Episode 4: Face the music

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Our episode opens up with Brenda practicing on her guitar in the schoolyard before Lance shows up and tells her that she has a pretty singing voice. Brenda thanks Lance, telling him that it was a song that her mother used to sing to her every night when she was a little girl. Lance comments that Brenda's mother must've been a pretty good singer, however Brenda tells Lance that her mother passed away when she was six years old. Lance feels sorry for her loss followed by a familiar car park into the driveway, only for Brenda's father to step out of the car. Brenda introduces Lance to her father and apologizes to Lance telling him that her father can be over-protective sometimes, followed by Brenda's father reminding her that she has a concert tomorrow and that she has not time to be flirting with any boys. the two say goodbye before we cut to Tritor's ship where Vrak is talking to someone on a communicator device about the coming invasion until Tritor stops him in his tracks, demanding him to tell him who he was talking to or he'll electrocute him with force-lightning, Predatox telling Tritor to allow him to cut the two of them himself for their treachery. Cera comes to Vrak's defense, telling them that he's the brother of the prince and that if either of them dare lay a finger on Vrak they're gonna have to answer to the armada. Tritor turns his back on the two, telling Cera that her affection for Vrak disgusts him before him and Predatox leave the room. Vrak then thanks Cera for coming to his defense and the two share a romantic moment, followed by Cera telling Vrak that she has the perfect plan to destroy the rangers, presenting him with a monster named Muzak who promises to drive those pesky earthlings mad with his terrible music before jamming out on his guitar followed by Cera begging him to stop. Vrak orders Muzak to stop the music, telling the monster to save the performance for the rangers on earth. we then cut to Brenda's house where we see Brenda practicing on her guitar for the concert tomorrow, to the tune of the same song from the beginning of the episode while looking at the framed photo of her parents with her when she was a little girl, only for her practicing to get interrupted by being contacted on her morpher by Alpha whom informs her that a monster is attacking downtown Angel Grove while looking at the viewing screen in the command center before Brenda teleports out of her room followed by her father entering her room to notice that she's gone which makes him furious. we then cut to downtown Angel Grove where Muzak starts making the citizens of Angel Grove's ears bleed with his awful music (including Fat Jack and Skinny Mack along with Mr. Fowler back at the rangers school as well as Ernie at the juice bar who comically drops his drinks spilling them all over his customers) only for him to be stopped in his tracks by the five rangers who arrive on the scene to get the tone-deaf civilians to safety followed by the five morphing and then summoning their weapons while Muzak summons the Caprisects (cue Goseiger episode 4 first fight). both Lance and Brenda are affected by Muzak's music causing them to writhe in pain leaving them vulnerable to attack forcing Austin, Jamie, and Molly to come to their rescue. the five form the megaforce blaster but miss the monster due to Lance and Brenda's massive migraine's caused by the music. both Brenda and Lance are knocked back into civilian form while Muzak escapes. Lance then gets back up and holds out his hand to Brenda, followed by Brenda grabbing Lance's hand who helps her up while the other three rangers de-morph, Austin noticing Lance and Brenda both holding hands and starts taunting Lance for possibly having a crush on her. this reminds her that she just abandoned her concert practice and teleports back to her room and tries to resume practicing on her guitar only for her to collapse and scream in pain still suffering from her migraine. her father rushes to her room in response to hearing her scream and is shocked to see her in pain. he then asks where she's been however she lies to her father telling him that she's been in here practicing this whole time reaching for her guitar. her father then catches on pretty quickly that she's lying and demands her to tell her the truth, asking her if she's been hanging around with that boy again. Brenda then gets on her bed and tells him yes, followed by her father scolding her reminding her that he told her not to be flirting with any boys. Brenda then tells her dad that Lance is her best friend and she can't abandon him, followed by her father telling Brenda that he made a promise to her mother before she passed away, that promise being that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her, looking at the old family photo before kissing his daughter on the forehead before telling her to stay away from that boy before shutting the door on her. we then cut back to the other four rangers teleporting to the command center followed by Lance collapsing from his migraine. Alpha is shocked, asking Lance what happened to him followed by him explaining that ever since he heard that monster's awful music his head started aching along with Brenda's. Zador then explains that each of the five rangers draw their powers from a different element: black and yellow are powered by the land, blue is powered by the sea, and red and pink are powered by the air which makes them super vulnerable to disturbances in the atmosphere of which the monster known as Muzak is causing, explaining why only Lance and Brenda were affected by Muzak's awful music. Lance then asks Zador what they do before being hit with yet another migraine while Zador tells Lance that him and Brenda