Episode 1: The team unites

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Our episode opens up with a shot of a samurai dojo in the remote mountains of japan where we see Kenji training against practice dummies with his shinai (practice sword) while his grandpa Mako watches. Mako then calls Kenji inside to sit down for some tea and tells him a story (one that Kenji has heard a million times before). here we learn that Kenji is the last surviving descendant of the Shiba clan, who fought the clan of evil yokai known as the Akuma clan 300 years ago in a battle known as the fateful war, a war which ended with the original leader of the Shiba clan sacrificing himself to create the sealing symbol to banish the Akuma and their leader, lord Ashura, into the netherworld. Mako then reminds Kenji that he's not going to be around to help him forever and that he'll have to learn to fend for himself come the prophecised day lord Ashura returns. Kenji not wanting to think about losing his grandpa runs away from the dojo before we cut to a crew of archaeologists digging in the spot where lord Ashura was sealed. Kenji then tries to warn them not to break the seal or else they'll set free an ancient evil, however the archaeologists don't believe him and continue digging accidentally freeing Ashura's ghost who summons a platoon of marauders to go and attack the dojo. Kenji then rushes back to the dojo only to find it in ruins followed by grandpa Mako in his dying breath handing Kenji an address to his brother's dojo in America. after that, we cut to Kenji arriving at a seaport in japan to stow away on a ferry until Ashura summons a group of marauders to toss Kenji off the boat before we cut to stone canyon, California where we see four teenagers having relaxing summer fun at the beach: Nigel the snooty British rich-kid, Oscar the lazy and irresponsible goof-off, Sadie the nerdy otaku girl, and Ava the no-nonsense tomboy. Sadie then notices Kenji washed up on the beach unconscious followed by Kenji asking the four where he is. Sadie explains to Kenji that he's in stone canyon, California. Kenji surprised to be so far away from home looks at the address his grandpa gave him only to realize he's in the right place. he then shows it to the four and asks them to take him there, however Ava tells him she distrusts strangers. Sadie tells Ava that they should still help him as it's the right thing to do and the five search the city for the address. after that, we cut to lord Ashura's ghost arriving in stone canyon to summon the Akuma palace causing it to rise out of the netherworld. he then enters the palace and re-awakens his two minions who have been hibernating the last 300 years: his trusted warlock Octomancer and his female half-human half-Akuma underling Nocturna. Nocturna then asks Ashura what happened to his body, and Ashura tells Nocturna that the sealing symbol destroyed his physical body leaving him in a ghostly form. he informs them that he senses that the last surviving heir to the Shiba clan lives and they must find and destroy him. Octomancer assures his boss that he's got him covered and summons a monster to hunt down Kenji. the monster along with a platoon of marauders show up and wreak havoc on the city to draw out Kenji. the five teens are cornered by the monster before we cut to sensei Nobu's dojo where we see sensei Nobu meditating while being surrounded by playful origami zords until a gap sensor (an alarm that detects whenever a portal between the two worlds is opened) goes off which alerts him that the day that the ancients prophecised about (AKA Ashura's return) has finally arrived. Nobu then pulls out a bow and arrow with the kanji for "transport" on the end and launches the arrow in the air followed by the arrow landing right in front of the five teens teleporting them to sensei Nobu's dojo. sensei then introduces himself as Nobuharu "Nobu" Shiba, Mako's younger brother and Kenji's uncle and greets our heroes in an over-the-top quirky manner. Ava then asks what's going on and sensei explains to the four Americans that Kenji is the last surviving descendant of the Shiba clan and that the Akuma clan have returned to cause chaos on the world (Sadie heard about the legend from her Japanese history class). he then opens a chest revealing five cell phone-like devices and tells the five that he forged these morphers using symbol power and that with them they'll become the samurai power rangers. Oscar is excited by this, as he's always wanted to be a power ranger since he was a little kid. the five are hesitant at first, but after Nobu notices the gap sensor going off again he gives the five a little pep-talk about the fate of the world now resting in their hands the five pick up their morphers and go to confront the monster followed by the five morphing (cue Shinkenger episode 1 fight). after that, Nocturna shows up and transforms into her human form to play her shamisen which makes the monster grow. Nigel then suggests they use sensei's origami zords to take down the now super-sized beast (cue Shinkenger episode 1 zord fight). after that our heroes return to the dojo before taking off their helmets while sensei congratulates the rangers on their first victory.

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