Episode 14: Robo Knight, part 3

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Our episode opens up on general Tritor's ship where we see general Tritor watching footage of Robo Knight, frustrated by how that meddling mechanoid has become a thorn in his side and throwing a tantrum over it standing up and shooting force lightning from his fingertips into the air while Cera, Vrak, Lurker, and Sasquatcho watch in silence to avoid upsetting their leader even more. once general Tritor sits back on his throne and calms down, Vrak approaches him and informs the Eltarian general that him and Cera came up with a plan to bring Robo Knight over to their side. Tritor likes this idea, telling the two to tell him more. Cera then brings forth a new monster: Kappatick, followed by Cera showing off a holographic image of the monster's energy-draining ticks on her tablet explaining that the monster's ticks feed off of the lifeforce of organic lifeforms and that she plans on abducting humans to have their lifeforce drained into a machine that'll in turn drain Robo Knight's energy. and once Robo Knight's energy is completely drained, she will hack into his AI system and reprogram him, followed by Vrak telling general Tritor that if the rangers try to interfere, Kappatick will make sure work of them. Tritor begrudgingly grants permission for Vrak and Cera to go, however he tells them not to attempt to plot against him or anything, demonstrating to the two of what happens to traitors by comically electrocuting Lurker and Sasquatcho with force lightning. we then cut to the amusement park where we see Fat Jack and Skinny Mack playing a carnival game to win a giant stuffed panda for them to bring home. after a multitude of failed tries, they suddenly get lucky and win. once the two walk off with their new plush buddy, they are then stopped in their tracks by Kappatick who attacks them with his energy sucking ticks that knocks the two into a coma. Cera then arrives on the scene disgusted by the sight of the two, especially the fat one however she then tells Kappatick that they'll do followed by the two being carried off by a pair of Caprisects. after that, we cut to the rangers having drinks at Ernie's while having an intimate conversation between the five about Robo Knight followed by Lance being asked by his four teammates as to what he was talking about seeing Robo Knight in his "visions". Jamie is intrigued, asking Lance about what his visions are. Lance then tells Jamie that ever since a mysterious red ranger saved his life as a kid he's been having these dreams, visions of some kind of war with every power ranger in existence fighting what looked like a massive army, and Robo Knight was there. Jamie then asks Lance if he told anyone else, followed by Lance telling him that Brenda and his little brother Allen know. Austin is totally freaked out by this, telling Lance that he's heard stories about dreams predicting the future, followed by Jamie telling Austin that's just a superstition. Molly then tells Lance that he should tell Zador about this as there is a possibility he could know what's going on with him. Lance shoots Molly down, telling her that he's worried that they won't believe him. Austin then makes the witty remark "oh come on, he's as giant floating head in a tube! anything's in the realm of believability at this point" followed by Molly telling Austin to be nice. Brenda then thanks Molly before telling Lance that whatever's going on with him, they're with him to the end. Lance tells his teammates that he thought Robo Knight would have the answers, but every time he asked about his visions he said he didn't know what he was talking about. their conversation is then interrupted by them being contacted on their mega morphers by Zador and Alpha who inform them that a monster is attacking the Angel Grove amusement park, which concerns Lance since his mom took his little brother Allen there. we then cut to Allen and his mother having fun at the amusement park until mom notices all the comatose people lying on the ground with abnormally large ticks attached to them before Caprisects come in to carry the unconscious people away. the two are then cornered by Kappatick, only for the five rangers to arrive on their megaforce cycles before hopping off to confront Kappatick (cue Goseiger episode 19 fight). the rangers are beaten to a pulp by the monster, however they are saved just in the nick of time by Robo Knight who tells the monster to stand down. Robo Knight then fights Kappatick one on one, all the while the rangers try to get the remaining civilians to safety. Austin then notices Allen and his mother hiding behind a slide, followed by Kappatick firing more ticks at them only for Austin to protect the two by slicing through the ticks with his snake axe. Austin however notices that he missed one and