Episode 12: Silver Lining, part 1

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Our episode opens up with a megazord battle between three airborne bruisers and the legendary mystic force megazord, after taking them out the rangers switch to the legendary SPD megazord to take out the ground troops. more keep popping up, Brenda suggesting that they use the ranger keys of their old megaforce powers, and the five put their keys in summoning an assault of zord headders that take out the remaining giant bruisers while Orion Starskipper, Alpha 8, and Colonel Evan Taylor watch from a rooftop while members of the human resistance cheer with Fat Jack and Skinny Mack high-fiving and chest-bumping. Colonel Evan Taylor then says "congratulations rangers on another victory for the resistance" as the five teens hop out of the megazord and take their helmets off, Alpha saying "ai-yi-yi, you five sure know how to make a show out of your battles!" while Jamie has a bro-hug with Fat Jack and Skinny Mack while Molly and Brenda watch and exchange glances. Austin looks at Lance and tells him "the prince must be kicking and screaming right now with the amount of times we've been kicking his butt" as the red and blue rangers do a bro-fist. Orion crosses his arms and tells our heroes "the Armada has recently been doubling its forces, every passing day there seem to be constant attacks on Angel Grove whether it be a fleet of ships raining down fire on the city below or armies of giant footsoldiers knocking down buildings. the Armada knows that Earth is fighting back and they can't stand it so they try to overwhelm the resistance with their sheer numbers to keep us subjugated, but no matter how many troops they throw at us we must not give up or give in. for we must have strength in numbers if we are to win this fight" Orion then pulls a harpoon from his back, Orion telling Polly to come prompting the robot parrot to fly over to her space pirate master and perch on his shoulder. Lance asks Orion where he's going, and Orion tells the five that while they fight the monster he'll search for a way to fight the Armada his own way, saying that he's tired of watching from the sidelines letting the rangers have all the fun, going as far as to say "The Armada were the ones who destroyed my home planet. this is just as much my fight as it is yours" before leaping off the rooftop harpoon in hand while the the five watch on. we then cut to Orion travelling down to a nearby quarry hiding behind a rock formation to see people in an Armada slave encampment being forced to work in the mines by X-borgs and bruisers, those who refuse being beaten into submission causing Orion to have flashbacks to what happened to his home planet. Orion then grips his harpoon before charging into battle spearing several X-borgs and bruisers telling the civilians to run and get out of here, telling them they're free now. Orion struggles to fight off against the Armada as he gets pummeled by the bruisers, Orion closing his eyes as he lies on the ground motionless, Polly flying above shouting "oh no, oh no! sqwak!" as Orion struggles to get back on his feet only for him to look up to see a meteor-like object fall from space to hit Orion creating an explosion that destroys all the surrounding footsoldiers. however before we can see what happens next we cut to a platoon of X-borgs marching through downtown Angel Grove while civilians run and scream from the attacking footsoldiers, we then see a bunch of resistance soldiers armed with new high-tech weapons made from reverse-engineered Armada tech we saw being scavenged and collected last episode (including Fat Jack and Skinny Mack who struggle to hold a gun right) Colonel Evan Taylor ordering his men to fire shooting down several X-borgs while also helping get civilians to safety, however the monster of the week named Gorgax arrives on the scene boasting about how Earth's sad attempt at a resistance are no match for the might of the galactic Armada. Colonel Evan Taylor ordering his men to open fire on the monster however none of their laser blasts can touch Gorgax thanks to his force field collar and suddenly more X-borgs come pouring in forcing Colonel Evan Taylor to order the soldiers to fall back before the five teens arrive on the scene and morph and do their roll call (cue Gokaiger episode 17 fight) the five rangers dispatching the X-borgs before doing an all-sixth ranger morph at the suggestion of Jamie who says they should put the sixth ranger keys the got from Vrak to good use: Lance morphing into the Quantum ranger, Austin into Solaris Knight, Jamie into MMPR green ranger, Molly into In Space silver ranger, and Brenda into Dino Thunder white ranger, all the while Fat Jack and Skinny Mack stop to watch the fight and geek out over seeing the past sixth ranger suits, cheering on the Legend Force team. the rangers then combine their attacks: Austin and Molly using the laser lamp and silverizer, however it does little damage to the monster thanks to Gorgax's force field, Molly exclaiming "oh come on, that's cheating!" while Austin suggests that the monster HAS to have some kind of weakness. Gorgax then shoots lightning at the rangers electrocuting all five only for Jamie to leap over the monster only for him to get hit causing him to drop his dragon dagger which hits the back of Gorgax's collar severely weakening him, Gorgax telling the rangers they'll pay for that electrocuting all five of them before retreating. we then see Polly fly in telling the five "rangers! rangers! come quick! sqwak!" before we cut to the Armada flagship where we see Prince Vekar scolding Gorgax for having the gall to return to the flagship after disgracing himself by failing to defeat the power rangers. Gorgax says "forgive me my prince, I severely underestimated my adversaries and I will not make that mistake again" Insidia tells Destro that his force-field collar that she designed was only damaged slightly in the fight prompting Destro to tell Gorgax to prepare to be re-deployed against the rangers, Vekar telling Gorgax that failure will not be forgiven oh so easily. Prince Vekar asks "jeez, what's his problem" and Cyberon explains to Vekar that Gorgax is a very prideful warrior who seeks to settle the score regardless if it means defying orders. this gives Vekar an idea, Vekar telling Insidia to reprogram his force-field collar into an explosive essentially turning Gorgax into a suicide bomber. Insidia loves this idea, telling her fiance "that's a lovely