Episode 32: To the future and back

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Our episode opens up where the last one left off, with Cyborg Vrak stepping out of his pod to greet Cera as he kneels down to kiss her hand, telling her "It's good to be back" while Gigatron stands in amazement, exclaiming "my prince, you're back! it's a miracle" while Vrak checks himself out looking down at his new cyborg body, saying "Gigatron, my oldest friend. your cybernetic enhancement shall prove useful in our fight against this planet's multicolored protectors" Gigatron then tells Vrak "actually it was Cera who provided the neccessary componets for the construction of your new form, prince Vrak" followed by Vrak asking Cera if this is true. Cera tells Vrak that it is and that she's glad to be reunited with her lover at last, albeit with both of them now cyborgs. Gigatron asks Vrak "and what should we do about the rangers, my liege?" followed by Vrak saying "send a robot to keep them busy while we wait for the endgame". Cera tells Vrak she has the perfect one, introducing him to a new robot: Chronodrone. we then cut to Lance's apartment with the entire Taylor family sitting down for dinner, Colonel Evan Taylor mentioning how he's missed being with his family like this. Evan looks at Lance and asks his son how things have been going at that new school of his, and Lance tells his father that things weren't easy for him at first but eventually he met some very special friends that taught him the true meaning of teamwork, Evan saying that he's proud of his son for how far he's come Lance's mom agreeing while Allen is too busy playing on his DS to pay attention to the conversation. Lance then looks at his dad and tells him that what he's about to tell him is too crazy to believe but he's telling the truth: when he was little he was trapped inside a burning building, when he was suddenly saved by a mysterious red ranger. ever since, he's been having these dreams of a big battle involving the legendary power rangers, Lance's mom assuring him that they're probably just dreams and nothing else. Lance's dad asks him which red ranger was the one that saved him, and Lance says the memory's a little too fuzzy to tell. we then cut to the next day where we see Lance wake up in his bedroom, Colonel Evan Taylor waking Lance up telling him "come on son rise in shine! today's special for the both of us, I get to drive my kid to school for the first time" befor we cut to Colonel Evan Taylor dropping Lance off at school where all the kids start geeking over Lance stepping out of Mr. Taylor's army jeep, Fat Jack and Skinny Mack looking at each other exclaiming "Lance's dad is in the army?" followed by the comic relief duo comically saluting Lance as he walks past them, Lance telling the two "don't make it weird" before walking into the school where he walks past other teens who start worshipping Lance like he's the coolest guy ever calling him goofy nicknames like "soldier boy" making him feel SUPER uncomfortable. Lance bumps into Brenda who asks him what's going on, and Lance explains that his father dropped him off at school today and now the whole school knows he's the son of a military officer and suddenly he's now the most popular kid in Angel Grove high. Brenda assures Lance that it'll be fine if he just lays low and waits for all of this to blow over, followed by the two getting a call from Alpha on their mega-morphers to inform the two that she has detected another one of Gigatron's robots in downtown angel grove. we then cut to the Caprisects wreaking havoc in downtown Angel Grove only for the red and pink rangers to arrive on the scene to shoot down the Caprisects (cue Goseiger episode 39 fight) only for Chronodrone's time-reversal powers to reverse time reviving the Caprisects the two wondering just what the heck is going on. the two spot Chronodrone and give chase only for the two to be stopped in their tracks by the Caprisects. Alpha 8 watches this on the computer screen, saying "ai-yi-yi, the robot's getting away!" while Zador tells Robo Knight to get hold of the others. Robo Knight contacts Jamie, Austin, and Molly informing them of the situation before we cut to the fleeing Chronodrone being cornered by the blue, black, and yellow rangers along with Robo Knight who tell him to stop right there with Red and Pink standing behind him, Lance asking how he was able to revive the grunts like that. Chronodrone laughs and says "It's in my name you pea-brained organics, my power is to reverse time!" Austin and Molly attacking Chronodrone only for him to reverse time and beat the two rangers before they can attack. Robo Knight shoots at Chronodrone who reverses time to prevent himself from being shot followed by Robo Knight switching to his blade to attack fighting Chrondrone one-on-one. the rangers then try activating their guardian armor only for Chronodrone to reverse time reverting them back to their default ranger forms much to their confusion, Chronodrone boasting how with his ability to reverse time he can predict their