Episode 10: Love is in the air

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Guest ranger of this episode: Justin Stewart (blue turbo ranger, all grown up)

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Guest ranger of this episode: Justin Stewart (blue turbo ranger, all grown up)

Our episode opens up with the Sky ship returning to Angel Grove where see that the school has been rebuilt and remodeled since "Molly's way or the highway" the five teens walking through the school hallway with Austin saying how it's weird having things start to go back to normal again, Fat Jack and Skinny Mack in their power rangers T-shirts asking Jamie if they want to meet up at the power rangers museum after school, Jamie saying "sure" before telling his teammates that some things never change. after the five teens enter the classroom they are greeted by their new substitute teacher, as Mr. Fowler has taken a leave of absence while the school was being rebuilt after it got burned down. their substitute teacher is revealed to be none other than a grown-up Justin Stewart, who introduces himself to the class. Fat Jack whispers into Jamie's ear telling him "that's the blue turbo ranger" Skinny Mack saying "he was like, the youngest power ranger ever" Jamie saying "our substitute teacher is a former power ranger, no way" Justin tells the class attention please before we cut to the Armada flagship where we see Prince Vekar watching footage of Alpha's confrontation of Cyberon at the park from "Samurai surprise" Vekar asking Cyberon if he knows this robot, Cyberon saying "no boss, I did not recognize her" with Vekar saying "then don't report this encounter to anyone, especially not Insidia" Cyberon saying "yes boss" before leaving the bridge. we then see Insidia looking at schematics of Robo Knight on the computer monitor, the label on the schematics reading as "project: retrofit" only for her to see Vekar to appear on the computer telling her to delete all files on project retrofit to prevent Cyberon's past memories from resurfacing causing Insida to blush saying "yes dear" with a new monster, Envius, overhearing Vekar's conversation with Insidia with Envius saying "I can't believe the lovely Insidia is engaged to that buffoon of a prince, it should be me she should be going out with, not him! this isn't fair!" Insidia turning her head to ask Envius "what did you say?" with Envius saying "oh nothing!" before we cut to Envius in a laboratory on Earth with a bunch of X-borgs and a chemistry set, Envius mixing chemicals trying to concoct the perfect love potion to make Insidia fall in love with him, looking at a poster of Insidia on the wall before telling the X-borgs that all they need the perfect guinea pig to test the potion on. we we cut to Jamie meeting up with Fat Jack and Skinny Mack at the Angel Grove power rangers museum, Jamie talking to the two about how crazy it is having the blue turbo ranger as their substitute teacher until they bump into Justin who's looking at an exhibit displaying some of the turbo vehicles including Lightning cruiser, Storm blaster, and the Centurion cycle Justin reminiscing about his good ol' days as a ranger, having flashbacks to the events of Turbo including the infamous scene of Justin saying "guys, I'm the new blue ranger!" Jamie shakes hands with Justin, telling him how it's an honor to meet one of Angel Grove's own power rangers, Justin telling him "It's an honor to meet you too, did you know I became a ranger when I was 12?" with Jamie saying "wow, I'm glad I didn't get drafted into the ranger business at that young an age" Justin then pats Jamie on the shoulder telling him "yet look at me, I turned out fine, aside from that time we got baked into a giant pizza" while Fat Jack and Skinny Mack just stand there geeking out. Jamie, Fat Jack, and Skinny Mack walk out of the museum talking about how cool it was meeting a former ranger at the power rangers museum. however Envius and a platoon of X-borgs arrive on the scene, Envius ordering the X-borgs to abduct one of the humans forcing Fat Jack and Skinny Mack to hide while Jamie gets into a battle stance followed by Lance, Austin, Molly, and Brenda arriving on the scene to fight the X-borgs unmorphed, Justin deciding to join in on the fight kicking the crap out of some X-borgs with Justin exclaiming "oh yeah, still got it" followed by the five rangers morphing (cue Gokaiger episode 14 fight) all the while Justin is captured and taken away by X-borgs. the rangers then morph into Mighty Morphin' exclaiming "It's morphin' time!" before finishing off the X-borgs followed by Lance slashing at Envius with the power sword before the five hear