we see the tick attached to Allen (Austin making the witty remark "oh no Lance is gonna kill me") sucking his energy and putting him into a coma. Mrs. Taylor then begs for her son to wake up, only for Cera to show up and pick up the unconscious child while his mother begs for her to give him back, Cera telling her "sorry lady no can do, i need his lifeforce to power my machine" before Molly telling Cera to drop the kid leaping in and delivering a swift kick to Cera causing her to drop Allen before retreating, all the while Austin and Molly watch Allen's mother grieve over her comatose son followed by Austin and Molly assuring the mother that they'll find a way to save her kid. Robo Knight fights Kappatick one on one only for him to get captured inside one of his ticks. Lance, Brenda, and Jamie then question where Robo Knight has gone, followed by Vrak arriving on the scene to tell the rangers that Robo Knight belongs to general Tritor now. the rangers are shocked to see Vrak was behind this followed by Vrak and Kappatick teleporting away. the five rangers regroup, followed by Austin bringing Lance the bad news presenting him with his comatose kid brother in his arms. Lance is devastated by this and cradles the unconscious Allen in his arms, followed by him de-morphing and crying. the other four rangers then de-morph before we cut to Kappatick arriving at the juice bar to suck the life out of Ernie Jr. followed by teleporting to the rangers's school to suck the life out of Mr. Fowler. after that, we cut to Lance and his mother visiting the unconscious Allen in the hospital, the doctor telling Mrs. Taylor that he has no clue as to what caused her son to fall into a coma, saying that he appears to have the life sucked out of him. Lance then punches the wall, frustrated that he wasn't able to save his little brother, followed by his mother placing her hand on his shoulder telling him that there was no way he could have stopped that monster, telling her eldest son that she hopes the power rangers can find a way to make things right like they always do. Lance then exits the hospital room to see Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda waiting outside. the four then assure Lance that they'll find a way to bring his brother back, followed by Lance thanking them telling the four that they're true friends. after that, the rangers are contacted by Zador who tells the rangers to teleport to the command center immediately. the five then teleport to the command center, followed by Zador asking the rangers where Robo Knight is. Austin then tells Zador that they lost Robo Knight, saying that the monster got him. Alpha is devastated by this news, worried for her silver-clad lover. Zador then berates the rangers for being so irresponsible as to let general Tritor's forces get their hands on Robo Knight, which was exactly he was trying to prevent by shutting him off and sending him to this planet in the first place. Alpha tells Zador to calm down, telling him that it's not too late as the rangers still have a chance of finding and rescuing him. Lance then retaliates, telling Zador that he's not the only one who lost someone saying that it's thanks to that monster his little brother is lying in the hospital stuck in a coma, all the while Molly and Brenda try to calm him down. Zador then tells Lance that he's sorry for his loss but the search for Robo Knight must take priority. Lance then gets even more angry, tears coming from his eyes and telling Zador that a human life is more important than finding some stupid robot that HE lost, going on to say that if it weren't for his arrogance Robo Knight wouldn't hate his own creator so much. Alpha is shocked to hear those words come out of Lance's mouth, followed by Lance apologizing to everyone for having to hear that. Zador then admits Lance was right, saying that it was his fault that Robo Knight resents him, saying that he was so focused on trying to keep Robo Knight out of enemy hands he didn't stop to think about how he felt about being shut down, Zador starting to feel guilt for wronging his own creation saying that he didn't mean to hurt him. Alpha then tells Zador that there's no need to apologize as there's still time to makes things right with Robo Knight. Jamie then tells the other rangers to come look at this, followed by the rangers coming over to Jamie's little science table in the command center where we see Jamie examining the tick that attached itself to Allen, telling them that it's some kind of energy-sapping tick that feeds off the lifeforce of organic lifeforms. Brenda is extremely grossed out, as she hates ticks. Austin then asks Jamie how an oversize tick is gonna help save Allen, or Robo Knight for that matter. Jamie then tells the others that Vrak and Cera must have abducted the people who were sapped by these ticks for a reason, a