idea, dear". we then cut to the five teens following Polly to the Armada encampment where Orion was last seen, the five shocked to find a human-sized crater and the pieces of several destroyed X-borgs scattering the ground Lance asking Polly what happened. Polly exclaims "got hit by a meteor, sqwak! freed people from Armada slave camp, sqwak! fought like a hero till the bitter end, sqwak!" Brenda gets on her knees and places her hand on the crater, Brenda shedding a tear saying "It can't be..." while Molly hugs her friend, telling her it'll be okay. Austin saying "Dang, he sacrificed himself to rescue a bunch of people from the Armada. that's a hero right there" while Lance also sheds a tear, saying "It was because of him we were able to fight back against the Armada. without Orion we wouldn't have gotten our legend force powers and become rangers again to save humanity" Lance then contacts Alpha telling her to tell his father that Orion won't be coming back, Alpha asking "ai-yi-yi, what happened?" Lance tells Alpha that he's gone. Jamie looks at the creator with confusion, Jamie asking "how could the trajectory of a meteorite hit Orion so precisely? this doesn't make any sense. unless it wasn't a meteorite that hit him..." meanwhile a mysterious silver ranger materializes atop a cliff to silently look down on the rangers watching as they leave the area. we then cut to the five teens along with Polly returning to base to see Alpha who runs up to hug the rangers happy to see the five back again. Colonel Evan Taylor informs the five that Alpha told him everything and that he's sorry for their loss, Colonel Evan Taylor gathering everyone around the war table to inform them that the resistance has made a discovery about the monster they just fought: as it turns out Gorgax's force field collar has recently been modified to include a new explosive feature meaning that if they hit it enough times it'll explode taking a good chunk of Angel Grove with it. the rangers are horrified by this discovery, Molly saying "how awful, how could anyone needlessly sacrifice their own soldier like that?" Colonel Evan Taylor tells the rangers that they must remove the collar from the monster's neck before destroying it, if they can get close enough. the five teens then leave the resistance base to confront Gorgax in downtown Angel Grove, Gorgax boasting about how they may have beaten him last time but this time they won't be so lucky as he's got himself an upgrade prompting the five rangers to morph (cue Gokaiger episode 17 second fight). Gorgax summons a platoon of X-borgs to attack the rangers who charge in headfirst only for the mysterious Silver ranger from earlier to rush in at super-speed, the silver ranger telling the five in a disguised voice to stand back saying that this guy's all his. the main five rangers are confused, Brenda asking Lance where did he come from and how did he get his hands on a ranger key. Lance says he doesn't know, but he's wearing their insignia so he must be on their side. Austin then says "excuse me we are very confused right now. who exactly are you?" the silver ranger then says in his disguised voice "a friend" before charging at the X-borgs to fight them all by himself. the silver ranger then whips out his legendary trident in blaster mode to shoot down the X-borgs before switching it into trident mode to spear some X-borgs using a very familiar-looking fighting style destroying all the remaining X-borgs in one fell swoop. the silver ranger then fights Gorgax one-on-one while the main five watch, Molly saying "he's good, but there's something familiar about him I just can't put my finger on" however the silver ranger's trident is unable to penetrate the monster's force field and is knocked on his rear, the mysterious silver ranger saying "you five take it from here while I regain my strength" in his disguised voice. Jamie then says "sure thing mystery ranger" and the five attack Gorgax from all sides, Lance telling the others to remember his dad's plan and try to remove the collar before destroying it. Destro watches the battle and says that he had no idea there was a sixth ranger, however Vekar tells him that it doesn't really matter since the more the rangers try to hit him it'll accelerate the collar's self-destruct feature. and the best part: he doesn't even know it! the rangers struggle to take down Gorgax, all the while Vekar boasts about how the rangers will soon earn their ticket to oblivion. meanwhile the silver ranger notices Gorgax's collar start beeping as the four manage to corner the monster while Jamie waits in a nearby tree leaping off ready to strike however the silver ranger stops Jamie's sword with his trident, telling him in his disguised voice that he heard the collar beeping faster every time they hit him and that if he strikes it now it'll go kaboom. Jamie says "he's got a point" and the six work together to subdue the monster, the silver ranger charging at the monster head-on before prying the collar off the monster with his trident telling everyone to duck for cover as he tosses it into the air before exploding, Vekar throwing a hissy fit for having this new mystery ranger foil his plans. meanwhile Gorgax is confused, saying that nobody told him the collar would explode like that. the silver ranger still talking in a disguised voice then says "alright no more force field for you monster! now it's time for the Armada's retribution for my people!" as he attacks the monster with his legendary trident before finishing Gorgax off once and for all with a final strike, exclaiming "my first ranger battle, man does it feel good!" however the five rangers confront the silver ranger, the five removing their helmets with Lance reminding the mysterious sixth ranger that he still hasn't told them who he is. Jamie then exclaims "wait, during the battle I hear him say something about retribution for his people. that almost sounds like..." and right on cue the silver ranger removes his helmet revealing himself to be Orion, the five Legend force rangers shocked to see that their mentor is both alive AND a ranger. Molly says "I knew there was something familiar about him!" while Austin says "hold on, I have so many questions" Orion then promises the five that all their questions will be answered after they return to the sky ship before walking off carrying his helmet under his arm while the main five rangers follow him ending our episode on a cliffhanger.

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