Episode 22: Theft of the Zeo crystal

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Guest rangers of this episode: Adam Park and Tanya Sloan (Zeo ranger IV green and Zeo ranger II yellow)

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Guest rangers of this episode: Adam Park and Tanya Sloan (Zeo ranger IV green and Zeo ranger II yellow)

Our episode opens up with a shot of the Power Rangers museum at night where we see Vrak enter the museum scaring off a museum security guard, Vrak then comes across a glass container with the Zeo crystal inside and punches through the glass to grab it before exclaiming "ah yes the legendary Zeo Crystal, finally it's mine!" only for Colonel Evan Taylor and his troops to arrive on the scene pointing their weapons at Vrak the colonel demanding Vrak to hand over the artifact, however Vrak says "how about no" and summons the ranger clone of the Wolf Warrior to attack the soldiers allowing Vrak to escape with the Zeo Crystal. after that, we cut to the next day where the five teens (plus Orion along with Fat Jack and Skinny Mack) arriving at the power rangers museum to see yellow tape all around the area while the press are covering the news of a stolen artifact, said artifact being none other than the mythical Zeo Crystal former power source of the Power Rangers Zeo, the six legend force rangers looking at each other in concern while we see Adam and Tanya silently watching from the back of the crowd. we then see a reporter lady interview Colonel Evan Taylor and the human resistance who were on the scene of the attack, Colonel Evan Taylor saying that his men were attacked by Vrak, enemy of the Legend force and former Megaforce rangers accompanied what looked like the Wolf Warrior of the Power Rangers Mystic Force, Lance saying "I had a feeling Vrak would be behind this. we must figure out what he's planning at once" we then cut to our heroes returning to the human resistance base where we see the six rangers and Colonel Evan Taylor talking over the war table discussing the recent theft of the Zeo Crystal, Colonel Taylor asking any of the rangers if they have any idea what Vrak wants with the Zeo Crystal. Orion pitches in saying "knowing Vrak he probably wants it for ultimate power" Austin makes the cocky comment saying "first he became all-powerful using the cocoon and now he wants to become even MORE powerful using the Zeo Crystal? talk about power-hungry" only for Tanya to enter the building saying "I heard you guys needed help recovering the stolen Zeo Crystal. who better than a former Zeo ranger?" Jamie starts geeking out, exclaiming "you're Tanya, Zeo ranger 2 yellow!" Tanya shakes hands with each of the rangers happy to meet Earth's current defenders, saying that she and Adam have been doing undercover work trying to help the human resistance track down the stolen artifact, since they once wielded the powers of the Zeo crystal they can sense its powerful energy. she explains that Adam is off searching for the location of Vrak's underwater base, Orion saying that he's been there before, when he was Vrak's captive. we then cut to a scubadiver in a DPV diving down to Vrak's underwater base before taking his scuba gear off upon entering the facility revealing it to be none other than Adam Park who sneaks around before Adam is suddenly surrounded by X-borgs who chase Adam through the hallways, Adam cracking his knuckles saying "Vrak should've hired better security than this" before beating up the X-borgs disabling them one-by-one with a can of Karate before we cut to Vrak in the lab hooking the Zeo crystal up to the computer console that is linked to the cocoon through cables, Vrak stepping inside the cocoon. we then cut to Adam arriving at the door to Vrak's lab where he enters the room to find the Zeo crystal attached to Vrak's machine while Vrak inside the cocoon exclaims "yes, I can feel the power of the Zeo crystal flowing through my veins!" as his body is enveloped by an evil-looking red aura while Adam grabs onto the crystal and pulls it out of the computer console ejecting Vrak from the cocoon, Vrak readying his sword telling Adam "you'll pay for that, Intruder!" As Adam has an unmorphed one-on-one fight with Vrak before escaping crystal in hand before putting his scuba gear back on and exiting the underwater base, all the while Vrak summons the ranger clones of Blue Senturion, Shadow Ranger, Kat Ranger, White Mystic Ranger, Wolf Warrior, Sentinel Knight, Black Lion Warrior, Green Chameleon Warrior, and Female Samurai Red ordering them to get back the Zeo Crystal. Adam contacts the resistance over their old communicators Adam saying "Tanya come in, I managed to make it out of Vrak's underwater base alive and I got the crystal" Tanya tells Adam that she's with the human resistance and to meet her at the Abandoned warehouse district at Angel Grove. Adam then arrives at the resistance base to reunite with Tanya who hugs Adam saying that he got the crystal back handing it to Colonel Evan Taylor who assures Adam that he and his men will safely return it to the museum while Tanya introduces Adam to the six Legend force rangers, Lance recognizing Adam saying "I used to be a student at your dojo where I earned my first blackbelt, good to see you again teach" Adam saying "oh I remember you now, good to see you again kid. and you're the current red ranger no less. I'm impressed, guess you