reason that might have something to do with Robo Knight. the tick then wakes up and attaches itself to Jamie's face while Austin, Molly, and Brenda comically try to get it off. Lance then blasts it off with his headder blaster destroying the tick and saving Jamie in the process, Jamie thanking Lance for saving him. Alpha then tells the rangers to come look at the viewing screen, followed by telling the rangers that she figured out the coordinates to Robo Knight's location: the nearby quarry. right on cue, we cut to Robo Knight waking up to find himself in a cage where he is taunted by Vrak, whom of which is holding his robo morpher, Vrak telling Robo Knight he's going to hold onto it from now on to prevent him from calling his power ranger friends for help. Robo Knight tells Vrak that he is not a friend of the power rangers or Zador, saying that he no longer answers to Zador after what he did. Vrak then retorts by telling Robo Knight that soon he will be answering to general Tritor, and we cut to Cera and Kappatick inside a nearby cave with Cera ordering the Caprisects to get a move on, the Caprisects carrying the unconscious humans and placing them inside capsules attached to a bigger machine that'll suck out their lifeforce. Kappatick then adds the finishing touch by attaching a tick to the top of the machine which starts to suck the lifeforce out of the captured humans, Cera looking at her tablet and congratulating her monster on a job well done as the harvested human lifeforce is almost at full capacity meaning the machine is ready to activate. Cera then presses the button activating the machine, causing the tick attached to Robo Knight's cage to siphon Robo Knight's energy. Robo Knight tries to fight it, followed by Vrak telling him not to bother fighting it as the more he tries to resist the more energy will be sucked out of him. Robo Knight continues to struggle, causing a massive surge of energy to be absorbed by the tick. the rangers watch as Robo Knight gets his energy sucked out more and more, Alpha telling the rangers that this is beyond bad. Lance then tells the rangers that they need to act fast, not just for Robo Knight but for Allen as well. the five then whip out their morphers and morph into their ranger forms before summoning their megaforce cycles to head off and rescue Robo Knight. we then cut back to Vrak taunting Robo Knight, telling him that it'll all be over soon enough and his partner Cera will reprogram him to fight on the side of evil. however Vrak hears a familiar voice "not on my watch!" followed by the five rangers arriving on the scene riding their megaforce cycles. Vrak tells the rangers are too late to save their robotic ally, explaining that Cera has activated their human friends are having the life sucked out of them to power Cera's machine that is in turn sucking the life out of their robotic friend. Lance then tells the others to go find and rescue the civilians while he deals with Vrak, the other rangers heading off on their bikes while Lance stands against Vrak alone summoning his dragon sword. we then cut to Cera contacting general Tritor on her tablet, informing her boss that everything is going according to plan. however, she is interrupted when the blue, black, yellow, and pink rangers arrive at the entrance of the cave on their megaforce cycles to confront Cera and Kappatick. Cera summons the Caprisects followed by the rangers summoning their weapons. blue, pink, and yellow deal with the Caprisects destroying them with ease while Austin slashes the monster with his snake axe sending him crashing into the machine destroying it, causing all the drained civilians to regain their lifeforce (including Allen whom gets hugged by his mother happy to see her son wake up) which makes Cera furious telling the rangers that they'll pay for that. Fat Jack and Skinny Mack also wake up, asking "what the heck just happened?", along with Ernie Jr. helping Mr. Fowler back up on his feet who was dreaming of electric sheep followed by the rangers telling the civilians to follow them to safety, the stampede of rescued civilians comically trampling all over Cera humiliating her in the process. we then cut back to Lance's fight with Vrak, Vrak taunting Lance telling him that he is no longer the weak Vrak he used to know as he's stronger in this new mutant body, easily mopping the floor with the red ranger. however Kappatick is then tossed at Vrak knocking him down followed by the other four rangers arriving on the scene, the five reunited and fighting Vrak and Kappatick five-against-two. Robo Knight watches the rangers fight off the two villains and is trying to comprehend why disciples of Zador would bother to come to his rescue. Austin and Molly then tell Robo Knight then rush towards Robo Knight's cage, Austin telling Robo Knight they've come to rescue him. Robo Knight