Episode 5: Emergency from the future

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Guest ranger of this episode: Bridge Carson (SPD red ranger, former green and blue ranger)

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Guest ranger of this episode: Bridge Carson (SPD red ranger, former green and blue ranger)

Our episode opens up on a shot of Newtech city in the year 2032 on where we see an alien criminal named Cybax being apprehended by a squad of SPD troops led by Bridge Carson who tells Cybax that he's under arrest for acts of intergalactic terrorism, Cybax saying "Space Patrol Delta! why do you always have to ruin my fun?" Bridge telling him "there's nothing fun about selling planet-destroying missiles to the galactic armada allowing them to destroy countless planets, Cybax. thanks to you it took years for SPD galactic command to finally subdue them" however Cybax laughs and says "then how about I provide the armada with my advanced weaponry a decade in advance so that doesn't happen?" before escaping through a time portal. after that, we cut to present day where we see the rangers in the sky digging through the treasure chest full of ranger keys, Jamie geeking out at all the past teams they can turn into only for him to come across five ranger keys belonging to a team he doesn't recognize (AKA the dairangers), Jamie asking Orion "who are these guys? I've never seen a ranger team like this before" Orion tells him "that's because they're not from Earth. those were the ancient rangers, they were the power rangers of Andrasia, my home planet" we then cut to a flashback scene on Andrasia showing the five ancient rangers (red, blue, and green are male while yellow and pink are female) fighting off the Armada's forces smacking X-borgs with their staff weapons while Orion narrates about how the ancient rangers were the protectors of Andrasia who tragically fell in battle when his home was ravaged by the Armada. Orion goes on to say that their sacrifice was what inspired him to become a rebel to fight for the freedom of the known universe. the legend force rangers are moved by his story, Brenda putting her hand on Orion's shoulder telling him that she feels sorry for him. Lance looks at the red ancient ranger key telling Orion that he and his team will do their best to honor everything his planet's protectors fought for, by making sure earth never shares the same fate. our heroes then hear a loud "THUD!" coming from the deck of the sky ship, Alpha 8 exclaiming "Ai-yi-yi! what was that?" while a frightened Polly flies around the cabin and hits the wall. the five teens plus Orion and Alpha head up to the deck of the sky ship to see a crashed futuristic spacecraft with the SPD logo on the side, and out steps none other than Bridge Carson who asks our heroes for help. our heroes bring Bridge down to the bridge of the sky ship (no pun intended) where Bridge explains his story to our heroes: "name's Bridge Carson. I was sent from the future by Space Patrol Delta to 2012 to stop a criminal who escaped to the past to blow up the earth a decade in advance" Lance saying "SPD, so basically you're space cops" with Molly asking "Is this guy for real?" while Orion crosses his arms and says "makes sense to me". Bridge then exclaims "wait, your mentor's a pirate? that's so cool, my mentor's a blue alien dog... oh wait what was I saying again?" all the while Alpha 8 and Polly both look at each other in confusion. Austin then says "you were saying something about some guy from your time going back to our time to blow up our planet?" Bridge then remembers and places a hologram on the table showing a holographic image of Cybax, Bridge saying "This ugly dude is Cybax. he was an intergalactic arms dealer known for selling weapons of mass destruction to the highest bidder, he was also a former apprentice of Broodwing, one of the villains we at SPD defeated years ago, or should I say years from now. point is, we believe Cybax has traveled back in time to form an alliance with the Armada providing them with weaponry far more advanced than anything from your time giving them enough firepower to destroy entire planets, I came to your time asking you for help, to uncover what Cybax is planning so that we can put a stop to it before it's too late" Lance however doesn't trust Bridge, asking him "and why should we trust you?" Bridge then tells him "It's because I'm a power ranger. well... was a power ranger. I was the green ranger, then I became the blue ranger, and then I became the red ranger. and then I lost my powers after participating in the legend war with the rest of the SPD rangers". Jamie then says "I dunno Lance, everything this guy's saying sounds pretty legit to me" all the while Bridge is busy digging through the sky ship's food cabinet, asking "you guys got any toast? preferably the buttery kind" Alpha 8 apologizing to Bridge telling him that they've been running low on food rations during the invasion while Lance watches, asking the rest of the sky ship's crew if he's the only one who thinks there's something off about this guy, Orion tells Lance that Jamie does have a point, as he did sound pretty serious when he told his story. Lance tells Orion that they should probably bring him to the human resistance to see what his dad