit suspicious. the rangers tell Robo Knight to relax, telling him that they're just so good at being power rangers that general Tritor and his goons aren't even trying anymore. Alpha then contacts the rangers, informing them that yet another monster has been spotted on Angel Grove beach. the rangers hop back on their bikes while Robo Knight watches, promising that he's going to get to the bottom of this. we then cut to Robo Knight returning to the command center to inform Zador and Alpha of the situation, telling the two that there's something going on having three monster attacks in one day and said monsters showing up out of nowhere only to be defeated rather quickly, as if they're just there to be some kind of distraction. Zador then tells Robo Knight that the monsters the rangers fought are illusions created by a monster named Spectro, showing an image of him on the viewing screen. he then tells Robo Knight that he needs to defeat Spectro if the rangers are to be freed from his illusions. we cut back to the five rangers arriving at the beach to confront the next monster, which turns out to be lightning rod who tells the five rangers that they may have defeated his brothers Grimlin and Pasarasite but they won't defeat him. the rangers are confused, wondering how each of these three monsters know each other. lightning rod then grows giant, followed by the rangers summoning their zords to form the guardian megazord (cue Goseiger episode 23 megazord fight). Robo Knight then arrives on the scene to tell the rangers that the monsters they're fighting weren't real, they were just illusions created by one of general Tritor's monsters named spectro, however they should finish off this one before going after spectro. Robo Knight then summons the knight brothers zords followed by them forming the knight guardian megazord. the knight guardian megazord is then pelted by lightning rod's sparks followed by Jamie telling the rangers that now's a good time for testing out a new megazord configuration. Alpha then contacts Jamie and tells him that she's sending in the datazord and ostrich zord as they speak. the datazord then combines with the ostrich zord to form a new combo Jamie likes to call "datazord heli mode" which proceeds to blow the sparks away with a gust of wind from its new propeller head followed by the knight guardian zord destroying lightning rod once and for all. general Tritor watches the rangers's victory from the viewing screen and gets angry, punishing Spectro by electrocuting him with force lightning while telling him that all of his monsters failed. Spectro then promises that he'll go after the rangers himself before we cut to the rangers arriving at the command center de-morphed, followed by Zador explaining the entire situation to the rangers. Robo Knight then enters the room, telling Zador that they should go after Spectro next. Zador then tells Robo Knight that Spectro and his illusion monsters were a mere distraction, sent by general Tritor to keep them busy while him and his goons went after the savage sword. Austin then asks what this "sword" exactly is, wondering it it's some kind of Excalibur type business. an image of the savage sword pops up on the viewing screen and Zador then tells the rangers that the savage sword was a weapon forged by the morphin' masters thousands of years ago, however it grew dangerously unstable forcing the sword to be buried somewhere on earth and that they must find it before it falls into the wrong hands. the five rangers then morph before hopping on their megaforce cycles and driving off while Robo Knight tells the rangers good luck. the six then arrive at a forested area where they are confronted by Spectro who tells the rangers that they will pay for destroying all of his illusion monsters before Robo Knight arrives on the scene telling the rangers that he'll deal with Spectro while the rangers go after the sword (cue Goseiger episode 24 first fight). Robo Knight then fights Spectro one-on-one while the rangers run towards the sword's location. the rangers then arrive at the sword's location only to find Vrak already there, Vrak telling the rangers that they're too late explaining to them that while they were busy fighting Spectro's monsters he already found the sword's location. the rangers try to protect the sword by fighting Vrak with their weapons, forcing Vrak to retreat. the rangers then step through the force field protecting the sword followed by Lance pulling the sword out of the stone. however the sword turns out to have a mind of its own and breaks free from Lance's hand before it is snatched up by Vrak who thanks the rangers for breaking the seal explaining that only someone who is pure good could pull the sword out of its resting place so someone evil like him couldn't possibly do it so he tricked them into getting it for him. we then cut back to Robo Knight fighting Spectro who tells Robo Knight that it was all part of the plan before we cut back to Vrak mopping the floor with the rangers, delivering an energy slash attack from the savage sword that knocks them down easily. Vrak then tells the rangers that this weapon's for keeps before blasting the rangers with the sword. Vrak is impressed with the weapon's power, saying that with this weapon he could easily overthrow general Tritor. Vrak and Spectro then both retreat while the rangers feel defeated for losing the sword until they are contacted by Zador who informs the rangers that Vrak and Spectro are in downtown Angel Grove. we then cut to general Tritor's ship where general Tritor asks Cera why the heck Vrak hasn't returned to him with the sword yet, followed by Cera telling general Tritor that he's probably too busy having fun with his new toy. we then cut to Vrak trying to test out the savage sword by using it to destroy a building while Spectro watches, however it doesn't work as the sword refuses to budge. Vrak gets frustrated and tortures the sword, however spectro gets shot by Robo Knight followed by the rangers arriving on the scene demanding Vrak to hand over the sword. Vrak refuses, using the sword's power to blast the rangers and Robo Knight with a surge of energy. Vrak then uses the sword's power to supercharge spectro, followed by spectro summoning an army of revived monsters: Toxinoko, Mummipede, Kappatick, Grimlin, Pasarasite, and Lightning rod. Austin then tells spectro that his illusion trick won't work on them twice followed by the rangers charging at the monsters only for them to get beaten royally. Spectro then tells the rangers that his illusion monsters are more powerful than ever. the rangers then whip out their weapons and fight each of the monsters: Lance fights Mummipede, Austin fights Toxinoko, Molly fights Grimlin, Brenda fights Lightning rod, Jamie fights Pasarasite, and Robo Knight fights Kappatick. all six of them are beaten to a pulp by the suped-up illusions, followed by Vrak telling the rangers that they're finished now. however the sword becomes out of control and blasts a building knocking the rangers out cold. Lance then realizes that the sword is on the side of good but it's being forced to fight Vrak's evil commands. the rangers then come to the conclusion that they've got to free it. Lance then drops his dragon sword and rushes towards Vrak, grabbing the savage sword by its head. Lance then has a mind-meld moment with the savage sword, waking up in a black void where he is greeted by a glowing gold dragon head. Lance then tells the headder that they're the power rangers and that they need its help to defeat these monsters for the side of good taming the sword in the process. this causes the savage sword to break free from Vrak's control, the sword transforming into a small gold dragon headder followed by four other gold headders resembling a snake, shark, tiger, and phoenix. Zador then informs the rangers that by taming the savage sword they've unlocked their new golden armor headders. five white swords then materialize in the rangers's hands: the guardian swords, followed by the rangers placing their new headders inside the guardian swords activating a new power-up for the five: the guardian armor (cue Goseiger episode 24 super mode fight), immediately turning the tide on the battle and forcing Vrak to retreat. the newly armored-up rangers one-by-one dispose of Spectro's illusion monsters, followed by the five putting their guardian swords together to perform a guardian strike attack that destroys Spectro once and for all. Robo Knight then congratulates the rangers on a much-deserved victory before walking away. after that, the rangers then de-morph followed Lance telling his teammates that it's been a long day and that they should celebrate their victory by having drinks at Ernie's and our episode ends with the five walking off into the sunset.

P.S. can you believe that I mashed FOUR different Goseiger episodes together to create this "Illusion monsters" storyline? Aside from the super mode debut episode, here's clips from the other three episodes that were used to make this one:

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