Episode 7: Spirit of the tiger

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Guest ranger of this episode: Casey Rhodes (Jungle Fury red ranger)

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Guest ranger of this episode: Casey Rhodes (Jungle Fury red ranger)

Our episode opens up with a shot of the sky ship flying over Angel Grove as they leave the city, Lance asking Orion what the next city that needs their help. Orion looks at the computer console and tells the rangers that there's an Armada-occupied city close by called Ocean Bluff, all the while Jamie and Brenda are both laying in their hammocks on the ship feeling famished saying that they could go for a bite to eat, Lance asking "you two are hungry already?" while he, Austin, and Molly look down at the two with Alpha saying "good thing I'm a robot and don't need food" Polly saying "you tell them sister, sqwak!" while Orion says "fine, then we shall sample the local cuisine of Ocean Bluff" as he steers the helm. We then cut to the Armada flagship where Cyberon reports to Prince Vekar informing him that the rangers are heading to another area of Armada-occupied territory to liberate it: the city of Ocean Bluff. and he has the perfect monster to stop them, said monster introducing himself as Pachachamac. Prince Vekar mocks Pachachamac for his ridiculously hard to pronounce name, however Destro reminds Vekar that Pachachamac comes from a long line of galactic martial artists, he is extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Vekar tells Pachachamac that he expects great things from him, telling him to stop those rangers from bringing their rebellion to Ocean Bluff. After that, we cut to Orion and the five rangers walking through the streets of Ocean Bluff which are in ruins by the Armada's attacks Armada ships hovering over the city. a random bystander runs past our heroes trying to escape the destruction only to bump into Orion who asks him where they can get a bite to eat around these parts, and the stranger tells him that there's a pizza joint close by called "Jungle Karma Pizza" saying that they got the best pizza in town before going back to running away. Our heroes then check out Jungle Karma Pizza as they sit down and look at the menu, only for a mysterious man with a familiar voice telling them that it's pretty bold having the six of them come all the way out here for a bite to eat in the middle of an alien invasion, Jamie saying "the things you'll do for food am I right?" with Brenda saying "I'll have whatever he's having". Orion slams the menu onto the table saying that they'll have a large pizza for the six of them and the mystery man says "great" before walking off, Jamie looking at the back of the mystery man's shirt noticing a familiar looking claw logo asking the others if they recognize that logo saying that he's seen it before. The mystery man then serves our heroes their pizza showing his face revealing it to be none other than Casey Rhodes who tells them to enjoy their pizza. The five rangers and their space pirate mentor dig in chowing down on their pizza only for them to see people running and screaming from Pachachamac and the X-borgs as they march through the city causing panic in the streets. Orion tells the five to go free Ocean bluff, saying that he'll pay for the food. Casey then asks Orion "those kids of yours part of the resistance, pirate guy?" with Orion saying "you could say that" while he's busy eating pizza. We then cut to the five teens arriving outside to confront the monster before morphing and doing their roll call (cue Gokaiger episode 7 fight) Lance, Austin, and Molly fighting off the X-borgs while Jamie and Brenda engage the monster who then uses his magnetic fist technique to pull the ranger's weapons out of their hands leaving them defenseless before pummelling Jamie and Brenda with his elastic fists. Lance, Jamie, and Molly morph into Wild force shouting "Wild access!" the three using Wild force's animal-based attacks to fight off Pachachamac, Lance saying "nice trick, but there are ways to fight without weapons" while Jamie and Brenda both sit down and watch, however Pachachamac manages to make his escape followed by Orion arriving on the scene, saying "that pizza hit the spot!" followed by the five de-morphing with Brenda telling him "you'd better not have eaten the whole pizza without us!" however Orion assures her that he saved each of them a slice and had the guy from Jungle Karma put it in a to go box, saying that there's plenty of room in the fridge back on the sky ship. We then cut to the sky ship where we see the five teens eating leftover pizza on the bridge while Jamie is busy looking on his laptop, Austin asking Jamie what kind of nerdy stuff he's looking up now. Jamie explains that he knew the logo on the guy from the pizza place's shirt looked familiar, pulling up a picture of the logo on his computer and showing it to his teammates explaining that he did a little research and found out that the logo belongs to the Order of the claw, explaining that they were kung fu masters who trained in the art of channeling their animal spirits. Brenda is intrigued, saying that if that guy was a member of the claw group or whatever then he might be able to help them take down that monster and free Ocean Bluff. Lance disagrees, saying that freeing Ocean Bluff from Armada occupation should be the greater priority. Alpha 8 intervenes, suggesting that maybe they should try splitting up so that way they can do both. Orion crosses his arms and says "then it's settled. Lance, Austin, and Molly head to the north district of Ocean Bluff to fight off the Armada's forces and take back the city, while Jamie and Brenda head to the south district to find our kung Fu