thinks just to be on the safe side. after that we cut to Cybax arriving in the 21st century where he arrives on the bridge of the Armada flagship, Cyberon saying "halt! who goes there?" holding his sword up to the alien criminal. Cybax tells the prince's crew that he came here to broker a deal, one that can help get rid of their ranger problem, for a reasonable price. Prince Vekar is intrigued and says "go on". we then cut to Bridge looking down from the deck of the sky ship at the destroyed cityscape of Angel Grove, Lance walking up to the deck with Bridge telling Lance that things look to be pretty rough in his time. Bridge then reads Lance's aura telling the brooding teenager that he senses that there's something bothering him. Lance tells Bridge that it wasn't always like this, only a year ago things used to be normal. the five of them were teenagers with attitude who were trying to defend Earth from alien invaders, after that the real invasion began and after that they met a friendly space pirate and became a scrappy band of rebels trying to free the planet from the Armada. crazy how things change so drastically in only a year. Bridge tells Lance that in his time, the Armada were forced to retreat into the farthest reaches of the galaxy thanks to the efforts of Space Patrol Delta, which might be why Cybax went back in time in the first place, to alter the course of history so that the Armada will win the war. their conversation is interrupted by Orion telling the rangers that they've arrived at the resistance camp we then see our heroes along with Bridge arrive at the rebel base, Bridge asking "so wait, your resistance base is in an abandoned warehouse? I was hoping for something more fancy" Austin tells Orion that it's a bit of a fixer-upper but they're still in the process of redecorating while Lance tells Bridge to shut up as the five teens (plus Orion, Polly, and Alpha) reunite with the human resistance including Fat Jack, Skinny Mack, and Colonel Evan Taylor whom shakes hands with Orion who is here to inform the colonel that he and his crew have picked up a stowaway on their travels. Bridge then introduces himself saying that he's from the future and that he came here to help uncover a plot by a dangerous alien criminal from his time who he believes is now collaborating with the Armada in their time. Colonel Evan Taylor shakes hands with Bridge while Lance asks his dad if he thinks this guy's really what he says he is, saying that he has a hard time believing the whole space cop from the future story. we then hear a voice tell the resistance "you should trust him, because I was the one who sent him here" and in steps none other than commander Anubis "Doggie" Cruger. Fat Jack and Skinny Mack look at each other in confusion, Fat Jack asking "Is that a talking blue dog?" while Skinny Mack says "can things just get any weirder?" followed by the two fainting. Bridge introduces the legend force rangers to Commander Cruger of SPD galactic command who shakes hands with Colonel Evan Taylor, Cruger telling the colonel that it's an honor to meet both him and his son after reading of their exploits in the history books. Orion looks at Doggie and says "a Sirian? and I thought they were extinct" Doggie looks at Orion and says "speak for yourself, Andrasian. normally I don't trust pirates, but given the dire situation you and your rangers are in I am willing to put my prejudice aside for the sake of bringing our fugitive to justice". our heroes all gather around the war table with the colonel saying that according to the human resistance's intel there's been a surge in Armada activity west of the abandoned warehouse district. Cruger understands the urgency of the situation telling Bridge that he and Lance will both be working together on a recon mission to find out what Cybax and the Armada are planning much to the dismay of Lance who can't stand Bridge while Colonel Evan Taylor tells Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda to hold off whatever footsoldiers will be guarding the area to buy Bridge and Lance time to sneak in and get the information they need. Bridge salutes Commander Cruger before elbowing Lance telling him to show the commander some respect with Lance reluctantly saluting. we then cut to Cybax along with a platoon of X-borgs standing in front of another abandoned warehouse with Cybax telling the robotic soldiers to stand guard before entering the building while Bridge and the five Legend force rangers hide behind a nearby car with Bridge telling everybody to remember the plan. Lance pushes Bridge out of the way reminding him that he's the leader and the one who still has his ranger powers only for Brenda to interrupt reminding the two that they're fighting for the same team here. Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda then run up to the X-borgs and bruisers with Austin telling the soldiers "hey chrome-domes! come get us!" while giving the hand signal for Lance and Bridge to sneak past the enemy soldiers undetected, the lead bruiser saying "stop right there humans! no one is allowed to enter" followed by the four morphing before we cut to Bridge and Lance sneaking around the warehouse with Bridge using his aura reading abilities to detect the presence of Cybax before the two hide behind some barrels and eavesdrop on Cybax's conversation over Intercom with Prince Vekar informing him that the subterranean missiles are ready. Lance asks what those are, and Bridge explains that this is very bad, saying that in his time those missiles were designed to drill down to the core of planets and blow them up from the inside, such technology won't be developed for another 20 years, meanwhile Prince Vekar boasts about how soon planet Earth will be no more along with the power rangers. Insidia tells Cybax over the ship's computer "we paid you a hefty lot of money to sell us those missiles, If they go to waste then our deal is off". Cybax tells her "don't worry, in just a few minutes the missiles will be launched and Earth will be reduced to space debris" Bridge then contacts Cruger on his SPD morpher to inform him that they found out what Cybax is planning and it's not good, Bridge explaining that he sold the Armada subterranean missiles that the Armada plans on using to destroy the Earth. Doggie says this really is bad and that the two of them need to stop it fast however the two are suddenly found by Cybax who asks the two "where do you think YOU'RE going?" and Bridge and Lance are then attacked by X-borgs before we cut to the other four rangers fighting X-borgs outside (cue Gokaiger episode 5 fight) the four transforming into RPM shouting "RPM, get in gear!" as they blast their way through the X-borgs with their RPM weapons before whipping out the Ancient ranger keys we saw earlier in the episode the four exclaiming "this is for you Orion, legendary Ancient ranger mode!" the four using the powers of the ancient rangers to finish off the X-borgs and bruisers with a ki blast. we then cut to Lance and Bridge doing an unmorphed fight against the X-borgs with the two backed up against each other Lance saying "you know space cop, you're not so bad yourself" as the two kick butt together only for Cybax to tell the two that they are too late to stop the countdown. Bridge tells Lance to go, he'll hold off the grunts as he shoots at the X-borgs with his SPD blaster. Lance then morphs to fight off the rest of the X-borgs dispatching them one-by-one before fighting Cybax one-on-one before shooting at the control panel destroying it thus preventing the missiles from being launched, Bridge telling Lance "good job, you know you're not a bad red ranger yourself" followed by Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda arriving on the scene to reunite with Lance, Austin saying "sorry we took too long. are we late to the party?" Lance telling him "nah, you're just in time" as him and Bridge give each other the thumbs up while Bridge contacts Cruger informing him that the missile launch has been stopped, Cruger saying "good work rangers" while Cruger looks at Orion and tells him "you taught your rangers well, pirate". Orion shrugs and tells Cruger "I try my best". meanwhile Cybax gets back up and tells the rangers "you'll pay for that!" followed by the five rangers doing their roll call before they all fight Cybax (cue Gokaiger episode 5 second fight). as a tribute to Bridge the five Legend force rangers whip out their SPD keys and do a team morph into SPD shouting "SPD emergency!" Cybax saying "It can't be, SPD power rangers!" followed by the five finishing off Cybax using their SPD delta blasters and deltamax strikers. however it's not over yet as Prince Vekar throws a temper tantrum and demands Insidia to fire the sattelasers. Insidia then makes Cybax grow giant followed by Cybax grabbing one of the missiles saying that he'll just launch them himself. Orion tells the five that now would be a good time to summon the zords followed by the rangers forming the legendary megazord (cue Gokaiger episode 5 megazord fight). the Legendary megazord then grabs the missile out of Cybax's hand and tosses it into space destroying half the Armada fleet causing Prince Vekar to throw another temper tantrum forcing Destro to try to calm him down. Bridge and Doggie Cruger both look up to watch the explosion in the sky, Cruger and Orion both looking at each other followed by Cruger telling the rangers to finish the job. the five legend force rangers notice their SPD rangers glowing realizing they must have unlocked a new zord just like last time before plugging the keys into the megazord's control console summoning the new Delta Runner zord, Jamie exclaiming "a giant police car, sweet!" while Brenda says "It is pretty cool". the Delta Runner drives around and attacks Cybax from all sides before combining with the Legendary Megazord to form the Legendary SPD megazord to shoot at Cybax before finishing him off once and for all with a gatling gun blast attack. after that, we see Bridge pick up a containment card containing Cybax in it before both he and Cruger thank the legend force rangers for all their help, Orion and Colonel Evan Taylor both saluting while Lance and Bridge do a fist-bump, Lance saying "see you around, space cop" before the two former SPD rangers board their spacecraft and leave to head back to 2032 ending our episode on a happy note.

And yes, I would ABSOLUTELY have an instrumental of the SPD theme playing during the tribute morph and fight because that theme song KICKS ASS!

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