should rest for the night and recover and just let the other rangers handle the situation tomorrow, which worries Lance as Brenda's concert is also tomorrow. the following night, Lance calls Brenda on her phone and informs her of why they were so affected by the monster's music, of which gives Brenda an idea. after that, we cut to the next day where we see Brenda on the backstage of the amphitheater getting herself ready, followed by her peeking through the curtains to see her father sitting there in the audience (Fat Jack and Skinny Mack are in the audience too and boo asking where's the music followed by Mr. Fowler comically smacking them both telling them to shut up). a strange woman then takes a seat in the audience, whom of which is really Cera in disguise. Cera then contacts Vrak telling him that its showtime followed by Muzak along with a platoon of Caprisects teleporting on the scene to commandeer the amphitheater bringing with them a strange satellite-like device followed by everyone in the audience panicking and fleeing the amphitheater all the while Brenda hides and whips out her morpher, contacting Zador and informing him of the situation. Zador assures Brenda to stay calm as the other rangers will be here shortly. Austin, Jamie, and Molly then all arrive on the scene to confront the monster (cue Goseiger episode 4 second fight) only for Vrak to show up to confront the rangers followed by Cera dropping her disguise. Vrak then proceeds to mop the floor with the rangers while Cera presses the button on her tablet that activates the device, sending a signal broadcasting muzak's terrible music all around the world causing several people from all over the globe to be forced to listen to Muzak's ear-bleeding tunes including Lance in the command center whom notices what's going on in the viewing screen while Alpha panics at the sight of the entire world suffering from Muzak's awful music while Zador explains the situation to Lance whom asks if Brenda is okay, remembering that her concert is today. Zador assures Lance that she's safe for now followed by Lance telling Zador and Alpha that he's off to save her before teleporting to her location where he finds her hiding backstage at the amphitheater all the while the other three rangers are getting beaten by Vrak. Lance and Brenda are still hurt by the terrible music, followed by Lance telling Brenda that her concert just gave him an idea for how to beat the monster. before Vrak can finish off the rangers, Muzak's music is interrupted by Brenda getting on stage and playing her guitar while playing the very same song her mother used to sing to her from the beginning of the episode all the while everyone in the audience including Mr. Fowler, Fat Jack and Skinny Mack, and Brenda's father come out of hiding and are captivated by Brenda's music, her father being reminded of his late wife upon hearing the song, the other rangers in disbelief of Brenda's beautiful singing voice. Lance then steps out on stage to accompany Brenda much to the shock of Mr. Cho followed by the two singing in a duet which brings a tear to his eye all the while the other rangers get the upper hand on Vrak. Lance then whips out his morpher and activates a power card that amplifys Brenda's song to the entire world, drowning out Muzak's music and healing everyone's eardrums much to the shock of both Vrak and Cera all the while Muzak collapses weakened by Brenda's music. black, blue, and yellow then combine their weapons to form a variation of the megaforce blaster that hits Vrak injuring him followed by Cera coming to her lover's aid and teleporting herself and the wounded prince back to Tritor's ship. everyone in the audience gets up and cheers Brenda and Lance for their duet only for Muzak to get back up on his feet promising the rangers that they'll pay for ruining his concert followed by Austin, Jamie, and Molly evacuating the civilians and getting them to safety while Brenda and Lance both whip out their morphers once they've all left and morph, however Brenda's father manages to catch a glimpse of her and Lance morphing and is shocked to learn that his only daughter is the pink ranger. the five rangers then do their roll call followed by them performing a supersonic strike before assembling the complete megaforce blaster to defeat Muzak. we then cut back to Vrak and Cera returning to the ship where they are confronted by general Tritor who scolds the two for going after the rangers themselves behind his back, electrocuting them both with his force lightning. Vrak then gets back up and assures Tritor that he's not done yet before snapping his fingers summoning the zombats to make Muzak grow. the rangers then summon their zords to form the guardian megazord (cue Goseiger episode 4 megazord fight). after the monster is destroyed, we cut to Lance and Brenda performing an encore of their duet this time at Ernie's juice bar with Austin, Jamie, and Molly watching. once their song is over, Mr. Cho enters the juice bar and apologizes to Lance telling him that he was wrong and that he's the perfect man for his daughter, the two shaking hands while Brenda thanks her father for letting her hang out with Lance. she then hugs her father followed by him whispering in his daughter's ear that he knows that she's the pink ranger causing her to step back and tell the others that he must have saw her morph much to the shock of her teammates. Brenda then tells her father to promise not to tell anyone her secret identity, followed by her father assuring her that her secret's safe with him and that her mother would be proud before leaving. the two then sit down to join their teammates for refreshments and our episode ends with Ernie jr. serving drinks to the happy couple.

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