every move. Robo Knight holds Chronodrone down while the rangers form the megaforce blaster and take aim only for Cera to hit the megaforce rangers with lightning before punishing Chronodrone by hitting him with her sword telling the robot that his offense is lacking. Cera tells the rangers that Chronodrone was just an opening act and now is the time her one true master to announce his return and out from the shadows steps Cyborg Vrak much to the shock of the five megaforce rangers who are surprised to see him alive, Vrak saying "remember me, rangers?" Robo Knight telling the five teens to stand back, saying that Vrak's new cybernetic body appears to be made from the same eltarian tech that he was, Cera thanking the rangers for so graciously allowing her to steal the data on their weapons technology from their base giving her the final piece she needed for her beloved Vrak's reconstruction. cyborg Vrak then fires a barrage of missiles at the rangers knocking them down. Vrak marches towards the downed rangers, telling them "I've been waiting for this moment for so long, all those days of helplessness as I spent time recovering from our last battle. now I make you color-coded brats pay for what I had to suffer!" Robo Knight then tosses Lance the battlizer card allowing Lance to combine with Robo Knight to go full battlized red ranger mode, firing a barrage of laser pellets from his lion gatling gun gauntlets that cyborg Vrak swats away with his own bladed weapons. the battlized red ranger spreads his wings as the two leap into the air to lock blades with each other and knock each other onto the ground where the two continue their swordfight while the other four rangers watch from the side, the four surpised to see that Vrak's new cyborg form is strong enough to go toe-to-toe with Lance's battlizer cyborg Vrak firing a barrage of missiles that battlized red dodges before using his finishing move of throwing his spinning sword that Vrak counters with a boomerang move of his own resulting in an explosio that causes Lance and Robo Knight to separate. Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda then arrive on the scene to help Lance and Robo Knight back up the five rangers activating their guardian armor and combining their attacks for a guardian strike attack combined with Robo Knight's vulcan blast that manages to injure cyborg Vrak, Cera summoning the zombolts to make Chronodrone grow followed by Alpha 8 downmorphing the command ship to assist the rangers who transform it into the ultimate command megazord while Robo Knight forms the Robo Knight megazord (cue Goseiger episode 39 megazord fight). the two megazords have the monster on the ropes only for Chronodrone to reverse time again to counter their attack. both Chronodrone and the guardian Megazord both use their finisher moves at the same time resulting in an epic beam struggle. Vrak then intervenes by amplifying Chronodrone's attack resulting in a massive explosion that sends the other four rangers flying out of their megazord much to the confusion of Robo Knight and Cera who both question what just happened. Lance then wakes up in his bedroom, wondering if this was just another one of his dreams. Colonel Evan Taylor wakes Lance up telling him "come on son rise in shine! today's special for the both of us, I get to drive my kid to school for the first time" Lance recognizing this as the morning he just experienced making him realize that Cera and Vrak's new robot sent him back in time. Lance sees the opportunity to change the past to where he won't be embarrassed in school, Lance telling his dad that he'll just walk to school while his dad is puzzled. Lance then tries walking through Angel Grove High School only for him to be confronted by Chronodrone who tells him "you think you could get rid of me that easily, ranger? Vrak's interference sent us both back in time! I know every move you're gonna make in the future, now I will destroy you in the past" followed by Lance morphing to tackle Chronodrone causing the two to be sent further back in time, Lance getting back up only to hear a child's cry for help as he looks up to see a burning building. after that, we cut to the present day where we see Cera making repairs to Vrak's damaged shell, only for Gigatron to chastise the two of them for failing to stop the rangers, however Cera tells Gigatron that her robot wasn't destroyed, it was probably sent back in time with the red ranger. Vrak then says "without the red one to lead them the rangers have been weakened, now is our opportunity for attack!". we then cut to the four helmetless rangers plus Robo Knight returning to the command center where Alpha asks the five where Lance is, and Brenda tells her that he mysteriously disappeared after the zords got trashed. Austin then makes the sarcastic comment "If he doesn't come back, can I be the new leader?" only for Molly to tell him to knock it off. Zador tells the rangers that wherever he may be, they must find him. Jamie then asks "since the robot we just fought has the ability to reverse time? maybe