Episode 26: All Hail Prince Vekar

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Guest character of this episode: Doctor K (returning from the previous episode which was a tribute to RPM)

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Guest character of this episode: Doctor K (returning from the previous episode which was a tribute to RPM)

Our episode opens up with a recap of the events of "In the Driver's seat" before we open the story proper with the resistance troops taking out X-borgs on the ground while the rangers fight the giant bruisers in the Legendary Megazord, the rangers summoning the Turbo Falcon Zord to form the Legendary RPM Megazord to finish off the remaining giant bruisers while the resistance troops successfully destroy the X-borgs on the ground. the six Legend force rangers then hop out of their Megazord and take off their helmets to thank the resistance troops for their help, and the rangers and soldiers return to the Resistance base where they are greeted by Alpha 8 and Colonel Evan Taylor who both congratulate everybody on a job well done only for an inter-dimensional portal to open inside the warehouse and out steps none other than Doctor K who informs the six Legend Force rangers that she finished decrypting the Project Retrofit files, Alpha hugging K saying "oh thank you Doctor! you're a lifesaver!" Doctor K tells our heroes that she had to help, as she couldn't just sit back and watch them lose their world the same way she lost hers. Jamie takes the thumb drive from K's hand saying that with the files decrypted they'll be able to free Robo Knight, Lance saying "that's great!" followed by Doctor K telling the rangers that she's also been developing a new combo for both their Megazords with the Turbo Falcon: the Legendary Ultrazord, showing them the blueprints for the new zord combination Molly saying "that thing looks like it packs quite a punch" Doctor K saying "you have no idea" we then cut to the Armada Flagship where Vekar and his crew see Vrak enter the bridge accompanied by two royal guards, Vekar asking his brother what brings him here. Vrak tells Vekar that he's here to bring him a gift, presenting his brother with his own Armada Megazord of which Vekar is in awe of. Cyberon asks Vekar "my prince, are you sure we can trust him after all his attempts to backstab you?" Vekar says "with this Megazord I can finally take down the Power Rangers once and for all, so it's a risk that I'm willing to take. I accept your gift, brother" and shakes hands with Vrak all the while Destro hears Vrak chuckling under his breath. we then cut to the resistance base where we see Jamie and Doctor K hard at work pouring through the decrypted Armada files, Doctor K telling the Legend Force rangers that she and Jamie are working on an antivirus that'll undo the Armada's brainwashing and restore all of Robo Knight's memories. Alpha will be the one that'll upload the antivirus into Cyberon, Jamie uploading the antivirus into Alpha who opens a compartment in her chest revealing a USB cable inside. however, one of the rangers must fight Cyberon one-on-one to keep him busy which'll buy Alpha the time to get close and upload the antivirus into the back of Cyberon's neck. Lance volunteers, saying "I'll do it, I should be the one to face Robo Knight" however Austin butts in saying "no, It should be me. I'm the only one who's skill with the sword is on the same level as that of Robo Knight's" Molly grabs Austin by the arm telling him "please don't do this, there's no guarantee you'll survive the fight! you should let Lance handle this" Polly sitting on Orion's shoulder exclaiming "sqwak! let lance handle it! sqwak!" Austin then tells Molly "I have to do this. It's my duty as a power ranger" the others are taken aback by how serious Austin is acting in the moment, however Cyberon suddenly shows up in the abandoned warehouse district leading an army of X-borgs and bruisers that knock out the resistance troops before marching towards the resistance base. the six rangers (plus Alpha 8 and Doctor K) stand in front of the entrance, Doctor K telling the Legend Force rangers to remember the plan followed by the six morphing and doing their roll call (cue Gokaiger episode 37 fight) Alpha wishing the rangers good luck. while Lance, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda are busy fighting the grunts Austin fights Cyberon one-on-one. Austin pleads with Cyberon, saying "come on Robo Knight, you have to remember! we're the power rangers, your friends!" however Cyberon says "I have no friends. all I have is my loyalty to the prince" Cyberon proceeds to mop the floor with Austin while Alpha watches from behind some barrels exclaiming "ai-yi-yi, this can't be good" meanwhile the other rangers finish off the grunts with the Legendary cannon only for Vrak to watch from the shadows and snap his fingers to summon the royal guards who attack the rangers knocking them on their rears, Lance asking "just who are those guys?" Orion tells the others "royal guards, they work for the emperor" only for Vrak to show up saying "precisely, Andrasian. I convinced my father to loan them over to me so that they can help me and my brother destroy you" Lance then says "sorry Vrak, but we won't go down without a fight" the five whipping out their extra hero keys to do an all-extra hero legendary morph: Lance morphs into Wolf Warrior, Orion morphs into Magna Defender, Jamie morphs into Blue Senturion, Molly morphs into Sentinel Knight, and Brenda morphs into Kat Ranger. Vrak orders the royal guards to destroy them before teleporting away, the Legend Force team using the powers of the extra heroes to take out the royal