Movie: Clash of the red rangers

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Our film opens up with a recap of how in another universe the RPM rangers defeated Venjix and saved their world from him and his evil machines and that after his defeat Dr. K and her rangers have been busy helping rebuild civilization while tracking down remnants of Venjix's fallen empire that still function without their boss, right before we cut to a battle in the ruins of omega city between the skyrev megazord and one of the last remnants of Venjix's army: Professor Cog, an extremely intelligent and powerful attack bot that was one of Venjix's last creations before his destruction. Professor Cog opens up a wormhole between dimensions, explaining that he has developed inter-dimensional travel technology far more advanced than any human can comprehend. Scott gets sucked through the wormhole while Flynn, Summer, Ziggy, Dillon, Gem, and Gemma hold onto the ground for dear life to avoid getting sucked in themselves with Dr. K unable to contact Scott. we then cut to the samurai rangers riding on their samurai cycles to the scene of an attack on stone canyon, only to realize the creatures attacking aren't Akuma: they're machines. the five then charge into battle and slash through the grinders with their spiral swords, only for said grinders to be shot down by none other than Scott, the red RPM ranger. the samurai rangers are confused by this, as this ranger's suit looks far different than theirs. Scott blasts his way through the grinders while the rangers are confused by just who the heck this new guy is. after the grinders are destroyed, the five rangers de-morph and Kenji reaches his hand out to their new ally. Scott then de-morphs and introduces himself, having no idea there were other power rangers teams out there. the five are confused by this, wondering just where the heck this mysterious ranger came from. Sadie then grabs Scott by the arm and offers him a tour of their nice little city of stone canyon, comically dragging Scott by the arm. after that, we cut to Akuma palace where lord Ashura senses a strange presence at their palace. Professor Cog then steps into the throne room while lord Ashura demands to know who he is. professor Cog then explains to him that he comes from a parallel universe and to seek help in order to resurrect his master, whom of which lies dormant inside the red ranger from his universe's morpher. lord Ashura then asks why the Akuma clan should help a metal monstrosity like him, followed by Cog making a deal with lord Ashura: he'll help them get rid of their ranger problem once in for all in exchange for their assistance in the resurrection of Venjix. after that, we cut back to the samurai rangers bring Scott to the dojo where they introduce him to their mentor and the one who forged their weapons, gear, and zords: sensei Nobu. Scott takes a look at Kenji's samurai morpher and wonders exactly how such technology was developed, followed by sensei Nobu explaining that it's not just technology, but a combination of both tech and symbol magic, the art of channeling elemental energy through calligraphy which is a technique perfected by the Shiba family that has been passed down from generation to generation ever since. Scott doesn't believe this, saying that they sound like rejects from some cheesy samurai movie. Kenji then asks Scott what his story is, with Scott explaining that where he comes from the world has been overrun by killer robots and that people were forced to live in a domed city called Corinth, which makes Sadie feel sorry for Scott as it sounds horrible, Kenji giving Scott the jealous look for being too close to Sadie. Scott tells the five not to feel sorry for him as he and his team defeated their leader Venjix and saved humanity, however a straggler left over from his empire named Professor Cog opened a portal between worlds that separated him and his team and that he ended up here and the rest is history. Scott feels a major headache before he starts hearing Venjix's voice inside his head, followed by the samurai rangers asking what's wrong. Scott then tells them that he's fine in order to make them not worry about him, right before we cut back to Akuma palace where Octomancer summons a monster to assist professor cog: Sergeant Tredd, right before we cut to the rangers giving Scott a tour of their hometown of stone canyon with Scott in awe of the peaceful setting, a stark contrast to the post-apocalyptic imagery of his homeworld. the five then bring him to Bulk's sushi spot and introduce him to Bulk and Spike before the six sit down for some sushi while Scott still suffers from hearing Venjix's voice inside his head, however a platoon of grinders show up in front of the restaurant followed by Spike morphing to fight off the grinders, the five then pull out their morphers to aid Spike however Scott tells the five to stay back before morphing to fight off the grinders, followed by Spike asking the others what's going on. Sadie tells Spike that he's a red ranger from a post-apocalyptic parallel universe. we then cut back to Scott's fight with the grinders only to be confronted by Professor Cog. the six samurai rangers arrive on the scene with Spike wondering who the heck the walking toolbox is before the six samurai rangers along with Scott go toe-to-toe with