Episode 30: Green without envy

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Our episode opens up with Orion in the Q-Rex fighting two giant bruisers while the rangers battle the X-borgs on the ground, the five exchanging witty banter to each other as they fight off the footsoldiers. the five whip out their jungle fury keys exclaiming "Jungle beast, spirit unleashed!" (with Jamie turning into the black lion warrior and Brenda turning into the green chameleon warrior) to fight off the X-borgs who are then gunned down by Resistance troops before the rangers are confronted by the royal guards prompting the five to morph back into Legend force to summon the legendary cannon to take out the royal guards while the Q-rex megazord takes out the giant bruisers. Redker sees this from the ship's computer frustrated and smacks an X-borg upside the head, screaming "those rangers are taking out our forces left and right!" Insidia then snarkily remarks "I told you not to underestimate them, these are the same rangers who took out the prince after all" Insidia kneels before the emperor, pleading to him to free Destro and allow him to avenge Vekar for him. the emperor then says "very well. let him out" Redker is confused, exclaiming "my liege, you can't possibly listen to her!" Emperor Malus says "I said what I said, now let him out" we then cut to Destro rotting in his cell where Redker offers Destro a deal, offering him to take down Earth's power rangers on behalf of Emperor Malus in exchange for his freedom, however Destro bursts out of his cell, exclaiming "I don't need you or the emperor's help, I am the strongest warrior in the universe. I will avenge Vekar's death by myself" before he leaves, Redker lets it slip and says "I've heard rumors that it wasn't the power rangers who delivered the finishing blow to Vekar... it was the emperor's other son, Vrak" Destro growls in anger before we cut to Angel Grove High where we see see Jamie auditioning as "the green knight" for the school play Jamie dressed in green plastic armor and wielding a cardboard sword and shield with Fat Jack and Skinny Mack stuck wearing a cheap dragon costume, Skinny Mack complaining by exclaiming "why do I gotta be the dragon's butt?" Fat Jack snarkily replying with "because your acting skills suck" with their arguing causing the two to clumsily fall over while Jamie is too busy having stage fright, his teammates along with Mr. Fowler facepalming in dismay. James goes backstage and apologizes to his friends, saying that he has stage fright, Jamie saying that Austin should be the one to play the green knight, after all he's the one with the superior sword skills. Austin then tells him "nah man Green is your color, the honor of playing the knight belongs to you" Brenda tells Jamie that as someone who's performed in front of an audience before, she could help him overcome his stage fright. we then cut to Destro on earth running into Vrak who taunts the alien brute with "well if it isn't my fallen brother's musclebound babysitter, the so-called strongest man in the universe. if you came here looking for retribution then sorry, the power rangers aren't here" Destro unsheathes his swork while asking Vrak "rumors have spread saying that it wasn't the rangers who slayed the prince, but rather it was you who did it. is it true?" Vrak shrugs, exclaiming "guilty as charged" Destro loses his temper and delivers an energy slash to Vrak who blocks it by quickly whipping out his morpher and ranger key exclaiming "legendary dark ranger mode!" forming a red aura around him that protects Vrak from the attack only for him in his dark red ranger form to be knocked into a couple nearby boxes. Destro scolds vrak by saying "how could you do something like that to your own brother? do you not honor your own family?" as we get flashbacks to Vrak impaling Vekar on his own sword. Vrak gets up, saying "my brother's death was but a stepping stone to my ascension to the throne, the power rangers did most of the work for me by destroying the armada megazord, all according to plan. the only thing I needed to do was deliver the final blow" Destro gets even angrier, exclaiming "so you set up your brother to fall at the hands of the rangers by sending him to his death, all so that you could be the emperor's only heir to the throne" Vrak tells Destro "In layman's terms, yes. all that's left is to take out my father, then the galaxy will kneel before emperor Vrak!" Destro points his sword at Vrak's face and tells the arrogant prince "then allow me to bring you to your father so that he can punish you for your crimes against the royal family!" Simi then leaps out of nowhewre going "oo oo! don't talk to my boss like that! oo oo!" only for Destro to slash her away like she's nothing. Destro and Vrak then engage in a