Justin shouting "rangers, help!" the five turning their heads to see Justin being kidnapped their distraction allowing Envius to escape, Envius saying that this one will be the perfect guinea pig for his love potion Jamie shouting "NO!" while Austin asks just what the heck he's talking about. we then cut to the sky ship where Orion asks the rangers how their first day back at school was, and Jamie informs Orion that a monster abducted their new substitute teacher. Orion is confused by this, asking what a monster would want with their substitute teacher, and Lance tells Orion that he heard the monster talked about wanting a guinea pig for his love potion, Austin commenting "wow, that monster has to be pretty pathetic that he has to make a love potion just to get a date" while Brenda says "that is just sad" while Molly teases Austin by telling him "you can relate, right?" Polly saying "awkward, awkward, sqwak!" while Alpha 8 says "ai-yi-yi, what would Zador do?" we then cut back to Justin being held captive in Envius's lab, Justin asking Envius what he plans on doing with him. Envius shows Justin the poster of Insidia, explaining to him that he has concocted an experimental love potion, so that his dear Insidia would love him instead of that incompetent prince that she's engaged to, going as far as to say that he doesn't deserve her. Justin asks "and what do I got to do with this?" and Envius shoves the bottle into Justin's mouth, telling him that he needed someone to test out the experimental potion to see if it works, only for Insidia to teleport into the lab asking "what is the meaning of this, Envius?" Envius tells Insidia that he made a love potion that would make her fall in love with him, saying that he thinks she's more deserving of his love than Prince Vekar, Envius saying that he has no idea what she sees in that guy. Insidia gets mad at Envius, telling him "you seriously thought my engagement to Prince Vekar was by choice? It was an arranged marriage by his father the emperor, why else do you think I put up with his constant temper tantrums!" things get awkward really fast, Envius saying "oh" while the bottle falls out of Justin's mouth, Justin looking at Insidia saying "hey baby" causing her to blush. we then see the Legend force rangers arriving at the lab to free Justin from his restraints. Justin then leaps into Insidia's arms, Justin telling the green-skinned alien woman "you are the most beautiful alien woman I have ever met, you're out of this world" Insidia saying "how romantic" the two running off together while Envius gets on his knees and complains, saying "no! this wasn't supposed to happen!" Jamie then points his legendary blaster at Envius's head, asking him "what did you do to him?" Envius confesses to making him drink a love potion he made, explaining that he planned on using it on Insidia to make her fall in love with him, but he needed to test it first to see if it would work so he abducted Justin to use him as a test subject thinking it was gonna make him fall in love with an X-borg only for Insidia to unexpectedly show up in his lab and he ended up falling in love with her instead and now the love of his life is going out with a lovely human followed by Envius covering his eyes and crying over how he'll never get a date with Insidia now. Austin looks at Envius and says "dude, you could have easily just asked her out" only for Molly to elbow him and say "don't give the monster any ideas!" only for Envius to electrocute the rangers with orange lightning from his hands turning them back into civilian form before running off. we then cut to a silly montage of Justin and Insidia doing romantic things together including frolicking in the park while holding hands with people running and screaming in the background, the two going to the movies together, and even a scene with the two of them eating at a restaurant together with the two slurping spaghetti lady and the tramp-style. meanwhile Prince Vekar watches this all unfold from the bridge of the flagship on the computer monitor, the petulant prince demanding to know why his fiance has cheated on him for a lowly human while both Destro and Cyberon stare awkwardly. Envius appears on the screen explaining to the prince that this was all his fault followed by Prince Vekar throwing a hissy fit shouting "THEN FIX IT NOW!!!!" before we cut to Downtown Angel Grove where we see Justin and Insidia dancing together in the street only for Envius to show up and demand Insidia to step away from the human, only for Justin to stand in the way saying "don't worry my love, I will protect you!" as he fights Envius one-on-one in an unmorphed fight, Justin