the question we should be asking isn't where he is, but when he is" Robo Knight agreeing with Jamie saying that is a definite possibility. Zador then tells Alpha to find a way to pinpoint Lance's current location by looking for anomalies in history. Alpha tells Zador she found one, and the other four asks when it is, and Alpha tells them that it's ten years ago. we then cut back to Lance in the past looking up at the burning building where he witnesses firefighters surrounding the place trying their best to put out the fire, the orange glow reflecting off his visor as he can only stare. a young Ms. Taylor then looks at the red megaforce ranger, asking him "you're a power ranger, right? my son's trapped in there, you've got to save him!" Lance hesitates for a bit and says "sure ma'am, I'll go save your son" followed by Lance rushing into the burning building headfirst until he comes across his younger self inside, Lance telling his kid self to take his hand. little kid Lance asks "are you the red ranger" and present Lance says "yeah, I am. hold on" as he grabs onto his younger self and leaps out of the burning building, using one of his power cards to summon a tornado that breaks their fall. Lance looks down at his younger self fall asleep in his arms and says "the mysterious red ranger who saved me from a burning building all those years ago... was me?" only for young Lance to wake up and be freaked out by Chronodrone who charges at Lance tackling him and his younger self through time, Alpha telling the rangers that they lost Lance's signal again only for Alpha to detect Gigatron, Vrak, and Cera in the abandoned warehouse district. Zador tells the rangers to keep the three of them busy while he and Alpha try to find the time-displaced Lance with Austin saying "ready guys? I always wanted to say that" and the four morph. we then cut to Gigatron, Cera, and Vrak in the warehouse district where Gigatron, Vrak, and Cera see the four rangers in their guardian armor arrive on their megaforce cycles along with Robo Knight who transforms into his robot form. Vrak then says "rangers, without your leader you are powerless to stop us. now is the time for your demise!" however Gigatron steps in front telling Vrak and Cera "stand back you two, I will face the rangers myself" as he walks towards the rangers (cue Goseiger episode 40 fight). the rangers try to hit Gigatron with blasts from their guardian swords only for him to deflect them with his shields, Gigatron saying "pathetic. these are this planet's chosen protectors?" before hitting them with a barrage of missiles. we then cut to Lance and his younger self waking up on a cliffside in the middle of a quarry with little Lance hopping out of his future self's arms to stare at something down below. red ranger Lance then looks down and says "no..." as he sees the very thing he's been dreaming about happen before his very eyes: the legendary war, every ranger team from the past, present, and future engaged in a gigantic battle against endless hordes of X-borgs. Lance looks at his younger self watch in awe and realizes that his legend war dreams weren't dreams at all: they were memories from his time-displaced child self witnessing a future battle to come. younger Lance then says "look!" and points to a cliff face on the other side of the quarry where lance sees an unknown team of rangers clad in pirate-themed suits standing atop. Lance asks "who are they?" however Chronobot confronts the two Lances and blasts little Lance knocking him unconscious. Lance screams "NO!" and destroys Chronobot by slashing him with his dragon sword causing both past and present Lances to get returned to their respective times. little kid Lance wakes up in his mom's arms who's happy to have her son back, little Lance telling his mom that he just had the weirdest dream. we then cut back to the present where we see Gigatron slashing at the rangers with his arm blades, however Lance arrives back from the past landing in front of his teammates who are shocked to see him again. Lance then combines with Robo Knight to form the battlizer with Lance fighting Gigatron one-on-one in a warehouse while the other rangers fight off Vrak outside only for Cera to tell Vrak they should retreat only for them to witness an explosion that send the battlized Lance and Gigatron flying, Lance and Robo Knight separating the rangers rushing to the aid of both their comrades. Gigatron chuckles telling the rangers that this isn't over yet before the villainous trio retreat. after that, we cut to the command center where we see Lance recounting his little time-travel adventure to Zador, Alpha, Robo Knight, Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda who are all shocked to hear that Lance's dreams weren't dreams at all, but long-forgotten memories of the past, present, and future. our episode ends with Lance telling the others that he didn't get the chance to see how the future legendary battle ended, giving the other rangers a feeling of uncertainty.

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