swordfight that leads to Destro giving the prince a royal beating, holding his sword up to Vrak's neck asking him "will you now surrender in the name of the galactic armada?" Vrak then returns to his default form and holds his hands up, saying "are you really gonna listen to my father, the very emperor who disgraced you, stripped you of your rank, and had you locked up for failing to protect his precious little prince? or you could come with me, and I can help you get your revenge in addition to making you the future second-in-command of Emperor Vrak. your choice" offering his hand to Destro. we then cut to the Sky ship where we see Jamie on the deck in his green knight costume practicing for the play with Alpha 9 dressed as the princess he's supposed to save from the dragon in that play while Lance, Austin, Molly, Brenda, Orion, and Polly watch. Orion asks Brenda what the heck he's doing, and Brenda explains to him that he's practicing for the school play, saying that Jamie has stage fright and she and the others are trying to help him get over it. Polly (who is sitting on Orion's shoulder) exclaims "stage fright! stage fright! sqwak!" Jamie takes his plastic armor off, exclaiming "I can't do this! I'm fine in front of you guys because you're my friends, performing in front of a crowd of strangers is totally different!" Lance then gets off the crowd and says "this play calls for a red knight who fights for the hand of the princess, allow me to play the part" pulling out his legendary morpher insta-morphing into the red ranger, saying "come on, let's spar" Jamie then says "I can't fight you, you're our leader" Austin sarcastically exclaiming "boo, fight already!" prompting Molly to elbow him. Jamie then insta-morphs into the green ranger prompting the two to spar with their legendary sabers, Jamie easily getting bested by lance being knocked back into civilian form. Lance de-morphs to help Jamie back up on his feet, Jamie saying "see? I'm not cut out to play the daring hero when I can't catch up to the rest of you guys in ranger combat let alone a stupid play. I'm tech support, not a knight in shining armor" the six are then contacted by Destro, Orion saying "Destro, what do you want?" Destro tells the rangers to meet him at the abandoned warehouse district if they want to stop him from wiping out their sorry excuse of the resistance. Jamie exclaims "the abandoned warehouse district, that's where the resistance base is!" Lance then says "and my father, we have to go!" Orion warns Lance "do not underestimate Destro, he's the strongest warrior in the universe. only outmatched by the emperor himself" Austin gets cocky saying "just wait till this strongest warrior in the universe meets the cold steel of my blades" meanwhile Jamie is terrified, the mention of a strongest warrior in the universe sending chills down his spine telling Austin "don't get cocky, if this guy really is the strongest warrior in the universe like Orion says he is then we shouldn't rush in headfirst" Lance then says "but if we stand around here the resistance is gonna be wiped out, including my father. come on team!" prompting the six rangers to teleport. we then cut to Destro marching through the abandoned warehouse deflecting the gunfire of resistance soldiers with his sword while cutting them down one by one while a terrified Colonel Evan Taylor watches from the rooftop from his binoculars, saying that he's stronger than any of the other Armada goons they or the rangers have fought. the soldier standing next to him says "sir, Orion told us that he's the strongest warrior in the universe" Evan Taylor then says "then I guess we should leave this job to the rangers" and right on cue the six Legend Force rangers morph to fight Destro (cue Gokaiger episode 42 fight) Destro mops the floor with all six rangers demonstrating why he's known as the "strongest warrior in the universe" with none of the ranger's attack phasing him not even their final strike. Lance realizes that they're outmatched and need to regroup with the resistance, calling the team to retreat. however they are confronted by Vrak in his dark ranger form along with Simi, Vrak asking the six rangers "and where do you think you're going?" Vrak and Simi fight Austin, Orion, Molly, and Brenda while Lance and Jamie double-team against Destro. Vrak charges his blade up for a dark final strike, meanwhile Jamie is hiding behind a car terrified, saying that maybe he really isn't cut out to be a ranger after all. however Lance tells Jamie to be the brave knight like in the school play. this causes Jamie to play the hero and take the hit for Lance, however the two both get hit by Destro's attack knocking them both into civilian form. Lance tells Jamie to run, meanwhile the terrified Jamie turns his head to see Austin, Orion, Molly, and