kicking Envius in the stomach knocking him on his butt. Envius gets back up and shoots a fireball at Justin only for Jamie to leap in shouting "Justin watch out!" pushing him out of the way leading to Insidia getting hit instead. the other rangers arrive on the scene to witness Envius try to help Insidia out, apologizing to her saying that he didn't mean to hit her with that blast as he was trying to hit the human she was with. Insidia then slaps his hand away, saying "get away from me you creep" which deeply hurts poor Envius's feelings as he watches Justin rush to Insidia's aid to help her back up Justin asking "are you okay my love?" with Insidia saying "I'm fine no thanks to him" hurting Envius's feeling even more while the five rangers stare awkwardly at Justin and Insidia rubbing noses with Austin saying "okay, THAT I can never unsee" while Jamie gags Molly patting him on the pack with Lance asking "why do I feel the need to shower all of a sudden?" Brenda saying "come on guys, be supportive of the new couple" Envius then tells the rangers "you power brats will PAY for turning the love of my life against me!" Insidia asking the rangers "will you multicolored goody-goods please destroy him for me?" Lance saying "gladly" followed by the five morphing into the Legend force rangers (cue Gokaiger episode 14 second fight) Jamie kicking Envius off a balcony allowing the other four to attack the monster knocking him down causing Envius to become even more infuriated setting himself on fire while charging at the rangers knocking them around before knocking them down with a flaming envy slash attack. Jamie gets back up on his feet, telling his team "come on guys, let's do this for Justin!" followed by the five morping into Power Rangers Turbo, the five shouting "Shift into turbo!" while Justin and Insidia watch, Justin saying "look honey, Turbo rangers! I used to be one of them" Insidia saying "that's nice, dear". the five then attack Envius before we switch to an original-footage scene of the rangers using their turbo weapons on Envius such as the turbo hand blasters, turbo thunder cannon, turbo star chargers, and turbo wind fire before Lance finishes off Envius with the turbo lightning sword, Justin crossing his arms saying "sure does take me back" only for the potion to suddenly wear off, Justin asking why he's holding hands with a member of the galactic armada. Insidia tells Justin that they were in love, however Justin pulls his hand away from her saying "after your armies ravaged and enslaved our planet? I don't think so" causing Insidia's heart to break, Insidia slapping Justin knocking him over while the rangers rush to his aid. Insidia contacts Vekar over the computer monitor shouting "HONEY THE POWER RANGERS HURT MY FEELINGS! DO SOMETHING!" Vekar saying "yes dear" activating the sattelasers to make a just-as-heartbroken Envius grow big, Envius shouting "you power rangers are gonna PAY for breaking my beloved Insidia's heart!" as he tries to stomp on the rangers forcing them to leap out of the way before we see Alpha 8 look at the computer screen with Alpha telling Orion that the rangers are in trouble. Orion tells the rangers over intercom that the zords are on the way Lance saying "thanks orion" followed by the rangers hopping aboard the sky ship (cue Gokaiger episode 14 zord fight) the sky ship opening fire on Envius with its cannons before forming the legendary megazord Envius charging at the megazord shouting "stop in the name of love" only for the legendary megazord to shoot at Envius with its chest cannon before attacking Envius with an attack that emulates the turbo megazord, the rangers shouting "legendary turbo megazord spinout!" Justin giving the rangers a thumb's up, saying "now finish him off, rangers!" the rangers then form the legendary samurai megazord to finish off Envius once and for all before we cut to Insidia returning to the flagship telling Prince Vekar that she her loyalty is to him and him alone, Vekar saying "good, that's just what I like to hear" while Destro and Cyberon look at each other awkwardly. after that, we cut to Justin in the school parking lot working on his car before thanking the five teens for saving him from that love potion, however he's done being their substitute teacher as he got a call from Mr. Fowler saying he'll be back to teaching tomorrow. Jamie and Justin do another fist-bump before Justin hopping in his car and driving off while Fat Jack and Skinny Mack geek out ending our episode on a happy note.

And yes, we would have an instrumental cover of the turbo theme playing during the tribute morph and fight:

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