Professor Cog only to get a serious beating, but however before Kenji and Scott could be sucked into another dimension by Professor Cog the other samurai rangers stand in the way only for Nigel, Oscar, Ava, Sadie, and Spike to get sucked through the portal. Kenji and Scott are knocked back into the water causing the two to de-morph followed by Professor Cog retreating before we cut to Kenji helping Scott out of the water before Kenji asks Scott what's up with that voice he keeps hearing inside his head, Scott responding by telling him that he has no idea how it got there but it sounds like Venjix. Kenji then asks who Venjix is, and Scott replies by telling him that Venjix was the computer virus responsible for the genocide and enslavement of humanity in his world however he thought he was destroyed, looking at his morpher. we then cut back to Akuma palace where Professor Cog reports to lord Ashura that he has disposed of the rangers and that it'll only be a matter of time before Venjix is revived, explaining that soon he will wake up and take over his host's body. we then cut to the samurai rangers arriving in the post-apocalyptic wasteland only to de-morph and be greeted by a familiar black car and motorcycle, only for Dillon and Summer to step out and ask the five if they need any help. Dillon and Summer then take the five to the domed city of Corinth where they are greeted by Flynn who is working on cars in the garage. Dillon and Summer then bring the five into the lab where they are greeted by Ziggy and Dr. K, who are now married. Dillon tells Dr. K that he and Summer found these five in the ruins of omega city followed by Dr. K asking the five where they came from. Sadie explains that the five came from a universe parallel to their own and that they were sent here by Professor Cog, which disturbs Dr. K asking the five how they know who he is. the five then tell her that they've met Scott who is trapped in their universe, prompting doctor K to attempt to recreate the portal by tapping into the trans-dimensional biofield explaining to the rangers that Venjix is trapped inside Scott's morpher and that Professor Cog plans on releasing the Venjix virus by using Scott as Venjix's new body. Doctor K is unsuccessful, followed by Gem and Gemma stepping in and attempting to do it themselves and it is successful much to Dr. K's surprise, opening a portal between the two worlds. after that, we cut to the dojo where Scott starts hearing voices inside his head until his eyes start glowing red meaning Venjix has now taken full control over Scott's body. Venjix-Scott then hijacks sensei's motorbike and rides off with it, followed by Kenji morphing and hopping on his samurai cycle to chase after Scott, right before we cut to Venjix-Scott arriving at the quarry to inform Professor Cog that his creator has returned, albeit in a weak and feeble human body. Professor Cog assures his master that he won't have to stay in that body for long, as he and his Akuma accomplice sergeant Tredd have been working on a moon base for Venjix to inhabit that will allow them to conquer TWO worlds. Venjix is pleased and congratulates Professor Cog, only for Kenji to arrive and stop Scott in his tracks, whom of which tells Kenji that Scott can't hear him and that he is Venjix and that their world is now his before morphing. the two red rangers then clash in a one-on-one fight until the two end up knocking each other out, allowing Venjix to escape Scott's body and upload his consciousness into the moon base. Kenji then gets back up and helps out Scott who is happy to have Venjix out of his head. Professor Cog tells the two that it is too late, as his boss Venjix is now on the moon as they speak and is planning a full-scale invasion of their world. but luckily help is on the way, as a portal opens up allowing the rest of the samurai and RPM rangers through. the 13 rangers them morph and charge at Venjix and the Akuma clan's forces with Kenji and Scott fighting Cog and Tredd while the other rangers deal with the grinders and marauders. Kenji then tosses Scott the shark disc allowing him to transform into shark attack mode while Kenji goes super samurai mode. the two then destroy sergeant Tredd while Professor Cog survives, teleporting himself to the moonbase where he kneels before Venjix who is now in a form that closely resembles his original pillar-with-red-cycloptic-eye form. Venjix then informs Professor Cog that the rangers in their zords are heading for the moon, followed by Professor Cog beginning the download to grow giant. the rangers form the RPM ultrazord and the samurai ultrazord before confronting Professor Cog, followed by a bunch of metallic tentacles coming out of the Venjix moon base wrapping around Professor Cog allowing Venjix to possess Cog's body. the RPM and samurai megazords then all split apart and use their combined powers to destroy both Venjix and Professor Cog once and for all. after that, the RPM and samurai rangers return to the dojo to inform sensei Nobu of their victory only for Doctor K to enter the dojo to inform the RPM rangers that it's time to go home. the two ranger teams say goodbye to each other before the RPM rangers return to their own universe ending our movie on a bittersweet note.

There, a proper team-up. y'all happy now?

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