Episode 2: He blasted me with science

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Our episode opens up with the five rangers meeting up with each other after class, of which Fat Jack and Skinny Mack find weird as the five are from different cliques and have never been seen together before until the new kid showed up, which makes the two very suspicious of Lance. Jamie tells the others that he can't wait to show them this neat place called Ernie's which is his favorite hangout after school. Austin rolls his eyes, saying that Ernie's is a nerd-infested hipster bar. after that, we cut to the ship where we see a monster named Yuffo propose his plan to general Tritor and his crew: capture humans slaves for him to be used as a labor force. general Tritor is pleased with what he hears before sending Yuffo to earth, all the while Predatox feels jealous that Yuffo gets to go to earth and fight the rangers instead of him. after that, we cut back to the rangers arriving at Ernie's where Jamie introduces the others to Ernie junior, son of the Ernie from the Mighty Morphin' days who took over the family business and refurbished the juice bar as well as including an arcade due to his love of gaming. Ernie Jr. keeps a picture of his father hanging on the wall as a poignant callback to the original Ernie's actor, Richard Genelle, whom passed away from a heart attack in 2008. Jamie orders froyos for the five of them followed by the rangers digging into their frozen beverages save for Austin who is still embarrassed to be here. Lance then suddenly has another vision again and Brenda asks what's wrong, followed by Lance explaining to Brenda that he's been having these visions ever since a mysterious red ranger saved him from a burning building as a child, followed by a flashback showing this very moment. he then tells her that moment inspired his young mind to do good and stand up for the weak, hoping to be just like the one who saved him someday. this causes Jamie to geek out, saying that he's lucky to have met a real life power ranger. Austin is fed up with this nerd nonsense and straight up walks out, followed by Molly telling the others that she'll go after him. we then cut to Austin practicing kicks with his soccer ball in the middle of Angel Grove park, only for Molly to show up telling him that he's got some nice moves followed by Austin becoming giddy over the fact that she complimented him only for her to slap him in the face telling him to stop treating her like a piece of meat for him to chase and to stop being a jerk to Jamie. Austin asks why she cares about a nerd like him, and Molly tells him that it's because he's a part of this team. the two then notice several UFOs capturing and carrying off several random citizens. Molly suggests they warn the others however Austin tells her that they don't need them and the two follow the flying saucers on foot which leads them to the beach. the two then see the five UFOs drop their human captives before re-assembling to form Yuffo. the two then spot general Tritor and Cera arriving on the scene to congratulate Yuffo on a job well done for capturing human slaves all the while the two rangers overhear their conversation. the two then morph and confront general Tritor and his cronies telling him not so fast before general Tritor summons the Caprisects to fight the black and yellow rangers before he and Cera teleport back to the ship. after that, we cut to Zador contacting the other three rangers telling them to teleport to the command center immediately. the three then exit the juice bar before teleporting to the command center where Zador informs them that Austin and Molly are in need of their help. Jamie tells Lance and Brenda to go, as he and Alpha are currently working on a project together. Lance and Brenda both morph and teleport onto the scene to aid Austin and Molly. the two then ask Lance and Brenda where Jamie is, and Brenda assures them that he's working with Alpha on a pet project. we then cut to the command center where we see Jamie and Alpha looking at the schematics for the five guardian zords on a viewing screen. Alpha then hands Jamie a wrench and suggests that it's about time for the five of them to get to work before we cut to a montage of them working together to build the zords before Zador informs Jamie that the other rangers need him forcing Jamie to drop what he's doing and tell Alpha to take over for him before teleporting. we then cut to the rangers getting their butts handed to them by a monster before Jamie arrives on the scene and morphs to join his fellow rangers. the five rangers then do their roll call before laying the smackdown on the monster. Jamie then contacts Alpha and thanks her for taking over for him and she tells him much appreciated and she's almost finished with their little project. the five rangers destroy the monster with the megaforce blaster, freeing the human captors. general Tritor is infuriated with his monster's defeat, followed by Vrak assuring general Tritor that his royal blood gives him access technology far superior to his primitive Eltarian kind, followed by Predatox snarking at Vrak's boasting. Vrak then snaps his fingers and summons the Zombats to make the monster grow, followed by the monster trying to step on the rangers. the rangers are in shock of the monster's sudden growth spurt, however Jamie assures his teammates that he and Alpha were working on a project for just this occasion. the ranger's zord cards materialize in their hands followed by the five rangers placing their zord cards in their morphers to summon their guardian zords (cue Goseiger episode 2 zord fight). once all the ufos are destroyed, Yuffo is angered followed by the rangers combining their zords to form the guardian megazord to destroy Yuffo once and for all. after that, the rangers celebrate by having froyos at Ernie's. our episode then ends with Austin apologizing to Jamie for being such a jerk to him and the two bro-fist followed by the others being surprised by the sight of a jock and a nerd becoming friends.

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