Episode 11: Vrak is back

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Our episode opens up with a childhood flashback showing Emperor Malus (we don't see his full body as he's cloaked in shadow) holding the hands of Vrak and Vekar when they were children (hypothetically-speaking we would commission Toei to make kid-sized versions of the Buredoran and Warz Gill suits for use in this flashback) as they look out from the window of their spaceship into the stars, the Emperor telling his sons that everything in this galaxy, every star and every planet will one day be theirs, after the armada conquers it in the name of the late Dark Specter. Malus tells young Vekar that as his firstborn he will be next in line for the throne, while the younger prince Vrak will rule by his side. young Vekar teases Vrak, telling him "see Vrak? I'm father's favorite" while young Vrak says "shut up Vekar" showing his deep-seeded resentment towards his brother. we then cut to present-day where we see Vrak in his underwater base monologing to himself while watching footage of all the Legend force rangers's previous victories on the base's computer monitor, saying "long have I waited to seize the glory from my incompetent brother by destroying the rangers before he can, and now I have the tools to do it" Vrak opening a chest with his insignia on it containing the sixth ranger keys: MMPR green ranger, MMPR white ranger, Zeo gold ranger, Silver space ranger, Titanium ranger, Quantum ranger, Lunar wolf ranger, Green samurai ranger (Ninja storm), Dino thunder white ranger, SPD Omega ranger, Solaris knight, Mercury ranger, RPM gold and silver rangers, and Gold samurai ranger. Vrak chuckles before we cut to a shot of the Sky ship flying over the half-destroyed cityscape of Angel Grove where we see Colonel Evan Taylor overseeing members of the human resistance collecting pieces of alien scrapmetal from pieces of crashed Armada ships that the rangers destroyed, including a funny scene of Fat Jack and Skinny Mack who are collecting severed limbs and heads of X-borgs, Fat Jack looking at a severed X-borg head thinking "hmm... I should keep this one as a souvenir" even Allen is pitching in collecting pieces of Armada tech. we then see the five teens slide down the cables from the sky ship onto the ground below, Lance hugging his dad happy to see him again while Allen also runs up to hug Lance happy to see his big brother again. Allen looks at the sky ship above, asking Lance "so why are you guys pirates now?" only for Orion to slide down the cable to tell Allen "there's a simple explanation for that, lad. since the legend force team would be pirating the powers of the past rangers, I thought it'd be fitting if they leaned into it, perfect for a merry band of rebels destined to take back the earth from the Armada's grasp" Lance asks his dad what the resistance has been doing, and Colonel Evan Taylor explains to his son that the resistance has been collecting leftover alien tech from the crashed Armada ships to reverse-engineer into their own weaponry to help the non-ranger residents of Angel Grove and its neighboring cities better fight against the Armada and support the power rangers with the rebellion effort. however a soldier tells Colonel Evan Taylor that they picked up an alien transmission in the war room. we then see the human resistance including the Colonel, his soldiers, Fat Jack and Skinny Mack, Alpha 8, Polly, Orion, and the rangers. the transmission comes from none other than Vrak, who announces his return from hiding to the rangers telling them to meet him at the quarry saying that he has been waiting a whole year to finish their fight. meanwhile on the Armada flagship Vekar sees Vrak's message on the computer monitor, Vekar shouting "My brother Vrak is alive? why didn't anyone tell me this!" Insidia saying "we had no Idea, my prince" Cyberon saying "with all due respect boss, he's been in hiding for a long time up until now" back at resistance HQ Colonel Evan Taylor turns off the TV while Lance crosses his arms saying "Vrak, I should've known he'd be back" the colonel then asks his son "you fought this guy before?" Lance then says "he's one of our OG enemies from last year back when we were the megaforce rangers" Orion saying "he's the prince's brother, second-born son of the Emperor of the galactic armada. his family have left a trail of carnage throughout the cosmos, including my homeworld of Andrasia" Polly exclaiming "he's bad news, sqwak!" with Alpha 8 saying "and he was the one who captured Robo Knight and let him be turned into Cyberon by the Armada" Lance then turns around, Lance telling the others "come on, it's time we settle the score". Orion watches on, telling the