put my teachings to good use" the other rangers shocked to see that Lance and Adam know each other however Vrak arrives at the resistance base and says "I don't think so, rangers" with the ranger clones appearing behind Vrak and ready their weapons, Vrak demanding the resistance to give back the Zeo Crystal. Lance then says "If you want the Zeo Crystal, then you're gonna have to get through the six of us" the six Legend Force rangers morphing while Vrak orders his clones to attack (cue Gokaiger episode 31 fight) each of the six Legend force rangers fighting off one of Vrak's extra hero clones: Brenda fighting Mystic Force White, Jamie fighting Blue Senturion, Orion fighting Wolf Warrior and Sentinel Knight, Lance fighting Shadow and Kat rangers, Austin fighting Black Lion and Green Chameleon warriors, and Molly fighting Female Samurai Red. Orion then morphs into the RPM gold/silver hybrid ranger to dodge the attacks of Wolf Warrior and Sentinel Knight before switching into Gold mode to take them both out only for Vrak to say "pathetic" while the two extra hero clones grow giant, Orion exclaiming "woah, I did NOT expect that" Lance telling Orion to summon the Megazord while they take care of the rest of Vrak's clones. Orion pilots the Q-Rex to fight off the two enlarged extra heroes while the main five deal with the remaining clones on the ground. Adam and Tanya notice the Zeo crystal start glowing before looking at the fight going on outside, Tanya asking Adam what's going on and Adam says "the crystal is calling to them" meanwhile the main five notice their Zeo keys are also glowing. Adam and Tanya both run outside with Adam telling the Legend force rangers to use the powers of the Zeo Crystal to finish these guys off once and for all, Lance exclaiming "you heard Adam, let's go Zeo!" The five morphing into the Power Rangers Zeo exclaiming "It's morphin' time, Power rangers Zeo!" the five summoning their Zeo weapons to fight off Vrak's extra hero clones while Orion finishes off Wolf Warrior and Sentinel Knight with the Q-Rex Megazord. Meanwhile the main five summon the Zeo cannon to blast the remaining clones while Vrak watches where we see his fist glow the same red aura we saw in the cocoon. The five revert back to Legend force to finish off the extra hero clones with a final strike reverting them back to their original ranger key forms. Vrak tries to call the keys back to him only for Orion to shoot at Vrak with the legendary trident blaster mode forcing him to fall back Orion reuniting with the others to hand them the extra hero keys, saying that these might come in handy someday, Austin saying "all we need to do now is go after Vrak" the six manage to corner Vrak, Orion exclaiming "no more ranger keys to protect you Vrak, they're all ours now. Face it, you've lost!" Vrak chuckles, saying "I don't think you understand Andrasia, that even though you rangers managed to reclaim the Zeo crystal I have already absorbed just enough of its power to do THIS!" followed by an evil-looking dark legendary morphers and ranger key materializing in Vrak's hands, Lance exclaiming "no way!" Vrak then plugs the key into the Morpher, shouting the morph call "Legendary dark ranger mode!" followed by Vrak being engulfed in a vortex of the same evil-looking red aura from earlier knocking Lance into his teammates before emerging from it in a new from resembling a monster version of the red Legend force ranger (AKA Basco's monster form from Gokaiger) Dark ranger Vrak asks "like my new look, rangers? I based it off of yours, complete with a matching space pirate getup since I just pirated your whole gimmick. you should be very afraid now, since I now share the same power as you do. Now nothing will stand in my way of claiming my birthright!" Orion then recklessly charges at Vrak exclaiming "this is for my people you monster!" while Lance shouts "Orion stop he's too powerful!" Only for dark ranger Vrak to grab the end of Orion's trident and put him in a headlock, saying "say goodbye to your space pirate mentor, rangers!" exerting extreme power from his body knocking Orion back into his civilian form prompting the main five to rush to his aid While Adam, Tanya, and Colonel Evan Taylor watch from the monitor on the war table, Evan Taylor saying "the rangers are in BIG trouble now!" Adam saying "I've fought the likes of Rita, Zedd, Divatox, and the Machine Empire but nothing quite like this" before we cut back to the five legend force rangers hitting Vrak with a final strike that he manages to block with his bare hand before deflecting it back at the five knocking them all back into civilian form. Vrak the powers down back into his base form and tells the rangers that they're insects compared to him before walking away while the six of them lie on the ground battered and bruised before we cut to the Armada flagship where Cyberon overhears a conversation between Destro and Insidia where Destro asks Insidia about project retrofit, and Insidia assures him that she got rid of all the files which makes Cyberon feels suspicious ending our episode on a cliffhanger.

We would get an instrumental cover of the Zeo theme during the tribute morph and fight:

Also as a little bonus during Adam's unmorphed fight with the X-borgs we would play a remix of Adam's theme from Once a Ranger as a neat little easter egg:

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