Brenda getting knocked back into their civilian forms by Vrak causing him to rush to their aids. however the five watch in horror as Destro grabs Lance by the head, telling him "you're coming with us, you'll have an audience with the emperor" followed by Destro and Vrak teleporting with the captured Lance, Jamie exclaiming "NO!" before we cut to the Armada flagship where Vrak and Destro bring the chained up Lance Taylor to Emperor Malus who sits on the throne saying "if it isn't Prince Vrak, my lesser son. it's been a while. and working with Destro, the now-disgraced strongest warrior in the universe. what brings you here?" Destro tells the emperor "I have captured the red ranger of earth and bring him to you as a gift, with the hopes that it would restore my honor your highness" Vrak then says "correction my dear Destro, WE captured the red ranger" those words causing Redker to scoff. Vrak continues, saying "with the red ranger in chains and at our mercy, we will use him as a bargaining chip to convince this planet's resistance to surrender to the Armada's authority" Lance then says "you'll never get away with this" only for Destro to slap Lance across the face telling him to show some respect in front of the Emperor of the galactic armada. Lance then says "that's the emperor? I was hoping for someone... impressive" the Emperor then tells him back "and you're the red ranger that's been leading the rebellion against my empire? he's just a puny kid, pathetic. get him out of my sights" Vrak then says "as you wish, father" followed by Vrak and Destro teleporting away with the captured Lance. we then cut to Orion, Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda arriving at resistance HQ with Alpha and Polly confused as to where Lance is, and Jamie tells them "Vrak and Destro took him, and It's all my fault. if I had been braver I could have saved him" Austin then punches Jamie in the gut scaring poor Alpha and Polly, with Austin telling Jamie "you're right, this IS your fault! if you hadn't been cowering while the rest of us were fighting for our lives then Lance would still be here!" Molly and Brenda both grab onto Austin, with Molly telling him that it wasn't Jamie's fault, Brenda telling Austin that Molly's right. Orion tells the rangers that now isn't the time for petty squabbling, saying that they need to focus on saving Lance, Colonel Evan Taylor telling the rangers "agreed". our heroes then turn their heads to see a broadcast of Lance with Vrak and Destro having the now-suited and helmetless (and muzzled) red ranger with Destro delivering a speech about how the resistance must surrender to the Armada's authority if their precious red ranger is to live. we see Fat Jack and Skinny Mack, Mr. Fowler, Ernie Jr., Lance's mother and little brother Allen watch the broadcast from their TVs as well, with Emperor Malus, Insidia, and Redker also watching the footage from the monitor of the Armada flagship with anticipation. Jamie remembers Lance's words of encouragement to "be the brave knight like the school play" making Jamie storm off, Orion asking Jamie where he's going with Jamie saying "to save Lance!" we then cut to Downtown angel grove where Lance is being held for ransom in front of a crowd of terrified civilians, Destro holding his sword up to Lance's neck, saying "any last words to the people of Earth you were sworn to protect?" Vrak giving the Signal for Simi to remove the muzzle. Lance tells the crowd of civilians that the power rangers will continue fighting the good fight, even if he doesn't survive, because earth's defenders never surrender. Vrak then says "poor choice of words" before ordering Destro to relieve the red ranger of his head. Destro says "gladly" as he raises his sword only for Vrak, Simi, and Destro to all get shot by a bunch of laser blasts from Jamie wielding his legendary blaster and saber who shouts "let him go!" Lance then says "Jamie, what are you doing here?" Jamie then says "I'm here to rescue you, like how the green knight saves the princess in the play" Vrak then summons the X-borgs causing the civilians to run and hide prompting Jamie to charge towards the X-borgs and fight off the footsoldiers unmorphed with blaster and saber in hand before morphing into the green legend force ranger (cue Gokaiger episode 43 fight) before switching over to Lost Galaxy, screaming "Go Galactic!" fighting off the X-borgs while Vrak and Destro watch along with the captive Lance. Jamie then switches to Mystic force, exclaiming "Magical source, Mystic force!" summoning a bunch of vines to entangle the X-borgs. Lance then says "Jamie, forget about me! Vrak and Destro are both too powerful, save yourself!" Jamie then says "no, I'm not giving up on the leader of the power rangers, not after everything you've done for me, done for all of