colonel "That boy of yours surely is a stubborn one" with Colonel Evan Taylor saying "you should have seen him when he was a kid" Orion looks at Colonel Taylor and tells him "then you raised that boy right". the five teens then arrive on the quarry to confront Vrak, telling the rangers "after a year of hiding in the shadows plotting my next move while my idiot brother Vekar's invasion force kept you busy, we finally meet again face-to-face" the five teens get into a battle stance, Lance saying "It ends here Vrak!" followed by the five whipping out their ranger keys and morphers to morph into the Legend force rangers. Vrak then chuckles, whipping out five sixth ranger keys (MMPR green, SPD omega, Quantum ranger, Ninja storm green, Zeo gold) while he says "two can play at that game" Jamie is shocked, asking how did he get his hands on ranger keys. Brenda tells him that this can't be good followed by the keys glowing in Vrak's hand as he tosses them into the air the five ranger keys taking physical form becoming a small army of sixth ranger clones, Vrak ordering the clones to destroy the legend force rangers (cue Gokaiger episode 15 fight) Lance fights the Quantum ranger, Austin fights MMPR Green ranger, Molly fights Zeo gold ranger, Jamie fights the Ninja storm Green samurai ranger, and Brenda fights the SPD Omega ranger. the five are beaten to a pulp by the ranger clones, forcing the five to bust out the big guns finishing the clones off with a final strike reverting them back into ranger keys. Lance then says "It's over Vrak, we beat your fake rangers! you lost!" Vrak chuckles saying "there's more where that came from, rangers" before whipping out a second set of ranger keys that he brings to life summoning sixth ranger clones of MMPR white, In Space silver, Titanium ranger, Lunar wolf ranger, Dino thunder white, Solaris knight, Mercury ranger, RPM gold and silver, and Samurai gold who all mercilessly cut down the Legend force rangers knocking them back into civilian form Orion and Alpha watching this from resistance HQ with Alpha saying "oh no this is bad, very bad! Vrak's turned their own ranger keys against them!" Orion slams his fist on the war table, saying "They're hopelessly overpowered, If only I could help them" as he has a flashback to his childhood watching his home planet get ravaged by the Armada while he helplessly watched the rangers of his homeworld fall while the people of Andrasia including young Orion were forced into slavery as workers in the mines while those who defied the Armada were executed for treason. Polly hops onto Orion's shoulder saying "calm down captain, sqwak! get a hold of yourself, sqwak!" Orion then runs off shouting "I won't let this planet lose its protectors too!" Alpha shouting "Orion wait!" before we cut to the five rangers being held down by the sixth ranger clones, Vrak toying with the five teens telling them that he has big plans for the five of them. we then hear a voice saying "wait, let them go! take me instead!" Vrak looks at Orion saying "well if it isn't the Andrasian pirate who's been giving the Armada so much trouble. very well then, you'll do just fine" Austin shouting "Orion no!" while Molly shouts "don't do this!" Lance saying "we already lost Robo Knight, we won't lose you too!" the sixth ranger clones drop the Legend force team while Alpha and Polly arrive on the scene to witness the sixth ranger clones take Orion away with Vrak saying "see you around, rangers" before he and the ranger clones teleport away with the captured Orion, Lance slamming his fist into the ground while Alpha says "oh no, Orion" Polly saying "oh no, oh no, sqwak!" Lance tells Alpha "he willingly sacrificed himself for us, It's thanks to him we're still here". the five teens then see a blinding white light followed by hearing a familiar voice say "rangers, it is not too late to save Orion Starskipper. If you are to stop Vrak you must take back the sixth ranger keys and rescue him!" we then see a glowing white humanoid silhouette stand before the rangers, Alpha, and Polly. Alpha then exclaims "ai-yi-yi, Zador, is that you?" Brenda saying "Impossible, I thought you were destroyed!" The ghost of Zador tells the rangers "Indeed my form on this earthly plane was destroyed when the Armada's soldiers shattered my tube, when that happened my consciousness became one with the morphing grid. although I was unable to help you in the material world, I was able to lend my guiding hand through the grid itself" Jamie's eyes widen, exclaiming "wait a minute, our rangers keys are connected to the morhing grid. so us unlocking the greater powers of the past ranger teams, that was all you?" Zador then says "Indeed I was. now go rangers, Orion needs