Episode 26: Shark attack

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Our episode opens up at Akuma palace where Octomancer summons a new monster for lord Ashura: Eyescar, whom of which summons an army of crimson marauders, of which are more powerful than regular marauders. after that, we cut to Eyescar and the crimson marauders arriving at Bulk's sushi spot and abduct Bulk, with Bulk's headband falling to the ground. Spike then arrives on the scene and finds Bulk's headband which worries him, followed by the others arriving on the scene only to realize they're too late, Kenji placing his hand on Spike's shoulder assuring him that they'll find Bulk. after that, the six return to the dojo and explain the situation to sensei who suggests that this must be the work of the Akuma, informing the six that he has been working on a new power disc: the shark disc, of which is made to work in conjunction with Kenji's fire symbol power, meaning only he can use it much to the disappointment of the others. Spike is worried about who's going to run the family business in Bulk's absence, followed by Oscar telling Spike that it should be him. after that, we cut back to Akuma palace where Nocturna is visited by Deker in prison, Nocturna thanking Deker revealing he was the one who let her out in the first place. Eyescar overhears this, rushing off to tell lord Ashura however Deker stops him in his tracks as while he may not have his sword, he is still a formidable fighter and puts Eyescar in a headlock only for Serrator  to enter the room and break them up. Serrator asks what's going on here and Eyescar explains to him that Deker was the one responsible for Nocturna's prison escape, followed by Serrator demanding to know why he set her free. Deker then tells Serrator that it's because he cares about her, followed by Serrator giving him a beating and telling him that his humanity makes him weak and that such a thing can be fixed once the time comes to begin his training however before he can deliver the final blow Nocturna begs for her father to spare his life, as she loves him. feeling merciful, Serrator lets his apprentice live and sends Eyescar to the surface. after that, we cut to the dojo where sensei Nobu notices that Spike has gone off on his own to take care of the restaurant before the gap sensor starts beeping prompting the main five to morph and hop on their samurai cycles. we then cut to the main five arriving at the abandoned warehouse district on their samurai cycles before entering the abandoned factory where they encounter the crimson marauders which Kenji recognizes as being different than normal marauders before drawing their swords to fight them off, followed by cutting to Spike trying to run the sushi restaurant with moderate success only for sensei to walk through the doors and ask Spike for some sushi, only for the two to be confronted by Eyescar who is holding Bulk hostage, Spike demanding the monster to let his uncle go. the monster then laughs and makes a bargain with Spike: hand over his morpher and he'll let his uncle go. Sensei warns him that it's a trap, however Spike doesn't listen and hands over the morpher anyway, followed by the monster beating the ever-living snot out of Spike and sensei before we cut back to the ranger's fight with the crimson marauders before Oscar pulls out the lanternzord and launches out the shark disc towards Kenji which attaches itself to his spiral sword activating his new form: shark attack mode, of which comes with the shark blade which destroys the marauders, all the while we cut back to Spike, sensei, and Bulk all tied up and being held captive by Eyescar in the nearby quarry. Bulk is scared, asking his nephew if the monster is a friend of his, with Spike telling his uncle Bulk that he's far from it. Bulk then asks sensei Nobu and Spike if the two of them have a plan to get the three of them out of here, however sensei assures him that the rangers will be coming to their rescue as they speak. Eyescar then tells the three to shut up, as their job is to be bait for the rangers when they arrive. and right on cue, the spirit eagle flies in and destroys half the marauder army. the five rangers then land and confront the monster, Ava tossing Spike's morpher back to Spike allowing him to morph back into the gold ranger and fight off the crimson marauders (cue shinkenger episode 31 fight). Kenji then finishes off Eyescar with the shark blade's shark attack. we then cut to Nocturna in prison strumming her shamisen causing Eyescar to grow giant followed by the rangers summoning the samurai megazord and the claw master megazord (cue shinkenger episode 31 megazord fight). Kenji then summons the shark origami zord which attaches itself to the megazord to become the samurai shark megazord to finish off Eyescar once and for all. after that, we cut to Bulk's sushi spot where Bulk tells sensei Nobu that he taught his students well, especially Spike which makes him blush before Bulk invites the seven for lunch at Bulk's sushi spot.

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