guards. we then cut back to Austin's fight with Cyberon where the two use the exact same sword technique to deliver identical energy slash attacks to each other resulting in an explosion that knocks both opponents out, Alpha 8 sneaks behind Cyberon and plugs the USB cable from her chest compartment into the back of Cyberon's neck while the other rangers arrive on the scene to help Austin back up on his feet. we then see Cyberon talk in Robo Knight's voice again placing his hand on the side of Alpha's head saying "Alpha? where am I? what happened? why does my body look different?" Alpha holds hands with Cyberon saying "Oh Robo Knight, I'm just glad to have you back" the two sharing an electric "kiss" while the rangers take their helmets off to give Cyberon/Robo Knight a group hug happy to have their robot friend back, Jamie calling Doctor K on his legendary morpher informing the good doctor that her plan worked. however the rangers hear a familiar evil laugh saying "don't celebrate too soon, rangers" as we see Vrak show up holding a remote control pressing a button that makes Cyberon lose control of his body making him attack the rangers against his will, the robotic warrior exclaiming "help! Vrak is somehow controlling me!" as he is made to swing his sword at the rangers against his will, Lance exclaiming "Alpha watch out!" as Vrak makes Cyberon do an energy slash attack that shatters Alpha 8 into pieces, Brenda exclaiming "No!" Vekar also arrives on the scene to give his brother Vrak a pat on the back, Vekar telling the rangers that they can't stop the combined might of two royal brothers. Vrak tells Vekar "I knew that the rangers would eventually find a way to bring their robot friend back to the side of good, so I had a contingency plan: install a chip in the back of his neck that'll allow me to control him remotely" Vekar exclaims "such brilliant plan brother, I'm impressed. now to finish them off. Insidia honey, time to deploy the Armada Megazord!" Insidia deploys the Armada Megazord which Vekar boards, Vekar exclaiming "with this gift from my brother Vrak, I will squash you power brats once and for all!" prompting the rangers to summon the Legendary and Q-rex Megazords (cue Gokaiger episode 37 Megazord fight) meanwhile Doctor K collects the remains of Alpha 8 before contacting the Legend Force team to inform them that she's downmorphing the Turbo Falcon zord. however Vekar in the Armada Megazord manages to send the Turbo Falcon back into the portal from which it came forcing the rangers to change their strategy: form the Legendary Megazord Q-rex Formation, however the Armada Megazord fires a beam from its chest that knocks the Legendary Megazord Q-rex Formation back, Vekar saying "are you watching me, brother? I'm about to destroy the power rangers once and for all! soon nothing will stop us from conquering the universe!" while Vrak stares in silence. Lance then hears the voice of Zador in his head say "Lance, you must get the rest of your team to safety" prompting Lance to press the eject button which teleports Orion, Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda out of the megazord forcing the five to watch as the megazord reverts back into the sky ship and crashes into the mountains just outside Angel Grove. the five then return to the resistance base where they see Doctor K rebuilding Alpha 8 into Alpha 9, who looks just like Alpha 8 but with silver accents and the Gokaiger logo on her chest the rangers all happy to see Alpha alive and well giving the little robot a group hug. Colonel Evan Taylor then shows up to ask the rangers "where is my son?" the five then give each other a sorrowful look before Orion tells the Colonel "Lance was in the Megazord when it was damaged in the fight against Prince Vekar's new zord. his last act was teleporting us out so that we could fight another day. don't worry colonel, your son's sacrifice will not be in vain" while Alpha cocks her head and says "oh no". Austin clenches his fist saying "no no no he can't be gone! he has to be alive!" before storming off while Brenda says "Austin wait!" Molly then tells Brenda "there's no stopping him now" before we cut to the injured lance lying in the cockpit of the Sky Ship trying to contact his teammates on his legendary morpher only to get static before falling unconscious. meanwhile Austin then runs through the mountains towards the crash site, only for Austin to get stopped in his tracks by Vrak who says "so you survived my buffoon of a brother's attack on your megazord, I should have known he was too pathetic to finish you off" Austin tells Vrak "and here I thought you two were now working together" Vrak tells Austin "don't be ridiculous, my brother Vekar is nothing more than a pawn to me. but if you wanna get to me you need to go through him first" Vrak pulling out his remote to make Cyberon march towards Austin sword in hand, Cyberon saying "Austin! In order to set me free you must destroy me!" Austin then sheds a tear saying "robo knight..." under his breath before morphing into the blue ranger to charge at Vrak and Cyberon before we cut to Resistance HQ where Colonel Evan Taylor informs the rangers that he got a static message, he can barely make out the voice. he plays it and the rangers recognize it as Lance's voice, meaning that Lance is still alive. Orion then asks the other rangers "then what are we waiting for mateys? let's get our leader back!" Polly exclaiming "get him back! get him back! sqwak!" as they teleport off while Doctor K and Alpha 9 watch. we then cut to Austin's one-on-one fight with Cyberon while Vrak watches the fight taunting the blue ranger for not having the guts to finish off his own