your help" before disappearing. we then cut back to Vrak's underwater base where Orion is being held in a cage, Orion asking Vrak what he plans on doing with him. Vrak explains to Orion "the Armada has placed a large bounty on both you and your crew of power rangers, so I plan on handing you over to Vekar with the hopes that it'll get my idiot brother and his cronies out of my hair so that I can be left to claim this conquered planet for my own as my birthright, for I am the rightful heir to the royal house of Malus". Vrak then contacts Vekar over the computer monitor, informing his brother that he has captured the Andrasian pirate. Vekar asks what about the rangers, saying that he specifically wanted them captured as part of his plan to hold the Earth for ransom. Vrak tells Vekar that the Andrasian will suffice, much to the frustration of Vekar who tells Vrak "you were always the incompetent one of this family, which is why father favored me all these years" Vrak telling Vekar "says the whiny, petulant buffoon who constantly throws tantrums whenever things don't go his way" leading to more endless bickering between the two brothers while the captive Orion sighs shaking his head in dismay. we then cut to Vrak bringing the chained-up Orion Starskipper out to the quarry, Orion saying that these chains are quite uncomfortable. Vrak yanks the chain telling him to shut it only for Vekar to teleport onto the scene, Vekar saying "okay brother let's make this quick" Vrak saying "for once we agree" as he tosses the chained Orion in front of Vekar who looks at Orion and says "so you're the Andrasian pirate who's been giving us all this trouble. too bad your rangers aren't here to save you now" only for the two brothers to hear the line "Think again!" as the Sky ship arrives on the scene with Alpha 8 at the helm with Polly sitting on her shoulder, Alpha saying "now, rangers!" as Lance swings in from one of the ship's cables to grab Orion while the other four swing in and shoot at Vrak and Vekar with their legendary blasters, Vekar hiding behind Vrak saying "protect me brother!" while Vrak deflects their blasts with his sword while Lance cuts Orion free with his legendary saber, Orion telling the five teens that he's glad to see them come to his rescue. Vrak then turns to choke his brother, Vrak blaming Vekar's incompetence for why the rangers are still a thorn in his side before Vrak says he'll deal with them himself, Vrak tossing Vekar onto the ground before summoning the sixth ranger keys (MMPR white, Space silver, Titanium ranger, Lunar wolf ranger, Dino thunder white, Solaris knight, Mercury ranger, RPM gold and silver, and Samurai gold) prompting the five to morph and fight the sixth ranger clones (cue Gokaiger episode 16 fight) Orion trusts the rangers that they'll handle this and goes back up to the sky ship using a cable where he is pulled back on deck by Alpha and Polly, Orion telling the two robots that the two of them pulled a daring rescue out there. Alpha 8 tells him "don't thank us, thank the rangers" Polly exclaiming "thank the rangers, thank the rangers! sqwak!" meanwhile on the ground the legend force rangers are busy fighting off the sixth ranger clones: Lance fights Solaris knight and Samurai gold, Austin fights Titanium ranger and MMPR white, Jamie fights Space silver and Lunar wolf ranger, Brenda fights Dino thunder white and Mercury ranger, and Molly fights RPM gold and silver. one by one the clones are reverted back to being ranger keys, Vrak saying "curses" before turning his head to see Destro and Cyberon arrive on the scene to help prince Vekar back on his feet, Destro saying "I can't believe my eyes, the prince's brother alive and well" while Cyberon remains silent. Vekar then tells his brother that he's still the Emperor's firstborn and next in line for the throne to rub it in his face before the three beam back up onto the flagship while Vrak says "we'll see about that, brother". after that, we cut to the Orion, Alpha, and the rangers returning to HQ of the human resistance to reunite with their friends and families, Orion telling Colonel Evan Taylor the story of how his son and his friends staged a daring rescue mission to save him when he was captured by Vrak, Lance telling his dad that it was thanks to all the military training and battle tactics he learned from his old man that he was able to plan that rescue, saying that he and his friends leave no man behind, molly saying "or woman" while Alpha 8 says "or robot". the five rangers step outside the warehouse to watch the sunset and our episode ends with a shot of the five teens looking at the sixth ranger keys they just collected.

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