still doesn't understand, followed by Molly telling Robo Knight that Zador loves him and that he's sorry for what he did to him and that all he wants is for him to come home. Robo Knight is shocked to hear this, however the two rangers are then blasted by Vrak who tells them to silence while kappatick holds down red, blue, and pink followed by Cera arriving on the scene (albeit with messed-up hair) to watch this all unfold from atop the nearby cliff to cheer on Vrak telling him to crush those rangers once and for all. Vrak tells her "with pleasure", however the rangers refuse to give up all the while Robo Knight sits in his cage and starts questioning if the yellow ranger's words were true, especially Lance who tells Robo Knight that they're fighting for the same cause and that even though he is a machine, he is still Zador's son. Robo Knight is moved by Lance's words, getting back up and supercharging the cage with energy causing it to overflow and self-destruct freeing the robotic warrior in the process. Vrak, Kappatick, and Cera are all shocked to see this, Robo Knight charging towards Vrak and kappatick knocking them both out and taking his morpher back. Robo Knight then tells the villains "evil beware, for I am Robo Knight, son of Zador and enemy of general Tritor". Alpha and Zador watch this from the viewing screen, Alpha cheering telling Zador "they did it, the rangers did it!" while Zador tells her that he knew they could do it. Robo Knight then blasts Kappatick with the lion laser followed by slashing Vrak with the lion laser sword. Robo Knight then finishes the two off with a dynamic blast, destroying kappatick and injuring Vrak. Cera then rushes to Vrak's aid, helping him back up on his feet and asking her lover if he's okay. Vrak assures to her that he's fine, saying that this body is pretty durable. Cera then tells Vrak that either way general Tritor isn't going to be happy that their plan failed, however Vrak assures her that they're not done yet snapping his fingers summoning the zombats to make Kappatick grow. the rangers are then ready to summon their zords, however Robo Knight tells the rangers that he can handle it himself. Alpha then contacts Robo Knight, telling her robotic lover that she's downmorphing a new set of zords for him, a gift from Zador as a reward for him learning to re-accept his father with help from the rangers. three new power cards pop out of Robo Knight's belt, followed by Robo Knight summoning the knight brothers zords consisting of the sea lion and sky lion zords to blast the monster. Robo Knight then transforms into the ground lion zord to join the fight followed by the three lion zords combining to form the Robo Knight megazord (cue Goseiger episode 19 megazord fight), firing a barrage of missiles destroying Kappatick once and for all. general Tritor watches Robo Knight's victory from the ship on the screen before turning his throne around to face Vrak, scolding the alien prince for his failure to capture Robo Knight. Tritor then tries to punish Vrak with a blast of lightning from his fingertips, however Lurker and Sasquatcho stand in Tritor's way and get electrocuted instead, taking a hit for their master. Cera then tells Tritor to stop, saying that the mission's failure was her fault, kneeling before her master. Tritor then gets off his throne and grabs Cera by the chin, telling her not to fail him again or else there will be consequences all the while Lurker and Sasquatcho cower and hide behind Vrak, the two being very afraid of Tritor. after that, we cut to Robo Knight walking into the command center where he is greeted by Alpha and Zador with open arms while Austin, Jamie, Brenda, and Molly watch from the background. Zador is glad to have Robo Knight back, apologizing to his robotic son for everything he did before telling him that the command center is his home now. Alpha is also glad to have Robo Knight back, hugging her robo-soulmate before the two automatons confess their love for one another and share another electric kiss, Austin commenting "okay, THAT I'm never gonna get used to." followed by Robo Knight transforming into lion headder mode and attaching to the wall of the command center to sleep. Brenda then asks the other rangers where Lance is, followed by Jamie telling her that he heard that he was going to spend some family time with his mom and brother. we then cut to Lance playing carnival games with Allen while their mom watches, only for allen to win a stuffed lion as a prize. Lance looks at his little brother's stuffed lion and says it reminds him of Robo Knight, Allen asking his big brother who Robo Knight is. Lance then tells his little bro that he'll tell him about his new friend and our episode ends with the family walking off to have some more fun at the amusement park.

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