us. you're too important to this team" Destro then says "I've had it up to here with you rangers" leaping off the balcony to confront Jamie. Lance then turns his head to see Alpha 9 and Polly come to his rescue, Alpha using a laser from her fingertip to cut Lance loose, Alpha saying that Doctor K's upgrades really did come in handy, Polly exclaiming "come in handy, come in handy! sqwak!" Alpha then helps Lance back on his feet while Vrak watches from the shadows as Destro knocks Jamie back into civilian form. however before he can finish off poor Jamie, Lance then leaps in sword in hand to slash Destro in the back saving Jamie, followed by the Austin, Molly, Brenda, and Orion also arriving on the scene. Lance then says "boy am I glad to see you guys" Jamie then tells his teammates "whadda ya say we show Destro over here who's boss" Destro then tells Vrak to help him finish off these rangers once and for all, however Vrak chuckles and morphs whips out his morpher and dark ranger key to morph into his dark ranger form to stab Destro in the back, much to the shock of the Legend force rangers. Destro then says "you traitor... I should have never trusted you!" Vrak then says "agreed, you should. you were just another pawn, another stepping stone to achieving my goal of overthrowing my father and becoming emperor, just like my brother" the rangers are all shocked to hear this, followed by Destro knocking Vrak away from him. Vrak then tosses Lance's morpher and ranger key back, telling the rangers to destroy Destro for him before he and Simi teleport away. the wounded Destro then tells the rangers "If I'm going down, then I'm taking you ALL down with me!" the six Legend force rangers then morph, exclaiming "let's go Legendary!" doing their roll call before fighting off the X-borgs. however a pair of Royal guards appear after the X-borgs are destroyed, Brenda suggesting that in honor of Jamie they should all go legendary Green Ranger mode. the six then morph into past green rangers, shouting the morph calls "It's morphin' time!", "Samurai code, Ranger mode!", "RPM, get in gear!", "Legendary ancient ranger mode!", "SPD emergency!", and "Samurai storm, ranger form!": Lance morphing into MMPR green, Austin morphing into Samurai green, Jamie morphing into RPM green, Molly morphing into the green Ancient ranger, Brenda morphing into SPD green, and Orion morphing into Ninja storm green (including a cheeky joke about how two of them are both "green samurai rangers") each taking turns with their weapons: Jamie attacking with the Turbo axe and Molly with the ancient wheel blade weapons, Brenda with the Deltamax striker and Lance with the Dragon dagger, and finally Austin with the spiral sword and Orion with the samurai saber. once the Royal guards are destroyed, Destro sends out an energy slash that knocks the six back into Legend force mode. the six try to fight off Destro as best as they can, with Blue, Yellow, Pink, and Silver being knocked away. Lance and Jamie then decide to do a tag-team move on Destro that catches him off-guard allowing the Red-and-Green tag team move that manages to land a hit on Destro. the six rangers then summon the Legendary cannon to hit Destro with a final strike. Jamie then grabs the cannon to finish off Destro himself with a second final strike that finishes him off. the Emperor watches this from the monitor of the ship with Redker exclaiming "you get what you deserve, punk!" Insidia then says it's not over yet and fires the sattelasers to make Destro grow giant prompting the Legend force rangers to form the Legendary Megazord and Q-rex Megazord (cue Gokaiger episode 43 Megazord fight) Destro manages to mop the floor with both Megazords (even sprouting an extra pair of gatling gun arms) the rangers then summon the Mystic dragon who destroys Destro's gatling gun arms, then the Delta runner zord, Red lion zord, and Ninja minizord to continue to weaken him, then summoning the Turbo falcon zord to form the Legendary ultrazord. turns out Destro can't land a single dent in the Legendary Ultrazord's armor before the rangers finish off Destro once and for all with a Legendary Ultrazord final strike. we then cut to the school play where Jamie as the green knight faces off against Lance (dressed up as a villainous red knight) for the hand of princess Brenda while the families of all the rangers watch from the audience, Lance playing dead after Jamie fake-stabs him with a sword, with "princess Brenda" giving Jamie a kiss on the cheek making him blush while the audience cheers, Fat Jack and Skinny Mack crying over how beautiful it was from the back of the crowd. the five then take their bow while the curtain closes Jamie having newfound confidence in himself ending the episode on a good note.

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