Episode 4: Deal with an Akuma

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Our episode opens up with a typical day at the dojo with Nigel practicing his swordplay skills while Sadie sits in her room while watching Digimon on TV. Sadie then notices Nigel is extremely focused on his training and asks him if he wants to take a break and come with her to Bulk's sushi spot. Nigel refuses, as he is dedicated to his ranger duties. Sadie then insists on coming with her as she believes that everybody deserves a day off and grabs his hand to drag him along with her. after the two arrive at Bulk's sushi spot, Bulk serves the two his sushi special and Sadie asks Bulk where Spike is. Bulk tells her that Spike quit because of a falling out the two had. after that, we cut to Spike sitting on a bench in the park sulking about how his uncle Bulk doesn't give him enough respect. we then cut to Akuma palace where we see that Octomancer is watching Spike from the hole in his staff while lord Ashura also watches, followed by Ashura ordering Octomancer to send a monster to gather as much misery from this sad excuse of a human. as it turns out Octomancer has just the monster for the job: a monster named Doubledealer who he sends to the human world. we then cut back to Spike who is being approached by Doubledealer who lies to Spike by telling him that he can grant him one wish which can be anything. Spike then tells the monster that he wishes he could fight bad guys and save the world just like his idols the power rangers, but his uncle Bulk keeps telling him to quit following his dreams and to focus on helping out with him at the restaurant and that all he wants is for Bulk to respect his desire to be a hero. Doubledealer then holds his hand out and tells him to come with him and his wish shall be granted, however the rangers then show up and fight Doubledealer while being confused by what a monster is doing with a civilian. Spike then tells the rangers to leave the monster alone as he's his friend and the only one who understands him and the two run off together. after that, Kenji tells the others to split up and find Spike before we cut to Nigel and Sadie taking a stroll while Nigel asks Sadie why she's so attracted to Kenji. Sadie explains that she's been fascinated with the Shiba clan after learning about them from her Japanese history classes and that meeting a real-life Shiba clan descendant is like a dream come true to her and the fact that he's a brooding bad boy makes it even better for her. the two then run into Bulk who alerts them to the fact that the restaurant is a disaster without Spike and that he needs someone to serve his hungry customers for him in his absence. Sadie then tells Bulk that the two of them will help much to Nigel's dismay. we then cut to a montage of Sadie and Nigel's antics of trying to serve sushi during the lunch rush before Sadie notices Spike out the window and warns Bulk. Bulk then rushes out the door with open arms but Spike tells him to leave him alone before he keeps going on walking. Sadie and Nigel then promise Bulk they'll get Spike back. we then cut to Spike and Doubledealer arriving at a construction site where Doubledealer tells Spike that if he climbs to the balcony and jumps off the edge he'll grant his wishes to be a hero and to be respected by his uncle Bulk. Spike is unsure of this but the monster reminds him if he doesn't listen he doesn't get his wish. Spike then climbs to the top of the balcony only for Nigel and Sadie to arrive and tell him to come down and that Bulk misses him and wants him to come home. Spike tells the two to buzz off as he needs to do this in order for his wish to be a hero to be granted. Spike then jumps off the edge only to fall and injure his leg while the monster laughs. Spike is confused and explains to the two that the monster told him if he did what he said he would grant wishes for him. Doubledealer then tells Spike that he lied which causes Spike to burst into tears. Nigel and Sadie both morph to fight off the monster (cue Shinkenger episode 4 fight). after blue and pink destroy the monster, Nocturna shows up and strums her shamisen to make the monster grow. the rangers then summon the zords to fight the monster (cue Shinkenger episode 4 megazord fight). after Doubledealer is destroyed, Spike returns to his uncle Bulk and the two have a happy reunion and our episode ends with Spike serving the rangers another victory meal at Bulk's sushi spot.

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