Episode 17: Blue and the gold

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Our episode opens up with Nigel and Spike sitting down for lunch at Bulk's sushi spot only for Allison to show up and asks if they're ready to order. Nigel then tries to flirt with her only for Spike to shove him out of the way and start flirting with her himself. Nigel then tells Spike not to steal his girl followed by the two butting heads only for Allison to tell the two to shut it and that she came here to take their order not listen to them acting like a pair of lovesick puppies. Spike orders the eel roll for both of them, of which Nigel finds hard to eat because of the sliminess, however Spike being the sushi connoisseur tells him that he'll get used to it. after that, the two return to the dojo where Oscar teases Nigel by asking if he saw his girlfriend today. Nigel then tells Oscar that she's not his girlfriend however Oscar tells him that's not what Spike said. Nigel then gets angry at Spike and the two hash it out over who's a better man for Allison only for sensei Nobu to break the two up by poking their pressure points telling them to stop fighting over something as trivial as a girl. Nigel then tells sensei that Allison isn't just a girl, in fact she was his crush from back in prep school meaning the two go way back, followed by Spike telling Nigel that doesn't matter and that someone who works at a SUSHI restaurant should end up with a SUSHI lover like himself followed by Nigel facepalming. we then cut to Akuma palace where lord Ashura asks Deker and Nocturna where the heck Octomancer is. Nocturna then tells lord Ashura that he went to the surface world with a monster looking for a sacrifice or something however he never told her the details, followed by Octomancer discovering a well. after that, we cut to Allison walking home while talking to Nigel on the phone, Allison telling Nigel that while they might have had something in the past but times have changed and that both of them need to move on. Nigel of course doesn't want to break up with her (which is what Spike wishes would happen) only for Allison to slip on some slime causing her to drop her phone. Allison is then kidnapped by the monster Slimatox. Nigel tries to get a hold of her however it is no use. the two then head to Bulk's sushi spot and ask Bulk where he last saw Allison. Bulk then tells them Allison left after she was done with her shift however that's the last he saw of her. this worries Nigel, fearing that something bad has happened to Allison. Spike then deduces that maybe she's been kidnapped and decides to run off in search of her, only for Nigel to follow suit. the two then hop on their samurai cycles and arrive at a nearby forest and both hear a scream that is recognizably Allison's and the two race through the forest to see who can get to Allison first. we then cut to Octomancer explaining to the kidnapped Allison that this old well leads to the netherworld and that he plans on delivering a human sacrifice to lord Ashura with the hopes of restoring his master's body. Nigel and Spike both overhear this and try to contact the others, only to realize they're getting no response. the two then start bickering over who gets the honors to rescue Allison blowing their cover in the process followed by the two morphing to confront the two Akuma. Nigel then asks who the octopus guy is, realizing that he's no ordinary Akuma. Octomancer introduces himself as lord Ashura's right-hand man and master of the dark arts, explaining that he placed magic seals around the forest which explains why they were unable to call the others. Nigel and Spike try to fight off the monster as best they can only for Slimatox's slime to make their weapons slippery. Octomancer sends a group of marauders after the rangers and tells Slimatox to quickly relieve the human female of her head, followed by the monster telling him that his slime got all over its axe and that it needs sharpening. we then cut back to the dojo where the others are worried for Nigel and Spike, as the two haven't contacted them in a while. we then cut to Nigel and Spike fighting off the marauders un-morphed while still arguing over who's the better man for Allison whom of which tells them both to stop arguing and SAVE ME ALREADY!, right before we cut to the rangers trying to call the two but get no response followed by sensei telling the rangers that they should go after Nigel and Spike if they've gotten into trouble. we then cut back to Nigel and Spike fighting off the marauders before morphing to finish them off. Slimatox is done sharpening his axe and is ready to behead Allison but before he can the dragon origami zord attacks him causing him to drop the axe down the well. the two then free Allison and get her to safety before confronting the monster (cue shinkenger episode 19 fight). the other rangers then show up just in time and the six fight off the monster while avoiding its slime followed by Nigel and Spike finishing off the monster. Nocturna then plays her shamisen to make the monster grow (cue shinkenger episode 19 megazord fight) before finishing off Slimatox with the samurai octo megazord. after that, we cut to the rangers eating at Bulk's sushi spot only for Allison to show up and our episode ends with Allison kissing both Nigel AND Spike on the cheek.

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