friend, Austin saying "I can't!" Cyberon unable to control his own body tells Austin "Austin please, there is no other way!" before Vrak flips a switch on the remote making Cyberon charge his sword up for an energy slash attack knocking Austin on his rear while Vrak laughs evilly. Austin has flashbacks to all the good memories of Robo Knight as Vrak remotely makes Cyberon do another energy slash attack that knocks Austin's helmet off as he blocks the attack with his legendary saber, Austin saying "this is for you, Robo Knight!" before deflecting the attack back at Cyberon destroying him once and for all, Austin exclaiming "there, you made me destroy Robo Knight. are you happy now, Vrak?" just when Orion, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda arrive on the scene. Vrak then chuckles and walks away followed by the spirit of Robo Knight appearing before the Legend Force rangers, Robo Knight saying "thank you Austin, for setting me free" while all the rangers start to tear up from seeing Robo Knight as a ghost. we then see the spirit of Zador appear before the spirit of Robo Knight to offer his hand, Robo Knight's ghost exclaiming "father?" Zador's spirit then says "It's time to go, my son" Robo Knight's ghost turns to the legend force team and says "thank you for all that you've done, rangers. take care of Alpha for me" before Robo Knight's ghost takes Zador's hand and the two walk off into the afterlife together, followed by a ranger key materializing in Orion's hands, Orion saying "hey guys, check this out!" while Polly sitting on Orion's shoulder exclaims "robo knight! robo knight! sqwak!" as the rangers look down to see Orion holding a Robo Knight ranger key. our heroes then rush towards the crashed sky ship where they find the unconscious Lance and try to wake him up, Lance opening his eyes saying "boy am I glad to see you guys" followed by Lance and Brenda sharing a kiss while Lance grabs the helm of the Sky ship and says "come on rangers, let's go home" before we cut to the Armada flagship where Vrak informs Vekar that Cyberon has been destroyed causing Vekar to throw a temper tantrum, exclaiming "what do you mean Cyberon's been destroyed? you mean those power rangers survived? Impossible! I destroyed them with my own two hands!" only for Insidia to calm her fiance down reminding him that not all is lost as they still have each other. Vekar then says "prepare the Armada Megazord for launch, I'm going to avenge Cyberon myself!" as he marches out the door. Destro then says "my prince wait, It's too dangerous! you could get yourself..." only for Vrak to interrupt saying "let him go Destro, if he doesn't come back alive then the throne is as good as mine" before we cut to the rangers returning to resistance HQ where Lance gets a happy reunion with his father who is happy to see his son alive and well, his mother and little brother Allen arriving on the scene to greet him as well while the other rangers stand and smile. Lance then compliments Alpha's new look and she thanks him before asking the rangers what happened to Robo Knight, and Austin says "I had no choice but to destroy him, it was the only way" Alpha says "oh dear" before Doctor K welcomes Lance back informing the rangers that she's been hard at work recalibrating the Turbo Falcon to work with their new ultrazord configuration and just in time, as Vekar's Megazord has been seen rampaging over downtown Angel Grove prompting the six rangers to morph and summon the legendary and Q-rex megazords (cue Gokaiger episode 38 Megazord fight) Vekar telling the rangers that with his Armada Megazord they are powerless to stop him. Orion uses the Q-Rex megazord's triple drill strike while the main five summon the Mystic dragon and Legendary Minizord but none can lay a dent in Vekar's Armada Megazord, prompting Doctor K to downmorph the Turbo Falcon Zord which gets knocked out of the air by the Armada Megazord's lasers, Vekar exclaiming "are you loathsome power rangers ready to meet your maker?" only for Orion to say "not today, Prince Vekar!" only for the six to notice their Legend Force keys start glowing, Doctor K telling the five now is the time to form the Legendary Ultrazord. the six then plug their keys into their zord console which combines the Legendary Megazord, Q-Rex Megazord, and Turbo Falcon Zord to form the Legendary Ultrazord, Vekar exclaiming "what in the name of Master Vile are you?" followed by the Legendary Ultrazord hitting Vekar's Armada Megazord with a barrage of missiles followed by a drill attack and then launching its fist as a projectile to finish both the Armada Megazord and Prince Vekar off once and for all, Insidia exclaiming "no! my fiance, how could this happen?" while Destro says "my prince...I promise to your brother and father you will be avenged" before we cut to the rangers celebrating at the resistance base before saying their goodbyes to Doctor K who must return to her home universe, Alpha 9 thanking K for rebuilding her. after K leaves through the portal, we cut to downtown Angel Grove where we see a badly-injured and barely-alive Prince Vekar trapped under the wreckage of the Armada Megazord, Vekar clenching his fist saying "curse those power brats... curse them all!" only for Vekar to see Vrak approaching him. Vekar begs for help, saying "brother, help me!" only for Vrak to laugh at his brother's pathetic state and reveal to Vekar that he set him up to fall from the get-go much to Vekar's surprise. Vrak then delivers the killing blow to Vekar by impaling his brother on his sword the prince's blue blood staining the blade ending our episode on a foreboding note.

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