Episode 22: Broken dreams, part 2

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Our episode opens up with Kenji confronting Deker whom of which challenges Kenji to their final duel so that he can have the pleasure of relieving the Shiba clan of its final head and get his reward, Spike telling Kenji not to fall for it reminding him of what sensei told him however Kenji doesn't listen and accepts his challenge, both Kenji and Deker's eyes glowing purple. after that, we cut back to Sadie carrying the injured Ava over her shoulder only for Nocturna to watch while feeling terrible for what she's done, contemplating about Sadie's words. we then see a platoon of marauders ambush Nocturna and manage to injure her before they throw a net over her and drag her back to the netherworld while Sadie feels sorry for Nocturna. we then cut back to Akuma palace where Octomancer contacts lord Ashura and informs him that they've captured Nocturna for him followed by lord Ashura ordering for her to be thrown in the dungeon. after that, Rhinophant returns with the bad news that he can no longer eat dreams followed by lord Ashura scolding him for being useless to him now exiling him. after that, we cut to Nocturna playing a sad tune on her shamisen in her dungeon cell before being visited by Deker, whom of which admires her music. she then tells Deker every time she plays this accursed instrument she can hear her mother's voice calling to her. Deker then asks what that means, and Nocturna explains that her shamisen was forged using her mother's soul by her father Serrator which is what gave its song the ability to revive and empower Akuma. Deker immediately feels sympathy for her, having no idea of how tragic her childhood really was. Nocturna tells him not to pity her, as she deserved this fate for entrusting her life to lord Ashura. Deker then assures her that his father will pay for doublecrossing him and his mother, and once he does he'll free her from that jail cell. after that, we cut back to the dojo where Sadie tries to comfort the injured Ava by letting her listen to J-pop music on her ipod, which Ava admits isn't that bad after all those years of ridiculing Sadie's fetish for Japanese culture. after that, we see Kenji standing outside the dojo contemplating about Deker's challenge while looking at the piece of grandpa Mako's kimono, promising that his late grandfather will be avenged once he exterminates all the Akuma in his name, starting with the Akuma prince himself, Deker. Sadie watches Kenji leave while growing concerned for Kenji as he's not himself anymore followed by Spike telling her that he recklessly accepted Deker's challenge to a duel to the death, followed by Sadie asking if they should tell sensei. sensei then asks the two what they're talking about before we cut to Deker arriving at the beach to find Serrator's petrified body washed up on the shores of stone canyon. Deker has sensed his presence and tracked him down believing him to be the key to overthrowing his father once and for all. however before he can revive him Kenji arrives on the scene, Deker taunting Kenji by saying that coming here will be your funeral and that killing him will finally fulfill his desire for humanity. Kenji then retaliates by telling Deker that his obsession with becoming human has one fatal flaw: he doesn't know the true meaning of being human, which is about putting the well-being of others in front of your own. Deker then tells Kenji that those are empty words before transforming into his monster form before Kenji pulls out his samurai morpher. after that, we cut back to the dojo where Sadie and Spike inform sensei that Kenji went after Deker alone much to sensei's dismay, saying that Kenji's in grave danger, explaining that Kenji cannot risk giving into his emotions due to the fact that he's not a normal teenager like the rest of them: he has a dark side, of which Kenji himself is not aware of. however the gap sensor starts going off prompting sensei Nobu to tell the rangers to go after the monster while he goes after Kenji. the rangers then morph and hop on their samurai cycles to ride off into the city. we then cut to Rhinophant trying to eat his victims raw until the samurai rangers (minus red) arrive on their samurai cycles and blast the monster. Rhinophant then summons the marauders prompting the rangers to hop off their bikes and fight the footsoldiers on foot before we cut to lord Ashura watching Kenji and Deker preparing for a Mexican standoff while lord Ashura watches from Octomancer's staff and in anticipation of the fight hoping the two would take each other out. while Kenji and Deker are busy locking swords, sensei Nobu arrives on his motorcycle to warn his nephew to back out of the fight, however Kenji's eyes glow purple inside his helmet and tells his uncle to back off and that he will not stop until all Akuma are destroyed and grandpa Mako is avenged, with sensei Nobu having a sad look on his face realizing that it may be too late for Kenji. we then cut back to the other rangers fighting Rhinophant and the marauders, with Rhinophant mopping the floor with all five. Spike then tells Nigel to use the black box, followed by Nigel activating super samurai mode to destroy Rhinophant. we then cut to Nocturna in prison playing her shamisen to make the monster grow. the rangers then summon the samurai master megazord to fight the monster before we cut back to the fight between Kenji and Deker, Deker taunting Kenji by saying that he's just like him. Kenji then retaliates by telling Deker that he's nothing like him before the two charge and lock swords while sensei watches before Nigel contacts sensei asking if Kenji's okay. sensei tells him not so good and that he'll try to reach through to him before telling Nigel to keep the monster busy before hanging up. we then cut to Nigel telling the other rangers this is for Kenji before destroying the monster with the spirit cannon. we then cut back to the duel between Kenji and Deker where Deker is about to finish off Kenji only for Kenji to slice the blade off Deker's sword. Deker then tells Kenji that he may have won this battle but next time will be different before leaping off a cliff and onto the beach below where he picks up Serrator's petrified body and walks off with it. after that, Kenji de-morphs and his eyes stop glowing and faints. sensei Nobu then rushes to Kenji's aid followed by Kenji asking his uncle what happened. sensei is happy to have his nephew back and hugs him before the other rangers arrive on the scene and are happy to have their old leader back. after that, we cut to Bulk's sushi spot where Bulk serves the rangers and their sensei a big platter of sushi giving this two-parter a happy ending.

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