master. Rangers, head out!" We then cut back to the Armada flagship where Prince Vekar berates Pachachamac for being beaten by those power rangers so easily, however Insidia enters the room and acts super seductive around Vekar, asking if he'll let her "handle" him. After that, we cut to Jamie and Brenda coming across Casey teaching a bunch of kids martial arts in the park, after the class is dismissed the two walk up to Casey asking him for a moment saying that this is important. The two then reveal themselves as the green and pink Legend Force rangers, holding up their legendary morphers explaining that there's a monster that can rob them of their weapons with magnetism and that they want him to teach them some martial arts so that they can learn how to fight back with their fists, saying that they came to Ocean Bluff to help liberate it from the Armada. Casey tells the two that they came to the right guy, saying that he's been teaching martial arts to the people of his city to help them defend themselves against their Armada oppressors, introducing himself to the two as Pai Zhuq master Casey Rhodes, showing a bunch of flashbacks from Jungle Fury. Jamie starts geeking out, saying "no way! you're the Jungle Fury red ranger!" We then get a training montage showing Jamie and Brenda both wearing green and pink tracksuits as they train under master Casey who lectures to them about what it takes to master the art of channeling your animal spirits. After that we cut to Lance, Jamie, and Brenda, arriving downtown to see people getting rounded up and beaten into submission by X-borgs just like in Angel Grove and Briarwood in the earlier episodes, Lance saying "let them go!" while Pachachamac turns around, exclaiming "so you came back for more, rangers?" Followed by the trio morphing to fight off the monster (cue Gokaiger episode 7 second fight) the three not letting go of their weapons as Pachachamac uses his magnet fist technique again, Pachachamac exclaiming "what is the meaning of this?" with Lance smugly saying "did you seriously think we'd fall for the same trick twice?" before the three morph into Dino Thunder exclaiming "Dino Thunder, power up!" as the three engage the monster in an original footage fight before we cut back to Jamie and Brenda training with Casey, the two finally unlocking their animal spirits the shark and the phoenix (a nod to their Megaforce powers) only for the two to get a call from Alpha who tells the two rangers that their team needs help. Casey gives the two permission to go help their teammates, Jamie and Brenda both bowing saying "thanks master Casey!" before running off to help their teammates while Casey smiles. Casey then hears a voice saying "you have taught your students well, Casey" followed by Casey turning his head to see the ghost of Master Mao appearing before him. Casey picks up his backpack and says "I learned from the best" which makes Master Mao's ghost smile. We then cut to Lance, Austin, and Molly mopping the floor with Pachachamac only for him to hit the rangers with a cosmic blast knocking them back into their Legend Force forms Pachachamac boasting about how thanks to Insidia's upgrade he's now more powerful than ever. However Jamie and Brenda both arrive on the scene doing their Kung Fu poses, both exclaiming "spirit of the shark, and the phoenix!" while transparent images of their old Megaforce zords flash behind them the two dodging Pachachamac's attack with Jamie telling Brenda "just remember what master Casey taught us!" as the two fight Pachachamac hand-to-hand with their new Kung Fu moves however they are still no match for Pachachamac. Jamie suggests that the five of them unleash their animal spirits by using the powers of the Jungle fury rangers. The five then morph into Jungle fury exclaiming "Jungle beast, spirit unleashed!" the five overpowering Pachachamac with their combined strength before Jamie and Brenda break off Pachachamac's extra arms rendering him unable to use his magnetic fist technique, the five reverting back to their Legend Force forms with Molly saying "nice one, you two!" followed by the five finishing off the monster with a final strike. Prince Vekar demands Insidia to make him grow, Insidia saying "yes, dear" before firing the sattelasers to make Pachachamac grow prompting the rangers to summon the zords and summon the legendary megazord (cue Gokaiger episode 7 megazord fight) the megazord firing a barrage of blasts from its chest cannon that Pachachamac easily deflects with his fists. the legendary megazord then switches to fighting the monster with its fists before Jamie suggests they use their Jungle fury keys as they start glowing, Molly asking why they're glowing with Brenda saying that it must be a gift from Master Casey. The five legend force rangers then plug their Jungle fury keys into the megazord console summoning the tiger, jaguar, cheetah, wolf, and rhino animal spirits to finish off Pachachamac once and for all. After that, we cut to the rangers along with Alpha and Orion thanking Casey for all he's done, the five bowing to the tiger master. Casey thanks the rangers back for helping fight back against the Armada, as thanks to them Ocean Bluff has been liberated from Armada control, telling them "the power rangers, and the order of the claw, are forever in your debt. Oh, and Fran told me you forgot to leave a tip at Jungle Karma Pizza" Alpha saying "ai-yi-yi" as the five look at Orion who realizes he's in deep trouble says "gotta go" as he teleports everybody to the sky ship before leaving Ocean Bluff ending our episode on a semi-good note.

Oh and yet again we'd have the season theme song playing during the Jungle Fury tribute morph and fight:

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